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3 yrs ago
Wishing a relaxing weekend for everyone. Take some time to be kind to yourself, to unwind, and to have some rest. <3
6 yrs ago
I ate a brownie once at a party in college. It was intense. I felt like I was floating. Turns out there wasn't any pot in the brownie. It was just an insanely good brownie.
6 yrs ago
There was an explosion at a cheese factory in France. De-Brie everywhere.


that elder scrolls / mass effect roleplayer

I put a spell on you

“I am nothing in my soul if not obsessive.”

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@Stormflyx had Conor head to the kitchen for a cuppa. I'm assuming at this point she'd know how to brew his tea, if that's alroiiit.

that's a-okay with me :>

Can we get a pinned copy of the order of recruitment in the character tab?
<Snipped quote by Stormflyx>

I like to think Julian bought an electric kettle and Eilidh has just melted the bottom of it and destroyed the circuitry, covering the new stove top in molten plastic.


And absolutely no-one wants to be the one to tell her hahaha 😝
when all else fails, just make a cup of tea.

The clicks and clanks of the power waking back up filtered through splashes of varying colourful lines against the eigengrau in front of her. She was unsure just how much of the power had returned, but the echoes and vibrations left behind from that switch drew out the basic shape of the room in front of her in visual sound.

Eilidh rose from her the lounge chair that she had been quietly resting in. She suspected there would be a flurry of activity in the kitchen soon enough. This time of the evening had become something of a snacking hour in the building and all and sundry would soon congregate in the halls in search of sugary sustenance. They’d all be sure to return now, having all been put to work by their illustrious leader.

Power outages were of no worry to the Scottish woman. For one, she was blind. For another, she was, well, Scottish. Barely a month would go by in Pittenweem without something happening to the grid, and those evenings would always become an adventure in front of a log fire. Eilidh recalled her father keeping a packet of marshmallows at all times for just such occasions. Perhaps Eilidh could do that here too… The thought alone made a soft smile of remembrance curl upon her lips. There would be no amount of marshmallows that she could store here that would be enough for Hayden, of course. She smiled even more.

The blonde knew where the kettle was, and she knew how close it was to the tap - from memory of its weight, she let it fill to the brim and set it upon the stove. Her fingers moved through the grooves that decorated the cast-iron beauty in art-deco style. Whomsoever had filled this kitchen had taste. Of course, Eilidh couldn’t see it, but the heavy sound of the kettle and the cool feeling of the hooped handle in her palm spoke to the expense it would have been. It was no ordinary piece of kitchen equipment.

Something else pleasant to the touch, was the feeling of her pyjamas brushing against her skin. Eilidh felt assured that the colour was plum; it felt like that kind of luxury - dark and warm. Cashmere. She kept her feet bare, for want to feel the texture of the flooring.

She began to hum as she reached into the cupboard, feeling for a particular box. She picked up a few and shook them one at a time. The first felt to much like grain, the second too light - the third was perfect. Cookies.

As the kettle whistled and whined on the stove, with cookies in one hand, she lifted the kettle away from the heat with the other, “I know, I know, shush up now,” she said aloud as the sound died down. “Dramatic, aren’t ye?” she chuckled before placing it down. “Gottae hope there’s enough in there for us all,” she sighed, tapping her fingers across the bench until she found the box of tea. “Course, someone’ll be after coffee,” she laughed. The resonance of her voice in the cold kitchen helped in forming the shapes before her of the finer details of the place.

"Oh well, guess if they want that they know how tae de it themselves," she smiled, pouring herself a brew, humming all the while.
I would write something but I do not know what o.o"
Excited Red: "Haggis? What's that?"

*Face pallor drops*

"I think I know why my brother Red Volcano decided it was time to destroy humanity..."

"Hey now listen here ya *unintelligible, impassioned Scottish rant for ten minutes*"
<Snipped quote by Stormflyx>

You can sometimes get Irn Bru in international aisles.

Also hold up who likes Black Pudding but not Haggis? Conors respect is unchanged, but mine for her has lowered :'(

I can get it here in Aus but I swear it doesn't taste the same here :'( missing that true girder tang.

Haggis is huge and all offal-y. But, let me think of how *she* would feel, and not just me.
@Stormflyx Eilidhs better be fried or deep fried.

deep fried mars bar gang.

I don't think she likes haggis, so stop asking her about it. She does, however, enjoy a bit of black pudding in the morning. Also, cullen skink.

Anything with fish.

Get the irn bru on import as well.
Really urgently important question!!

What is your characters favourite meal?
<Snipped quote by Stormflyx>

I'm glad you brought it up, because I've been thinking about Eilidh and Dandy's relationship a little bit.

Yes, I think out of any character Dandelion would have the most true and genuine bond with Ms. Telepath, who is capable of communicating in the way most familiar to Dandy.

But I also agree that it will take a lot of work for the two of them to get that online. Dandy's neurology is so different from a human's, even in human form, that reading their mind would be like trying to read the mind of a swarm of insects, or an entire crowd of people. Their emotions would probably be the easiest thing to relate to at first, as they're generally comparable to humans'. Their mind is kind of like a parilament, parts of it form coalitions that change in size and opinion, analogous to organs and structures in Dandy's body.

I'm happy to talk more about this in PMs tomorrow if you feel the need to.

It will take a lot, for sure. After all, Eilidh is still unsure of her own abilities and learning herself, but from that I think there's opportunity that she can develop her skills through interaction with Dandelion.

Yeah, happy to flesh this out a bit because there's something there that will make for interesting interaction and writing.
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