Sam Clarke, The Nightingale, and The Dreadnaughts
Part II
It was only a minute or two before Sam and Nightingale were surrounded by the sloped roofs and colorful lights of Chinatown. This part of town had significantly more people on the streets than Union Point did, and the road was filled with screeching cars. Sam looked up the address on his watch and started a GPS route to the warehouse. His usual touchpad was too big for the undercover mission, so he substituted it for an Apple Watch. He felt like a total nerd.
The Nightingale raised an eyebrow.
Sam looks like a total nerd.They cut across the street and began to walk up the road. As their paths diverged, Sam turned to Nightingale. He pointed to the bluetooth, a signal for her to silence it so he could speak without being overheard. The Nightingale nodded, waving a hand nonchalantly. A bubble of invisible energy enveloped Sam, catching any noise he gave off and killing it before it could travel further. The noise from the comm cut through to the Nightingale's ears, but no one else's. His heavy boots hit the concrete noiselessly. Anastasia allowed herself a self-satisfied smirk.
Damn, I'm good. "Caesar, this is FALCON, we have approached the building," Sam said. "So just a heads-up here, my partner NIGHTINGALE is mute, so I'm trusting your agent Grit to identify her properly. I'm heading to the second rendevous point now, over!" He turned to Anastasia. "Good luck. Try not to unnecessarily murder anyone." Anastasia gave a noncommital shrug, right hand resting on the butt of her pistol.
They always focus on the mutism. I'm also a pretty good cross-stitcher, but that's never how they introduce me. I should make a note of that at the next team meeting. I'm sure Lihua would be understanding. "
Her, eh?" Grit mused over his headset, the sound of panting being easily heard as he quickly squirreled his way through the nooks and crannies of the city, ducking under clothes-lines and the like. He made a leap onto a dumpster for some extra height, and the jumped back over the width of the alley towards the other brick wall and grabbed onto a cast-iron railing that was mounted on it. He climbed over the railing and found himself situated on a platform with a ladder bringing him to the top of his destination. "You're telling me that NIGHTINGALE is a lady, eh? Well boy, don't I just like the way this mission's goin' already!"
Sam could feel his skin crawl, but he decided not to say anything. He had to keep it professional and the like, after all. Sam turned and parted ways with Anastasia, heading for the back side of the warehouse. Sam, of course, had no idea what his contact looked like, and so he quickly slunk into an alley and spoke into his comm again.
Anastasia frowned at the bitter irony.
He takes the west. Why do I always wind up going east. She slipped into the impassive stance of a fighter as she walked, features dull, eyes pointed ahead and looking everywhere else. With a small effort, she silenced the background noise-the taxis honking horns, the sounds of generators running in buildings nearby. She picked up Sam's footsteps-audible only to hear-a few dozen yards away, barely made out the noises of movement inside the warehouse. Lihua wanted them alive. Seemed pointless-they'd get shivved within twenty minutes of being put behind bars, but she wasn't going to be trigger happy unless she had to.
"Caesar, this is FALCON," Sam said. "I'm on the west side of the building awaiting your arrival. I'm in an alley to make me easier to identify, over!" While he waited, Sam looked over at the warehouse. He could see a silhouette or two in the windows.
Anastasia heard Sam's voice over her radio. She pressed the transmit button and gave a quick note or two of birdsong. Technically, it was a robin's cry, but she didn't think any of the others would really be able to tell. And if they did, a talking point.
Figuratively speaking.
Anastasia crouched down, hidden in the shadows of the alley. She missed her usual gear, and quite honestly didn't see Lihua's need to micromanage her from using it, but the dark of the alley was enough. Plenty enough. She did hope this Grit had night vision of some capacity. If things got messy, she was taking out the lights first, then silencing it all. Deaf and blind. They'd die scared.
I'm ready. Anastasia waited for the cue.
Washe stood beside the warehouse itself, taking care to stay under cover via a stack rusted metal barrels that his him from view from the street, with a man wearing a gas mask lying unconscious at his feet. His back was pressed against the wooden boards that made up the old warehouse. Soon enough he heard FALCON's voice over his own headset. Great, he just got here. Washe was ready and in position, but now he had to wait for this KINGFISHER brat to do his job.
"Northwest corner of the warehouse," Washe murmured into his comm. "There's a generator. One of their gang members are posted near it. Take him out silently."
Caesar turned his head around the corner - yup, still posted. He then looked the other way, peering just above the barrels he was behind. "Grit, you in position yet?"
The sniper has just climbed on top of the apartment building and moved quickly as he could in a crouch until he met the corner of that building, then spoke into his comm as he set up his stand, laying down on the rooftop to get a good look at the warehouse through his scope. "Yeah, just got there. Will let ya know when miss Nightengale comes along."
'The little shit is quick on his feet.'"Roger," Sam replied. He smirked deviously as he looked over at the guard.
Hehehe. If only you knew how quiet I could be, Sam thought. His appearance faded, and he flickered out of sight. He drew the combat knife out of his jacket. He snuck across the street, being sure not to get struck by a random car, and approached the Fiend from behind, completely invisible and impossible to detect through visuals or hearing. He clapped a hand around the Fiend's mouth and before he could struggle slit his throat wide open. He dropped like a marionette with the strings cut. Sam grabbed the body and with considerable difficulty stuffed it into the space between the generator and the wall of the building.
