Avatar of spooner


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I am my own muse... i.e I'm really hot
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"Controversial" opinion


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@GrizzTheMauler Did not mean to miss you!

Hi bby

The sound of your phone buzzing makes you look up from whatever you were doing. Lazily you unlock it to see what it could be. An email? Who emails anymore? As you open it you see that it is from Rachel Ashford the eccentric queen of Woodford University . She has sent you an embedded YouTube video, now you know not to click weird but the mystery is just so damn enticing so you click. It fades from black to a beautiful beach with swaying palm trees and crashing waves panning across the beach landing on a smiling Rachel holding a tropical drink.

“Hey bitches! Happy end of the school year! And to my fellow seniors… Happy fucking graduation!” She pulls of her shades and throws them behind her. “I hope this message finds you well since I’m sending you it from beautiful Carnation Island. You know: the island my family owns?” she lets out a small giggle before continuing “So I’ve been thinking. I have been throwing the sickest parties all year long. And why should that stop just because I graduated?” Rachel stands up from her sunchair and hands her drink to what looks like an employee in a crisp white polo shirt. “What I’m saying is-” she pauses as a devious smile spreads across her face. “I asked daddy to close the whole island resort! Just for us!” she squeals as she and the camera turns to show what is behind her. A cluster of fancy looking cabanas and the huge resort. “So check it! I’m inviting you to spend your summer vacation here on Carnation Island for the hugest rager you’ve ever experienced. I want to be remembered at Woodford for all eternity as the party goddess I am! And I need you guys to do that!” She takes a deep breath and lets out a wistful sigh. Then she looks directly into the camera “So what do you say? You want to be part of a legend?” then the video fades back to black.

Under the video a small line of text reads: U IN?

Hello there! Welcome to Carnation Island and know that I am so happy to have you here! In this RP you will play the part of a student or a newly graduated student of a very prestigious college ‘Woodford University’. The students in this RP has been invited to a tropical island for the summer vacation of the century. So we will follow our characters through the motions of partying, relationships and more. Me and my CO-GM will come up with fun scenes and prompts to put our characters in and if you have an idea please let us know and we will take it into consideration.

  • This RP will be in the catagory of High-Casual, meaning at least 2 paragraphs of non-dialogue minimum. That being said, quality over quantity as you say. We don’t need to hear about your characters lunch in detail.
  • The maximum time between posts will be 14 days, which can be extended by previous communication with the GM's. If you do not post in IC or OOC by this time… We will hunt you down and pester you with messages to see what’s going on!
  • If you are to be absent from the site, unable to post in the period of time mentioned above, or wish to bow out please let us know in whatever via you prefer (OOC or group PM to the GM's). It’s not only polite to do so, but it will be much appreciated.
  • Please check with at least one of the GM's if you plan on making a big event that might change the vibe of the RP or affect the cast in any way. We’ll most likely say yes, but better safe than sorry.
  • This is a character and relationship-driven RP. As such, there is not only a need, but a requirement of character interactions. So please talk to eachother. Every player and the characters he or she decide to play will have their moments to shine, but interactions help a lot with this. After all, we wouldn't want somebody to be left out, now would we?
  • Please allow at least 2 people to post before making your next one. This includes different characters. Collabs are encouraged, but please don't go overboard. We want to have some machine-gun posting too.
  • Romance is allowed and very much encouraged by the GM’s pls we are so thirsty, and Guild Rules will apply to the steamier scenes.
  • If you encounter any situations with a particular user, either take it to PMs, DMs or let us GM's know to see if the situation can be resolved amicably.
  • My CO-GM @Dirty Pretty Lies has as much power as I have so what she says goes!
  • Last question! What did you have for lunch, tell us in the misc section of the sheet so we know you’ve read the rules!

  • Please try to have a well planned character with both negative and positive traits. We all have flaws right?
  • There will be a limit of three characters per person. However, we strongly encourage you to play only the amount you can handle. We want everyone to focus all of their energies onto the characters chosen. NPC's are perfectly fine.
  • Feel free to customize your sheet however you wish as long as no sections are removed from it.
  • Real-life face claims only, and ones that look the part of a college aged person..
  • Finished character sheets shall be posted in the OOC for GM review, who reserves the right to accept, deny or make suggestions about your sheet.

Rachel is one of those people that everyone knows about, but she’s still a mystery. Like a unicorn or a fairy. No matter which social group you belong to there is always a Rachel story. She has been part of most of the schools activities everything from cheerleading to the debate team. She has been at every party you have ever been to and it was always epic. Whenever you have been sad or down she has been there with something to cheer you up be it with advice or a blunt. Bottom line is Rachel has always been someone that people wanted to know and you have been blessed with that

Woop here I am!
Sorry for the delay, had a vacation weekend.

