Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

4 days ago
Current Away for the next week! Late anniversary celebration of 13 years for hubs and I; won't have internet.
12 days ago
Tally.... Tally that hurts. That hurts me but I want it.
19 days ago
Bugg has been given the chance to write horror, but is going full horror swing :)
28 days ago
Stands up with foot numb, suddenly entire leg decides to not work and I fall over; almost hitting my laptop. That was weird.
1 mo ago
Apparently it's deadbrain today; replies tomorrow hopefully.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Steph listened as Benjamin left the room and closed the door. She sighed and rolled onto her back almost in anger as she looked towards her tail.
"You're a bastard." She said to her tail, sighing as she sat up and moved to rub her horns slowly before she moved to flick her pants off towards the closet with a bit of a mumble. "Idiot." She said to herself, moving to rub her face with her hands and grumbled loudly.

She moved to sit against her bed and sighed, leaning back onto her pillows and let out a loud groan.
"Why am I such an idiot." She said out loud before her tail flicked up to her chest, resting just below her breasts. "You're not helping either." Steph said angrily as she moved to grab her tail.

She wasn't prepared to feel it like she did. She felt the grip over her tail cause electric to flood up her spine and her back arched as she let out a small squeak and let go of her tail.
Her face was bright red, she really hoped no one heard that. She especially hoped that Benjamin didn't hear that.

Rose smiled at his words, "What sort of movie were you planning to watch?" She asked before he asked about her night.
"Oh uh... I.." She hesitated with a small frown, "I didn't really have anything planned... Honestly. Freya is... busy with work. I don't really... Have anyone to hang out with, especially now because of... This."

Her frown grew as he asked about family, she looked down from him towards the floor. As she spoke, there was sadness in her voice.
"I... Don't have family." She spoke, "I... Don't have anyone outside of the agency. Even then, no one wants to hang out with me." She spoke the last part more quiet then the rest.
Awh, okay thats fine ahah.
I had a sneaking fucking suspicion of it but I thought I'd make sure!
1) Runaway Train- Soul Asylum
2) My song knows what you did in the dark- Fall out boy
3) Hall of Fame (Feat. Will.i.am)- The Script, will.i.am
4) I'm yours- Jason Mraz
5) All on our own- Midnight youth
6) Secrets- OneRepublic
7) Fireflies- Owl City
8) But it's better if you do- Panic! at the Disco
9) You found me- The fray
10) Africa- TOTO
Oh also!
Stuart mentioned another agency that also deals with the unnatural/unknown side of things, I'm guessing they are the -looks left and right- proper good guys? Or are they another offshoot from P.A.I.N that are also meanies?
Her tail betrayed her, she didnt do it on purpose xD
Steph watched Benjamin for a moment, her eyes trailing away from his eyes after a moment before she shot her eyes back up and her face became a deep red. "Holy shit." She said, slightly louder than what she expected. "I'm so sorry." She moved to put her top back on slightly before she moved to cover her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't remember." She continued before she turned away from him slightly, her tail acting against her and undid the buckle on her pants to cause them to fall down. Her face deepened red as she screamed into her hands quietly.
"I'm sorry. It's probably best if you leave I'm sorry." She continued to apologize as she tried to shuffle out of Benjamin's sight, only managing to trip and fall onto her pillows that were on the ground with a squeak.

"O-Oh!" Rose said as she jumped at Rudrig's voice, looking over towards the man with a grin. "H..How's it going Ruddy?" She said, going to lean against the door as he left it open for her. She slipped slightly, stumbling before she lifted herself back up.
"I just wanted to make sure you're going okay!" She started, she was panicking, what was she trying to say? What was she trying to do?

"I wanted to see if you were... doing anything," She continued, "Like, today, or... something."
She screamed internally, holding back on kicking herself for being so... dumb.
"We will make sure she won't be unprepared." Rorsh said in a serious tone towards Penalopy, "And I understand you are trying to help. Which is amazing, I'm glad that you're wanting to help her. I want to help her too." She looked towards James, "Please, continue what you were trying to say. I wish to hear what you believe as well." Rorsh said as she smiled towards James and sat on the floor with Penalopy and James.
"I'm not wanting to put down what you are saying at all Pen, please don't think that." Rorsh started with a bit of a sigh, moving to run her hands through her hair as she closed her eyes to focus. "If he shows up unannounced, we can only hope that Cressilla is strong enough to push him out while Arceus closes the portal. Or even if he isn't banned, Arceus will make sure of it. Especially since Niccia will be there."

Rorsh didn't notice as Sparky slowly sniffed the two of them out, walking over towards Rorsh and moved to press her nose against the Galarian Zapdos. "Friend." Sparky said with a small smile and a tail wag, "Legendary friend!"
"Oh." Rorsh looked back to Sparky and went to grab her as the small Pokemon climbed into her lap quietly. "Hello friend." Rorsh replied softly.

Niccia grinned as she walked over towards her room. She moved to close the door slowly to pull out the dress and started to undress herself.
She made sure to fold up her clothes and slipped them into her bag before she started to put the dress on, making sure to hide her ears and tail the best she could.

Niccia spun on the spot momentarily and watched herself in the mirror. She moved to pull out her hairbrush before she started to brush her hair. It wasn't long enough to properly plait it or anything, but she could at least move it into a cuter way. She looked in the mirror as she managed to fix it up in a way that was neater then what it looked like.