"Target neutralized, Casear," Sam said.
"Huh?" Caesar grunted. He looked around the corner once more to see FALCON standing there, apparently out of nowhere, with a bloody mess slumped on the ground. "To fuckin' hell with this city of freaks..."
Anastasia kneeled beside a trashcan, small and flexible enough to hide almost her whole frame behind it. Her pistol rested calmly in her right hand, index finger running parallel with the barrel. The faint chatter of Caesar and Sam filled her ear.
All this talk. So needless. She rolled across the alley, pausing in the shadows of the opposite side for a moment. They seemed to thicken around her, darkening almost imperceptibly. It wasn't invisibility, but it was useful. She walked forward calmly, able to move as quickly as she needed without fear of making noise. No one in the alley. Anastasia crept to the door, pressing flat against the wall next to it. Waiting, waiting, waiting...
"Grit, how's Zombie doin'?" Washe asked over the comm.
"Ah, that's right!" Grit replied, slightly alarmed. He held the button on the camera-looking device mounted on the left side of his rifle until it flickered into life. Suddenly, it burst into life. Yellow light filled a wooden room full of people with gas masks. The camera on the other end moved, and it became apparently that the person it was on was in a corner standing guard with a ring of people in the center of the warehouse. One person stood out in particular, looked like one of their bosses or something. With the view, he also got a good idea of where this man was in relation to the other spots of the warehouse. He answered Washe, "looks like he got in all right."
Baron stood in the corner of the inside of the warehouse, his face covered with a gas mask and his entire person adorned with leather. Since he had left the Headquarters, he made a point to not let anyone else but his comrades know he'd be taking any part in this. He wanted to see if he could get any information that he could out of these Fiends - nothing to share with NEST, of course, he couldn't risk leaking information everywhere. Besides, the less that everybody thinks the Dreadnaughts know, the better. To kill two birds with one stone, he rigged his person with a camera, helping Grit to succeed at an even more elaborate shot.
The knife on his Apache did wonders for subtly striking vitals, thus how he got the uniform.
The information he has gathered so far was, for the most part, completely useless. They were practically a bunch of stoners with superpowers, but there are a couple of things he could manage to glean from by posing as a guard. Long Dragon was hosting an intiation, which lent credibility to the idea that the city was full of even more sympathizers than NEST had likely lent on. There was mention of a particular drug that made these folks stronger and gave them the powers that they have. However, that piece of information wasn't something that hasn't already been covered in Vuhong's documents.
Unfortunately, the only mention of the other lieutenants or of Khan that he made was of some reference to a particularly vulgar activity. Nothing relevant.
"Well, that's good." Caesar grumbled. He pulled out a cellphone - an old flip phone from the pocket of the Fiend he had downed earlier - and dialed 911. After a couple of rings, the operator picked up. "Verthaven 911, what is your emergency?"
"Yes, hello," Caesar started, "I discovered heavy Fiend activity at the warehouse at 559 Redwood Street. I think Long Dragon is hiding out in there."
"Thank you, we're on our way."
Washe then ended the call there and smashed the phone against the pavement. He quickly spoke into his comm to relay the rest of the plan - or at least, the rest of the plan that the others needed to know. Whatever happened, the Fiends mustn't know they were here. Otherwise, they'll go even further into hiding.
"Okay scrubs, we're going to make this quick. This is a black ops mission - that means we're handling this
covertly. These fuckers aren't gonna know we're here. NEST wasn't involved with this, KINGFISHER wasn't involved in this, and the Dreadnaughts weren't involved in this. They aren't gonna fuckin' know we had anything to do with this operation. For all intents and purposes, the VPD got a lucky break and found LD on their own. Grit, as soon as the police force comes within two blocks, let us know. When they do, FALCON is gonna shut off the power. I have a pack of firecrackers here that I'll throw in through a broken board in the wall at the same time. That'll simulate the sound of gunfire. When they come runnin' to help and open the door, Grit, make your shot. Zombie's camera has night-vision.
"When you make the shot, the police will be there just in time that we can pin the success of this mission on them. Then there's gonna be a massive shoot-out, and when that happens, we're all getting the fuck out of there. This is going to require precise timing. So don't fuck it up!"
"Oh, brother..." Grit muttered. Washe's ideas were always convoluted, and this time, it put a lot of pressure on
Grit's head. Still... the man had his reasons... he always did. He made a point to look at Baron's camera and then back at his scope, to determine where to aim his rifle as soon as warehouse doors opened.
"If your man inside needs any help getting out, I can go in and give him cover once the lights go out," Sam said. "It'll be a cakewalk."
"Don't try anything fucking fancy, just follow the plan!" Washe snapped. Baron was fine on his own. The last thing he needed was some invisible guy suddenly grabbing hold of him out of nowhere. All Baron has to do is make it through the back door and go through the alleys, then he'd be out of harm's way. Sam rolled his eyes. This guy had a highly-trained invisible assassin on his side and he was using him to flip a switch? There was no point in arguing about it now.