Playing the game of cat and mouse was not something Julie was used to usually boys came to her and usually she had no interest in them. But tonight was a different story. Reli had hurt her so deep and she wanted him to feel some of that pain. So since she had sent her reply to the half naked diver the redhead had cast quick glances his way. But as soon as their eyes met she quickly busied herself with either her girls or whoever was closest.

In the short time she had been there Julie had also had a few vodka on the rocks. So the fire inside her had been fueled with 70 proof vodka. The girl felt braver than ever before but her decision making was probably on an all time low.

“You having fun Jules? That costume is banging!” came a burly voice from behind her. Julie turned around with a quick flick of her blue eyes towards her target before facing the big footballer who was trying to get her attention.

“Oh my Joshua… Your costume is so… inventive.” she said trying to hide her judgemental glare. The boy had just put on his football gear and threw on some zombie makeup.

“Hah! Yeah! I’m a football player… that died!” he said proudly.

Julie nodded “Genius…” she smiled sweetly at him as a a plan started to form in her drunken brain. She stepped closer to Josh tracing a finger up his arm as she did so. “I bet you get a lot of compliments for these...guns” she mentally cringed at herself.

The footballer tensed up as he didn’t think he would’ve gotten this far let alone having the girl touch him. “Uh… Uhm. Yeah, yeah all the time. They get bigger!” He chuckled as he flexed the bicep that Julie had her hand on. “And that’s not all that ge-”

“Shut up!” Jule interrupted before he could finish his sentence then she went in for the kill. Putting her other hand on his neck and pulling him towards her for a deep kiss. It was the longest, wettest 5 seconds she had ever experienced. She pushed the boy of her and sneaked a peak over his shoulder and saw a fleeting moment of disappointment before Reli gave her a determined nod… She knew she had gotten to him.

Josh just stood there dumbfounded blinking slowly. The red head stared at him “You can go now.” she said with a flick of her wrist.

Archer | Guy

It didn’t take long before the two friends got separated from each other in the sea of their peers when Archer and Marisol had entered the party. The lanky boy gave up after a feeble attempt to locate his small friend. Instead he dumped his bulky basket of fruit by the snacks table as he grabbed a handful of caramel corn and a beer. He shoved the popcorn in his mouth and twisted the beer open nodding hello’s at his friends dancing. Mostly he was just looking for somewhere to sit.

Eventually he made it to a group of couches where people who had grown tired of dancing had gathered. There he recognized one of his fellow literature buffs Guy Lowell. Archer grinned widely and jumped down next to the boy on the sofa. “Suh dude!” he said slinging his arm around Guy giving his shoulder a squeez. “Woah great costume.” Archie exclaimed as he surveyed his friend from head to toe. “Atlantis…. obscure. I like it!” he let out a chuckle before taking a swig of his beer.

The Jell-O shot had proved gross and disappointing. He tossed the small cup into the nearby trash and poured some coke into a red solo cup. If he had just been holding a can he would have been judged and asked why he wasn’t drinking. With the cup he blended much better with the crowd of rich alcoholics. He wandered away from the hubbub of the drink tables and found himself a nice spot to just sit and watch people.

As he sipped his drink he began to seriously wonder why he had even come. He just didn’t know people here well enough. So many strangers despite his years at KA. He stared into the deep brown of his drink, wallowing in his stupidity when a weight plopped down next to him. The movement caused him to fumble with his cup but he managed to steady it as an arm wrapped around his shoulder and a familiar voice caused his heart to leap straight into his throat.

Guy turned with a bright grin. “Hey dude,” he responded jovially. His whole outlook on the party suddenly brightened and he was feeling much much better. Funny how his brain could flip on him like that. He decided not to pay this switch any mind and instead concentrated on the person who always managed to make him smile and feel less like a doofus amongst princes.

“Thanks, glad at least one person got it. ‘Fraid you outdid me though… Something Renaissance?” His eyes traveled over the softly curled hair and exposed shoulder. It wasn’t fair that Archer could look so damn lovely. He struggled to reign his heart back to his chest where it belonged.

Archer had just about forgotten that he was even wearing a costume. He looked down at his bare shoulders and let out a laugh. "Uh yeah something like that!" He said and shot Guy a wink. "Thanks, I just think it's so unfair that all the girls get to dress in sexy costumes and we get stuck with the boring ones!" He said draining his beer.

