Avatar of Sugar and Spite


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17 days ago
Current What if I need a big tiddy goth, not therapy?
23 days ago
Hot take, but I'll allow it.
1 like
23 days ago
Beer is liquid bread. Pop-tarts are ravioli. Corn dogs are Popsicles. I will not be explaining.
30 days ago
Having a panic attack? Try shaking your ass to the Mama Mia soundtrack instead.
2 mos ago
In that case, *I* am looking for six men to sacrifice.


Haley ★ 24 ★ Taurus ★ EST ★ Casual Level Group Writer

Welcome fellow writer. I go by many names, but you can call me Haley or pretty much anything else. I stick to causal level groups here on the forum. I have a soft spot for thunderstorms, dark humor, strong coffee, animals, pretty words, feminine rage, mythologies, and all things that go 'bump' in the night. I've lived in the same small southern Appalachian town my whole life, and aim to travel one day. I'm open to the occasional random conversation, but please do not message me asking to write one-on-one; it's simply not something I do these days.

Most Recent Posts

Salem &Rowan

Date: August 2nd
Time: 11:00 am
Location: Huskers Reasturaunt

Last night had been... something. Salem kept replaying Tiberius's death over and over in her head as she greeted the very few people that walked through the door of the reasturaunt. Though he hadn't been apart of the Guild, and they had close to zero history, she still felt something. Her heart went out to Aloysius. She knew what it was like to lose someone you were close to; someone who you had worked beside for years. Speaking of losing members of your ranks... No one had heard from Liz since last night. Salem pushed the thought aside and went to place the first order of the day in the kitchen. "I need a ten ounce steak, medium rare. Loaded baked potato on the side!"

Feeling a tap on her shoulder, she would turn to be face to face with the newest waitress at the restaurant: A high school girl named Zora. "Miss Salem? There's a guy outside asking for you..." Salem looked at her, her face expressionless, though she was feeling pure confusion at the moment.

"What does he look like?"

"About six foot tall, ma'am. Messy blonde hair. Kinda cute, too, of you ask me."

Salem thought for a moment. She knew no one with this description. The young woman looked to Husker, as if asking for permission to step outside. He gave her a curt nod as he slid a shot of whiskey across the bar. "Zora, darling, do me a favor and look over my customers for a few, would youu? Though she had asked a question, her tone was that of demand. Zora didn't seem to mind however. She beamed with pride, apparently happy with her new task. Salem took a deep breath as she walked across the reasturaunt, her hair flowing behind her.

As she pushed open the glass door, she spotted the man waiting for her. It was easy to tell it was he who was waiting on her, as he was staring at her as she came out if the building. Rowans facial expression was unreadable. Salem recognized the stranger immediately from last night's events. He was one of Rebeccas accomplices - the one that tried to bind her with flower roots. Salem now felt herself ready to fight at a moments notice for what felt like the hundredth time in the last twenty-four hours. "Can I help with something," she asked, her voice cold and hostile.

"Buenos dias, sis," Rowan said, his tone neutral in return.

Salem scoffed. "Sis?"

Rowan nodded, pursing his lips in mock thought. "You do know who I am, right?" He waved his hand as if he was swatting a fly. "Who am I kidding? Last time you seen me was years and years ago." Salem just stood there looking at him. "Oh wow. You really have no idea who I am," he said, chuckling as he reached into his pants pocket to remove an old Polaroid. He handed it to Salem, who took it reluctantly.

Looking at the photo, Salem would see a young smiling woman holding two small babies in her arms, a young dark haired man smiling down at the three of them. The photo had been taken in front of a hospital building. It took her a moment, but Salem recognized these people. They were her parents, and that was the hospital she was born at. She looked up at Rowan, her facial expression nothing but serious now. "How did you get this?"

"Why, I'm the other kid."

"Estúpido," Salem spat. "My parents only had one child."

Rowan laughed once more, shaking his head. "You're wrong. Your parents had twins. They named the little girl Salem. That would be you, of course. Then they named the little boy Rowan. That would be me. Their next step was to give the little boy away and chose to keep the girl, because time has shown that the females in the family tend to be more powerful. They chose power over blood... They chose you... over me. They could have kept us both, but they didn't. So they damned me to the life of being in the shadows, never being able to live up to my potential. But don't worry, I don't blame you. I just wanted to warn you that Rebecca wants you dead. Possibly Aloysius to, but mainly you."

Salem stood there, taking in the new information. She studied his face. The shape of his nose, the color of his eyes... He was the spitting image of her father when he was younger, only with blonde hair. "Why should I believe you?"

