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Current i hear dies irae bells ringing in my ossicles every time i claw from the dirt and peer wistfully through the rpg tomb doors thinking, "one last job..." another bony finger of the monkey's paw curls up
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Maybe the real plot was the friends we made along the way. [Last Updated: February 1, 2025]

I'm too old for this shit and I have learned not to share too much of my personal life on the internet. I earned a 4-year English degree, work as an English and writing tutor at a local college, a communications copywriter for a non-profit, and I'm a development editor at an academic publishing company. That means I word good.

I like literature and poetry. I first started writing as a hobby with online roleplay at the start of 2010, and I've slowly drifted away from it in recent years. I enjoy most genres, but if I had to pick a couple of favorites, they would be sci-fi and high fantasy—heavy emphasis on the high fantasy. Some of my favorite moments have come from Elder Scrolls roleplays, since it appeals to the D&D nerd in me.

I have a tendency to get carried away with making my character sheets. I've always been a fan of characters overcoming their weaknesses and obstacles and I try to make that show in many of my characters. Therefore, many of the narratives I explore come from a place of vulnerability, but I try to balance the heavy themes with light whimsy. Sometimes though that door swings the other way and I lean into the whimsy while sneaking in moments of vulnerability.

I also try to research whatever it is I'm writing about so that I'm not just spitting into the wind. Unless that's what my character is doing, in which case I try to make sure that's made clear in my writing. Sometimes that gets in the way, like in the case of blacksmith character I wanted to make but felt compelled to study up on blacksmithing first (don't fall into that trap, no one really gives a shit).

It’s kind of hard to define my style, as I’m influenced by all sorts of literary movements and schools of criticism; dark romanticism, modernism, post-modernism, Marxism, feminism, post-structuralism—I have a lot of isms in my pocket. Nathaniel Hawthorne is one of my favorite dark romantic authors, Dickinson is one of my favorite naturalist poets, Judith Ortiz Cofer, Langston Hughes, and Robert Frost—they’ve all in some ways informed my writing, as well as many others. I even tend to look to some of my fellow guild mates for inspiration or analyze what I like about their writing and see what I can do to improve my own through their example.

Prime Rib Boneheads
@Luminous Beings
[@Shin Ghost Note]
Calcium Supplements
Rest in peace, @Polymorpheus
@Byrd Man

These Tickle My Funny Bone
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Currently in no roleplays.

Most Recent Posts

No, but it does reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Which hurts like a mother fucker.
Reyna Baker, Arianna, Meifeng Zhao, and Cindy Keagan

RAVEN/DOVE West Coast Joint Headquarters, White Coast

In the present...

"You know... now that we're in spitting distance, I actually feel a little nervous." Reyna uncomfortably laughed, then winced as it upset the sore bruises on her knuckles and one of her elbows. Already they were swollen and difficult to move. The past day was stress-ridden and eventful, and this morning's antics didn't help the process of putting this chapter behind her, instead only adding to the already building tension. She watched through the window the scolling of the coast as their van whizzed down the road. The cloud cover from the night previous has passed. The day was... deceptively bright. Arianna was driving. Archie had gone off, not wanting to risk a run-in with RAVENs to keep those in the Microcosm safe. The tension only seemed to build with every mile they closed in on the regulation offices.

"Oh, you just wait until you're actually in spitting distance." Arianna said, not taking her eyes off the road. "My first rodeo had my heart beating out of my chest. Figuratively, of course."

Figuratively, because Arianna did not have a heart. Or brain. Or organs in general.

"At least there's one agent that comes to mind, who I know won't be the one trying to ruin my life today." Reyna grumbled.

"I mean I can totally be him too if you want."

"I would punch him again; even inside the station. Honestly." Reyna admitted.

"That's surprisingly a turn on." Arianna commented offhandedly, holding back a laugh which only resulted in a very unfeminine snort. Arianna made no effort to apologize for it though. She wasn't acting right now anyway. Reyna was unable to cross her arms out of defiance as she usually did, instead, could only help herself to making a pouty face and look away to where she squished her face against the passenger window. However, that did little to hide the red blush that started covering her cheeks. Any effort to talk back was usually met with stuttering, and so Reyna learned to give whomever the cold shoulder.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Arianna said in a way that didn't sound very sincere at all, "are you still feeling embarassed about what happened this morning?"

"That. Never. Happened." Reyna told her. Arianna brushed it off with a playful giggle.

"I already know what you look like, love!" Ari pressed. "Right from the moment I touched ya!"

Reyna sunk into her seat even more.

"Nice piercings, by the--"

"God, please, don't!"

