Avatar of Sugar and Spite


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2 days ago
Current What if I need a big tiddy goth, not therapy?
7 days ago
Hot take, but I'll allow it.
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7 days ago
Beer is liquid bread. Pop-tarts are ravioli. Corn dogs are Popsicles. I will not be explaining.
15 days ago
Having a panic attack? Try shaking your ass to the Mama Mia soundtrack instead.
1 mo ago
In that case, *I* am looking for six men to sacrifice.


Haley ★ 24 ★ Taurus ★ EST ★ Casual Level Group Writer

Welcome fellow writer. I go by many names, but you can call me Haley or pretty much anything else. I stick to causal level groups here on the forum. I have a soft spot for thunderstorms, dark humor, strong coffee, animals, pretty words, feminine rage, mythologies, and all things that go 'bump' in the night. I've lived in the same small southern Appalachian town my whole life, and aim to travel one day. I'm open to the occasional random conversation, but please do not message me asking to write one-on-one; it's simply not something I do these days.

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@Hey Im Jordan @LovelyComplex @Fabricant451

@Hey Im Jordan @LovelyComplex @Fabricant451

@Hey Im Jordan @LovelyComplex @Fabricant451

Posting this here for those of you who aren't on the Discord and/or those of you who aren't on there often.

I've listed a shit ton of stuff in the post that is at the party, but you are more than welcome to toss some things in there yourselves. Anything to drastic, please ask me first.

That being said, our next deadline is January 31st. I would like as many people as possible to be at the party by the end of this scene, but it will not be required that they are there until the end of the next scene.

Let's get this party started!

Staring: Christian Barker

Christian had spent all week preparing for Friday night's party - and he did it by giving away a ton of money and alcohol.

He had started by scoring quite a large amount of coke, LSD, ecstasy, and weed from Colin. It had been a bit of an awkward situation, but Christian really didn’t see why people called Colin a bad guy. He just had a hard, aggressive, tattooed shell.

Then there was the act of settling a price with Noah Kingsley to get him to DJ. The two gentlemen had decided on a sum of cash that was more than fair. Tonight's party would have the biggest, most bass filled hits that the planet had to offer.

Melissa was proving to be more of a help than Christian would have originally thought. He had given her a thousand bucks to buy copious amounts of alcohol, and even promised her first dibs on a few bottles of her choice in exchange for her trouble. He had heard through the grapevine that Aiden and his friends were going to bring jungle juice, so Christian decided that he would just leave that to them.

Cael and his friend Gremlin - Her name is Rae, dammit. - had been more than happy with decorating. He had given them roughly three thousand dollars, and told them to go haywire. Glow paint, balloons, neon streamers, disco balls, glow necklaces, glow sticks, glowing cups, glowing ping pong balls for beer pong, and hoola hoops - if you could name it, Christians party most likely had it in glow form. And to make things even interesting, black lights had been hung up so that everything white also glowed.

Christian had also bought a lot of supplies offline and at Walmart himself. While the family house had an in-ground pool that was full of floats, glowing pool balls, and other various items - Christian had also decorated the lake in the same way. Of course the lake couldn’t have glow sticks in the bottom of it like the pool, but close enough.

Tables were set up in the back yard covered in party favors, and Eleazar had shown up extremely early and had awkwardly decided to grill things. The backyard was set up perfectly with the glowing beer pong tables, glowing bouncy house, and other attractions. The white tarps had been spread across the back yard as the designated paint war area.

To top it all off, the inside of the house looked like a glowing mansion. Couches and chairs had been pushed up against the wall in hopes that people wouldn’t ruin them. The wine cellar had been locked, along with Christians room and his parents' bedroom. But despite his precautions, the inside of the house was decorated much like the outside. The glow in the dark stars that you stuck to the ceilings were, in fact, stuck to the ceiling and walls.

All in all, Christian was very pleased.

As people began to arrive, a wide smile spread across his face. This truly was the perfect way to celebrate the teams win, and bring the student body together.


Lilith thought she did a pretty okay job giving a tour of Rosefell to Juno.

At least she hoped she did.

