Avatar of Spoopy Scary


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5 mos ago
Current i hear dies irae bells ringing in my ossicles every time i claw from the dirt and peer wistfully through the rpg tomb doors thinking, "one last job..." another bony finger of the monkey's paw curls up
3 yrs ago
i can't believe it's already christmas today
4 yrs ago
*skeletal hand emerges from an unmarked grave* the drive thru forgot my side order
4 yrs ago
Imagine having an opinion on rpg dot com
4 yrs ago
Let’s play a game where you try to sext me and I call the police
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Maybe the real plot was the friends we made along the way. [Last Updated: February 1, 2025]

I'm too old for this shit and I have learned not to share too much of my personal life on the internet. I earned a 4-year English degree, work as an English and writing tutor at a local college, a communications copywriter for a non-profit, and I'm a development editor at an academic publishing company. That means I word good.

I like literature and poetry. I first started writing as a hobby with online roleplay at the start of 2010, and I've slowly drifted away from it in recent years. I enjoy most genres, but if I had to pick a couple of favorites, they would be sci-fi and high fantasy—heavy emphasis on the high fantasy. Some of my favorite moments have come from Elder Scrolls roleplays, since it appeals to the D&D nerd in me.

I have a tendency to get carried away with making my character sheets. I've always been a fan of characters overcoming their weaknesses and obstacles and I try to make that show in many of my characters. Therefore, many of the narratives I explore come from a place of vulnerability, but I try to balance the heavy themes with light whimsy. Sometimes though that door swings the other way and I lean into the whimsy while sneaking in moments of vulnerability.

I also try to research whatever it is I'm writing about so that I'm not just spitting into the wind. Unless that's what my character is doing, in which case I try to make sure that's made clear in my writing. Sometimes that gets in the way, like in the case of blacksmith character I wanted to make but felt compelled to study up on blacksmithing first (don't fall into that trap, no one really gives a shit).

It’s kind of hard to define my style, as I’m influenced by all sorts of literary movements and schools of criticism; dark romanticism, modernism, post-modernism, Marxism, feminism, post-structuralism—I have a lot of isms in my pocket. Nathaniel Hawthorne is one of my favorite dark romantic authors, Dickinson is one of my favorite naturalist poets, Judith Ortiz Cofer, Langston Hughes, and Robert Frost—they’ve all in some ways informed my writing, as well as many others. I even tend to look to some of my fellow guild mates for inspiration or analyze what I like about their writing and see what I can do to improve my own through their example.

Prime Rib Boneheads
@Luminous Beings
[@Shin Ghost Note]
Calcium Supplements
Rest in peace, @Polymorpheus
@Byrd Man

These Tickle My Funny Bone
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Currently in no roleplays.

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by tsukune>

When Allen and I finish the current RAVEN mission Henry's probably gonna be in Chinatown (A place he frequents for good reason). If your characters are there, we should totally have them meet.

It'll probably stem from Henry complaining about the constant (and strange?) amounts of rain.

Maybe Henhen sees Reyna getting hired for a job by an ol Chinese lady at a fireworks shop.

Lihua Vuhong, & Task Force RAVEN, vs Peter Brooke.

Do you have eyes on him? Lihua sent out the thought to the little mental network Adam set up. Since the comms were down, this was the best thing they had, so they have no choice but to make good use of him.

Leon was leaning up against the walls of the cell with a containment foam sprayer in hand. You're gonna be reeeeeeeeal pissed....

You lost him.... Lihua sent a mental groan. God damn it!

Yeeeeeeeah, I'll find him. Just gimme a minute. Leon nodded his head as he scanned the area, he immediately went down the hallway - he heard a bunch of footsteps splashing within the darkness. Oh?

What do you mean "Oh?" Lihua replied.

Think we got boogies...

What- Lihua thought - before she saw a red light down the hallway. She and Adam immediately ducked as a red orb of energy went over her head, and left a black scorch mark behind her.

"Shit! They let out the level-sevens!" One of the Agents shouted as the hallway erupted in a hail of gunfire and shouting. Powers were getting used left and right.

"Why the hell are they coming down here?!" Lihua shouted through the chaos, before it hit her. He was turning them into fodder! To weaken their defenses. Clever, but when they spring their trap, it won't matter. She looked down the hallway that had many cells leading down it.

Should we come out? Leon sent the mental messages.

No, no, the plan is still going on... He just added a little twist to things.... Lihua replied, narrowing her eyes. If we let him think his plan worked, then our plan will be twice as effective.

"Adam." She nodded at him. "Looks like we gotta get a little blood on our hands."

"No mercy." Adam nodded. "These men and woman are the worst. They have long renounced their humanity."

Lihua put her hand out, and clenched it into a fist. She gathered sharp concrete blades into an orb with a blade sticking in every direction. Before she raised both hands in the air, and pulled many concrete shards out of the ground, and created several more of these bladed weapons. Before she sent them flying down the hallway - the first one hit someone in the face, and pierced their skull before it exploded and sent heavy concrete shards all over the place. Damaging every escapee in the process. The rest rolled on the floor, and got deep into their ranks as possible.

"Run!" Dante gave Lihua the satisfaction of making him shout - before it exploded and a shard went right through his skull. The rest of the blades devastated everyone else that didn't have a resistance to physical damage. Many were standing, but several had fallen.

Adam was going to fix that soon as possible - he sent his Echo out at high speeds, and it punched someone square in the face. Breaking his skull instantly. Adam aggressively barraged them with a hail of fists and fury to keep them suppressed. Punches and kicks were countered with instant speed.

One final punch sent a man flying right back into the darkness of the hallway

"Keep an eye open for him!" Lihua said.

There was a brief moment of silence in the dark hallway, or as quiet as it could be with the splattering water and ringing alarms. A sudden sensation of static enveloped the agents, more noticeable due to the wet surface. Over the metal cell doors and walls, the smallest noises from inside vibrated against the doors and caused a disturbance and interacted with the static that they were conducted with. Agents were hiding. Something was hiding.

'Pincer formation. Clever idea... but you can't hide from me.'

