As soon as she got the green light, Astrid took to assembling the team needed to snatch the thing. In the time it took to get two pilots and three technicians to the shuttle bay, she’s had time to explain the operation to one of the sensor officers to guide them to wherever the Havi shuttle had scooted off to in the meantime. Teleporting the pilot directly to their medbay had the unfortunate side effect of leaving the Havi shuttle in uncontrolled motion through frictionless space.
Fortunately, the target ship was pointed in the Prize’s general direction, but not right at the Prize, so the shuttle could launch and then wait for the target to approach, match speeds and grab it all in the relative safety of proximity to the Prize.
“So, anyone else not looking forward to explaining this to the locals?”
“Sorry, Your Holiness, our boss is just so curious about your space jalopy.”
“You two want to walk home? Give me shit about it if it fails or after it’s done. Looks like whoever was gunning for this poor bastard is trying to catch the thing too, so let’s hurry. I’d rather not get two and a shootout for the price of one.”
With the wayward transport craft approaching, the shuttle accelerated, matching speeds and using maneuvering thrusters to inch closer, attempting to latch onto it with magnetic landing legs. To everyone’s chagrin, Havi ship hulls were made of a nonmagnetic metal, probably some Aluminium-Magnesium alloy to save weight, judging by the holes in it. That meant they didn’t suit up in vain after all. The engineers floated out the shuttle’s loading bay in pairs, one person of each pair hauling sheets of steel, the other a welder. Before long, the Havi shuttle was covered with said sheets in two places, allowing the magnetic landing legs of the Prize’s shuttle to latch on and carefully tow it back. “What’d I tell you? Let it never be said salvage techs have boring jobs.”
She only had enough time to get halfway through disassembling one of the shuttle’s engines - A standard-looking chemical unit using hypergolic propellant - when she was called to the Situation room. That was never a good sign, and this time was no exception. “She said she will consider reopening negotiations. She didn’t promise anything, what’s stopping her from putting the poor sod’s head on a pike and telling us that she considered but we were still free to go screw ourselves? Pardon my french.” Astrid added her two pessimistic cents when asked for more opinions. “Especially since - with your approval, Captain - We just nicked one of their ships. Speaking of, there’s a bunch of weird glowy bits in there I can’t even begin to understand from a glance and I’d like a second opinion before someone grabs a screwdriver and starts poking and hoping.” Astrid added with a glance at Beatrice and Robin.
Fortunately, the target ship was pointed in the Prize’s general direction, but not right at the Prize, so the shuttle could launch and then wait for the target to approach, match speeds and grab it all in the relative safety of proximity to the Prize.
“So, anyone else not looking forward to explaining this to the locals?”
“Sorry, Your Holiness, our boss is just so curious about your space jalopy.”
“You two want to walk home? Give me shit about it if it fails or after it’s done. Looks like whoever was gunning for this poor bastard is trying to catch the thing too, so let’s hurry. I’d rather not get two and a shootout for the price of one.”
With the wayward transport craft approaching, the shuttle accelerated, matching speeds and using maneuvering thrusters to inch closer, attempting to latch onto it with magnetic landing legs. To everyone’s chagrin, Havi ship hulls were made of a nonmagnetic metal, probably some Aluminium-Magnesium alloy to save weight, judging by the holes in it. That meant they didn’t suit up in vain after all. The engineers floated out the shuttle’s loading bay in pairs, one person of each pair hauling sheets of steel, the other a welder. Before long, the Havi shuttle was covered with said sheets in two places, allowing the magnetic landing legs of the Prize’s shuttle to latch on and carefully tow it back. “What’d I tell you? Let it never be said salvage techs have boring jobs.”
She only had enough time to get halfway through disassembling one of the shuttle’s engines - A standard-looking chemical unit using hypergolic propellant - when she was called to the Situation room. That was never a good sign, and this time was no exception. “She said she will consider reopening negotiations. She didn’t promise anything, what’s stopping her from putting the poor sod’s head on a pike and telling us that she considered but we were still free to go screw ourselves? Pardon my french.” Astrid added her two pessimistic cents when asked for more opinions. “Especially since - with your approval, Captain - We just nicked one of their ships. Speaking of, there’s a bunch of weird glowy bits in there I can’t even begin to understand from a glance and I’d like a second opinion before someone grabs a screwdriver and starts poking and hoping.” Astrid added with a glance at Beatrice and Robin.