Just looking for feedback on concepts before diving into actual writing.

T Y R O N E J O H N S O N // C A S S A N D R A C A I N // E D W A R D B L O O M B E R G // T A N D Y B O W E N // C H A S E S T E I N
♦ N O N E ♦ L O S A N G E L E S ♦ I N D E P E N D E N T ♦
♦ N O N E ♦ L O S A N G E L E S ♦ I N D E P E N D E N T ♦

C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:
"When the world goes crazy you run...You runaway."
The eldest of the group, 19 years old. Left home after the death of his brother and subsequent collapse of his parent's stability. Suspicious of the men in coats promising Tandy money to take part in a drug trial, Tyrone advised against it, but went with her when she disregard the advice. As a result, Tyrone became a conduit for the darkforce; giving him the powers to use it to teleport, become in tangible, or displace others in the darkforce dimension. As a side effect, he now requires lightforce to sustain his mental state, something that can only be provided by the light of a human soul, or Tandy Bowen's powers.
The youngest member, only 14 years old. Trained by her father and the League of Assassins to become the ultimate weapon, she knows near nothing of the world except fighting. She was sent to kill a man not fully grasping what that meant, but after seeing what she'd done, she ran from her family only to end up in Brooklyn. She found Tandy and Tyrone after watching them chase off gangs trying to recruit desperate teens. For a while she followed them and simply watched, occasionally sneaking into their 'apartment' when the weather was too much or to steal some of their food. One day the pair came home to find her sleeping on the bed, incredulous to how she managed to get into the third floor of locked and boarded building, but she's remained with them ever since. While she has mostly learned English after nearly a year in the city, she typically remains mute and completely illiterate.
Eddie only ever had one wish in his life; to be a superhero. It began with tinkering away in his room trying to make his own Iron Man suit, and ended with selling his soul. He was approached by a well-dress man shortly after his 16th birthday, who made great promises. Eddie accepted, too excited and naive to consider the cost. He was rewarded, with flight and hellfire, as well as a mistaken identity and an un-earned target on his back by demon hunters. Forced to run from his old life, he sought out a new on in Los Angeles, hoping to make a mark somewhere he could be accepted.
A 17 year old girl who ran to LA to pursue a dream of becoming a dancer and escape a home of neglect in San Francisco. Shorty after her arrival in the city she was mugged, only to be saved by Tyrone Johnson, beginning their close friendship. The two stuck together despite having no money, no home, and no prospects. So when she was offered to cash to participate in a drug trial, Tandy jumped at the prospect, despite her companion's weariness. After a night of agonizing pain, and an escape that lead through a variable warehouse of dead kids, she became a conduit for the lightforce. The light from her own soul became bright enough for her to physically manifest it, in forms varying from self-targeting daggers, to a faint glow used for light, or to feed the new hunger in Tyrone; which she considers herself to be the cause of.
A good looking 17 year-old, that by all outward appearances, had the world handed to him on a silver platter. The only son of wealthy tech moguls, Chase was always aware of his parent's cruelty, being abused from a young age for excelling in athletics rather than academics as they wanted. Somehow that didn't lesson the shock of seeing a recording of them with five other pairs sacrificing a young girl. Shortly thereafter he discovered the other, shadier parts of his parent's business; dealing weapons to the criminal underworld. After making the mistake of going to the LAPD with his evidence, he had to flee his home, stealing a set of his parent's weapons as he begun to seek the truth on his own.
C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:
Something about a hodge-podge group of lonely and confused kids with crazy powers eventually coming together as a family is a trope that never really seems to get old for me. It seems a bit ridiculous to even call this group The Runaways, as there is only one of the original members in it and The Pride will not be the main focus, but it is the spirit of the series I'm looking to recreate rather than the plot. A group of teenagers without any support setting out to face their demons and maybe make the world a better place. While each has their own strengths, none of them are entirely capable enough to be considered true heroes in their own right.
Cassandra and Chase's backstories are largely staying the same, save that Chase is the only current descendant of The Pride. Tyrone and Tandy are getting slight tweaks to fix the parts of their backstory that kind of rub me the wrong way, having their powers created by the Nefaria family of the Maggia on purpose in effort to harness the darkforce in a human to get a leg up on the other families: This rather than a freak strain of heroin. Their relationship, while still fiercely loyal and co-dependent, will not be romantic. Eddie is getting an even more drastic overhaul to his backstory in attempt to keep contradictions in the two universes inline, as well as acknowledging that looking like a devil is pretty off-putting.