"Wooah, woah, nelly. Alright, okay. Sheesh." Arianna scratched a little spot that was right next to her nose as Reyna sat where she was fuming. "I just don't get the whole modesty thing people have."

"Apparently that's not the only thing you get." Reyna griped.

"Tell me about it!" Arianna agreed. She took glances between the road and at Reyna, before asking her a question that's been on her mind for a while. "So tell me, love. What's the whole quarrel with RAVEN agents anywho?"

Reyna briefly blushed again at the sound of word and scratched the top of her head as she scrambled looking for words. "Uh, I uh, well... no good history."

"Obviously! Why is that?"

Reyna sighed. "I have a cousin who lived down in Mendel that got caught in some conflict between the local gangs there and... I think they were RAVENs. NEST might already have fallen by then, but I don't remember. But if you ask me, they're pretty much the same thing in different clothes. Mia lost one of her eyes."

Arianna didn't say anything, instead choosing to visualize the scene herself.

"And my little sister, the one we talked about... Merry. She got her fair share of harassment, too. I know for a fact that they were RAVENs. She came home crying one day, she was afraid they were going to hurt her..."

The sound of contempt in Reyna's voice grew as she went on.

"Dont kick mama's pups?" Arianna commented. Reyna responded with a dry look and Arianna went back to staring at the road. She continued, "Okay, less depressing topic! I've been trying to get a read on your power, but I just can't seem to..."

"I don't know either." Reyna answered quickly, apparently as eager to get off the topic. "I just know that I'm not much stronger or faster than anyone else unless I keep fighting, and then it just keeps going. I don't ever seem to get tired. In fact, I usually end up with more energy than I had before, and..."

Reyna just shrugged. "I get hotter as I go. I mean, literally hotter. I've burned family by accident, just by touching them; and God, don't I sweat like a fucking pig when I do. It's a little gross."

Arianna nodded as the Joint headquarters came around the corner. The plan was to drop Reyna off and hightail it out of here until next time. Part of her was sad to see her go. Even with all temprament and attempts on her life, she's grown on her. She couldn't quite put a finger on it, but... if Ari had to pick one thing that stood out to her, it had to be the girl's heart. She had faith that Reyna would be able to get through RAVEN's questioning without a hitch.

"Well, love, this is your stop." Arianna said as she slowed down to a stop. Reyna threw her head back and groaned.

"Could you... please not say that?" The redhead pleaded.

"That's not what you said when you were drunk."

"Alright, I'm gone."

"You have nice underwear!" Ari teased even further.

"Go away!"

"Bye! Text me!" Ari yelled as Reyna shut the door. As the van started rolling away, Reyna stared at the back of it as a slight smile sneaked up on her face.


Reyna turned around and gave the RAVEN/DOVE headquarters a nice, long look before sighing heavily as she began her approach. Her heart was racing, felt as though it was jumping up into her throat. Energy was surging through her, but she tried her best to contain it and keep the pace she had, resulting in a strange, restless looking stroll toward the building. Even the adrenaline pumping through her, however, couldn't numb the pain she was feeling in her hands and in her elbow. They still felt as though they were on fire.

"Uuuuuugh," Meifeng groaned as she sat before a mountain of paper work. Why the hell does she have to write a fucking essay every time she so much as breathes? Shoot a guy with a taser dart! She has to explain what the hell happened in written form. Meifeng grumbled as she filled out everything with a pen as quickly as she could. Right now, she just wanted to get off her ass, and go get some real work done.

"... Meifeng!" Cindy said as she opened up the door, and faced her. "We found our mystery brawler from the ceremony."

"Shit," Meifeng started off, honestly surprised. "That fast? I thought she'd skip town."

"... She walked up to the building." Cindy answered dryly.

"Eh, same thing - we found her!" Meifeng said, she got up from her chair. She was just happy that she can get off her ass and do something actually productive. "Let's make sure that she doesn't get away this time - you DOVES have a horrible track record when it comes to this kind of stuff." Meifeng playfully poked.

"... It was RAVEN who lost he- Know what? Just go out there and arrest her, throw water at her, something." Cindy pointed out the door.

"Yeah, yeah, so you can do your DOVE thing." Meifeng quickly stepped around Cindy, and then went out the room. She ran fast as she could through the halls of the Headquarters, up until she made it to the main lobby.

All while Cindy casually walked there.