Only Leon could hear the brief sound of a metallic click. The sound of a repetitive gunfire rang through the dark hallway as a hail of bullets ripped through the air towards Adam.

There was barely time to react before the bullets hit Adam. Once in the thigh, another in the forearm, another in the shoulder, and so on... Adam fell backwards after letting out a loud yell. Bleeding.

"Blackmore!" Lihua shouted, reaching out towards Adam. "Christ!" She turned back towards the hallway, and pulled the concrete that was acting as a bulwark off the ground, and made it float up in the air to act as a shield for herself, and Adam. This presents a problem. Now they couldn't message the team hiding in the cells for the sneak attack. Which meant that she'd have to find an alternative means of messaging him.

Her head peaked out from behind her shield slightly, and the first line of defense fell to the escapees. Which meant that part of her blockade was no longer needed. She pushed her hand out, and shot the concrete spikes at the very front of the barricade out. They impaled two escapees, but the rest went into the darkness.

The Agents were fighting with all they had to keep the escapees out. Which was a lot harder without Adam and his Echo suppressing them.

'One down'. This was all too familiar to the last operation - Agent Blackmore had the same shadow-man ability as the agent leader before him. It was just as annoying as before, and like before, he was the first one apart from NEST's mooks to fall. To avoid the results of their last skirmish, he had to play it safe. Now, as for the rats hiding in their holes...

Peter removed the magazine clip from the assault gun, using his teeth when needed. He emptied it of its bullets, allowing them to drop to the ground, before attracting them into the air with his hand. Infusing them with a charge, the repelled one another, and they levitating in the air. They were calmly sent through the air, in a circular pattern, using the electrical field on the ground to keep them in place until they were in the center of the hall.

Peter felt himself struggle. 'A-ah... so it looks like this test is useful after all. I'm at my limit - centering a field where I am not the focal point is... a lot harder than I expected.'

Peter took a few paces forward to extend the range of his next maneuver. He preferred being in their blind spot, but some things were unavoidable. Following a spinning halo of bullets, he reached the edge of their field of vision, and their lights revealed a faint glimmer as they reflected off of his skin. As he walked, forward, each door he intersected with had a heavy clicking sound. Doors he walked past locked themselves as he closed in, which allowed him greater finesse with his ability to magnetize objects. Doing it as he aimed his weapon was something of a task however.

The lights shone over the spinning halo of bullets. Lihua and Leon were already deathly familiar with it.

Hmph. Things aren't looking too good. Lihua shook her head. All this defense in the name of someone who ratted out her conspirators? Hmph. Lihua knew it was just as likely he was coming to tie up a loose end than liberate the former Director. At this point, Lihua found it hard to care what happens to the bitch. Truthfully, it was more than just Miranda. It was stopping Peter. He is simply too strong to live - regardless of what little humanity he holds onto. Lihua was foolish for letting all this happen, but, once again, she was going to do everything to set it right.

Can I? Lihua asked herself.

"I think he's there!" An Agent called out, pointing at the glimmers.

Time to find out, shall we? Lihua pulled back the myriad of concrete shards she sent at the prisons at high speeds. They were cutting through the air, and prisoners, until they'd hit something that'd stop them. It wasn't to damage him - if anything, it would further injure the prisoners - but it was to confirm Peter's location.

A cacophony of screams erupted in the darkness, but there was one gratifying result amongst the horror - a sharp metallic ping, and the sound of stone clicking as it fell to the ground. A moment of silence had followed, and Peter retaliated. The magnetic field around the bullets repelled them, and they immediately shot them forward, focused mostly at the agents apart from Lihua as she had her wall to hide behind.

Fortunately, most of the Agents were using the concrete barricades that Lihua erected as shields. However, a few were pierced with bullets, their armor couldn't stop it.

"It's here..." Lihua narrowed her eyes. They're going to need a plan soon. The loud clicking of the cells meant that Peter just locked the Agents in as he walked by. Irritating. Peter was easily the most annoying opponent that Lihua had ever faced. By the sheer virtue of everything they could throw at it being ineffective save for containment foam.

Though that meant they had to be creative

The lights had finally flickered back to life, a bright white light filling the hallways and slightly blinding anyone who had adjusted to the dark. Peter looked around, noticing the sudden return of electricity. Pools of blood mingled with the water on the ground, and the entire surface was red, soaking the feet of all the remaining agents.

"Your technicians work quickly." Peter commented.

"We have the best of the best." Lihua retorted. Now, at least they have some chance, but that still presented a problem. They needed to get the Agents behind Peter out. And that would be a feat.

Peter faced his head down at the dent the subsonic rock Lihua shot at him made on his chest, on top of the left pectoral. He had known about this the moment it had happened. He figured he might as well mention it to his enemy, so that he might discourage them further. "Nice shot."

He raised his palm over the chest, and streams of electricity were visibly arcing between his hand and his body, before the massive magnetic force finally forced the metal of his body to fit his form and was undented. He lowered his hand - his chest was sculpted back to normal.

He was probably waiting for this, but Lihua knew that they had to slow him down until reinforcements come. She gathered more rocks, and made them float in the air in front of her shield. While he was repairing himself, more rocks went flying at him in hopes that he would be tripped. Then she'll try to foam him herself. It's the only thing she can do now with her forces taken out.

The first stone hit Peter's shoulder, and given its impact, it was enough to let Peter take Lihua's attacks seriously. The rest of them Peter was able to react to with sharp reflexes. Peter composed himself and began pacing down the hall toward the blockade, wading through the blood soiled water.

"We have been through this before." Peter warned. "Give up. You know what will come of you if you insist on getting in my way."

"You are correct. We have done this only twice, and I am so tired of this routine." Lihua willed two pieces of stone to step on. This is one risky gambit, and she knew that she had to have her guard up. She let out a sigh as she dropped the containment foam sprayer, and crushed it underneath her shield. She held her hands up into the air. "This is simply a fight I cannot win. We have expended all options, and I simply don't care enough about Caryl. She's served her purpose." Lihua folded her hands behind back.

"If you would allow me to pass, I'll stay out of your way."

