Avatar of spicykvnt


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Wishing a relaxing weekend for everyone. Take some time to be kind to yourself, to unwind, and to have some rest. <3
6 yrs ago
I ate a brownie once at a party in college. It was intense. I felt like I was floating. Turns out there wasn't any pot in the brownie. It was just an insanely good brownie.
6 yrs ago
There was an explosion at a cheese factory in France. De-Brie everywhere.


that elder scrolls / mass effect roleplayer

I put a spell on you

“I am nothing in my soul if not obsessive.”

Most Recent Posts

Greetings traveler, and welcome to the City of Anvil

City of Anvil is an entirely player-driven roleplay, not unlike a miniature persistent world. Play as a character you've missed, the character that you still have thoughts of "what-if?" about, that you've longed to write about. Share their story alongside the anthology of other player characters within the safe walls of the City of Anvil.

If you're looking for an action-packed, story and GM-driven roleplay, you won't find it here.

The goal of this roleplay, is to allow those of us with less free time, less time to maintain momentum to keep up with a full story, a place to scratch the writers itch with one off character posts for the characters we have played before and long to write again. This is non-commital, and you can come and go as you please, as you fancy.

For this game, I will be seeking players over characters - and this roleplay for the time being, is strictly invite only.

Naturally, as this is character driven, to my players, please put forward as many characters as you'd like. I will not be too picky about who is accepted to the roleplay, and will try not to make you change too much. I simply ask that you respect the unwritten (but many many times written) and widely accepted TES roleplay rules of RPG.

If you have by chance forgotten them, here they are as always.


No Godmodding or Powerplaying. This is a story, not a competition to be Billy or Betty Badass. Keep your characters balanced. I don't want to enforce strict rules that stifle your creativity in creating a character, I will always be reasonable and work with you to create a compelling character with the skills that you want but you have to be prepared to tone things down if necessary.

Advanced Level. I'm looking for people who can commit not only to advanced literary standards, but players who are able to craft their own ideas together and weave up stories with their own initiative without hand-holding.

Be Considerate, Communicate. If you can't post for whatever reason, let your partner(s) know. Don't leave us with creative blue balls.

Be Kind. I really, really, really don't want dick behaviour in the OOC. It doesn't foster the kind of atmosphere I like to create. So be nice to each other, respectful, and helpful. If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. I will remove people who start ruining the groove.

Keep it PG-13. You know the rules of the guild. No naughty posts in the IC. If you really have to, take it to PM.

Due to the setting of this game, please be aware that your characters will be exposed to some absolute boredom. No, really. We're rebuilding a city following the Oblivion crisis. There's politics to do, businesses to establish, and potatoes to plant or something. Not to say you can't have your characters off on some action-packed excursion... You'll just be responsible for writing those stories yourselves.

Please no prior relationships with canonical characters from any of The Elder Scrolls games. If you wish to write up prior relationships with other player characters within the game, then by all means please do so as it can be fun. But it's also just as fun to be ~total strangers~...

Be sensible in your capabilities. Anything that your character has, must be explained in some way. For example, if they are carrying a lot of money on them - why is this? Are they from a rich family? They have a pretty swish weapon but pretty basic armour? Was it an heirloom?These are things I will question on sheets.

With everything in mind, I am always open to ideas so please talk to me in advance.

The World:

4E 18

Following the final battle, the Empire was left without an Emperor. Martin had no heir, and so the throne lay empty. But the dire need for an Emperor was gone, the Gates of Oblivion were sealed forever, and the Daedra could never attack Tamriel again. The Hero of Kvatch, for the services rendered during the Crisis, was declared the Champion of Cyrodiil.

The Septim Empire, bereft of its god-blessed dynasty, fell on hard times after the Crisis' end. Political and cultural wounds left by the war would continue to fester long after the Crisis abated. In particular, the secession of Black Marsh and the subsequent fall of Morrowind left the east in doubt.

Tamriel would enter a state of disarray not seen since the fall of the Potentates and the Second Empire. But the majority of the empire would be restored under Titus Mede, using conquest to re-establish control.

Character Sheet and Instruction:

Please feel free to simply take the basics, and create a sheet of your own design - be as creative as you like!

Characters simply need to have a reason to be in Anvil. They can be owners of a business, work in the courts, be farmers, students, petty criminals, be soldiers or town guards, or simply be passing through on their way. Happy to be flexible with you to make the characters fit the setting.

Yeah, Far Cry 6 is, as always, the same game with a different skin.

That said, I'm looking forward to mindless fun this weekend while I clear it.

Meatloaf's alright, in a kind of a "comfort, homecooked" type of way. But yeah, I can also see why people wouldn't care for it. Meatloaf is more or less just a giant lump of hamburger molded together and thrown into the oven. It's also a band/stage name for Michael Lee Aday, but that's a completely different meatloaf we're talking about.