All of the heroes I've chosen are fighting for different things, Tandy and Tyrone are looking back to protect the other displaced teens in LA, while being tacked down by the Maggia. Cassandra is constantly being hunted by the League of Assassins. Eddie wants to be a hero and save the world, but needs to save his soul and try to prove he isn't a demon in the first place. Finally Chase seeks to stop his parents and the Pride. Individually, they all want to do good, but are completely under-qualified to fight their respective battles alone.
Cassandra and Chase's backstories are largely staying the same, save that Chase is the only current descendant of The Pride. Tyrone and Tandy are getting slight tweaks to fix the parts of their backstory that kind of rub me the wrong way, having their powers created by the Nefaria family of the Maggia on purpose in effort to harness the darkforce in a human to get a leg up on the other families: This rather than a freak strain of heroin. Their relationship, while still fiercely loyal and co-dependent, will not be romantic. Eddie is getting an even more drastic overhaul to his backstory in attempt to keep contradictions in the two universes inline, as well as acknowledging that looking like a devil is pretty off-putting.
All of the heroes I've chosen are fighting for different things, Tandy and Tyrone are looking back to protect the other displaced teens in LA, while being tacked down by the Maggia. Cassandra is constantly being hunted by the League of Assassins. Eddie wants to be a hero and save the world, but needs to save his soul and try to prove he isn't a demon in the first place. Finally Chase seeks to stop his parents and the Pride. Individually, they all want to do good, but are completely under-qualified to fight their respective battles alone.
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
The Pride:
The League of Assassins:
Six powerful crime families in LA that make sacrifices to some unknown dark presence for wealth and power, all while poisoning the city's streets with illicit activities.
In particular the Nefaria family, testing some of their experiments on the west coast, were responsible for giving Tyrone and Tandy their powers in effort to create more powerful henchmen to hold more power over the other families of the Maggia. Various LA cells are continuously searching for the pair, who equally seek revenge.
The League of Assassins:
Cassandra was over a decade of investment for her father and the League, and they're not letting her go easily. They continue to try and tack her down, and while well practiced in hiding her own trail, being in a group make Cassandra all the easier to find.
The 'demon' that granted Eddie his powers, and new form. Not yet in possession of his soul, but it is his for the taking any time he returns.
S A M P L E P O S T:
The line for food stamps was never exactly the hub of interesting conversation. Some of the people hid under hoods out of shame, but most were just too tired after waiting since dawn to get a decent spot. Tandy had arrived with Ty and the kid -whatever the hell her name was, hours earlier and they were still nearly a block away from the aid building. Every week it felt like the wait was getting longer. Heavy cloud promised rain, and however needed it was for the rest of the city, after months of drought, they hardly something to be celebrated by the waiting crowd. People just wanted to get what they could and find a place to hold up before the storm came. At least she and hers were lucky enough not to worry about that anymore. Tyrone was leaning against the wall, body too relaxed. Tandy nudged him with an elbow.
"You okay?"
He jolted awake, rubbing a hand over his face as he turned to face her. "Yeah, sorry, just tired."
She frowned. They'd all woken up early, but she hadn't even seen Ty go to bed at all. Before she could ask a tight grip to her forearm made her jump out of her skin. Reflexively, warm solid light materialized in her palms, as she whirled on the silent lanky girl at her side. She wasn't even looking at her, but across the street. Tandy tore her arm away and cursed.
"Christ. You can't just-"
She noticed what the kid was looking at a second too late, and could only watch as the first shot rang out. A second, third, and forth went off as the line transformed to a terrified crowd. There was a second of cold just long enough for Tandy to grab the girl before they were transported half way down the block. For the brief moment they were together Tyrone was unrecognizable, more a mass of dark smoke than anything human, but was gone again and the kid with him leaving Tandy alone, head spinning.
