The only beats he tries to miss are the ones his daddy gives him.
[Last Updated: February 1, 2025]
Andrea:■ Henry: "Every child and young adult that comes aboard this ship is afraid. Even if they hide it or don't want to admit. Every single one. I know. I wasn't any different either. Henry was there for me. So was the rest of the faculty. They were there for everyone. It might take them a while, but they'll learn to appreciate them. They'll learn to owe them everything. Just like I did.
■ Wednesday: "She doesn't have to talk to me. She doesn't even have to like me. I don't even have to be a psychic. It's in her eyes. She was forced to do things she doesn't want to do. She got caught up in a storm. She got trapped. Whenever she is ready, I'll be there to talk to her and understand her. People want to be understood, especially after they've done terrible things. They want others to understand how someone could rationalize what they've done."
■ Jasmine: "I used to be like her. I mean, minus the sports. I might actually be more like her sister, but Jasmine's attitude was a lot like mine back in high school. Number me a mix between the two. I'm glad that she turned out alright! She still has her spunk, and I hope that doesn't go away."
■ Phoebe: "She's more of an academic like me, but she had to compete with her sister to get where she was. I didn't realize how lucky I was back then, because things just worked out for me. I look at Phoebe, though, and I see the girl I could've been. She's sixteen years old and she's already got a leader's spirit! I'd like to help her get to where she needs to be."
■ Lynwen: "I like her. She's not too energetic, so talking to her isn't going to exhaust me or anything, but she has passion. She buries it so most people can't see, but she's strong willed, honest, and means well. Who knows, maybe I can befriend her over yoga or something."
■ Elias: "He's a smart man who hides away in his office and pretends like he doesn't care. He does what he can, though, and I appreciate him. I doubt he wanted to keep me of all people around when I came aboard last year, but he's been patient. My only complaint is that I don't think he's nearly as patient or empathetic as he should be."
■ Archie: "I don't really understand him at all. Reading minds doesn't work if you don't understand how they think. But as someone who's been here a long time, I think he has a lot to offer to the community, so I guess I can't complain. But even after a year being here, I still don't know what to expect from him."
■ Gavin: "He seems like a sweet kid. I don't know why he gets as much flak as he does. Not everyone is good at the same thing, he just has to find what he is good at. It takes time and he's only sixteen. I get the feeling he's going to need a friend, and I'll try to be there for him if no one else will."
■ Abraham: "Honestly, he's scary. That's what I think. I try not to judge based on first impressions, but he's hiding something. There's a presence beneath his surface thoughts that's hard to access, and it's not good. There is some really bad stuff he's hiding in there. He built and tall, and he's cunning, and I don't think I can trust him. Even if he's hiding something that's hurting him, even his surface thoughts are suspicious, and three's too much potential for harm and... I... I don't know. I just think he's bad news."
■ Grit: "Pardon my ignorance, but I haven't been to America. Is this what it's like there? I thought the stereotypes were just that."
■ Uril: "He seems okay, but his power seriously bugs me. That just isn't right."
Abraham■ Andrea: "Damn."
I can get in on this.
Sorry for being so slow with the IC everyone, grandma took a fracture to the spine this Christmas and has been in the hospital. She'll be fine- just set me back a bit.
Abraham:■ Henry: "I've seen freaky. Freaky in the streets, freaky in the sheets - I even got rocketed up into a space station, so I expected plenty of freaky waiting for me when I got there. For some reason, I never thought to imagine that the station's equivalent to a high school P.E. teacher would be the bastard child of Godzilla and Mr. Rogers. He's alright. Just, well, a freak, and way too eager to help me."
■ Wednesday: "Ever heard of Buridan's ass? It's the same issue with this one - confused penis."
■ Jasmine: "Oh, hello chica. A'ight boys, want some man-to-man talk? First of all: athletes. Second of all: if it's just for a night, go for the loud ones. Take my word on this."
■ Phoebe: "As I understand it, miss goody two-shoes here is the younger sister of--" *makes absurd hand gestures around his ass* "--and this girl is--" *sucks in his tummy* "... and honestly, I can't see the resemblance. Seems like a bookish bitch, but I ain't going out of my way to mess wit' her... Sammy would be sixteen years old too right about now."
■ Lynwen: "She has to be the most boring little girl I've seen ever. Is there a stick up her ass? And no jokes, either, I ain't about that jailbait life. If there's one thing I'm curious about... what would happen to all the air if she decides opening a portal outside the station is just a swell idea?"
■ Elias: "Well, I've never tried giving a teacher a swirly before..."
■ Archie: "Dude, this guy is fucking cool. Yeah, he can hang out with me; he's funny and his head is neat as shit to watch."
■ Gavin: "His new nickname is allowance. Just kidding. I'm over that high school phase. But even being sixteen and not a total pest, you couldn't catch me dead with him. Imagine that. The pocket change I used to carry before I came here is probably more money than he has seen in his entire life."
■ Grit: "I know these types. I know these types really, really well. And I'll let you in on a hint: they may be big, but they're little bitches. Tear them down. More than once if you have to, then let them know you beat 'em. Remind them every time you see 'em - and they'll never think to step in your line of sight again. He'll try me. They always do. Then I'll 'explain' why I'm the king."
■ Uril: "What the fuck."