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I was also thinking the bugs would be like a mixture of Starship Troopers and Helldivers for inspiration whilst playing off body horror and biological repurposing like in dead space. Also loosely thinking of Ophiocordyceps unilateralis which is that zombie ant fungus as the inspiration for how the bugs repurpose and utilize the corpses of the dead.
While I do have some notes my overall goal was for this to be a collaborative effort between the group as a whole rather than we solely running anything like a GM. With that said these are the ideas I had that I felt sounded kinda cool, but nothing set in stone.

Wide open multi-factional universe, I wanted to have a religious cult fanatically assisting our main antagonist faction as both willing hosts and other methods of cooperation. Think unitologists/dead space vibes. Was thinking that slightly post-apoc inspired with humanity having once stretched the stars before a major event caused a fracturing of human society to the point that many holdings are now independent feudal states spanning anywhere from a single solar system up to 6 at most, many of these fractured factions creating a patchwork quilt of feudal states for the RP to take place in.

Also wanted to include a cyborg-based pseudo-science transhumanist isolationist faction, somehow. Maybe we'll antagonize them ourselves.

Also thought old imperial colony ark ships might be the holdouts for the prior galaxy spanning human empire, so like traveling ark ships of super militaristic gung-ho for the empire type jarheads running around.

No other sentient life forms except for the bug menace and it's progeny. Plenty of weapon variety, plasma, laser, ballistic, anti-matter, experimental shit, making sense isn't a prerequisite.
I want drama, destruction, hopeless odds, high stakes, lots of explosions and heavy ass guns and crazy sci-fi ballistic nonsense. Sound goated?

Edit: Additions to the list above, just itches I've wanted to scratch.
Body horror, atmospheric horror, transhumanism, occult fanaticism, feudal in-fighting, uh maybe more, I mean I'm open to also adding things based on what you might want to see.
I had an idea, it's not much. Just hope, spit, and a dream. Inspirational sources are Dead Space/Alien/Starship Troopers/Helldivers. Ideally looking for 2 or 3 individuals who don't mind a slow pace. Also would prefer this to be a cooperative effort driven by the party as a whole, I'm a tad prone to burnout, life, y'know?

Ideal RP format follows a 4 man (or woman) squad on a retrieval mission into hell, details are still up in the air, but I have some notes.
Sector G5 - Galaga System - Galaga 6 “Taurus” - Remote Research Outpost
15/43/4389 GSF [Galactic Standard Format MM/DD/YYYY]

Interview with the commanding officer of the responding vessel follows.

Col // “Good evening Captain, can you state your name for the record?”

Capt // “Captain Geoff Morgan, commanding officer of the LMV Eudora.”

Col // “Thank you. Now, just go ahead and tell us your take on events please, starting from the top.”

Capt // “Well, sir, we had dropped into the sector on a standard patrol schedule when our comms officer picked up a weak intermittent distress signal. After adjusting our instruments we were able to pinpoint the originating point, an RRO in the local system. After relaying the data to the nearest hyper-comm relay we moved to respond on our own. Upon approach to Galaga 6, known locally as Taurus, we attempted to establish contact with the RRO. Our attempts at communication were unsuccessful, at the time we were unsure if it was due to interference or worse. Proceeding with protocol we breached orbit and, after ensuring no threat of AA interference, proceeded to establish an aerial recon of the facility.”

Col // “One moment, when mentioning communications you said, ‘or worse’. Can you elaborate?”

Capt // “In due time sir, you said you wanted my take, from the top, right?”

Col // “Correct Captain, sorry for the interruption, please proceed.”

Capt // “Right, so aerial recon established that the facility had definitely suffered from some sort of attack. The western most edge of the main compound was breached, a sizable hole leading straight inside. After deliberation a four man squad was sent down in a URV while the LMV would return to orbit and achieve a geo-syncronous position.”

Col // “You mention a four man squad. Who were the members?”

Capt // “You already have this information Colonel, right?”

Col // “Yes Captain, but please state it for the record.”

Capt // “Ahh, right, Yes sir. The squad members were Gunnery Captain Alexis Roderick, Gunnery Captain Bryce Von, Gunnery Lieutenant Vince Marshall, and 2nd Gunnery Lieutenant Mason Grey.”

Col // “Thank you Captain, now skip ahead a bit to what they encountered upon arrival.”

Capt // “Yes sir, upon arrival Gunnery Captain Alexis, henceforth GC1, reported a gooey viscous fluid coating the opening of the hole into the facility. A thin membrane was present stretching the entire hole that, upon inspection, was revealed to be maintaining atmospheric pressure in the facility. After deliberation the squad attempted to traverse the barrier, finding that it posed little resistance to them and allowed them to pass through without breaking the seal. Upon entry it was immediately apparent that the facility staff had been unaware of the impending attack. Workers decapitated at nearby workstations showed little sign or resistance or even any attempts to flee. Clearly the attackers had managed to breach rapidly and somehow with serious stealth.”

