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It honestly feels like it's 1979. And I wasn't even around then
3 yrs ago
"That's kinda gay bro" -Socrates, 420 BC


slightly suspicious furball

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@Remuri Accepted!
@Sanity43217 Accepted!
@Grade Accepted!
@A5G Accepted!
@BSwizzle @wierdw Accepted!

Feel free to post your character sheets in the characters section of the thread if you like, for easy reference.
@Cao the Exiled Registration thread has been created! roleplayerguild.com/topics/188315-los…

A sea voyage across the ocean meets with disaster, as a violent storm wrecks the ship, and the survivors wake up to find themselves stranded on an unknown island.

Hello! This is an experimental roleplaying game taking place in a Swords & Sorcery type medieval fantasy setting. Each player will be taking on the role of a character aboard the fateful vessel headed for shipwreck. To preserve the air of mystery, I'm not going to say much about what the characters may encounter throughout the game - that's for you as the player to find out ;)

In terms of writing level and style, things will be quite lenient, and you can expect anything ranging from free (short, few lines) to casual (few paragraphs) to bordering on advanced (more than a few paragraphs). The game should accommodate all manner of writing and role-playing styles. I as a GM will likely write several paragraphs per more notable updates, but for things like NPC dialogue, it may just be a few lines. Again, all writing levels and styles are welcomed!

For character creation, feel free to go for anything you like that would fit into a general fantasy world. The premise is pretty basic and should support a wide array of possibilities. Do note that this is an experimental game, and characters may be subjected to a number of dangerous and unsettling situations with potentially disastrous outcomes. Player discretion is advised!

To register, please fill out this character registration sheet:

Age: (approximates are fine)
Description: (images/faceclaims acceptable)
Bio: (optional)
Purpose of travel: (optional but recommended)
Other info: (optional)

Let me know if you have any questions about anything! We will look to start probably in a few days once everyone is here and we have enough players (aiming for 5+)!
Cool cool! A ship wrecked fantasy game sounds fun, I'll join! Will it be here, or discord?

Sweet! It will be hosted here most likely, though there might eventually be a discord server for it as well (mostly for OOC stuff).
What's allowed Character wise? Is this a high fantasy rp?

Yes, high fantasy setting. Character allowance is pretty lenient, anything that fits into that sort of realm will be fine.
Hi, wondering if there's any interest for a fantasy RPG where a group of travelers voyaging across the ocean gets shipwrecked by a storm and ends up stranded on an unknown island? This will be a cross between an RP and an adventure game where each player controls a character and the GM(s) control the NPCs, events, results of the players' actions, etc. There might be dice involved but I'm not planning on involving any particularly formal or complex system. It will be mostly a kind of free-form adventure that is largely driven by narrative/plot, but also has campaign/game-like elements.

We already have a few players off-site who are interested, so deciding if this would be a good place to host it. Let me know if you might like to participate!
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