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Feel free to post your character. I don't have a CS template, so put anything you think is relevant. Feel free to design a rudimentary colossus for your character to pilot.
No worries. And Aoife is correct, Rhodes Island has a strong partnership with the city.

Great post, though slight correction: Jericho did not come with. He stayed at the office and forced Minimalist to go with you all instead. The party is currently Ash Girl, Seven, Minimalist and Baltasar.

Being around any number of Victorians now was enough to make her skin start to itch, and certainly enough to stay well and truly silent. Ideally, to never see or interact with them at all.
Ash Girl

I have some bad news...

If Seven uses her 'sight' on someone like Ptilopsis, would she see something different from a normal human, given that Ptilopsis' consciousness is partially (if not completely) computerized by an originium device?
Baltasar, reassured by both Ash Girl and Seven's recommendations, nodded, and asked one of the orphans to lead them to the bazaar to point out the tent's location.

Sargon - Hisn-ul-Zahra City Plate - Bazaar - Early afternoon

At the market, there was definitely a spot, now vacated, between two other stalls: a dried fruits merchant and a textiles merchant. The space was narrow and kept open due to it being a utility access point, meaning that setting up a stall in this in-between spot was illegal, even with a vendor's permit. Baltasar went up to the fruit merchant, a portly middle-aged, male perro, and asked, "Was there a tent in this spot earlier today?"

"Oh, you poor boy, you missed it! At first, I didn't like them setting up shop so close, but they paid me for the trouble, so I let them carry on with whatever they were doing. As it turns out, they were just giving away dinars, which ended up bringing a lot of foot traffic once the word spread, so it actually helped my business!" The man explained jovially, clearly overjoyed at the profits he had made that morning.

"What kind of people were they? Do you know where they went?" Baltasar pushed on.

"Oh, I don't know, foreigners...? They packed up pretty quickly all of a sudden. I didn't stick my nose into it. It seems like a terrible business model, if you ask me," The fruit merchant replied, then shouted across to the neighboring textile merchant, "Hey, Samer! You know where that tent went? You know where they're from?" The perro turned back to Baltasar and whispered, "Samer's a lot nosier than I am."

It was the hottest time of the day, so it was understandable that business would be slow. During such times, merchants usually took a break. Those that stayed at their stalls tended to shoot the breeze like this. "Don't know where they went." Samer the textile merchant replied, "You know they're not supposed to open a stall here, right? Gets in the way of emergency services. I tried to tell them, but they just kept trying to pay me to get me to shut up, the nerve!"

"Did you take the money?"

"Of course I did! As for where they're from, they wouldn't tell me that either. But I can tell you they spoke better Victorian than anyone here, so my guess would be they're Victorians."

The perro turned back to Baltasar, "Well, either way, if they're from out-of-town, they couldn't get into the city without going through customs. Or out of the city, for that matter."

Baltasar weighed his options, "I could go to the city watch and file a missing child case, but those usually take a while, so I've heard. I'm just really worried and for some reason, I don't want to waste any time. I really want to go to the main gate and see if there are any groups of Victorians trying to leave, but there's always a line and they're not going to let me just walk up to the front and hold up the port. They're also not going to just tell me what foreign groups are moving in and out of the city if it's not my business."
"Hey, so have you heard of 'Pasta Pioneer' movies? They're movies based in the Pioneer Era of Columbia's history when they sent pioneers out into the untamed wasteland to claim large swaths of territory, establishing the foothold for modern Columbia. But unlike normal pioneer movies, Pasta Pioneer movies are made by Siracusans, adding their own take to the genre. One criticism of classic pioneer movies is that they're too 'campy' and 'overly optimistic', even though the reality of being a pioneer was often harsh and lawless. The Siracusans, who have their own history of lawlessness, made the genre more 'dark' and 'gritty', but significantly more engaging and interesting. Add to that the Siracusan's own unique cinematography techniques and moving orchestral pieces and you get quite a few amazing, genre-redefining movies. You should check them out when you have the chance. I've got a few recommendations..."
Excerpt from Operator Jericho's ramblings
Sorry for holding the rp back, but probably only able to post tomorrow, have some stuff going on.

No worries, I expect a fairly chill posting schedule.
BTW, @Stern Algorithm, is the nationality of the tent identifiable?

The kids were not able to identify the nationality of the tent. I should point out that the kids recall that the people in the tent spoke Victorian, but that is considered the 'common tongue'.

@Lemons, I also wanted to mention that the supposed prize for touching the jar were the dinars that every participant was given.
Interestingly enough, the main plot of the RP is also about an extinct nation, if the whole ancient Egypt vibe hasn't been a dead giveaway.
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