Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

4 days ago
Current Away for the next week! Late anniversary celebration of 13 years for hubs and I; won't have internet.
12 days ago
Tally.... Tally that hurts. That hurts me but I want it.
19 days ago
Bugg has been given the chance to write horror, but is going full horror swing :)
28 days ago
Stands up with foot numb, suddenly entire leg decides to not work and I fall over; almost hitting my laptop. That was weird.
1 mo ago
Apparently it's deadbrain today; replies tomorrow hopefully.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Frosiien gave a grin as she looked Andy over, "You look gorgeous." She said, ignoring Mitch before she moved to gently take the keystone from Andy and holding it down to Mitch to carry. Mitch reluctantly took it and stared angrily at his Legendary.
She linked her arm with his and moved to kiss him on the cheek before she looked to the others with a grin. "I know the way, it's not too far." Frosiien said as Andy mentioned he had no idea where to go. She moved to pull him forward gently, ready to lead the group off to their destination.

Gavin nodded as Andy mentioned they should go, he looked to Mindy and then to Mable with a small smile. She looked gorgeous, but was it a smart idea he was getting feelings from a... human female? He thought to himself before he started to follow Frosiien and Andy as the Articuno lead the way.

Niccia gripped Michaels hand tightly and gave it a squeeze as she had a big grin on her face. She was ready for Star Fall, it had been so long since she had seen the others.
Soul followed suit with Lytse and Sparky on his back, looking over to Mitch as he held the Keystone, Soul moved over to gently grab the keystone from the Delibirds wings and moved to pop Varina up on his head with the others. "I'll babysit these ones." He said with a grin before he looked over towards Marie. "If you get tired, please do not hesitate to let me know and I'll carry you." He offered with a smile.
Sara's face deepened in red when Marc kissed her hand. She felt her heartbeat speed up and she gave a lopsided smile and nodded.
"Y-yeah." She started, she was obviously flustered, it was unable to hide in her eyes, in her face.
She moved to stand up before she glanced towards Marc with a bit of a pause. "Will you tell Vivian how it went?" She asked with a tilt of her head.

Ari nodded and started to calm at Benjamins' words, she wasn't a hallucination, he'd still speak and see her.
"But what about the meds that they gave Ray?" She asked as she followed him, "I'm not a hallucination, why does it kick me out of her body and make her so... Icky?" She moved to put her hands to the side of her head.
She was annoyed, she hated being stuck in here, she hated the people in here.
She hated not being believed. She existed, and she could make herself seen and heard- but every time she did, it was tossed aside as a mental illness.
No I love it.
This is good.
Would others head to Gaia as well?
Legendaries are up, I will have to add the newer ones myself ahah.
I'll add the Guardians later on~
Sara finished her food properly and took a swig of her water. She closed her eyes for a moment before she smiled a bit more, "I would absolutely love to go out again." She said as she glanced towards Marc, "Maybe in the daytime even? If Vivian will allow it of course." She sighed.
She enjoyed the feeling of him touching her, she moved her hand to grab his and pulled it off her head. She gripped his hand gently, enjoying feeling his skin against hers.

Ari froze when he mentioned that they had slipped the meds into the pudding.
"You're not going to react like Ray are you?" She asked, almost in fear.
She hopped up and floated around Benjamin carefully. "You're going to be okay yeah? You can still see me? Heal me?" She asked quickly, almost freaking out.
Soul smiled to Lytse and followed after him as he went to Michael. "We're ready to go too." He said with a smile, before he looked to Andy as he spoke to Mitch.
Mitch flinched at Andy's words and furrowed his brow, he mumbled to himself before he shivered and followed after the Older male human in order to find his guardian.

Soul moved to lift Lyste up onto his back as well with Psychic, "Give your feet a rest." He said with a small smile as he followed after Michael. He glanced around when they got outside and paused as he felt Sparky started to wake up from the lingering scent of Legendaries around her.

Niccia looked to Michael with a small smile and took her bag, she gave a nod. "Yeah." She said softly, "We need to go to the strine." She looked to Andy as she noticed he was looking for Frosiien. "She should be back-" She started before her eyes moved to a figure walking their way.

Frosiien looked over towards Niccia as she walked along, she had changed her clothes. She was in something more like a catsuit, snowflake prints speckled over it as a large, dark blue cloak drooped over her shoulders as she had her hair up in a large plait.
"Good afternoon beauties~" She said before she stopped at Andy and grinned. "Afternoon Handsome~" She said with a slow blink.
Mitch stared at Frosiien angrily, "What do you call this! Why are you dressed like this! What would Lugia say!!"
Hey I'm gonna add the Legendary Pokemon and their guardians to the character section if that's okay?
Sara gave a happy nod as he spoke, she took another bite of her food before she looked to the sky.
"I feel..." She started, "I feel like I can be myself around you." She continued, not looking at Marc, her eyes on the stars.
"You don't stress about my illness, you treat me as a person. Unlike Aunt Vivian you ask me for my opinions on things, and then you take them into mind." She closed her eyes and dropped her head down slowly and held back tears, "Thank you."

Ari blinked as he asked about her, "Me?" She asked before she cleared her throat slightly. "I... think I'm fine. That experience was not nice, it felt like I was on fire." She shuddered before she looked over to Benjamin with a tilt of her head, "I've never really been away from Dia for a while... Is she really... Corporeal? Like, does she have a real form?" She looked over to everyone else momentarily, "I've never heard of that happening..."
Sara thanked the Vendor as he handed over her food, she looked to it with a big smile and followed Marc to the bench.
She plonked herself down beside Marc with a happy grin on her face, one that hadn't faded in a while. She moved to open up the wrapping and chomped down into it without another word.
"Mmmm~" She hummed happily as she nodded to herself, "It tastes amazing, this is some of the best food I've ever had." She said as she moved to wipe her face with her arm before she moved to sip her water.

Ari moved to sit against the table as she sighed.
"Ray's doing well." She replied, not speaking about herself like the question asked. "She may be able to leave tomorrow morning. Hopefully they don't give her that medicine again. That was not fun in any way." She frowned and crossed her arms, closing her eyes and dropped her head a bit.
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