"You were behind the glass. You know who I am." Peter said dryly, continuing to pace forward. "How stupid or gullible do you think I am?"

Hmph. "I have two daughter, Brooke." Lihua mentioned. "I have far too much to lose to continue this fight." God damn it, just let me pass. Lihua thought to herself. She realized that maybe she'll have to do this the hard way. She kept that shield of concrete up.

"Prove it." Peter demanded. "Open the cell. Take your comrade's gun. If the Director has outlived herself, then prove it to me by killing her."

The cell block was the most protected spot in the entire facility. Made to hold any measure of meta-human. Peter suspected that if he were to step foot in there, it would be over for him.

"You see... Brooke..." Lihua said. For Blackmore's gambit to work, Peter has to get in there. "Only a certified and high enough ranking Agent can get in there." She shrugged. "Remember that woman from the night you attacked us...? The one you were using as a shield against Cornell's Echo?"

She was just bluffing. Buying time. She gathered as much spare concrete as she could, and tried to form a drill through the floor. She just needed to buy a little bit of time.

"If that is the case, then you wouldn't be allowed here after risking her life just to land a hit on me." Peter commented. "I am getting annoyed. What did I just ask? How gullible do you think I am?"

Lihua tore the visitor pass hanging off her chest off, and threw it across the floor for Peter to look at. "Visitor. I'm just here to get some confirmation...." Lihua trailed off. "I have to say, your trick was fooling us into thinking that you actually retained some humanity." The drill was still doing it's work, it was getting taxing holding up this shield. Since it appeared that Peter wouldn't let her go by easily, she stepped off the rocks she was floating on, and added that to the rock drill.

"How foolish I was to start all of this...."

"Humanity?" Peter asked. "Subjective. Not black and white. It is what kept me from killing a mother on a whim, but you are stalling for time. If you keep me much longer, I will be rid of you, then your comrades, and then I will throw a grenade at the Director's feet. When I am done, your children will be next, and I will let them know you were the reason why they are going to die."

Lihua had to keep her cool, she knew exactly what he was trying. He was trying to get her to do something rash. Even if he "throws a grenade" in there, that room is armored to the tits. Just like Blackmore said, it takes a few moments for powers to disable - which leaves a super-system Meta with enough time to toss a few punches. The drill was almost threw, she just needed. One. More. Second.

Lihua laughed like a noblewoman. "That is such a disgraceful tactic an Aberration like yourself would resort to. Threatening a parent's children?" She scoffed. "Our conflict is between the two of us, and it should stay that way."

"I. Don't. Threaten." Peter said gravely, his voice sinking into an inhuman tone - more robotic than anything, Peter raised his hand, creating a field between him and the wall behind Lihua, pulling himself as quick as an arrow towards his target. His arm punched a hole through the wall Lihua hid behind and grabbed for her throat - the impact his body made on the wall made it crack along the whole surface.

Lihua was expecting this. She knew that she could only buy a few seconds. So, once he punched through the wall, Lihua stepped to the side using reflex alone. She let out a sigh. The drill she made finally pierced through the floor, and gave her a perfect exit. She gave Peter a bored look, raising her hand.

".... You should know by now I'm no beginner."

She swiped her hand, and what was left of the wall she made detached from the ground and went flying down the hallway (Hopefully with Peter with it). Then, she turned around and hopped into the hole. With the drill forming a patch for the hole that she recently created. She pulled two rocks from the ceiling, and made them float under her feet. Riding them far away from Peter as possible. She didn't know whether or not he would pursue, but reinforcements should be closing in any second now

The wall tossed his weight a bit, but he quickly magnetized his feet to the ground - mostly pointless, as the wall crumbled and fell apart the moment it met resistance. He looked down the hole - it dug down the the level below the detention block.

He looked back to the Director's door. Change of plan. He assaulted the door with dozens of magnetized-aided punches, denting it and breaking parts until he was able to grab the door itself and yank it open, ripping it from its hinges. Looking inside, he saw nothing. A dead spot. Someplace his field couldn't reach. He had no way of knowing if there was another door between layers.

'Won't risk it.'

Peter grabbed onto the door he tore off and threw his arm back, charging his body and ready to throw the door with all of his might. He tossed it, and heavy chunk of metal shot like a bullet. Aimed at the edge of the door, by the lock, he forced the second door open with pure force, breaking the lock inside.

There was no way he could see Miranda inside the cell. His field couldn't reach. All he could do is pretend he was on her side. For all she knew, she still had information on NEST the Hands could use. Better than to be locked up in isolation, right?

"Director Miranda Caryl," Peter called, "the Hands of Science sends their regards. I am to escort you to our headquarters immediately. We can discuss what you've learned during your time here once we return."

"That's Former Director to you." Miranda said, wryly. Sitting down up against the wall. She looked unfazed by the door opening. "Surprised you bastards didn't go the simple route and just sneak some poison in my food." She shrugged. She stood straight up, and looked through the hole at her "savior". A tall metal bastard. She has no idea what, or who, it is.

"You possess intel on NEST that cannot be compared to a handful of scientists with an overnight cram session." Peter explained.

Miranda quietly laughed. "Even after my failures pulled the cover on the Hands?" Miranda scoffed.

"That is to be discussed. Your... honesty is what kept you alive, yes? There will be terms and conditions regarding our continued cooperation."

"If you're worried about me leaking anything about the Hands, don't bother. I kept my lips sealed." Miranda lied to the Metal Man, she told them everything in hopes that NEST would be able to stick it to the Hands. "Before I even consider leaving this cell, I want Dr. Cross' given word that I'll be kept alive."

"As I said," Peter reassured, "you are a valuable asset. Dr. Cross personally assigned me this mission. NEST wants you contained. If we want to survive their reinforcements, I suggest you follow along with me before they arrive."

"Better than sitting own my ass all day...." Miranda groaned, there was a part of her that knew that she was going to die. Might as well face it with dignity rather than waiting for him to come and tear her to pieces. She slipped through the hole that Peter made through the door, and stepped into the field. She sighed as she paced forward towards Peter until she was close.

"For now, you are a hostage." Peter explained. "NEST shouldn't make any moves if they can't guarantee your safety. They value your intel on the Hands, too."

