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Current It's nature's ink.
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No bully sand 3:
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3 yrs ago
It honestly feels like it's 1979. And I wasn't even around then
3 yrs ago
"That's kinda gay bro" -Socrates, 420 BC


slightly suspicious furball

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@Blackmist16 Hi owo~
Yes Sun Good~
@seanmcchapman (Btw demonic restaurant worker is currently cowered in a corner behind the counter after seeing and being threatened by Pebbles; see last part of update. Sorry if it was missed, I'll format it more clearly next time.)
Mortus teetering on the verge of curling up into a ball and crying, Mortus questions the authenticity of religion and starts questioning if there was a RNGsus he would have answered his prayer so Mortus considers blaspheming them because of their negligence Mortus looks out the tiny window and curses the gods.


A furious lightning bolt suddenly shoots out of the sky right at the little window Mortus was next to, zapping the thief and sending him flying against the prison wall. The skies outside begin to darken significantly, as locusts start flying in through the barred windows, hopping and crawling towards Mortus and twitching their bloodthirsty mandibles at him. Meanwhile, a fire spontaneously starts somewhere inside the prison, and begins burning through the ground outside the cells. Thunder roars in the skies, as screaming and shouting is heard both within the prison and outside. Icy sleet begins raining down as well, shards hitting the window sill and knocking the locusts closer towards Mortus. The gods have been devastated by Mortus's blasphemy, and refuse to let this heinous crime go unanswered.

Kirby.png attempts to pull off a 15oz chunk from his own chest. The gapping hole regenerates as Kirby goes into FORMALITY-SECOND-GEAR!!!

He places it on the counter, then crossing his arms stating

"This better be good"


"Hmmm..." The demonic worker ponders, looking from Kirby to the 15oz chunk on the counter and then back to Kirby. "I think I'll take the bigger piece instead."

He picks Kirby up and slams him on the counter, then raises his knife and prepares to begin chopping, humming some hellish tune as he does so.

Pebbles tries to headbutts his way through the window without causing injury to himself and then, walks through, pointing towards the Taco Bell staff.


Pebbles headbutts through the window, obliterating it without causing a single scratch to himself. He then walks inside superhero style and points to the Taco Hell staff.

" Don't give him his meal or else, I'll break your faces." His eyes then look towards Kirby. " Now, it's time for you to suffer the wrath of my knuckles."


The demonic restaurant worker takes one glance at Pebbles and gasps in sheer terror, immediately dropping his knife and running to a corner behind the counter to cower in fear.

Meanwhile outside the restaurant there seems to be some kind of wicked thunderstorm brewing.

Mortus goes quietly and once he is in his cell and left alone the thief gets on his knees and puts his hands together. Mortus starts pleading to the benevolent RNGsus for help and promises that if RNGsus helps him that he will give up his life of crime for good.


Mortus pleads to RNGsus and waits... but nothing happens. The sound of slowly dripping water, rats squeaking, and the soft misery of other prisoners is all Mortus hears in response to his prayers. It seems that RNGsus is refusing to help Mortus, despite the thief's pious promises.

Kirby.png attempts pulling out the arm from his mouth, instead of consuming it.
Kirby digs a hole two feet deep and buries the arm as the man watches in shock. No not from the hole.

((If Kirby.png just eats the arm instead kirby.png will try again but with a different arm, on nom bury))


Kirby.png pulls out half the arm from his mouth, having to tear it from the other half that had already gone too far down his throat. He then digs a hole and buries the half-arm in the hole. The man watches in pain-shock and bewilderment, continuing to bleed out on the ground next to his buried half-arm.

Kirby.PNG would look around ignoring the screams of his victim and the running civilians. Instead Kirby.PNG would notice a taco bell, the first of its kind, and walk into the building to the counter waiting for assistance still with blood on his face. Kirby would cough practicing saying "hello there" warming up his voice for formalities.


Kirby.png walks into the taco bell as a gust of wind blows on the restaurant's sign, removing some dust and revealing the letters to be in fact "taco hell".