The red head wasn’t exactly looking for anything in particular, so Lilith took advantage of showing her the football field and gym first. Not many teachers were roaming that area first thing in the morning, so it gave her the opportunity to smoke without being caught. She offered Juno a hit, but the goth-esque girl politely declined. Hopefully Lilith hadn’t offended her.

Once she was high as a kite and on cloud nine, Lilith was ready to give the rest of her tour. Instead of being boring and just showing Juno to just her first class, Lilith was able to show the other girl where all of the classes on her schedule were located. The lunch room was also a mandatory stop, and Lilith was sure to tell Juno what was worth eating and what wasn’t.

By the time that they had gotten around to that, the first bell of the day rang, signalling for students to start heading towards their classes.

”You don’t have to worry about first bell much. When that one rings, we have like ten minutes until the one that tells us to get to class, and then another ten for the bell that’s like… the tardy bell. That one.”

After Lilith had answered a few short questions that Juno had, the girls parted their ways, and waved good bye.


Eli had managed to save up enough for a plane ticket, along with the money to go to Second Horizons. Working two jobs over the summer, picking up extra shifts through the colder months as needed after school started back up, and even doing DoorDash here and there. Getting out of Ohio was a dream come true, especially since he didn’t have to eat Aunt Patricia’s nasty ass potato salad this year.

He had never been on a flight before. His family didn’t have much money. His mom did her best working as the cashier at the local hardware store, and his father as the head chef at Huskers. Needless to say, the O’Malley’s never did much traveling while Elijah was growing up. He had done as much research into flights as he possibly could, in an effort to be prepared. But no matter how much you read, it never prepared you for your first bout of turbulence.

Making it through the flight without managing to give himself a heart attack, Eli was happy to have his feet back on solid ground when they landed. Checking in with what he could only assume to be two camp counselors, Eli boarded the bus and found himself soon sitting beside a handsome young man with blonde hair. The two of them exchanged some pleasant conversation during the trip to camp, but Eli couldn’t remember the other young mans name about half way through the trip. While the blonde was cute, he was an absolute bore. Eli was more than relieved to set foot off the bus - even if the meant he had to follow Jackson.

Jackson seemed cool, but he also seemed like trouble, making Eli weary. And the tall blonde chick was just… intimidating as fuck. With a sigh, Eli followed his camp counselor and fellow Red members through the snow. Doing his best to take in the scenery, Eli kept quiet in hopes of finding a cabin mate that he felt he could relate to a bit better.

A Collab Featuring: Cael Crawford @GhostMami & Christian Barker @HaleyTheRandom

After the small crowd that had gathered around him had disappeared, it looked as if Christian would finally get a chance to talk to Cael. In all honesty, Christian was excited to get a tour of Rosefell.

“So it looks like I have Spanish class first. Do you know anything about a Mr. Gomez?”

“He’s got an awkward porn stache going on, but don’t hold that against him. He’s really nice.” Cael explained happily, starting to walk down the hall to lead Christian to where the foreign language classrooms were. “I’m afraid I can’t tell you much about his teaching style because I take French. People don’t really bitch about him too much, so you should be fine. This will be your first class here, then.”

After waiting for Christian to take a look and soak in that information, Cael rocked on his heels and swayed in place, obviously filled with energy beyond a simple tour. “Sooo, what kind of tour are you looking for? Do you just want to see where your classes are? Or do you have particular interests? … or looking to uncover some dark secrets?”

The fact that the foriegn language hall was relatively close to the entrance would make it easier for Christian to remember. Listening to Cael talk, Christian nodded his head here and there in recognition as they walked. Porn staches were cringy, but not the worst thing. Maybe if Christian got lucky, he could even convince Mr. Gomez to shave his mustache off.

“I’d ask where the football field was, but I already know that…” Pausing to think, Christians face lit up the more he thought of the third option. “Show me the dark secrets.”

“Oh, do you play football, then?” Cael asked, sizing up the boy with his eyes. Christian didn’t seem like the typical football player stereotype, which was… refreshing. And handsome. Really, it was the hair, what gave those sweet little curls such a soft bounce? Maybe he used mousse? Cael shook the thoughts away and smiled.