He slowly wrapped his hand around Miranda's throat. "It'll be much more uncomfortable if you struggle too much. Try to relax and I'll be sure we both escape."

Miranda felt he was going to break her neck. She nodded her head as he did so.

There was a point where Lihua decided that Peter was not pursuing her. Lihua stepped off the rocks, and nodded. She had to figure out what to do from here. Leave the Headquarters and let it out to destroy the city (Or kill her daughters), or try to join the resistance? All plans they pulled against it had failed miserably. Their only hope is to box... Wait. Lihua had another plan.

Lihua heard a mass of footsteps, and she quickly ran towards it. It was a squad of NEST Agents, with Maximilian standing in the midst of them. "Age- Lihua." Maximilian said, as he faced her.

"I'm ready to face scolding."

"No. This is my fault." Maximilian said. "I should have destroyed it while I had the chance."

We both made a mistake here. Lihua replied.

"I have an idea. Do we have enough men to fill the floors above and underneath the hallway to the Apex Cells?" Lihua said.

"I don't know."

"He has enhanced senses. If we foam him, he won't be a threat." Lihua said. "He is strong enough to break through the floors. If we can surprise him during his escape, we'll have him fully foamed."

Maximilian put his hand on his chin, before he swiped his hand in the air. He put his finger on his earpiece, fortunately, they got the comms back online after the power. "All Agents, take position on the floors above and below the Apex Cells."

"Yes sir!" Almost every Agent said in unison.

"Also, he locked the Agents in the cells. You can use your Echo to quickly unlock the door-" Lihua was cut off when Maximilian handed her an earpiece.

"For you. You may be suspended, but I know you want to stop it as much as anyone else."

Lihua nodded her head as she slid her earpiece in. She would savor this moment if she wasn't fearing for her life.

"Agents on the fourteenth floor are in position." The comms went alive with Dana's voice, who, thankfully, stayed hidden until the power and all the security systems went back online. "Agents on the sixteenth floor are getting into position."

Maximilian grabbed his foamer. "Let's go. I guess we're going to be in the hallway."

Let's just pray we don't get another repeat. What happened here... oddly reflects what happened a week ago. Lihua thought to herself.

Maximilian and Lihua marched down the Apex Cell with a squad of Agents. Maximilian immediately called out his Echo, and he handed his shadow the key. Echo immediately went to work unlocking cell doors to let the Agents out.

Helena near instantaneously flash stepped out of the room. She looked down the hallway at the bleeding Adam. "Adam!" She flashstepped to him, grabbed him, and flash stepped out of the way.

Leon stepped out of one of the cells. "Oh boy, hope ya'll gotta plan." Leon said.

"Don't we always?" Lihua asked.

"... And don't they always fail."

"Nothing ventured, nothing gained..." Lihua groaned as she walked down the hallway, now joined by Leon and the Agents in the cell.

Echo stood above Maximilian with his arms crossed as Maximilian aimed his foamer at Peter. "Give up, PR-1." Maximilian called out. "We have you surrounded!"

"Peter." He corrected as he held Miranda in the air by her throat. "Don't waste my time with bluffing. You haven't executed her yet because you need her and the secrets she has. I can react in a hair of a second. Try anything and she dies."

He did not even wait for a response before he started walking toward the crowd. Neither did he seem to be taking very great care of the former director as he held her aloft, and none of their raised weapons seemed to do much to falter him.

"Maximilian, you have to make a choice," Lihua whispered, pleading with Maximilian to see the light. In Lihua's eyes, the Director was useless. "We let a Metahuman superweapon walk out the door, or we risk the woman who isn't even of any use to us."

"I-" Max was cut off by Peter.

"Fantastic logic, agent." Peter commented, not even slowing down. "It'd seem your lesson wasn't as impacting as you claimed. Some lives aren't as equal as others?"

This thing can hear her. Right. She forgot. Lihua utterly ignored what Peter said. That didn't matter. They needed to stop Peter here and now before he becomes a long-term problem. This morality over common-sense bullshit was going to bite them in the ass.

"I am literally fifteen feet from you and counting, and you still aren't out of my way yet." Peter warned.

"There's a choice, Max. Either sacrifice one life, or lose a thousand more Agents." Lihua said. "You have to make the choice."

"Agents on the sixteenth floor are in position." Dana noted.

Maximilian looked down at his foamer. This... this was not an ideal situation. There were so many things going on, Maximilian's breath sped up. Let the Director die and forsake morality. Or preserve morality, and become the organization that people believe they are. Logic or emotion.

"Maxi," Leon called Maximilian by that little pet name Sonya gave him. Facing him with the foamer in hand. "I know what's going on in your head, but I think if you're going to make a choice - ah, know what? I'm on your side, regardless of what you do - but you gotta make it now."

Peter stopped in front Maximilian with Miranda in hand, looking down at him. Without a real face, it was difficult to tell, but it wasn't hard to guess that Peter was getting impatient.

"The Hands are not my friends. But I've a choice to make as well, and I chose to ensure the futures of the wretched." Peter told him. "Be a man and make your choice."

Sweat was trickling down Maximilian's head with every word Peter said - what everyone said was making this decision so much harder. God damn it! He's the Director! He's supposed to be good at these situations. How would the world feel if NEST casually discarded lives to achieve results? How would NEST feel if he let a killing machine continue to cut them down? His hand was shaking, and his breath started to get heavy.

Everyone was right.

There was a choice to be made here, and it'll change him as a person - more than anything else he's seen while on duty.

"Agents..." Maximilian said, closing his eyes. "I have made my decision." He nodded his head. He took in one breath, before he exclaimed,

"Spray him down! Do not let him esca--"

Peter's hand clenched around Miranda's throat instantly, causing the former Director to spray blood everywhere from her mouth. Foam began to envelop him from all directions as Peter once against felt the cold grip of depression strike at him again. Years of work, of research, and all of it was going to waste as he would be put asleep for an indeterminable amount of time. 'If only I had a chance to know where I first went wrong... my first wrong turn... then maybe I would've found a way.'

