Thanks for your patience, folks! New post is up!
So I've left it open-ended. You can decide where you want to go, how you want to get there. Remember, the world has changed a loooot, which you'll soon discover if anyone steps outside.
Side effects on the group:
Due to being ripped out of DiveLink, everyone will suffer from mild internal bleeding, hallucinations, and muscle paralysis when experiencing too strong of emotions, using their powers, or attacking.
They will need to see a neurologist, if they can find one...
Also, @WhiteAngel25, can you please update your Dark Energy powers so I know what your Dark Energy can and can't do? For example, you can now manipulate servers with your Dark Energy. There would need to be a limit on distance, among other things.
Sorry, planning to post soonish but I wanted to clarify; would 'using powers' be counted as Maw/Toren taking control of the body?