Reyna's mind was racing as her pace finally brought her to the front door. There was a brief moment of hesitation before she pushed open the door with her shoulder and found herself in the lobby - along with two other agents. Both of them Reyna recognized. The scarred up Asian girl that broke up the fight with the water, and the other... well, she only saw her face near the scene. Reyna met their gaze with a sliver of disdain, and was cradeling her arm. She didn't know what exactly she should be saying at this moment. After all, a typical greeting didn't really fit, and everyone here knew what she had done. Perhaps there was no need for it. At a loss of what to do, she only stood there and gave them a curt nod.

"Hey." Meifeng casually greeted her - which made Cindy facepalm. She put her hands on her hips, before she asked, "Here to turn yourself in?"

"What? No." Reyna sighed, containing her aggravation. There was a brief pause as she seemed to be trying to figure out what to say next. "Look, I'll own up to kicking his ass, but I'm not gonna be pushed around by you guys."

"That sounds like you-" Meifeng was about to continue playing around, until Cindy interrupted her.

"Alright, ma'am, you're going have to put this on." Cindy said, as she reached to her belt, and pulled out a power suppressant collar. It was standard procedure for an arrest. Reyna looked at her bruised and swollen hands, then rolled her eyes and stood there stiffly in waiting for Cindy to apply the collar. As soon as she did, she stole a glance at Cindy, and looked back at Meifeng.

"Okay, come with me." Cindy nodded as she lead the girl, and Meifeng (who was taking point, just in case Reyna tried something) through the halls of the Headquarters, and ultimately lead her to the interrogation room. It was a stone, concrete, room with a big mirror on one side of the room. Reyna was instructed to sit down on one chair, while Cindy took a step on the opposite side. Meifeng herself leaned up against the wall with her arms crossed.

"Hello," Cindy greeted her. "Let's get the formal introductions out the way; I am Agent Cindy Keagan, Agent of DOVE."

Meifeng politefully waved at Reyna. "And I'm Meifeng Zhao."

Reyna raised an eyebrow. The Hero of Prague?

"Now, do you understand the charges that are being leveled at you?" Cindy asked.

"One of your boys came at me and I defended myself." Reyna replied. She shrugged and gave them a "hell if I know" look and continued, "If I had to take a guess, it would be resisting a rapist or something. I didn't know the bar was set so low."

"Assaulting a government official, evading arrest, avoiding registration, trespassing...." Cindy counted the offenses. "I asked plenty of people at that event of what happened, and they said that you got into an argument with the RAVEN in question before fists started flying."

Cindy folded her hands on the table.

"Wait, evading arrest?" Reyna repeated. She didn't understand. Didn't Arianna say that she was supposed to be taking care of what happened afterword? "I didn't evade shit! I didn't know what was going to happen, just that I was supposed to be coming straight here."

Both Cindy and Meifeng looked confused for a moment.

"... You disappeared into thin air right as we brought you in. Then you decided to turn yourself in anyway." Cindy explained. "I think that counts as evading arrest." She said, nearly sarcastically.

Meifeng thought about it for a moment. "Hey, wait, something doesn't seem right..." She muttered under her breath.

"Where do you get these people..." Reyna grumbled to herself as she shook her head. She looked back at Cindy, so far unimpressed with what she has seen. "Look, you RAVEN-DOVE bird brains were played for fools by this goopy shape changing chick named Arianna. She felt bad about using me for some scheme of hers and tried to break me out as a way to return the favor or something."

Meifeng raised a finger in the air, almost like validation of her gut feeling.

"Okay... I don't know what is going on here...." Cind started off. "But, tell us everything that happened."

Reyna was just about to spill the beans on everything, until she remember the one favor she was asked. The Micro-whatever, the thing that the Archie dude had inside his face or something. Apparently a lot of innocent people lived there. Or troubled people. Whatever it was, Reyna sort of understood. Tearing him down would take all those people with him. She hesitated for a second. She couldn't lie, though. If there was one thing she was terrible at...

"Look," Reyna said, sounding very short tempered, "that girl fed your boy some very wrong information, he barked up the wrong tree, said some really rapey shit, and then your boy started a fight that never should have happened. He got his ass kicked, I was hand-cuffed, Arianna broke me out, I wanted to handle the arrest like a big girl, and she ended up abducting me."

She leaned back into her chair.

"So I've had a pretty fucked up day yesterday. We ended up parked in front of a bar, I drank a lot. I don't remember some bits after that, but I guess I convinced her to bring me back."

Now a lot of things started to make sense to both of the agents. They still thought this girl to be an idiot for fighting back, but it sounds like a bigger problem took advantage of that to string her along for some scheme. Neither of them could honestly punish her severely for that, but....

"I don't think it'd be all that fair to punish ya' for everything that happened," Meifeng said as she walked over to the table. "Say, Cindy... I recall looking at some of the files of some of our old villain friends, and I saw that some of them had some legitimate grivances against NEST."