In seconds she was flicking bright daggers, trying to draw the attention of the three shooters away from the girl speeding through the crowd and black mass reaching out with malicious tendrils. It was a dance they'd all gotten far too familiar with. Two were downed before the third got wise to where her attacks where coming from.
"Ty! -" She was on on the opposite side of the street, single syllable barely finished. "Thanks," she gasped launching two final spears at the calves of the remaining attacker, bringing him to the ground as he released two last shots where she had been barely a second before.
The stray was at her side again, dragging a kicking man alongside her. She looked small, but the kid was strong. She dropped him at Tandy's feet as Tyrone materialized at her side, foot on the stranger's neck. The man's eyes went wide with fear and his struggling doubled.
"Were you after us?" Tandy felt much less calm than she sounded, the blood still pumping through her ears. The man tried to speak, but when Tyrone didn't lessen the pressure on his throat, just nodded. The older pair shared a glance.
"That makes three" Tyrone just keep pushing as the man gurgled, straining for air. "Ty, three in a week." He looked away from her. She glared at him a moment longer, then forced herself too survey the surrounding damage. Under other circumstances it would have been almost amazing how quickly the street had cleared. Just three people aside from themselves and the attackers, but only two were crying out. Wincing, she took the girl's hand and tugged on Tyrone's sleeve.
"We need to go." He nodded once before dissipating into black mist once more, and they were gone.
Downtown LA 08:12
The line for food stamps was never exactly the hub of interesting conversation. Some of the people hid under hoods out of shame, but most were just too tired after waiting since dawn to get a decent spot. Tandy had arrived with Ty and the kid -whatever the hell her name was, hours earlier and they were still nearly a block away from the aid building. Every week it felt like the wait was getting longer. Heavy cloud promised rain, and however needed it was for the rest of the city, after months of drought, they hardly something to be celebrated by the waiting crowd. People just wanted to get what they could and find a place to hold up before the storm came. At least she and hers were lucky enough not to worry about that anymore. Tyrone was leaning against the wall, body too relaxed. Tandy nudged him with an elbow.
"You okay?"
He jolted awake, rubbing a hand over his face as he turned to face her. "Yeah, sorry, just tired."
She frowned. They'd all woken up early, but she hadn't even seen Ty go to bed at all. Before she could ask a tight grip to her forearm made her jump out of her skin. Reflexively, warm solid light materialized in her palms, as she whirled on the silent lanky girl at her side. She wasn't even looking at her, but across the street. Tandy tore her arm away and cursed.
"Christ. You can't just-"
She noticed what the kid was looking at a second too late, and could only watch as the first shot rang out. A second, third, and forth went off as the line transformed to a terrified crowd. There was a second of cold just long enough for Tandy to grab the girl before they were transported half way down the block. For the brief moment they were together Tyrone was unrecognizable, more a mass of dark smoke than anything human, but was gone again and the kid with him leaving Tandy alone, head spinning.
In seconds she was flicking bright daggers, trying to draw the attention of the three shooters away from the girl speeding through the crowd and black mass reaching out with malicious tendrils. It was a dance they'd all gotten far too familiar with. Two were downed before the third got wise to where her attacks where coming from.
"Ty! -" She was on on the opposite side of the street, single syllable barely finished. "Thanks," she gasped launching two final spears at the calves of the remaining attacker, bringing him to the ground as he released two last shots where she had been barely a second before.
The stray was at her side again, dragging a kicking man alongside her. She looked small, but the kid was strong. She dropped him at Tandy's feet as Tyrone materialized at her side, foot on the stranger's neck. The man's eyes went wide with fear and his struggling doubled.
"Were you after us?" Tandy felt much less calm than she sounded, the blood still pumping through her ears. The man tried to speak, but when Tyrone didn't lessen the pressure on his throat, just nodded. The older pair shared a glance.
"That makes three" Tyrone just keep pushing as the man gurgled, straining for air. "Ty, three in a week." He looked away from her. She glared at him a moment longer, then forced herself too survey the surrounding damage. Under other circumstances it would have been almost amazing how quickly the street had cleared. Just three people aside from themselves and the attackers, but only two were crying out. Wincing, she took the girl's hand and tugged on Tyrone's sleeve.
"We need to go." He nodded once before dissipating into black mist once more, and they were gone.
P O S T C A T L O G:
A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.