Maximilian immediately dropped to his knees, holding his hands onto his head. He was staring at the floor. It was over, PR-1 was detained again. The sound of Miranda's neck cracking played in his head over and over and over again. "What...." Maximilian trailed off. "... What did I do wrong?"

"You..." Leon put his hand on his chin, looking at the bloody cadaver getting engulfed in foam. "... made a choice." He put his hand on Maximilian's shoulder. "Now, if you ever want to talk about anything, I'm here."

Lihua grimaced. To be so cold hearted and merciless... It was unforgivable. She felt a twinge of sympathy for the former Director... but then realized that this is the culmanation of her sins. "The results..." She said, "The world only needs to know the results" She faced Maximilian. He was taking this hard - but, it was the right thing to do. So what she was being cold... she had to think of the longterm. And morality is oh so short term.

"However, I am responsible for what happened here." Lihua turned sideways, facing Maximilian. "I truly am a selfish, selfish, woman." Lihua sighed. Coming to terms with her words and misdeeds was merely the beginning. She knew that she couldn't hold the moral high ground, and didn't even want to try at this point.

"Get him into the Apex Cell...." Maximilian groaned.

The Agents nodded as they ran back to grab a hauler.

"... And don't ever let him out."

Maximilian turned around, squeezing his eyes shut, marching down the hall and pushing his way through the crowd, giving none of the agents a second glance. As he finally squeezed his way out, he somberly looked down at his feet as he walked, catching a glimpse at his hands. He stopped. The gloves he had worn... they were drenched with Miranda Caryl's blood from that moment she died. He turned back around and watched as agents hauled... Dr. Peter Brooke away. Somewhere, in all of that foam, there was also a dead woman that he could have saved. This is what it meant to have control over lives.

Lihua Vuhong, Task Force RAVEN, & PR-1.

It was a strenuous effort, despite Helena's best protests to leave well enough alone, to transport PR-1 to the Questioning Room. He was coated from the neck down in containment foam that would be a task for even the strongest Super-System type to break, and had a power suppressant collar around his neck. Carried into the room via a special hauler. PR-1 was placed up against the interview table - with the Agents that hauled him in immediately leaving the room. Those Agents left the room to form the squad that was waiting outside the door should PR-1 attempt to escape.

Lihua stepped up to the two-way mirror, and put her hand on her chin as she watched. She knew that they wouldn't let her question it - and, given how angry she made it when she threatened it's research, it was probably for the best. All she had to do was stand and watch....

Sitting across from the table was Adam Blackmore, adorned in standard NEST armor. It should be resistant to any electrical attacks by the superweapon. A telekinetic Agent in the other room popped the collar off, and Adam leaned into the table, neatly folding his hands on the table.

"Hello," Adam started off. "I am Adam Blackmore, and I will be conducting an interview with you today."

PR-1 sat there seemingly unresponsive, and did nothing in reaction the the collar being popped off. There was the sensation of consciousness slowly returning to him, but Adam's voice was little more than distant, blurry muttering to him. He felt a slight tingly warmth slowly filling up the cold cavity in his gut. His last memory was letting himself be entrapped in NEST's containment foam, and as they approached him with the collar... there was nothing after that.

He made a strange warbling metal sound as he muttered to himself, "makes perfect sense, really... shut off the powers and all my senses and processes go blank. Will take note of that in the future..."

Adam couldn't quite understand the mumbling. He perked up, and tried to listen, but ultimately, decided that wasn't relevant. "Can you tell me your name?" Adam asked.

"Hm?" Lihua mouthed the sound. "What did he say?"

"... Somethin' about how shutting down his powers does... ah, screw it, it turns his metal ass off." Leon said as he walked into the room. He faced Agent Vuhong, and threw a thumb behind him. "Sorry, taking a piss." Lihua only gave him a narrow look.

The moment Adam voice sung out, PR-1 felt its vibrations against his face as static began to run through his skin again, and his head jolted upward. "My name?"

PR-1 made a high pitched squeak sound that could be interpreted as him scoffing, but it was typically hard to tell. "Now that's hardly worth anything to you, isn't it? Surely you'd rather know more about the Hands of Science."

"Just a formality." Adam calmly noted. Something was definitely off about PR-1. Adam wasn't trying to go straight to the questions about the Hands just yet - rather not tip him off. "If you would rather we cut to the chase, then can you tell me about the organization - the Hands of Science - you work for?"

"You simply surprise me." PR-1 responded. "The simulations were much more straight to the point, but I suppose that is why the Fiend suppliers in Cuba would fall so easily."

Adam quietly grunted. Simulations...? He wondered what sort of preperations this thing went under before the Hands threw him at NEST.

"Lost for words?" PR-1 asked. "Allow me to clear the air for you: the assault on the Changeling's perpetrators was only my first assigned mission."

"And it will be your last. NEST won't let you cause anymore damage." Adam confidently noted, raising an eyebrow. "Now, who gave you this "assignment"?"

"The Hands of Science."

"... Who specifically in that organization? Dr. Cross?" Adam asked - hoping to get more information of the Hands of Science's leader.

First assigned mission...? Lihua thought on it for a second. He was implying something but she didn't know what. Personally, a part of her thinks that they should melt down PR-1 immediately after this interview - but she's suspended, so her guidance doesn't matter.

"Can we lock this thing back up, already?" Helena broke Lihua's reverie, as she was anxiously leaning up against the wall with her arms crossed. "This thing creeps me the fuck out."

"In due time, Helena." Lihua said.

""In due time" that thing will kick our ass." Helena scoffed at Lihua, earning a look of ire from the older woman. "... And it'll be on you."

"... Now you listen here-"

"Okay, okay, ladies." Leon stepped in between them, with his hands up. "Let's not tear up the whole building. Let's focus at the task at hand."

The two women crossed their arms, and faced away from each other.

"Hm... perhaps you were right. It would be easier for NEST to understand with context. If you would allow me - from the beginning?"

"Very well, you may proceed."

PR-1's chiding tone balanced out and sounded deeper as his voice grew serious. "PR-1 is my designation. I was born Peter Brooke. Agent...?"