Col // “You said the hole was large right, yet it also sealed the building from atmospheric pressure, and yet the workers hadn’t even left their stations? How is that all possible captain, none of these facts lineup?”

Capt // “I’m just reporting the events to you as we were able to witness and report ourselves, sir, may I continue?”

Col // “Yes Captain, please.”

Capt // “Right, GC1 reported that facility power was down throughout. GC1 and Gunnery Lieutenant Vince, GL1, made the decision to head to the facilities command hub in order to halt the distress and secure facility logs. GC2 and GL2 proceeded on to the sub-level in order to ascertain facility power capabilities. The deeper both units proceeded into the facility the more signs of struggle they reported. It was clear the further along the assailants got the more aware facility staff was and the level of resistance increased. Upon arrival it was quickly established that restoring electrical capabilities was impossible. The equipment was liquified, preliminary tests suggested an acid, lab reports have since confirmed it was a bio-based acidic compound. GC2 and GL2 proceeded to the command hub to link back up with GC1 and GL1.”

Col // “Can you explain to me what evidence was present on the bodies and the facility that might provide insight on the assailant?”

Capt // “Squad reported that the bodies were originally decapitated but as they progressed deeper into the facility things began to get messier. Bodies appeared to have chunks eaten out of them, bodies were divided into many segments. Squad reports rarely spotting bodies that appeared disfigured and morphed beyond previous recognition, weaponized in twisted horrid forms and set upon their previous comrades. There is no evidence of any sustained damage on the beings encountered, it appears like they merely fell over and died in the aftermath.”

Col // “Right, that’s what was written in the report as well.”

Capt // “Reports accurate as written sir, this is all just a waste of time.”

Col // “As you were Captain, we’ll proceed anyways as protocol dictates. Can you pick up where you left off?”

Capt // “Yes Sir, there’s not much more to mention. GC1 reported total destruction of command hubs and facility terminals. It’s a wonder enough was left for a weak distress signal to even be sent out. After confirming logs were unrecoverable and disabling the comm signal GC1 and squad reported back to the URV and returned to the Eudora. Following contingency protocol we slated the facility for erasure and nuked it from orbit, about 4 times. Upon dust down we visually confirmed no trace remained and reported back to the nearest military port for debriefing. Aaaaand now here we are.”

Col // “Thank you Captain, that will be all. All details of this discussion are henceforth classified and any reveal of said details will be handled appropriately, do I make myself clear?”

Capt // “Aye Colonel, anything else Sir?”

Col // “No Captain, you are dismissed, thank you for your honesty. Good day.”

Capt // “Good day, Sir.”

Capt // "Sir, off the record. My men saw some scary shit while they were down there. Described to me things that made seasoned soldiers shiver. In all my years and many tours I've seen nothing like this. And our unit ain't fresh, we've served in many theatres and many conflicts, but nothing like what we've dealt with looked anything like what we saw down there.

Col // "That'll be all, Captain."

End transcription.

There was a lot going on, a lot. Bardo had foolishly catapulted himself towards the truck in a reckless bid to do what? End the battle in one fell swoop? Make some grand entrance? Likely the idea had been borne from some sense of vanity, certainly a dose of foolery. Bardo should have known better than that, he was physicist for fucks sake. Getting blown clean from the truck with nary a scratch was far more than Bardo could have hoped for, and it was no surprise that the extent of his luck stopped there. He was afforded little time to recover before one of the pale guard approaching from the truck attacked Bardo in his vulnerable state.

Panic and instinct took over, Bardo flailed in an effort to throw off his opponents aim and keep them from working him into more advantageous positioning. A brief scuffle proceeded to take place as the two fought for purchase over the other, scrambling about in mid-air under the effect of Bardo's suspension melody. In a moment of clarity Bardo thought to release the melody as the struggle brought him above the pale guard and as gravity suddenly came back into effect he maneuvered his sword over his opponents neck. The moment the two came back to the ground it was over, Bardo's sword acted as a makeshift guillotine and the pale guard's head rolled away as her body went still.

Bardo's breath was coming in short rapid breaths at this point as his body and mind found themselves at odds with how to handle things. Every neuron in Bardo's mind felt like it was in overdrive, an overwhelming rush of adrenaline rocketed through Bardo's veins as if he was base jumping off the top of the worlds tallest roller coaster while being pursued by a pack of hyenas with wingsuits. Simultaneously his body felt as if it had ice in it's veins and a slight shaking was developing in his hands.

