Avatar of sukikyoufu


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4 yrs ago
Current Just to inform all my partners I will be taking a short break whilst I move home. Responses and replies will return once I am settled.
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5 yrs ago
How do you write like you're running out of time? Write day and night like you're running out of time? (This darn song is stuck in my head T.T)
5 yrs ago
Welp, now to wait for the next patch of FFXIV ;A;
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6 yrs ago
Expect delays with replies as FFXIV Shadowbringers has come out <3


April 22nd
England/GMT time

If you have an questions or ideas please feel free to get in touch! I also work full time so sometimes my responses can be sporadic.

If I'm not on here writing I will most certainly be playing video games or sucked into a new world reading.

Most Recent Posts

“Infamous Iris?” Raising her eye towards Cas not realising he had even mentioned her before, but then she did forget how she had been in the Capital before his abduction. The dear trap, amnesia memory situation wasn’t hard to forget now, perhaps he had spoken about her then? It did bring a smile to her lips especially when Miles nudged her and had his own playful smile. The idea he seemed comfortable around her put her at ease, she was worried they had just done it because Cas was the Prince and perhaps, they didn’t feel comfortable around her. Which she would have understood of course, but she was glad it wasn’t too awkward. Not yet anyway, there was still time. Catching the blush on Cas’ cheeks she couldn’t help but feel warm inside, to know that even through everything he had to still like her and the thought of that was music to her ears and a part of her just wished she could be with him alone.

Listening to their conversation she had gathered they were going to Miles’ place, everyone in the Capital was wealthy of course and it made sense to hide somewhere. Though, what would happen to her? She couldn’t just stay in his place; she had an awkward enough encounter at first with Caspain and her being allowed to stay in the palace when she had lost her memories. Now in another’s house when she truly had no way of paying them back, perhaps it was just for one night and then she would be going back to the districts where she belonged. Maybe I’m just assuming, maybe we are going there for a bit before they take me to the border, surely hat has to be it. They can’t harbour me, that would be insane.

Drawn from her thoughts as Miles was seemingly happy to make conversation with her, she looked over at him feeling a little conflicted about his questions. The first question reminding her of the interrogation, and she felt herself freeze, a flash of what happened reminding her that she shouldn’t belong here, that she was just rebel scum. “O-Oh.. uh yeah.” A little unsure of her own answers she looked away out of the window feeling an odd sensation wash over her, did she switch sides? Iris didn’t believe she had; the ideals of the rebellion were something she believed in. The inequality of life across the border was paramount and she believed it should be fair for everyone and that’s what the rebellion was meant to be about. what she didn't believe in was the needless killing, the riots, the wars it shouldn't have been about that.

Staring out of the window for a good few minutes she had forgotten that Miles had even asked her the question, her mind had trailed off and she felt a soft pounding in her head tired from everything that had happened. “Sorry… I guess I’m still feeling a little frazzled.” Trying to force a smile and a chuckle to go alongside it, it’s not that she couldn’t answer his questions more that she didn’t really want to think about them because those kinds of memories were linked with pain. Everything about the rebellion to her was now and forever linked to pain, not just physical but emotional and she just didn’t want to relive it when she was barely out of the prison. Well hospital, after what Matthew had done.
Omg that will be pretty intense! I can't wait haha.
It had been short lived, but the pain of running across the ground in bare feet had been quite uncomfortable, but worth it in the end. Getting to the car had been priority and even though every feeling in her body burned as she had pushed it, it had to be done. The feeling of needing to throw up did not leave even as they sat in the car and it began to speed off not wasting any time. Iris couldn’t calm down her breathing, panting from the effort she felt herself sink into the chair trying to find a glimmer of comfort as the car began to head off to wherever they were going.

Shocked that they had managed to do it Iris couldn’t quite believe she was sat in a car with the Prince and his friends, rescued from the hospital and her fate which would have no doubt been her death. It seemed she wasn’t the only one with similar feelings as she caught the nervous laugh of Miles and Jay chiming in, it was then she heard him direct a question to Cas asking if he was okay. Perking up at the question she turned her gaze to him in the front of the car waiting with bated breath for the answer, he had just run to the car as they did on a leg with a gunshot wound. That was impressive, but to hear he was okay she felt herself relax a little happy in knowing no one was majorly hurt.