The wink about did him in, but a master of keeping his feelings reigned in did not allow it to show in his face. Raising an eyebrow, Guy gestured toward Max and Sawyer. “I think the guys around here have no problem discovering something sexy to wear. Besides,” he said with his goofy, lopsided grin, “There is something to be said about the way clothing can be worn over form for sex appeal.” He gestured toward Millie Jean and April to make his point. “And your own costume gives quite a punch to the gut.” His deep voice was teasing as he nudged his friend playfully in the side with his elbow. “Need another drink?” he asked, eyeing the empty beer bottle.

Archer put his empty bottle on the table and rubbed his hands together. "Yeah sure! I need to find that boyfriend of mine anyway so might as well get another one!" The boy said slapping his knees as he stood up. Looking around to see if he could spot Kavan somewhere around the room.

Ah yes, boyfriend. He was glad that Archer was looking elsewhere because Guy took a second to wressle the stupid off his face. Pushing the lensless glasses up his nose and hair hair back from his face he stood as his friend did. He was sure to grab Archer’s empty so that it could be properly disposed of. He wasn’t about making messes in other people’s homes. Even giant jack-asses like Kavi. “Finally dating now, are we?” he said in a light and teasing tone.

“Yeah…” Archer mumbled still looking around the room as they made their way over to the drinks table. When they arrived Archer grabbed another beer and twisted of the cap and took a big swig before turning back to face Guy. “I guess I’ll find him later.” his fingers tapped on the cool glass bottle. “So have you found something interesting to read lately?” he asked his fellow literary geek.

“Been doing a Terry Pratchett binge lately, what with Good Omens coming out. That’s not quite as important as you settling down. Who’s the lucky guy?” Guy led the way a bit from the table so that the pair could better hear each other over the cacophony of the room. If Archer told him he would no longer have to pretend not to know who it was. That would be a small relief.

“Kavan Varma…” Archer said between his gulps of beer. He for some reason felt awkward talking about it with Guy. Why? He could not answer. “So! Going on a fantasy trip then?” Archer tried to steer the conversation away from his romantic life.

Guy offered a slight grin, “Congratulations to you both,” he said with real happiness which surprised him. He supposed he could be happy for them both, why not? Between the fast paced drinking and the way Archer shifted Guy could read that this was not a welcome topic of conversation, so he let it go. “As the holidays approach I think all of us could use a trip to fantasyland,” he joked. “What about you Archer, anything good to read lately?”

The curly haired boy thought for a moment going through his mental rolodex of books he had read as of late. “Well I have been going through a lot of indie publications as of late. And as you know that is very hit or miss.” he grinned at his friend.

“Still better than doing Wallenberg’s essays,” he said dryly.

The tall boy let out a loud laugh “Say what you will about Maxie, the boy pays well. I could’ve taken my essays from fifth grade and it still would’ve passed for him” He said as he looked towards the big oaf of a man. “But he’s actually really nice for a sportsperson.”. Guy mutely nodded his agreement but it seemed that Archer’s attention had gone elsewhere. As he scanned the room one last time his eyes lit up when he saw the shining gold god that was Kavan. “Oh hey, there he is! Over there with…” he stopped as he saw the girl his man was talking to.

“Huh…” was all he could muster as he surveyed the ugliest girl he had ever laid eyes on. Archer felt bad that he thought so about the poor girl, but then he realized he was looking at Sonny in drag and the guilt evaporated. “Come on let’s go say hello!” he said waving at Guy to follow him as he pushed through the crowd to reach his friends.

Dutifully the young man followed along behind Archer, unwilling to say goodbye to one of the few people he knew in this god forsaken place. He had an easier time navigating the crowd as Archer took the lead, which was thankful as he did not want to spill anything on some poor innocent who had likely spent crap tons of cash on their costume.

Archer’s smile grew larger as he came closer to the pair. He put his arm around Kavan when he arrived “My my my, who have we here…” he said wide eyed looking Ms. Drake up and down. “I’m impressed that you had all of this inside of you” he said laughter on the brim of bursting out. He reached out a finger and poked at one of Sonny’s fake breasts. Guy made a point of looking at the ground in embarrassment. “Wow very realistic.” he said as the laughter seeping out. “You two know Guy right?” he said as he grabbed Guy with his free hand dragging him closer to them.

A little awkward now that he was among people he did not know so well he stood a bit off to the side. His heart plummeted to his stomach as Archer was physically affectionate with his new man. Ever the great actor, Guy kept himself neutral and pleasant. His position on the sidelines did not last long as his hand was tugged at and the tall nerd was pulled closer to the group. He gave one of his famous, lopsided grins as he held out his hand to each boy in turn. “Hello,” he greeted shyly.