"Blackmore." Adam nodded his head. Peter Brooke... He was certain the boys in the other room would be searching up everything they can find on that name. It could be a start.

"Doctor Peter Brooke." Peter said even louder, as if to address the people watching personally. As if to make it easier on them. He turned back to Adam. "Born in Maine."

Lihua's fingers went to her ear... in some attempt to press a button on a earpiece she didn't have. It was such a habit that she didn't notice. "Look up Peter Brooke immediately. Born in Maine."

Both Leon and Helena gave her a curious look.

"... You know you don't have an earpiece." Leon said, playfully laughing. "Suspended and everything. Hehe..."

Lihua angrily growled at him.

"Alright, alright..." Leon pressed on his own earpiece. "Grue, can you look up a dude named Peter Brooke, says he's a doctor and born in Maine if that helps ya' narrow it down?"

"I can hear him, Leon." Dana rolled her eyes before she just went to work. She immediately searched through every database possible, until she found what they were looking for. She brought up the smile and looked up the file on Peter Brooke. "Peter Brooke. He's a Maine-born doctor that is a veteran that was honorably discharged after losing his arm in the service. He's a Pharmacologist, and Medical Engineer. Really good at what he does."

"Alright, thanks, Grue." Leon turned to Lihua and repeated everything that Dana just said...

Adam nodded his head. "You're a veteran?" Adam was personally wondering how he managed to make the leap from a disabled Veteran to cutting down droves of NEST Agents.

"I came from a very poor family, you see." Peter explained. "So I was unable to directly enter the field of medicine, and I saw joining our nation's military as a viable option. I was deployed on Operation Desert Storm many years ago. Before ever entering the battleground, our truck hit a land mine. I lost my arm, and I was the only survivor of the wreckage."

Peter paused.

"That operation was twenty-five years ago, wasn't it? I was only twenty years old, then. Doesn't time just fly?"

"My God..." Lihua muttered to herself. It all made sense now. It's a Metahuman, just like her. All that casual scoffing that it was just an aberrant... it was all wrong. Lihua's breath rate sped up a little bit. She was finally getting confirmation that she needed.

"... Need some water?" Leon said, handing a small paper cup full of water to her.

"That is very unfortunate..." Adam adjusted his glasses. "And when did you... manisfest?" He asked.

Peter smiled. "We're getting there." He made a brief discharge of electricity, but there was something in the foam that blocked it from entering the air, or connecting him to the ground. For all intents and purposes, he was blinded and immobile. Only able to hear his questions, and see the faintest outline of Adam from the static in the air that emanated from his head.

"After that fateful incident, I decided I might as well go back to school, and use what I can from the veteran's compensation. Except that never came. My already poor family put themselves into poverty trying to help me through school, despite all my pleas and begging. After earning my doctorate, I made and researched the development of medicine until my studies had shifted my aim toward stem cell research. As a regenerative stem cell doctor, I worked within Rockefeller University and coordinated with Planned Parenthood and other medical organizations until I conducted my work independently."

Fascinating. All of this was fascinating. He, for a moment, wondered about all the medical breakthroughs he has made - However, he knew that the second he affiliated himself with the hands, he used that knowledge for all the wrong reasons. "... And where do the Hands come in?"

"After years of isolating myself from the world, focusing only on my work, I struck an impasse. A lack of funding and peer-review brought my research to a plateau. Even as a doctor, I had nearly bankrupted myself. My work is something... precious to me. It is unfathomable an idea to let anyone tamper with it. Too risky. Unable to proceed, I hit a pit of despair. The Hands of Science contacted me one evening... before I had finally decided to... how does it go? Eat a bullet?"

Adam uncomfortably cleared his throat. So, the Hands contacted him once he had no other options and gave him an option. It seems to be a common way organizations like this get fresh meat. Just recruit the people desperate enough to do the unthinkable.

"The choice I was given was easy." Peter mused. "I could proceed as I have been - a miserable one-armed wretch with no future. Or I could test their completed prototype serum - PR-1, or prototype one - which could either give back what I've lost, or kill me. I was fine with either result. As you can see, neither one of those happened."

A buzzing sounds similar to that of a sigh sounded from him. He tensed his body, and felt a little bit of give in the foam. He made no acknowledgement of it.

"So there was another option I had after I gained enough control of this... power--" Peter spat the word power as though it were a joke, "--they'd freely provide me with funding and resources if I agreed to continue as their test subject..."

This means that the Hands might have the capacity to create more Metahumans along the lines of Peter. The mere thought of a squad of them worried Adam. This just meant that they had to eliminate the Hands of Science before they could proceed any further in their research. Adam wondered how much information they'd actually be able to glean from Peter. He seems to be so dedicated to the Hands, and his research, that he'd be fully willing to die for them.

"...that alone did not get me to agree, however."

"Then what did...?" Adam asked.

"While, certainly, the proposition was tempting, I was too entranced by my depression and misery to give much care. My body was made of metal, and any chances of regeneration was permanently out of the question. The disability maddened me throughout my life and the serum had disillusioned me from my work. Neither was I happy with being a human experiment of two-bit mad scientists."

Peter's stiff upper lip curled into a smile.

"Society, in the end, is what did this to me. To keep the low down low while the high got higher. No circulation in the balance of wealth. It was what forced me to take drastic measures to make a living. It was what damned me when I came home crippled and deserving of compensation, but never got it. They offered it as a chance at revenge. I couldn't ignore the logic of the proposition. It was weighed in my favor."

"Revenge wouldn't solve anything." Adam noted. It was exactly what he thought, Peter had no choice. Give up his passion, or... give up. Adam wished that there was more that could have been done to help him - but, like he said, society. Though, they were getting off track. This information tells much about Peter... but little of anything relevant of the Hands of Science, and what NEST can do to take them down.

"We will do what we can to help you." Adam said.

"Oh, it's far too late for that." Peter mused. "My rage subsided in time. It's simply not in my nature to be angry or disdainful for very long - grudges exhaust me. I had found new purpose in my research. I may not directly benefit from it myself, no, but I could advance the medical field's progress for the sake of others like me. Those who had part of themselves taken away, people who had no choice. In the depths of their despair. I can guarantee you that there is no chance I would let anybody do anything to slow me down or get in the way."