A shadowed figure watched Andy carefully, moving to step into the shadows before standing higher up in the tree.
Marshadow watched where they stood, narrowing their eyes slowly. He still wasn't sure about Varina being around Andy, nor was he sure he wanted Andy towards Frosiien.
Marshadow disappeared from the tree and appeared not too far from Andy, hidden slightly from view before he breathed in and focused.

He twisted his form slightly, becoming human again.
His short, pointy black hair glistening in the sunlight. He wore black dojo clothes, with a dark green belt.
He hesitated, trying to stop himself from freaking out as he breathed and headed over towards Andy quickly.
"Hail, human." Marshadow said carefully, his voice slightly low as he watched Andy's reaction.
Dia frowned at his suggestion. "Yeah." She reluctantly agreed before she turned and gave Benjamin a hug, pressing her forehead against his before she turned away and headed off towards where she thought she could find Josh.
Josh would easily be in the staff room right? Or would he be somewhere else?

Dia walked along slowly, looking around with narrowed eyes. She had a feeling she would just run into Josh, as it always tend to happen. As if he could hear her thoughts, Josh stepped out of the shadows in front of her with a small smile.
"You're looking for me?" He asked almost cheekily.
"You already know the answer." Dia with a sneer, "I need your help."
"Aye, of course." Josh said with a wink before he notioned towards her for her to follow him as they continued to walk down the hall.

"You need to seem like a staff member, yes?" Josh asked with a raised eyebrow, Dia stared daggers at the memopath but nodded slightly. "I will have to have a.. talk with the receptionist, but I will be able to do it." He said with a chuckle, which sounded almost maniac.

Ray moved towards the doctor with a blink. "I feel okay." She started quietly, "I don't really wish to stay here overnight but if you believe it's for the best then.. okay." She said with a defeated sigh.
"That's the food for tonight?" Ray asked after a moment of silence, "I feel... rested, not as queezy but I wish not to feel like that at all."

Sara gave a grin towards Marc as he winked at her. "That's nice!" She said with a tilt of the head and grinned even more. "Mine was.. not so good hah."
She looked to the tickets as well before she looked up to Marc as he mentioned about if she wished to go get food or play more games.
"What would you like to do?" She asked, "I don'-" She started before her stomach snarled aggressively at the mention of food.

"My stomach wants food." She laughed before she offered him her tickets, "Where do we take these?" She asked.
Chance listened to Haki's words, his eyes widening at his words before he smiled a bit more towards him as he hugged him closer; Chance didn't realize but his tail started to wag happily.
He enjoyed being in Haki's arms before he felt the explosion of magic through the forest and looked around to the trees quietly. "Oh wow!" He started as he looked towards Haki before he moved to get ready to dance.

Chance looked over towards Haki as he asked about if he knew how to dance. "Well~" He grinned, almost cheekily. "Just follow my lead." He said as he reached out to hook his hand in Haki's and moved it to his shoulder as he hooked his other hand around Haki's hip.
"Although, I'm not used to dancing with someone much bigger than me." He said with a bit of a blush but still had a cheeky grin on his face.

He felt like he could be relaxed around Haki, around the air currently. Chance didn't have to hide his cheekiness, his happiness or any of his other emotions.
He moved to grab Haki's free hand and pulled him a step closer. "We step with the right foot first." He instructed, stepping sideways for a step before moving his right foot back, pulling Haki with him.
Chance pulled Haki around the field gently in a slow but simple ballroom dance, it wasn't the only thing he knew how to do in terms of dancing, but Haki was a newbie; he needed something simple but fun.

Nessa grinned as she fixed herself in a similar position to Adrian, she watched his eyes as well. A smile spread across her face as she tilted her head slightly.
"I love this." She whispered to him quietly, She didn't take her eyes away from his, watching his eyes gently.

"I didn't notice your eyes change colours." She mumbled with a bigger smile as she gave a slow blink. Her ears flicked slightly as she was focused on everything between Adrian and herself. Her heart paced quickly, she hadn't felt like this in a while.
Nessa let out a happy sigh, for the first time in a while, she had relaxed properly. She watched Adrian softly, watching his eyes carefully to try and watch the colours.

For once... She was happy to be around someone else; she hadn't gotten close to anyone else since her Husband. But... Maybe she could star again?
Steph jumped at Benjamins' words, remembering he was here with her. She looked back at him with a deep blush on her face, "I...Uh" She started a wonky grin, "I think I...I'm good in terms of moving things around, D...Did you want to do something else by yourself?" She asked with a tilt of her head.
Her tail slowly flicked around to pull open a dresser, almost instinctively, on its own, to start putting the clothing items into them quietly.

Her body was frozen in place as she watched Benjamin, she didn't want to move. Was he staring at her body? Did... He like her body?

Rose gave a small smile towards Stuart as he mentioned about the other agency.
"Thank you." She started quietly, tears starting in her eyes for a second. "Thank you so much." She left the room and headed towards hers for a moment.

She hesitated and turned around, heading towards Rudrigs room and hesitated to knock on the door to see if he was there.
They were never really friends, but he often talked to her when they had to work together. She would never admit it to anyone, but she had a crush on the man. But would her new form cause... difficulties?

Gaia slowly flew down from her place in the clouds, she fanned her wings out slowly to sail quietly towards the grounds of the mansion.
She circled around the mansion before she landed against the tree slowly, gripping her feet into the bark as she started to settle back into the air near the ground.

She let out a soft sigh, moving to settle on a branch quietly as she moved to lie on her belly and chest, dropping her hands from her sides to just hang there.
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