Cindy automatically realized where Meifeng was going with this. She was referring to the Changelings.

"Isn't DOVE's objective to make sure that doesn't happen, and no one else turns out like them?" Meifeng asked, subtly winking at Reyna, who, not part of the circle or a hundred percent in the know of how or why DOVE was initially conceived, only looked at her strangely. Reyna was just holding her tongue and hoped they wouldn't decide on a prison sentence just yet. That would look too much like RAVEN setting her up.

A sigh escaped the older woman's lips. Cindy realized. "You have a point - I don't want to really arrest you, Ms. Baker," Cindy started off. "But, we aren't going to let you off just yet... we still need this shapeshifter you speak of, because we suspect her of a few things that went missing at that party."

Reyna groaned as she threw her head back. Okay, fine, whatever. "Can you at least tell me what's going to happen to mister Dicky Styles?"

That was his name, right?

Meifeng laughed, prompting a look from Reyna.

"... He's been suspended for a while." Cindy stated. "Without pay. Orders came straight from Maximilian."

"That's it?" Reyna asked. "Hotshot with combat training - shit, a literal hothot, can shoot fire from his ass, he goes around harassing people and starting fights and all you can do is take away his allowance?"

"Well," Meifeng stated off. "I plan on kicking his ass some more later." She playfully said.

Cindy rolled her eyes up into her head. Reyna had a point - but Cindy didn't care to argue it. "While I do think his punishment should be more... severe, this is technically his first offense."

"First?" Meifeng questioned. "Well... I know you can get suspended for being a massive douchebag."

"You're a cop." Reyna dryly said. "You know the drill. Catch someone doing something wrong, it's not the first time they did it."

Reyna sat up again. "I quote, 'you girls always change your mind, you don't know what you're missing.' I wonder what he thinks of you two."

Cindy was silent for a moment.

"... We'll look into that." Cindy looked up at Meifeng. "Either way, what happens to Agent Eddy Styles is no longer your concern. He won't he bothering you any further." Cindy sternly said, since there was one more thing that she had to discuss.

"Now, there is one last thing we have to go over, it's my business as a DOVE." Cindy nodded her head. She knew that Reyna was not going to like this.

"Hopefuly medical care?" Reyna pressed as the corner of her mouth turned to smile. Mostly it was fake, and was hoping they'd catch the memo.

"If you need some ice..." Meifeng trailed off as she drew some water out of her pocket dimension, and created a block of ice.

"I punched a guy wearing chainmail and won, love." Reyna said sarcastically, imitating Arianna's accent at the word love. "I'm sure I have fractures."

"Hey, I punched worse, and just put a little ice on i-" Meifeng was cut off.

"We'll get you medical attention, but you're currently unregistered in the DOVE databanks." Cindy sighed as she sternly said. "I know you probably won't like this, but we have to put your DNA in the grand registry - but, you also get access to the many perks of the DOVE organization. We'll help you."

Reyna sighed. One of the last things she wanted was to be put on a list like she was living in World War II Germany, but she knew this was going to happen the minute she knocked Styles down. It just felt different now that she was finally facing it. There was a brief pause of silence on her end as she mulled everything over.

"Well..." Reyna began, mumbling. She still didn't like this. "Let's get it over with. S'pose I could at least understand whatever weird ass power this is."

"Well, look at the bright side." Cindy said. "DOVE is not like NEST in the past - it's a socialized program that will do all in it's power to make sure that you're fine."

"Look on the bright side," Reyna imitated, obviously not any more comforted by Cindy's reassurement, "we're not as bad as we used to be... that's some selling point."

"But, can-" Cindy, for once, was cut off.

"Yeah, let's just stop the chit-chat, and get this over with." Meifeng realized that there wasn't really anything they could say to reassure her. However, they can certainly show her otherwise.

"Uh, yeah, would you come with me?" Cindy asked Reyna as she got up off the chair, and walked over to the door. Reyna did as she was asked, grateful that the Asian RAVEN chick was as eager to move things along as she was. What was her name again? Meifeng?

Meifeng waited for them to walk by, and let out a sigh as she walked out the door after them.

'Sometimes I wonder if I'm on the right side here...'

But taken to a more personal level.


Don't complain to me when it's bad.
We wait on @JunkMail.


: ^)







I have improved upon every one of your endeavors.
See everyone, this is one of the many, many, many





reasons why I am an infinitely better writer than Allen and why he so heavily relies on my advice and insight to make writing decisions in his own roleplays.


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