The sound of your phone buzzing makes you look up from whatever you were doing. Lazily you unlock it to see what it could be. An email? Who emails anymore? As you open it you see that it is from Rachel Ashford the eccentric queen of Woodford University . She has sent you an embedded YouTube video, now you know not to click weird but the mystery is just so damn enticing so you click. It fades from black to a beautiful beach with swaying palm trees and crashing waves panning across the beach landing on a smiling Rachel holding a tropical drink.

“Hey bitches! Happy end of the school year! And to my fellow seniors… Happy fucking graduation!” She pulls of her shades and throws them behind her. “I hope this message finds you well since I’m sending you it from beautiful Carnation Island. You know: the island my family owns?” she lets out a small giggle before continuing “So I’ve been thinking. I have been throwing the sickest parties all year long. And why should that stop just because I graduated?” Rachel stands up from her sunchair and hands her drink to what looks like an employee in a crisp white polo shirt. “What I’m saying is-” she pauses as a devious smile spreads across her face. “I asked daddy to close the whole island resort! Just for us!” she squeals as she and the camera turns to show what is behind her. A cluster of fancy looking cabanas and the huge resort. “So check it! I’m inviting you to spend your summer vacation here on Carnation Island for the hugest rager you’ve ever experienced. I want to be remembered at Woodford for all eternity as the party goddess I am! And I need you guys to do that!” She takes a deep breath and lets out a wistful sigh. Then she looks directly into the camera “So what do you say? You want to be part of a legend?” then the video fades back to black.

Under the video a small line of text reads: U IN?

Hello there! Welcome to Carnation Island and know that I am so happy to have you here! In this RP you will play the part of a student or a newly graduated student of a very prestigious college ‘Woodford University’. The students in this RP has been invited to a tropical island for the summer vacation of the century. So we will follow our characters through the motions of partying, relationships and more. Me and my CO-GM will come up with fun scenes and prompts to put our characters in and if you have an idea please let us know and we will take it into consideration.

  • This RP will be in the catagory of High-Casual, meaning at least 2 paragraphs of non-dialogue minimum. That being said, quality over quantity as you say. We don’t need to hear about your characters lunch in detail.
  • The maximum time between posts will be 14 days, which can be extended by previous communication with the GM's. If you do not post in IC or OOC by this time… We will hunt you down and pester you with messages to see what’s going on!
  • If you are to be absent from the site, unable to post in the period of time mentioned above, or wish to bow out please let us know in whatever via you prefer (OOC or group PM to the GM's). It’s not only polite to do so, but it will be much appreciated.
  • Please check with at least one of the GM's if you plan on making a big event that might change the vibe of the RP or affect the cast in any way. We’ll most likely say yes, but better safe than sorry.
  • This is a character and relationship-driven RP. As such, there is not only a need, but a requirement of character interactions. So please talk to eachother. Every player and the characters he or she decide to play will have their moments to shine, but interactions help a lot with this. After all, we wouldn't want somebody to be left out, now would we?
  • Please allow at least 2 people to post before making your next one. This includes different characters. Collabs are encouraged, but please don't go overboard. We want to have some machine-gun posting too.
  • Romance is allowed and very much encouraged by the GM’s pls we are so thirsty, and Guild Rules will apply to the steamier scenes.
  • If you encounter any situations with a particular user, either take it to PMs, DMs or let us GM's know to see if the situation can be resolved amicably.
  • Last question! What did you have for lunch, tell us in the misc section of the sheet so we know you’ve read the rules!

  • Please try to have a well planned character with both negative and positive traits. We all have flaws right?
  • There will be a limit of three characters per person. However, we strongly encourage you to play only the amount you can handle. We want everyone to focus all of their energies onto the characters chosen. NPC's are perfectly fine.
  • Feel free to customize your sheet however you wish as long as no sections are removed from it.
  • Real-life face claims only, and ones that look the part of a college aged person..
  • Finished character sheets shall be posted in the OOC for GM review, who reserves the right to accept, deny or make suggestions about your sheet.

Rachel is one of those people that everyone knows about, but she’s still a mystery. Like a unicorn or a fairy. No matter which social group you belong to there is always a Rachel story. She has been part of most of the schools activities everything from cheerleading to the debate team. She has been at every party you have ever been to and it was always epic. Whenever you have been sad or down she has been there with something to cheer you up be it with advice or a blunt. Bottom line is Rachel has always been someone that people wanted to know and you have been blessed with that

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