Adam narrowed his eyes. He had a sinking feeling that Peter is warning them of REAPER breaking him out - just as Maximilian theorized would happen. Well, that isn't going to happen. "If your research is so important to you, then why did you launch an attack - alone - on several squads of powerful and heavily skilled Agents...?" He asked, skeptically.

Peter leaned his head forward, quiet for a couple moments.

"Because you can't hold me down."

On cue, there was a sudden amalgamation of several electrical streams beneath the surface of the containment foam. The overhead lights were flickering from the sudden interference. He concentrated the field between his body and available arm. The foam bulged and cracked, before the overwhelming force of the magnetic repulsion forced the foam to burst. The sudden release of the magnetic field spread across the whole room, and repelled the table they were seated at away from him, and knocked Adam backwards. The entire room lit up in his eyes, and he could even see the electrical wires within the walls.

'Don't these poor fools realize already? I can think a thousand times faster than they can. I've already accounted for hundreds of variables and counter-measures.'

"Now..." Peter muttered to himself. "Where is former director Miranda Caryl?"
It's been feeling a little dead around this cavity in my chest.

I bet @Mahz is a good and devoted Christian man with a strong monogamous commitment to his significant other.
I like how you called @Mahz a lemming.
Talk to people. Nobody is here selling their bodies to each other. If you want interaction, message folks and work something out. Or post on this thread more often, because I forgot you existed.

Lihua Vuhong, Meifeng Vuhong, & Reyna Baker

Meifeng had little idea of what her mother was discussing on the phone. She could only hear bits and pieces in between the action of the game - otherwise, she wasn't paying attention. Something was up, but she didn't have to be Sherlock to figure that out. Meifeng shrugged as she went back to playing her game. Sitting with her legs crossed, she played away at the game. Only her cellphone buzzing with the lyric of some rap song. She raised one eyebrow as she grabbed onto it. A text from Cindy - Meifeng didn't even need to unlock her phone to read it.

yo gurl, head over to the candy club when u get the chance

yeah, sure

Okay now came the matter of getting there. Meifeng could take a bus... Oh! The Ferry sounds fun. She hasn't taken the ferry-

"... Meifeng, I'm going to the Headquarters, keep an eye on Lijuan." Lihua spoke in Chinese as she stepped by the living room, wearing her robe.

Neat. Meifeng just got a better option! "Wait!" Meifeng shouted, pausing her game as she stuck her other hand out. "Cindy wants to meet up. Can you take me to Knightdale on the way?" She asked.

"Fine." Lihua said. "Be ready in five."

Meifeng started laughing. "Five? It takes you like three hours to get ready! All I have to do is throw on a shirt and some shorts and I'm ready!"

"Because I actually put care into looking presentable." Lihua rolled her eyes as she started going up the stairs, out of sight of her daughter.

"It just comes naturally to me!" Meifeng pointed two thumbs at herself.

But, yeah. She should throw on some clothes.

After some more bickering, both of them got fully dressed, and were into Lihua's car. Meifeng sitting in the back wearing her red basketball uniform. Written on the back of her Jeresy was number 07, and had her name underneath it. She had matching red sneakers, and basketball shorts.

Lihua on the other hand was wearing a black dress. With gold earrings on, and switching out her usual glasses for a pair of sunglasses. And a black summer hat.

It was a long drive from Central Valley to Knightdale Rows, but the two managed to get there. It wouldn't be too long before they got to the Candy Club.

Of course, this one particular road they took just had to be a shitshow. Lihua was driving, and a crowd of people had formed to watch something. This wouldn't be a problem if they weren't in the road. Lihua pressed down on the breaks and the car came to a stop. "Oh what is it?" She said, annoyed.

Meifeng rolled down the window, and stuck her head out. Peaking through the crowds, she knew exactly what was going on in there. "Yo, someone's getting their ass kicked." She said as she pulled her head back into the car.

"Good grief." Lihua rolled her eyes. "C'mon, Meifeng." She said as she turned the car off.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Meifeng asked - more out of shock.

"Going to break up this little kiddie-fight so we can get on the move." Lihua let out a sigh as she unbuckled her seatbeat. There was something inside of her telling her to just stay out of it - but it is her duty as a NEST Agent to handle things like this. Besides, it's just a bunch of kids fighting. Lihua fights monsters. This will be easy.

Lihua's black heel tapped the street. She stood straight up and looked at the crowd. She closed the door before she moved closer. Pushing her way through the crowd. Meifeng simply hopped out the seat, slammed the door shut behind her, and ran her way behind Lihua.

Bickering arised as Lihua pushed her way through the crowd, separating Verthaven's youth. Cutting a swathe toward the center, the reason for sudden side-show had become eminently clear. Two young adults were circling each other; a young man not much shorter than she was facing off against red-headed girl in camo fatigues and a red tank top - she was a fair amount shorter and lighter. While normally she might have been concerned for the smaller girl's well being, there was one important detail...

The college boy was bleeding from his nose and brow, the latter being swollen and partially covering up his eye. The girl may have been sweating a storm, but she was apparently unscatched.

"You fuckin' bitch, you're dead!" Yelled the boy as charged toward Reyna. She kept her stance light on her feet, standing on her toes. As natural as can be, she pulled a fist back and tossed it around where it had met with the side of boy's jaw. Two teeth flew through the air and the young man fell to the ground. The crowd erupted excitedly, yelling and exasperated, along with hushed comments about the right hook she had just hit him with. Reyna barely gave him time to recover before she threw herself ontop of him, forcing him on his back so that she can deliver him a consistant beating between her shouts.

"Don't you!"




"Talk about!"


"My little sister!"


"Like that!"



"Enough of this!" Lihua shouted over the crowd. Reyna immediately looked up from her vicious beating and escaped her tunnel vision, seeing the dressed figure of what looked like an agent. Some few globs of blood dripped down from her knuckles as she tightly held her fist in the air. Her chest heaved with heavy breaths and her skin was flushed red. Sweat was dripping off her skin, and the muscles in her arms were tensed. It was faint, but there were slight traces of steam and hot air rippling around her. The boy beneath her was likely too unconscious at this point to feel most of the punches she was giving him.