"I think you already do," He said, starting to walk away. "Adios, sis."

Salem would have went after him, if it hadn't had been for her phone going off. She unlocked the screen to see a message from a contact that she hadn't seen pop up in a long, long time. The message would be from 'kid'. It simply stated that they needed to meet somewhere private tonight. She responded quickly. Old gym at ten. She walked back into the reasturaunt as if nothing ever happened, refilling a mans drink.
@FrankenDaughter I dig how that beautiful brain works


Really interesting read, Frank.

The truth is, the answer is no. I'm not doing fine. I'm not okay. I can't sleep. I don't hardly eat anything anymore. I don't leave my house unless I am forced to. I talk to maybe two people on a daily basis, and even then its only for maybe five minutes. I don't want to talk to or be around anyone. I want to stay locked in my room, with the lights off, laying in bed all day. I lay awake at night trapped inside my head staring at the walls and the cealing. The thoughts that go through my head, I would never dare to tell anyone. Part of that is because I'm scared, the other half is because I wish to protect them.

The people that I would tell this to have their own problems and responsibilities to sort through. Why would I want to bother them and make them potentially worry about me more than they already do? I've thought about doing something irreversably stupid so many times. They tell me that it will be okay, but of course they'd tell me that. Their mind isn't trying to kill them. I just simply don't see the point in living anymore. I dissapoint everyone around me. I'll never live up to their expectations. I know that I shouldn't be trying to be who others want me to, but... I just want to make everyone happy. I don't want to be here anymore. I'm done trying to fix myself. I've tried for what seems like forever to do so, and it never works. I've just given up on everything and everyone - especially myself. I've been telling myself for what seems like forever that it'll get better, and all I'm doing is shoving a lie down my throat. Things don't get better. They get worse and worse and worse until you eventually hit rock bottom and then you're just stuck in this permanent state of Hell and you feel like there's nothing you can do about it.

You go online and you research and you know you're not the only person that feels numb day in and day out, but you still feel alone, like you're the only one. You do research on all these things that you can do to fix yourself, and none of them help. According to most, depression is a choice. I never chose to feel this goddamned way. My parents look at me and tell me they have no idea who I am anymore. Guess what? Me either. I lost myself a long time ago. Everyone wants me to smile, and laugh, and be happy all the time and I just can't do that anymore. I just... I know this probably just sounds like a bunch of random thoughts, and it is, but there's just so many things that I want and need to say to someone - anyone - and, well... you've been asking me.
@FrankenDaughter Thanks for the update! Really do appreciate it. ^-^
A surprise for you all had been posted.

Y'all may want to update your memory on the characters on the characters in the RP. xD

Click for image.

"My whole life I've lived in the shadows. It's time for me to be seen - to be feared."

Name: Rowan Michael de Silva
Gender: Male.
Age: Twenty-five

Alignment: 》Classified《
Rank within Organisation: 》Classified《

Birthmark Shape: Clickity click click.
Location of Birthmark On the inside of his upper right arm.
Magical Abilities: Control of Earth/Plants: Rowan can control plants. He can make them grow, die, wrap around his enemies, form different shapes, etc. He can cause minor earthquakes, and levitate rocks and dirt particles.

Place of Birth: 》Classified《
Currently Residing: 》Classified《
Personality: Rowan is a quiet man, always observing what is going on around him. Most of the time he chooses to stand back and listen, rather than to speak. When he does talk, Rowan is typically heard, due to his deep voice and sometimes profound words. His loyalties run deep, and he can be kind to those he cares about or likes. He can occasionally be found joking around with people that he trusts. However, Rowan is standoffish, and you are more likely to approach him first. His smile can light up a room, but is rarely seen, considering that he is a serious person most of the time.

There is a darker side to the young man, representing the more... less civilized half of the de Silva clan. His words can be harsh. His plans are often devious, stopping at nothing to get the information that he wants - most of the time torturing the person with said information. Rowans is resourceful, and knows how to survive in just about any condition that he finds himself in.

》The file you are trying to access has been classified. You do not have permission to access this information.《


Here's the real one xD That was a total mistake xD sorry

A yes from meh
In other news, there is a small FB group chat that has been created since its so hard for me to get on discord. If you would like to join, like this comment, or PM me and I'll send you an invite link.
@FrankenDaughter You have my approval.
Here is my Dark Shadows CS. I'll have one for the Guild after sleep

This is a joke... right? 😂😂😂😂
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