Anyway, I don't think a fully plant-based diet is for me. Like, sure, I wouldn't have a problem with it, but I'd miss stuff like seafood. A pollo pescetarian diet is more fitting IMO for me, which I already tend to fall in line with said diet. All I would have to do is cut out what little beef and pork I eat since I already eat mostly seafood/poultry products. Sometimes even plant-based stuff, like the spicy black bean burgers I've got in the freezer right now.

Cauliflower wings are good, though! Haven't had many opportunities to have them, however. I think the last time I had some was back at a local pizza joint around here.

Fair enough! I actually am really not too keen on hamburger meat, as it happens! I was saying to a friend how I'll always take a chicken or veggie burger over a meat burger xD

I think seafood is a big one for me too and is making it difficult. I actually think I really benefit from the fish oils/omegas so I'm struggling with this - but if I could make everything else fully plant based I'd still be cool. Diets are hard enough.
I'm going to grab Far Cry 6 next week.

I'm not expecting much, but I just enjoy the mindless fun aspect of the series.

In the meantime, I've been on a huge FFXIV kick lately. Recently finished Shadowbringers, which was an incredible vibe honestly.

I've never had meatloaf before, it's not a common dish where I live and it's not really something I think seems appetizing.

I've been very slowly over time making a transition to a plant based diet. It's too hard to do it overnight!

One of my favourite vegan meals that I've been making often is buffalo cauliflower wings. They're so yummy.

I'm thinking of making some burrito bowls for our dinner. Breakfast was tofu scramble.
In Yo! 3 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
I completely forgot this account even existed up until now... But anyways, whats up?

The sky is up!

Welcome back to RPG!
Hello! I'm hoping to find some romance RPs, so if you're looking for a male to play against - hit me up.

Welcome to the Guild!

Hope you find what you're looking for!

Hello My Name is Stolas the Goetic Demon, Knowledge and Astrology, Pleasure to meet all of you strange little creatures.

Welcome friend!

You seem like a hoot!
Good day to you, potential writing partners! I go by CleverUsername, and I'd like to tell you a bit about why I'd like to write with you!

For starters, I'm a long-time RPer. I think I'm over 15 years now! I started out in early World of Warcraft with the kind of cringy stuff we don't talk about. XD And I'm happy to say I've gotten much better over time! From forums and MMOs to even DMing several D&D campaigns - some of which even made it to the end! - I've had a lot of different experiences and stories, and through it all, I know for a fact that writing is my favorite thing to do. So I thought I'd poke around places like this and see if I couldn't find some new friends to join me for some adventures!

What am I looking for? In a word: excitement! Adventure, fantasy, sci-fi, mystery, OCs in a canon world... While I like some better than others, I'm always open to exploring new genres and trying new ideas. "Hey, what if we..." has sparked some of the greatest and most hilarious stories I've ever had the privilege of being part of! Though I will say I prefer to avoid modern slice-of-life stories. I enjoy writing about things that don't exist, things that I can't experience anywhere else! So writing about normal people living normal lives tends to feel repetitive to me. This is, of course, only my personal preference - if that's what you love to write about, I encourage every line you make!

What do I offer? Experience, creativity, flexible characters, and even a few worlds of my own design for us to play in! I can respond pretty regularly, with at least a few posts a day if it works out for us! I'd even be willing to DM a few things if we can come up with good ideas! I'm very passionate about writing, and I always try to make sure my partner(s) get my best!

I don't have many hard rules, as I prefer to be flexible in my writing. However, the one rule that I always insist on is this: "Real life always comes first." I feel that a person should never be shamed for taking time to care for themselves, their lives, or the people in them. I want the stories I write with people to be a fun way to enjoy ourselves, never an obligation or a source of stress. So if you can post a dozen times a day, fantastic! And if you need a few days to rest before your next post, go right ahead! Writing is supposed to be fun, and it should never come at the cost of our physical, mental, or emotional health.

With all that said, I look very forward to meeting new friends and finding new stories to write with you all! Until then~!

Hey man, we all have some cringey beginnings, can you be a roleplayer if you don't?

Welcome to RPG!
Greetings yall'! You can call me Ember, I'm an alien space lupine from the United States! I've been roleplaying online for at least 4 years at this point, and as of late, I've decided to go online to try and find some more potential to RP! My activity can vary depending on the circumstances. I'll try my best to hop on every weekend or so, and I'll be sure to send a message if I have to go inactive for any longer than 2 or so days.

In terms of hobbies, I tend to stick to Drawing, Writing, Roleplay, Video Games, and physical activities. As of now I feel like I have a lot of time on my paws, so feel free to hit me up for a Roleplay or even a simple chat! I typically stick to a semi-rigid schedule, this means that I tend to write to multiple partners in a specific pattern. It makes things a lot more organized and easier to manage!

I hope to have a good time here!

Hello Ember!

Welcome to the Guild!

We have a big art community here if you love drawing, we'd love to see your work sometime!
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