Did they? We? Just… get away with that? It was hard to comprehend the idea that the plan had succeeded, if they had told her about this before she already knew what kind of response, she’d give Caspain. The darker thoughts, depressing words that would instantly shoot down the plan telling him it wasn’t worth it. That she didn’t think she was worth it, again it was something that had crossed her mind when they rescued her, but the heat of the moment took over and it didn’t leave much time for thinking. I hope they don’t think he did it, or his friends. The trouble they could get into. Feeling her stomach churn at the thought she gripped the white hospital linen trying to calm herself, taking the time to compose herself and stop the shakes.

“Huh?” Looking up as she realised Cas had addressed her, she tried to smile already knowing it wasn’t convincing. God I must look an absolute mess. Pale skin, dark circles under her eyes and unkempt blonde hair that she had tried to comb with her fingers, on top of that the very loose fitting hospital linen which in all honesty she had forgotten she was wearing because she couldn’t quite remember fully from the prison to the hospital. The pink dress she had been wearing long gone, and good riddance to it because it only reminded her of Ethan and the rebels, but the current breezy material did send chills through her. “Oh… I’m fine. Just a little shocked by everything.” The lie fell from her lips smoothly, but she hoped Caspain would understand that even if she didn’t feel fine it wasn’t something that she wanted to discuss openly in the car with his friends around.

“T-Thank you… to all of you.”
This is so exciting omg. I can't wait for when Jacob finds out it's Cas too.

Yeah I guess! It's something to look forward too at least :3
Even though she had her eyes closed her heart still hammered away, her other senses on high alert as the realisation of how risky this was had hit her in full force. Keeping her eyes closed was difficult especially as she desperately wanted to open them and see what was going on, though she knew she couldn’t. Well she shouldn’t. Hearing the squeak of the wheels turning she wondered how long it had been, it felt like an eternity as she had to keep her eyes shut but in reality, it had probably only been a few minutes. Please… please don’t let them get caught. As if her words would have any effect it soothed her a little as she tried to think positive, a very strange feeling after she hadn’t had a positive thought since being arrested.

Hearing them talk in the lift she felt a little bit more relaxed as they began to discuss with one another about how illegal this was, that it was terrifying but exciting and she had to agree because she had felt the exact same when breaking Caspain out from her father. Regis would not have hesitated to kill her on the spot if she had been caught and it was similar here, they would all go down, even Caspain would be punished severely and she didn’t want that because ultimately none of them would be here if it wasn’t for her.

Getting lost in her own thoughts as she kept her eyes closed, she felt the elevator move coming to a stop alongside her heart as she felt herself take a big breath holding it. This is it; we are nearly there. I hope. The anxious feeling in her stomach began to rise, a part of her wanting to be sick by the rush of different emotions that she started to feel. Shit!? What does he mean shit!? Having to stop herself from opening her eyes she began to grip at the sheets, hands trembled under the fabric that she gripped fearful that they may have been caught. The minute she heard his voice commanding what she could only assume was a group of people she felt the bed go a little faster, silently Iris prayed to herself that it would work. That it was just enough.

Sitting up in the bed as she felt it stop, she felt a little dizzy, disorientated by how fast paced this was as her heart continued to race as she took a moment to ground herself. Glancing at the hand to help her down she took it glad for the help with a smile as she got to her feet a little unsteady, she could feel the cold floor of the hallway seep away whatever heat she had in her bare feet and dressed in just a hospital gown she felt a little exposed, but that was the least of their worries right now.

“R-Run!?” Iris managed to breathe out as she looked down the hall, eyes widened in shock as she realised what was happening. They had to go. Watching as he pulled open the door quickly, she forced her legs to move using what little energy she had, forcing herself to run even though it was difficult and her body trembled. Adrenaline fuelled her as she pegged it towards the car, to the escape vehicle that would hopefully guarantee her freedom from there.
Ohhh exciting!! I bet you can't wait to move in!
“I’m sure you can introduce yourself later.” Iris couldn’t help but chuckle at his friend’s remark, even in their current circumstances it was nice to just experience normal jokes. Banter between friends, as she caught how quickly Caspain had elbowed him in the side.

