Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

4 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
4 days ago
6 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
1 like
13 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
16 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Dia waited for Benjamin to come back, she was hoping that he had gotten Marc to come with him. She straightened up as he heard them talk before Benjamin led Marc into his room and closed the door behind him. She stayed quiet, watching Marc carefully as she listened to them, before his attention was brought to her.

"No." She said calmly, "I am actually one of the spirits that once inhibited Ray's body with her own." Dia said calmly and clearly, expecting Marc not to believe her at all, but if he wanted to think she was an investigator, maybe it would help them better. "My friend, Ari, is another spirit, she had a solid body for a bit before Ray disappeared and she became ghostly again." She looked towards the door softly, her eyes darkening slightly.
"I worry that they may be sacrificing them for something, or even just malpractice towards their medical tendencies." She said softly.
Axen flapped his wings quickly to try and pull himself away from Buluc as he tried to blindly grab him, at least he had dropped Jay; that's all he really wanted out of this situation. He moved to zoom down to check on his friend before the explosion startled him, causing him to screech before he moved to Jay to protect her if something happened.

Toren watched the explosion from where he was, he was crouched and ready in case he needed to help with something. When the shrieks died down and Buluc began to dissolve, Maw managed to get a small whine out of Torens' mouth.
"Awh, no big man snack." Maw managed to get out, Torens' right eye glimmered slightly before he sighed and closed his eyes to grip the bridge of her nose.

The silence was nice, for once. Torens' ears were able to rest after a moment, before he heard the clapping. Instinctively he looked up and tensed at the voice. Of course, of fucking course it was him. What did he want? He left Toren to die, he didn't want Toren around anymore; so why not just kill him outright-

Axen squawked loudly at the speaker as Von Galloes spoke, moving to look Jay over carefully.
"Jay." He spoke softly, his slightly metallic English accented voice said, "Wake up. Please." He hesitated as he lowered himself towards her more, "I'm scared."
Jay jolted up, sending Axen back in fear as he flapped his wings before he gave a soft chirp of happiness to see Jay okay. "You're okay! You're alive!"
"That's worse than any hangover I've ever had, even worse than when Dex and I tried to do that stupid, horrible drinking game." Jay grumbled before she moved to pick Axen up softly before she slowly zoned into reality as she pulled herself up. "HEY WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT ABOUT?" She called up to Galloes.
Abandoned Facility, Five Hours South of Ehlm

Mimi's feathers twitched as they felt the presence of another Wild, they turned to face the small Wild in mild confusion. They were so... Small?
Mimi lowered their head down to the creature's eyeline to listen to them quietly, They tilted their head as Cercyes hopped back onto their carpet and headed towards the humanoids.

They thought for a moment, but the mention of joining the other Wild- Who seemed friendly rather than the others that they had met- seemed very interesting to the Mimicraptor. They stepped out slowly after the Ferryman of the dead, walking calmly past the soldiers before pausing in front of Wren and Ivy.

Wren could sense something else here, the wendigo spirit within him seemed to tense before Cercyes stopped in front of him.
"Hello?" He asked with a tilt of his head before the Wild spoke about sensing the Wilds within him. He gave a weak smile, he didn't know if Ivy was told about what he had within him, but his attention was suddenly drawn away as Mimi walked out. "Whoa." He said, instinctively stepping back, "That's... That's a dinosaur."

Mimi looked to Wren then to Ivy and the other soldiers before moving to follow Cercyes. "Wilds on you." Mimi repeated as they looked back to Wren as he started to move towards the building.
"I have a bad feeling about this." Wren spoke softly, looking around the building as they walked along.

"Horrible Human things." The Wendigo spoke to Wren mentally, "Horrible.. Horrible humans."
It's okay. Wren said quietly, There's no one left to hurt you.
"Shame, I'd love to get revenge on whoever did this too my brethren."

"Shiny, Shiny." Mimi spoke out loud, their normal voice vaguely gruff and crackly, almost as if it was like tv static. They walked around the area and nipped at some of the blood and viscera. "Shiny, shiny, shin-" They started before they spotted the computer chip and quickly fluffed their feathers and quickly darted towards the computer chip and picked it up gently with the front of their maw. "Metal, Metal!" Mimi spoke with a sway of their tail, seemingly prancing around with their 'prize', seemingly ignoring the Wild Hearts in the containers.

I love them, I want to cuddle them thanks.
Hello good timezone!
I was just wondering, do you desire to have Smut in every plot? I'm interested in a few of the plots but I don't do smut due to personal reasons and I don't want to offer if you're looking for partners who do ^^;;
@SporkoBug Is Mimi noticeable? I don't want to pull an "Oh hi there" if you want to be sneaky for a bit, but I don't want to just ignore them if they're right there.

Mimi would be noticable if you looked hard enough yeah, plus you'd hear them speaking if you were close enough!
[Scrambles in, holding Mimi]
Dis my baby. [looks at Wren, back to Mimi] Be nice to them.
Ghost Corp Head Quarters

Wren watched the map flicker quietly, his eyes focused on the spot where the General pointed to before he looked up as the man spoke. He stayed silent, listening to his words.

The mere mention of Umbra Corp made his spine tingle, part of him was glad he didn't have any memories of that part of his life. He looked over to Ivy as she was given her orders before he tensed himself as the Generals' gaze moved onto him.
He gave a nod, but didn't speak.

Wren always felt cramped in the armored vehicle, but he knew that it was better than riding on Horseback. He stepped out of the vehicle last, allowing everyone else the freedom to go first before he stayed near Ivy for a second, looking over to the large building; his eyes slowly scaling up the building as he felt his stomach twist.

What could be in here? Could something he should know be here?
He looked over to the three other soldiers quietly, he still stayed silent before he looked over towards Ivy as if he waited for orders from her. The console glimmered near them, he wasn't the best at hacking and he didn't want to risk a large warning sound like one of the last facilities he had been at when he failed to hack.

He'd never be able to live that one down, he was sure. They lost some good men back then, the alarm had drawn the attention of Wild Ones, even some Lawless out there too. Part of him was glad he wasn't entirely human that day, but he still dreaded the feeling of letting a beast take over.

People? The scent flooded their senses as they seemed to focus, their purple eyes widening as their slit pupils adjusted in the darkness of the trees surrounding the facility. They clicked their paw together as they stepped along quietly, making sure not to rapp their claws on anything metal, least draw any attention close to themselves.

They lowered themselves in the shadows, peering from the shadows as they stared towards the group of five? humans in front of them. They tilted their head slightly, they could smell the faint scent of fear in the air - worry as well. They seemed to be paused in what they were doing, they weren't here to fight, hopefully.

Mimi inhaled deeply as they stepped closer towards the group, spotting the vehicle off to the side; their feathered 'ears'(Muscles that were covered in longer feathers) snapping up slightly before they continued to watch.
They heard a couple of the other soldiers talking between each other about the console needing an access card.
"Access Carrd." Mimi mimicked quietly, almost on instinct, the words feeling weird on their tongue as they tried to get the soldiers voice correct.

"Entrance." They spoke again, tilting their head as they clicked their maw together as a small whistle. "Door. Card. Access."
Yeah! Wren swears by the Ghost Corps cause they basically 'saved' him after escaping Umbra, and Mimi is like "I help the humans :)"
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