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"That's kinda gay bro" -Socrates, 420 BC


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<Snipped quote by spiral origin>

Interesting proposal. Is she a really powerful slime monster? =P

Basically =D

I think her teleport will have a cooldown too, like once every few min or something. Effective locomotion will be kind of a weakness for her.
I made another character, maybe this one can work better:

@spiral origin We amsh ready for character death.

Ditto, will probably update a little later, possibly tomorrow~
@Source @Blackmist16

Hmmmm well it is a purely defensive ability, but I guess it essentially defends against *everything*. I'd like it if Noxie were essentially unchangeable, but I'm not sure what would be a good way to limit it so it doesn't just straight up trump everything that's offensive in an absolute manner.

Hmm I will think on it...
<Snipped quote by spiral origin>

Can you explain how total invulnerability works? Is it healing physical damage, or preventing it? How does it discern between damage and normal interactions? Does it apply to non-physical attacks such as mental manipulation, reality warping, soul damage, etc.?

It's damage prevention. Damage is discerned by its attempt to change something about Noxie in a way that is detrimental or disruptive. That might also result in effects that have both a positive and a negative effect being negated, however Noxie is able to allow a positive effect to take place while barring the negative if he wills it. It does apply to non-physical attacks of all types--anything that attempts to change the structure/chemistry/essence/form/etc of any part of Noxie, physical or otherwise, is negated. I think I will change the ability name to "Immutable", that seems more fitting. Basically, Noxie cannot be altered in any way.
Here's my character revised, let me know if anything's too overpowered or needs changing.

<Snipped quote by spiral origin>

Existence is every dimension. While most anything is applicable, it'll be difficult to get interaction with other players without an understanding of how your character could possibly end up meeting them. For example, if you choose a regular character in some established universe, there'll be almost no way for them to run into the other characters in MR.

In other words, while the idea of a sandbox isn't strictly incorrect, it's still a sandbox that you're sharing with everyone else =)

Thank you for the clarification. So basically I should figure out what's going on in the IC currently, and make a character that will be able to participate in the situation? Since it seems like there could be multiple plotlines going on in different dimensions, I would assume making a character capable of dimensional travel would be ideal here.
<Snipped quote by spiral origin>

Did you read the introductory post? Can you provide additional detail into how this character fits into Existence?

I read the first post in the OOC, it didn't seem to mention characters needing to fit into the world?

Although all works of fiction are represented in Existence and you're free to take ideas or even characters from them, the possibilities for original creations are practically endless.

I assumed "Existence" just included everything and that essentially all characters would be allowed. I read the OP and my impression was that it's an RP sandbox for doing whatever you want with whatever characters you wanted.
Kirby for a moment stopped and collected himself.

He took a deep breath through his nose,which soon
Was stuffed with pepper shakers from the ground of the broken table in the room.

He breathed out but not before angling his guston neck,
Projectiling the shakers straight towards his new friend's eyes.((wrestler))

Hopefully the pepper was just pepper, because Kirby's bacteria within should be akin to full grown rats distroying any pepper particles breathed in.


Kirby tries breathing in the pepper shakers and launching them as projectiles at the wrestler, but his aim is off and the pepper shakers hit the nearby spectators instead, who begin sneezing uncontrollably.

"Hey you got the wrong guy it's him you want" points to Kirbo then attempts to flee and get out of town.


The guards look to Kirby as Mortus then makes a run for it... right into the captain of the guard. The man looks at Mortus angrily. "You! You messed up my uniform! This is my favorite one!" He growls. Mortus continues trying to escape, but as he does, the pink ball comes flying out of nowhere yet again, knocking him off his feet. The guard captain seizes Mortus instantly as the other guards proceed to surround the thief, shackling his hands. They then begin taking the apprehended thief to the prison dungeons.

Spitting out hay, Pebbles readjusts himself, shaking his head, and looks around, attempting to spot where the thief has gone.

The wrestler brushes himself off and approaches the dazed puffball. " My dear friend, please hold still while I apply anesthesia. I require you to apprehend this criminal."

He then attempts to knock out Kirby in one punch and tries to pick the fat blob up to use as a projectile against the retreating thief.


Pebbles looks around for Mortus, but isn't able to locate him anywhere.


Pebbles knocks out Kirby in one punch.


He then picks Kirby up and throws him in the direction he last saw Mortus. The unconscious pink blob flies directly into Mortus who was trying to escape, knocking the thief to the ground and helping the authorities arrest him. Kirby lands nearby, still passed out. Some of the guards walk over to examine the pink blob, confused. They then realize that there was some kind of bar fight, and that Pebbles was the one who threw Kirby. They thank Pebbles for the assist in apprehending the crook, and also call over an apothecary who starts examining Kirby.

Hello, um not entirely sure how this works but here is a character owo

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