“As for dark secrets, well… there are persons, places, things. I’m not sure where to start, really. I can give you the what's-what about the people here, or the notable persons, so to speak. Or if you’re party oriented, I can show you where the burners take their smoke breaks. If you’re a master romancer, there are some go-to hookup spots.” Cael offered the suggestions, eager to find out where Mr. Christian’s preferences landed.

“I do, yeah,” Christian responded, his face lighting up a bit. Football was truly one of his passions in life, and anytime anyone mentioned it, Christian couldn’t help but get the least excited. “I actually landed a spot on the team as the running back. I know they usually choose some of the smaller guys for that, cause they’re less easy to tackle but… I dunno. I’m just that fast, I guess.”

Taking in the information, Christian pondered his options for a moment. ”Well… I was thinking about throwing a party this Friday after the game, so if there’s anyone you know that could help get my hands on some booze and such, that’d be great. I’m not really much of a stoner myself, and if I’m going to romance someone, it’s not about to be in the locker room,” he chuckled.

“A party?” Cael spun around on his heels to face Christian. His eyes lit up like fireworks and he clasped his hands together with a single clap. “What a fantastic idea! That’s a surefire way to get everyone to mingle! Yes, yes, I can definitely help get you in touch with some contacts for… party favors.” Cael winked and hummed in thought.

“Do you need any help planning? Like do you have a theme in mind? The Gremlin and I are pretty good with decorating, look no further than the halls for proof. Obviously, we can work with a tight budget.” He laughed awkwardly about the dollar store fanfare. “Oh! And depending on how many people you want to come, you might want to tip off Spike. If you don’t know him yet, you will, he’s the mascot. The one who made the announcement earlier, yeah. But if this is something you want the whole student body to know about by lunch period, Spike’s a good place to start.”

Christians face lit up at Cael’s enthusiasm. His idea for a party had been a good one!

"Dude, any help would be so cool! I was thinking sort of like a Neon or glowing theme. From what google tells me, they’re kinda the same. But things like glow stick necklaces, glow paint, neon glow balloons… I’m still working on the finer details.” It took the young man a moment to process what all Cael had said, his mind still on the path of excitement. “Trust me. Money isn’t the issue. So if you and this uh… Gremlin person can help out, then sure! It’s hard to decorate the whole place by myself.”

Pulling his phone out of his back pocket, Christian unlocked it and passed it to Cael.

“Let me go ahead and get your number, if that’s chill? I’ll be sure to ask around and get some of the finer details panned out, and then I’ll update you.”

“Oh my god, yessss. I. Love. It.” Cael cooed, clapping his hands to accentuate each word, looking a lot like David from Schitt’s Creek in doing so. “Glow parties are so trend and look so, sooo fun. Do you have a pool? We could put the things, like the sticks, in the water. And then the water would be all glowy, eeeEE!” The lavender-haired boy was practically buzzing with excitement.

Cael had forgotten briefly that Christian was, of course, from Liberty. Which means he probably had big Liberty Kid money, which made him feel slightly foolish for the tight budget comment. Or maybe he felt more ashamed? Either way, a little humor mixed with flirtation could wash that all away. “Ooh, you’ll probably want to put a budget on that there for me, babe.”

Upon seeing Christian offer his phone, Cael internally squeed with glee. It wasn’t even first period and he was already exchanging numbers with a Liberty Boy. Fucking score! Playing it cool, he nodded his head, “Yeah, sure man. Here’s my number.” Cael said as he tapped it in and passed the device back to Chris. “I’m sure Rae will be excited too, I’ll let her know I’ve volunteered her for it. Anyway, we can plan all that later. What do you want to see next… the gym? cafeteria?”

Christian couldn’t help but chuckle at the other guy's excitement. ”I have a pool and a lake, actually. You could decorate both.” Taking his phone back, Christian slid it back into its resting spot, pondering Caels question. ”Actually, if you don’t mind, I need to go find some of my friends really quick. I haven’t seen anyone but Cas this morning, and I don’t need Juno thinking I’m dead. You’ve been great though, Cael. Seriously - thanks. I’ll catch up with you later and uh…” He flashed Cael a smile, allowing his eyes to wander playful for a second. ”If all else fails, I’ll just text you.”

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