Kirby walks to the counter and waits for assistance as he practices saying "hello there". A demonic looking restaurant worker soon arrives to the counter.
"Hello there, welcome to Taco Hell. Would you like to try our special today? It's You served with Your Guts, with a side of fried onions."

The exits suddenly close and all the window blinds shut, as torches are lit all around the walls of the fast food establishment, creating a dark and fiendish atmosphere. The sound of screaming can be heard coming from the back of the restaurant, as the demonic restaurant worker then takes out a giant knife and begins sharpening it on the counter.

"You monster!" Pebbles takes the blood of the apothecary and wipes it on his face in a tribal pattern meant to intimidate and cause fear. He then attempts to follow the pink blob and give it a ferocious uppercut for its crimes of sarcophagy.


The bloody tribal patterns Pebbles wipes on his face makes Pebbles look like something out of the devil's nightmare, as all who see him immediately scream and flee in panic, if not faint on sight.


Pebbles tracks Kirby.Png to the taco bell hell, but the establishment appears to be closed. All the doors are locked and all the windows are shut. There's a barely audible knife-sharpening sound coming from inside.

<Snipped quote by spiral origin>

Ah, neat. How did she first manage to leave her home dimension?

Hmm I'm thinking she discovered her dimensional travel ability at some point when she was struggling to get somewhere faster, frustrated at how slowly she had to float through space. And then suddenly she popped up in another dimension. Needless to say, she did not end up getting to where she wanted faster that time. But she did discover her teleportation ability.
No worries ^^
Rubbing his shoulder Mortus huffs "Hey you check the blob but not me?" raising his voice so people nearby could hear "Yeah you care about anybody but the lower class isn't that right?" Mortus yelled at the top of his lungs "I have children to feed but the government took my job like all the lower class citizens do!" he shook a fist in the air "But we can change that....DEATH TO THE GOVERNMENT!" Mortus screams trying to incite a riot.


Mortus's screams go largely ignored by the nearby citizenry, who don't seem particularly eager at all about rebelling against the government.
"Save your breath, thieving schemer!" The guard captain yells at Mortus. "You'll need it for your trial, especially now that trying to incite a rebellion is added to the charges!"

Pebbles, being an ally of the establishment, knows a revolutionary when he sees one. He pushes Mortus to the ground and begins pleading to the crowd to not listen to Mortus.


Pebbles emerges from nearby and pushes Mortus to the ground. The guards are startled but make no move to stop Pebbles.


The crowd nods at Pebbles as he tells them not to listen to Mortus, though they weren't exactly persuaded by Mortus in the first place. Some of the citizens do turn outright hostile against Mortus now, throwing random cabbages and the such at the downed thief.

" Do not listen to this interloper. If you vote for me as mayor of this city instead of supporting this vagrant, I promise that the power will be given back to you, the people. The oppressors of generations who have kept you down and from opportunity will be executed!" He then points to Mortus and begins lying. " It is time the people became the rulers of this kingdom once again, and we begin with the execution of this upper-class twit masquerading as a lower-class thief.


The citizens chatter in skepticism at Pebbles' claims, hesitant to believe him. They seem rather reluctant to involve themselves in any kind of movement towards governmental change.

The guards soon intervene. "Enough! The judges will be the ones to decide this man's guilt and punishment. The law must be obeyed!" They then pick Mortus back up and continue along their way into the prison dungeons, where the thief is thrown into a jail cell.

Kirby.png Wakes up and falls on his face and bites whom ever is closet pacman style.


Kirby bites the nearby apothecary pac-man style, chomping off an entire arm. The man screams as blood gushes from his arm-stump, collapsing to the ground in shock. A nearby citizen sees and begins screaming as well, running for their life.

<Snipped quote by spiral origin>

It's tomorrow.

Working on it ><
<Snipped quote by spiral origin>

Sounds unique enough. Are there any images you want to use to give us a visual idea of her looks?

I'm actually getting my friend to draw her, so I may have an image soon!
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