Avatar of Sugar and Spite


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2 days ago
Current What if I need a big tiddy goth, not therapy?
7 days ago
Hot take, but I'll allow it.
1 like
7 days ago
Beer is liquid bread. Pop-tarts are ravioli. Corn dogs are Popsicles. I will not be explaining.
15 days ago
Having a panic attack? Try shaking your ass to the Mama Mia soundtrack instead.
1 mo ago
In that case, *I* am looking for six men to sacrifice.


Haley ★ 24 ★ Taurus ★ EST ★ Casual Level Group Writer

Welcome fellow writer. I go by many names, but you can call me Haley or pretty much anything else. I stick to causal level groups here on the forum. I have a soft spot for thunderstorms, dark humor, strong coffee, animals, pretty words, feminine rage, mythologies, and all things that go 'bump' in the night. I've lived in the same small southern Appalachian town my whole life, and aim to travel one day. I'm open to the occasional random conversation, but please do not message me asking to write one-on-one; it's simply not something I do these days.

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We all have what we like to write, and what we don't like to write. Why judge someone for it, or tell them they don't fit into a certain category because of it?

To my understanding, Free, Casual, and Advanced have always been terms we used for how much you write - and as some people have said how much attention each section pays attention to grammar.


Raven was currently in the piano room of her grandparents home. Sitting at the piano bench, a bottle of Absolute Vodka to her right, Raven had zero plans of going to tonight's party. Playing The Sound Of Silence while quietly humming along, the young woman heard the vibrations coming from her phone, signaling that she had a notification. Doing her best to fight the urge to check and see what was going on, Raven eventually caved and checked her phone.

It was Alina begging for help. The Zabrecky twins must have decided to go to Christians party - a thought that made Raven laugh quietly to herself as she took another drink from the bottle. It appeared that Alina was currently alone at the party, with Niki and Cas being nowhere in sight. With a sigh, Raven quickly texted her friend back to say that she would be there in thirty minutes.

Ordering herself an Uber, Raven had just enough time to make sure her eyes were painted the darkest shade of black possible. Her current outfit would have to do, as she didn’t have the desire or will to change. The brunette wasn’t even planning to go to tonight's party, but since Alina sent and SOS, she supposed she could make an exception.

Grabbing her bottle of Vodka, Raven was sure to take a few extra chugs of liquid courage. Coming out of a depressive episode was hard work, and if alcohol was the only thing that was going to help her get through the night then so be it.

With her grandparents gone out to dinner, Raven didn’t have to worry about being seen stumbling down the stairs until she could regain her composure walking through the living room. Grabbing her keys, Raven quickly left a note for her grandparents on the table by the door letting them know not to worry.

The ride over to Christians took less time than she had originally thought. Sending Alina a quick text to let her know she was there, Raven was sure to rate her Uber driver five stars, and leave a generous cash tip.

Walking towards the door, Raven felt her stomach begin to knot. A familiar figure was standing in the entryway, currently being greeted by Christian. Raven would know the back of that bastard's head anywhere. Side effects of watching someone walk away a countless amount of times.

Shoving her way by Theo, Raven was sure to turn back around and give him the bird before continuing on her search for Alina.


Quickly brushing herself off, Billie turned away from the unnamed guy in a desperate and quick attempt to find anyone she would actually want to associate with. Alina or Melissa had to have been here somewhere, right? Scanning the room while standing on her tiptoes, Billie only turned back to look at the dumpster fire while it was speaking.

Glaring, Billie crossed her arms as her facial expression went from pissed off to absolute disgust.

Waving her hand dismissively, she scoffed. ”I would rather die,” she said, forcing down the instinct to hurl.

Before she had the chance to clap back about the cheesy line that he threw at her, another disappointing man came waltzing over to quote Hamilton.

Not impressed, she thought. Unless someone could surpass Nicholas’s knowledge of musicals and Broadway plays, Billie would forever remain uninterested and disappointed.

Frowning, she looked the new comer up and down. ”And you strike me as a talking STD.” she retorted. “Tell me - what exactly made you think I wanted to talk to you? I’m genuinely curious. Did you just think that you could toss a Hamilton line and I’d drop my panties for you?” Looking back and forth between Dumpster Fire and STD, Billie rolled her eyes. ”Are all Rosefell guys this shallow,” she asked Dumpster Fire.


For the last week, Billie Grey had been trying her hardest to get used to Rosefell High and the shitty part of town that surrounded it - but she simply could not.

The class rooms were crowded. The curriculum was equivalent to that which she had learned her Freshman year. The ceiling leaked in most of the classrooms. She was certain that she had seen a teacher high on more than one occasion. The food looked and smelled absolutely horrible most days, and to top it all off the principal was a complete idiot.

Hopefully the trashy appearance of Rosefell High would improve over the course of the next few months. From what Billie had observed, multiple Liberty parents had donated thousands to Rosefell - and the improvements were already starting to show.

The young woman had attended tonight's football game on her quest to see what all Rosefell had to offer, and to be honest the football team seemed like the best part of the school. The food at the concession stands was amazing - though slightly greasy - and the soda fountain drinks were surprisingly among the best she had tasted. Her favorite part, however, was the enthusiasm and good vibes surrounding it all. She’d never admit it, but Billie was happy that the Knights had won the game.

Billie had heard about the party from a fellow classmate. It seemed as if everyone was invited to Christians party - as was the usual.

Once she had gotten home, Billie had showered in hopes of getting the smell of the football game off of her. Sitting in the stands had proven to do nothing but allow her clothes to soak up the stench of the people surrounding her.

Absolutely disgusting, she thought.

Once out of the shower, Billie took the time to perform her hair care routine, and apply her makeup. Her outfit for the night was a simple one - high waisted jeans and a white crop top with white sneakers. Some girls would have spent hours fussing over what to wear tonight, but not Billie. She looked good in whatever she wanted to wear. Besides, she’d probably be spending more time in her bikini anyway.

With the full intention of getting black out wasted, Billie had called herself and Nicholas an Uber. Once they had arrived, the Grey twins stepped out of their respected chariot as they took in the disco ball that was Christians house.

Billie had been to his house before, but Christian always picked a different theme for his parties - leaving Billie completely in awe every time she pulled up.

People were piling through the door as quick as they could. Freshman, Seniors, and everyone in between were shoving their way through the door. Billie could have sworn that she saw a few dudes that looked old enough to be in college out of the corner of her eye.

Once through the door, the short girl did her best to maneuver through the crowd without being trampled. Sadly, she was unable to prevent herself from being shoved into a guy who she didn’t know. Said guy was also holding a bottle of vodka and looked like complete shit in the sort of way that people with hard lives looked.

Nonetheless, Billie recoiled, looking the stranger up and down from head to toe. ”Ew. Gross,” she scoffed.

The restaurant where I work is reopening for dine-in on the 28th and I'm nervous, tbh.

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