"Yo..." Meifeng said as she pretty much just joined the crowd watching. It was that chick she met a week ago! And she was beasting! For a moment she wondered why she didn't help against those REAPER bastards. Once that moment passed, Meifeng remembered that she didn't need any! Though, she stayed in the back. Lihua seems to be taking this by the horns.

The crowd's eyes fell on Lihua, and she made sure to make herself known as she stepped through. Her heels clicking loudly. She took two hard looks around, before she put her hands behind her back. "Disperse! All of you!" Lihua ordered. They stood there looking at her. "Do I need to repeat myself!? Go home now!" The crowd started leaving. She pointed at Reyna, "... Except for you."

However, Meifeng couldn't quite remember the girl's name. Something with an R. Rylie? Rayne...?

"Reyna?" Meifeng just said (instead of thinking). Loud enough so that the girl could hear her over the leaving crowd.

Reyna stood over her victim, panting and trying to regain her breath. He looked at Meifeng before casually pointing at her. "Uh... right, bear fighter? Nice to see ya again..."

She bent over and picked up her leather jacket, before slinging it over her shoulder.

Meanwhile, Lihua walked over, completely unfazed by the girl, and knelt down over the boy. Much bruising on his face. Missing a few teeth. She reached down and checked his pulse, just in case. He was fortunately alive as he ever will be - but she might have split a major vein in his jaw. Which could be a problem. "... You damn near punched his face in." Lihua noted, rolling her eyes. She kept examining him, but she had to roll her eyes when the two girls acknowledged each other. Of course they know each other. Meifeng has a knack for the strange and wild, after all.

"Oh yeah?" Reyna asked rhetorically. "Well ain't that a shame, I should've kept going."

"Tell me, do you think all this was really necessary?" Lihua asked, waiting to see what wonderous response this girl can come up with.

"Hey, hey, chill, mom." Meifeng put her hands up. "Asshole probably got what's coming to him."

"Nobody's gonna threaten my baby sister, you hear me?" Reyna told Lihua, pointing her finger. "Not if they got a death wish."

Lihua, again, had to roll her eyes. An overreaction to something that could have easily been shrugged off. She didn't know the context, but she couldn't care. Lihua stood straight up, and put her hand on her hip. Facing Reyna, and utterly unfazed by her displays of strength. "Noted... Do you mind telling me your name, Miss...?"

"Oh sure," she replied sarcastically, "mind showing me your badge?"

Oh, she's so funny. Lihua rolled her eyes. "Do not get smart with me, little lady." Lihua said, narrowing her eyes. "All I have to do is make one phonecall..."

"Hey, hey, hey, hey...." Meifeng quickly stepped in between them. Because she knew exactly where this is going to go. And she didn't like it. "C'mon, mom, we don't have to go this route." She scratched the back of her neck.

"Nah, ah, ah, I know how this works." Reyna said. "C'mon, where's your badge? You don't got a badge? You're full of shit."

It took a lot of restraint to avoid letting her anger slipping out. She completely ignored Meifeng and stepped around her to face Reyna. "Where the hell did they teach you how to act? The boonies?" Lihua hissed at her. "All I'm asking for is your name. A name. Is that too much to ask?"

"I don't owe you NEST idiots a freaking dime. Fuck off."

Lihua would compliment Reyna for figuring out that she's NEST - but she doubted that this upstart little shit figured out anything. Probably a lucky guess. "I never said that I was with NEST, sweetheart." Lihua threw her a sarcastic smile. "I appreciate the ferocity, but I'd be more inclined to care if I was talking to someone who was old enough to drink."

Lihua crossed her arms. "And you don't understand. All I have to do is make one phonecall, and your parents are going to be picking you from the station. And you're making that really tempting. If they even give a damn about a little reject lik-"

Okay, this is escalating quickly. Meifeng could see a fight coming on. Only problem was that it probably wouldn't do Meifeng any good. So, she was going to salvage the situation the only way she knew how! Meifeng quickly grabbed Lihua by the arm, and started pushing her away mid-sentence. "... Okay, okay. I think it's time for us to gooooo!"

"Yeah, yeah, and aren't you mom of the year..." Reyna muttered rolling her eyes as she turned her back to Lihua and Meifeing. She paced over towards where the boy's teeth landed and bent over, muttering as she picked them up. "Not with NEST, my ass... rule number one, avoid the cute ones with the crazy moms."

Something about it was vaguely familiar. In fact, Reyna said something about teeth in her glovebox the night of the party. She dropped them in a pouch.

"... That child is a real piece of work." Lihua said in Chinese as she slid into the seat of the car. She was more than annoyed - but otherwise, Reyna was irrelevant to her little journey to the NEST base. So, there wasn't any need to take any action.

Though, with a mouth like hers, someone will teach her to keep it closed.

"Yeah... yeah..." Meifeng said as she slid into the backseat. Okay, that didn't go well. It probably could have gone better if both weren't so confrontational. Huh? Meifeng thought about it, and it was odd to be the mediator for once. Usually it's Lihua talking her out of things. It certainly was strange. Though, she kinda wished that she could have gotten Reyna's number.

Oh well.

Lihua turned the keys in the ignition, and started driving on past the scene. Fortunately, the crowd was gone so she could go drive off.

They went on the road just like nothing happened. The sky above them started getting darker as clouds formed. "Good grief, it's going to rain again." Lihua said, annoyed.

"Heh, I love this rain. Infinite supply." She put her hands up, palms not too far apart. Creating a torrent of water between her hands.

Eventually the two arrived at the Candy Club. Lihua got out of the car, and leaned up against the car with her arms crossed.

"Well, we're here..." Meifeng faced Lihua - wondering why she hasn't drove off, yet.

"I wish to have a word with Miss Keagan." Lihua said. "I have to apologize for the lack of work I've been offering her."

"Oh, okay." Meifeng nodded her head as she ran up to the doors of the Club.
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