Avatar of Sugar and Spite


Recent Statuses

9 days ago
Current What if I need a big tiddy goth, not therapy?
14 days ago
Hot take, but I'll allow it.
1 like
14 days ago
Beer is liquid bread. Pop-tarts are ravioli. Corn dogs are Popsicles. I will not be explaining.
21 days ago
Having a panic attack? Try shaking your ass to the Mama Mia soundtrack instead.
1 mo ago
In that case, *I* am looking for six men to sacrifice.


Haley ★ 24 ★ Taurus ★ EST ★ Casual Level Group Writer

Welcome fellow writer. I go by many names, but you can call me Haley or pretty much anything else. I stick to causal level groups here on the forum. I have a soft spot for thunderstorms, dark humor, strong coffee, animals, pretty words, feminine rage, mythologies, and all things that go 'bump' in the night. I've lived in the same small southern Appalachian town my whole life, and aim to travel one day. I'm open to the occasional random conversation, but please do not message me asking to write one-on-one; it's simply not something I do these days.

Most Recent Posts

Does a GM have to register interest?


We make no exceptions for anyone here.

except for Ruby.
There may be curiosities. But I have a lot on my plate.

I totally understand that. If you decide on anything, feel free to let us know.
So is any type of magic fair game other than the forbidden stuff or like 'magical actual god' stuff?


Yep. Hydro, Pyro, Telekinesis, etc.

Blood Magic, Necromancy and the like are just to strong of a wild card in the GM teams opinion.

Back before the advent of the sciences, humanity had the ability to cast magic. Magic users were the more dominant force of humanity. During these periods their power was nothing short of incredible and you could tell these people apart from the standard human by their tattoo like birthmarks. The magical powers these people possessed had a varying range - from telekinesis to elemental abilities. At the height of their power the Magic users accounted for almost 70% of the human population.

However, the magic users were split in their philosophy. Some of them believed that it was the magic users job to protect the earth and its inhabitants. Others thought that it was their place to control the rest of the world. This differing view of beliefs eventually culminated in a magic war between the two warring factions. The first was the Guild. They wanted to protect the Earth. The second faction was known as Corpus - the group that wanted to dominate humanity. This war was highly destructive, causing many lives to be lost in a short span of time. At one point it was even thought that the Earth might be destroyed. The remaining non-magic users of Earth, in the fallout of this war, decided to put aside their petty squabbles of country and tribe, and try to deal with this 'magic' problem.

What happened next was nothing short of genocide. Quickly, large groups of Magic users were being murdered. The population of magic users quickly diminished. As their numbers dropped so did the chance that any new born children who were born became magic users too. After hundreds of years of persecution, the remaining population of magic users had dwindled to less than 5%, and today in 2019 has fallen to 0.1% with only an estimated 20,000 magic users left.

However, old habits never die, and once again the cauldron is starting to bubble. A group of angry and disenfranchised magic users have started their own terrorist cell called 'Dark Shadow'. The Dark Shadow are essentially The Corpus re-imagined for the modern world. Their goal is to take over the world, and show the rest of humanity why magic users are the dominant species.

On the flip side, the Guild still carries on, trying to regulate the hiding magic users. Creating rules and laws which it enforces, trying to keep the peace between the magic and non magic forces by creating its own authority. While everyone in the magic world might not agree with them, everyone has no choice but to accept. This mainly comes from the fact that the Guild has been run as a hereditary dynasty. The powers of the dynasty have been passed down through each child and this has culminated in creating arguably the most powerful magic user in the world. The Guild leaders powers are legendary and she has used these powers - along with other methods - to keep everyone in check.

The GM's of this RP have left the lore rather light. This isn't due to laziness, but more so that we wanted to allow people to form their own lore without having to read 20 pages first to see if it fits. There will be some Google Docs provided with some basic lore in the short future. This RP is not a black and white, Good Vs Evil RP. The Guild is the force for good, but they are not angels themselves. The leader of the Guild can be an asshole. But it is pretty much a RP where two sides will be competing against one another and trying to get the upper hand. Your characters will get hurt and may even die. You have been warned.

The GM will be taking on the role of the leader of the Dark Shadow. I, the Co-GM, will be taking on the role of the Guild leader.

- First and foremost: No god-modding. No controlling other peoples characters. Agreed interaction before hand is fine. But most of the time that takes place in a Collab post.
- Collabs are encouraged. It just helps reduce the amount of rapid posts we get, and helps keep the RP clean. It also helps us try and keep the RP as chronologically correct as possible.
- There will be battles. There will be violence. People will die. If death comes for your character, take it in your stride. You are more than welcome to make another character and jump right in again.
- Your GM's recommend making at least two characters for the situation in which one character does die. The most characters that one person is allowed to have is three.
- @Hedgehawk, @HaleyTheRandom, and @SouffleGirl123 are your GM team for this RP. Our word is final.
- This is a High-Casual level RP.
- We will require one post every three weeks with each of your characters. More activity is encouraged.
- Relation sheets are not required, but probably one of the most encouraged parts of the RP.
- No use of forbidden powers. (Blood Magic, Necromancy, Rune Magic, etc. The GM's hold the right to deny any power if we think it is too powerful or god-moddy.)
-Real faceclaims only.

The actual thread for the RP will be posted in two weeks - July fifteenth.
Rated 18+ for death and gore.

-My full legal name contains nineteen letters.

-The first character I ever made for an RP was named Aria Jane Herondale. The name was inspired by The Mortal Instruments series and Pretty Little Liars.

-I have had three email accounts in my life time. Only one is active now.

-The most emails I have ever sent to one person was around 8000.

-My current username is the username I have been using for pretty much everything since middle school.
@HaleyTheRandom Btw, what position does Ezra play?

@HaleyTheRandom Nutin much. Just biding my time til my phone is charged so I can listen to ASMR as I drift off to the land of dreams as it is currently 1:21 AM and I am supposed to be waking up early. Saw this while poking through various peoples accounts (that is honestly my main way of finding rps I wanna join as I always somehow miss the Interest Check) and decided to at least post a pic of the dude I be thinking of.

Looking up at this really long answer to such a simple question I realize I am not likely to get any sleep. Anyway what’s up with you?

Headed to sleep myself, actually. Tomorrow will be my third double straight and I am completely exhausted. Other than that, I'm just trying to save money for my beach trip in August.
@alexfangtalon aaaayyyyyyeeeee what up my dude?
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