It was true, they had to move fast, and she couldn’t believe Caspain had thought of this plan to rescue her. The lengths he was going to allow her to escape and the fact his friends were in on the crazy idea, it honestly made her heart swell that there were people going to such extremes for her. That there was some sort of care as they wanted to help her, well Cas had wanted to help her she didn’t know about his friends, but they were here ready to help. It was surreal thinking that they were about to escape, hopefully with nothing going wrong.

Not leaving without me. Oh Cas, how could I ever have doubted him. Glancing over at Miles she was glad he was there to offer help if she needed it, she was still shaky on her feet. Though before she could use him for support she looked over at Cas as he seemingly had another idea, the bed was on wheels. How did they not know that? It was the smaller details like this, but at least they had caught it now “I see, make me get out of bed, now back in.” Sighing heavily as she managed to just about get herself back on the bed only with a little difficulty, offering a smile to Miles at the offer of help.

Grimacing as she settled herself back down on the bed it had been a little uncomfortable, but she knew it was for the best. After all the idea of getting out of here was exhilarating, she was excited that she could be free of the prison and hopefully never return. But… where will I go? Back to the districts… home? Without realising the thoughts had crept up on her, the idea that this could be where she’d have to say goodbye because it was better for them in the long run even though she didn’t really have a place to go too. Maisie will take me in though. Grabbing the covers, she slid herself under them pulling them up to her chest as she glanced over at the boys, “Just… be careful.”

Biting her lip, she could feel her heart hammering away at the thought of them all getting caught. It was hard not to feel a little upset with how loyal his friends were and how committed they all were with helping her escape, in a good way of course. The fact his friends hadn’t just wrote her off because she was part of the rebellion was a nice touch, whether or not that was true was a different matter but she was certain they wouldn’t be here if they didn’t believe in Cas. Trying to calm herself from working herself up in a panic she closed her eyes focusing no breathing, in and out. In and out repeatedly so it didn’t seem like she was panicked, it was hard because she was worried about them all getting caught.
I don't think it did!!

Sorry I took so long, I got super distracted when getting home from work :3
Looking down at the medical files of hers scattered across the floor she frowned still grumbling over what she had read, annoyed by the words and descriptions of what had been listed for her. Running fingers through her hair she tried to comb out any knots and smooth down the matting, letting out an audible sigh she wondered how long it would be until Jacob would turn up. Not that he was much of a conversationalist, but it was better than being alone in her room, she hated hospitals and that was something that hadn’t changed from her first time here. Glancing up as she heard the rattle of the door, she settled back on the bed so it didn’t look like she was doing anything she shouldn’t be doing.


Iris had been expecting Jacob to walk through the door, but she stopped the minute she heard a different voice. It was Caspains. The thought that he was here with her made her heart flutter, excitement filled her, and her eyes lit up from the previous dull colour that had been in place as she had been wallowing in sadness. “C-Cas… What are you?” At first, she had thought he was here just for a visit, that alone brightened her day but as he gestured to his friends and how he was here to get her out she felt a mixture of emotions.

“You what?” Looking from him to his friends she felt guilty that he had gone to this and gone to this kind of extreme to break her out. It was also endearing to know that he would go to these lengths for her, that she could put her faith in him and trust in him. “Cas… this is extremely dangerous, for all of you.” Looking over at the friends that were stood beside him ready to take the leap into some kind of crazed adventure to help her escape. “What if they catch you all? This is… I mean. I’m honoured of course, I just. I don’t want… I don’t want you getting in anymore trouble for my sake.”

Offering a polite smile, she couldn’t help but feel happy that he was willing to go this far for her, this was technically treason breaking her out and away from the soldiers. Caspain was about to defy his own father to save her and it was wonderful to know he would, if she was honest she had thought that he wouldn’t dare go against his father, that his bond with his father was stronger than ever after the kidnapping. Though it didn’t seem the case right now.

“I… are you sure?”

Unable to stop the smile on her face she shook her head in amusement wanting to hug him, but something told her not too. The fact that he hadn’t been openly affectionate to her at first did seem a bit strange, the small part of her brain telling her that maybe it was true he didn’t love her but the more reasonable side telling her that maybe it was due to his friends being there. “You know, I really hate doctors.” Commenting as she pushed herself off the bed using it to support herself as she stood shakily still not fully recovered, but better than yesterday.
Haha no worries! I managed to squeeze one in before I went to bed!

I can't wait omg :3
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