Moments before Bardo had been calmly surveying the battlefield and the truth of the situation still felt like a far off dream. Then, in an instant, the metaphorical blindfold had been pulled from Bardo's eyes. He'd killed someone, or what had used to be someone. The name Peggy still bounced around in the back of his mind, Bardo had a classmate once by the name of Peggy, could they be one and the same? Bardo hadn't the time to contemplate this, nor really the time to stand in shock as he was. The hulking mantis like creature shambled Bardo's way much quicker than he'd anticipated, or had he merely lost track of time as he tried to process events?

Regardless Bardo had to do something before he had a chance to discover just how far his opponents would go to achieve victory. And so with that Bardo did the only sensible thing to do in a situation like this. Bardo turned and ran, angling away from the truck and the monster and towards the other group of hopefully friendly Espers in the area. But, as he spun around to run, Bardo flung his sword out in a desperate gambit to buy himself some time. Willing a haphazard idea into a melody cast from the point of contact, Bardo sliced the pole like one might cut a weed from the ground, aiming as close to the ground as he could manage whilst maintaining his goal of running away.

A flutter of pages enveloped the pole as Bardo cut it free from the ground, keeping it suspended in the air as gravity manipulated it to point headlong at the approaching monster before a push note aimed to send it flying straight for the abominations chest like a bolt fired from a crossbow. Although Bardo moved in desperation as he turned to flee he hoped that the attack might at least find purchase and buy him a moments distance between himself and his pursuer.

"Twenty talents eh?" Adrian asked nonchalantly, not really putting too much thought into the quantity of the words so much as merely repeating them. "Perhaps we just bet it all then? Double our earnings? What are the odds I mean? Such a paltry sum can't be that hard to recover should things go wrong. Besides, this wildcard fight? Cold Hands? What an eccentric moniker, I find myself intrigued. Perhaps we put our odds there and see what comes of it? What's the worst that comes?" Adrian rambled on, only really seeming to be half paying attention to the words coming forth from his own mouth. Internally a portion of his focus was replaying the last few minutes in his head, an itch that he couldn't quite place ever-present in the back of his head.

Adrian's focus was briefly pulled away as the meal arrived. Adrian's delicate features warped into a predatory grin as he eyeballed the steaming haunch of meat delivered before him. Eerily his gaze panned to the body of Chwegwn that'd taken up residence upon his lap. "It is not my desire to offend, but perhaps being between me and this delicate haunch of meat is not the best location to place oneself. Coming between a hungry Lybar and his meal has long been something we whisper about as dangerous and foolhardy in my ancestral house. If you'd kindly make yourself comfortable elsewhere I would appreciate it." Adrian's tone carried not quite a threat, but a warning meant to hopefully get his point across without offending.

Before Chwegwn had time to react though Adrian's attention was directed elsewhere as the name Desdemona drifted through the wind. Now Adrian abruptly focused on Kira once more, trying to catch the context with which the name had been mentioned whilst also remembering events from his younger life. Not acknowledging Chwegwn's question Adrian addressed Kira, "Desdemona you say? What do you know of her?" Adrian's tone, for but a moment, betrayed a desperation that he'd worked quite hard all evening to keep hidden. How many of the rooms occupants would pick up on it entirely depended on how well they'd paid attention to Adrian's mannerisms thus far.

Realizing his mistake Adrian quickly made an effort to down-play the question, turning back to Chwegwn once more and waving his hand as if to dismiss his earlier question, "Most rumors are just that friend, I'm sure that things are just overdramatized and not merely as interesting as everyone makes them out to be. Perhaps we'll see that in action with this first fight in fact. Now about that earlier request, friend? I would like to eat."

"I think we've lost enough time as is so lets just focus on making sure the others don't get overwhelmed!"

That's what the overly energetic guy who had accompanied Bardo for the last leg of the journey had said before rushing off recklessly into the fray. Bardo sighed, a deep one tinged with a hint of regret or sadness even. Noble Spark had questioned Bardo about his esper origins, and Bardo hadn't been very forthcoming or descriptive with the information he had provided. Perhaps he should have, the guy seemed cool enough, and entertaining at least. His own description of his esper transformation had felt like a movie script. Like a movie script Bardo was sure at least half, if not most, had been embellished, but Bardo liked a good story regardless. Bardo caught his mouth twisting ever so slightly into a grin at the thought before the clouds rushed in and Bardo remembered why he was here in the first place. A deep ache pulled at his chest momentarily and drew his mind back to the situation at hand.

Doing his best to shrug off his emotions and clear his mind, Bardo drew his eyes to the field before him in order to take in the events. Quite honestly things seemed to be an utter mess. Everyone looked to be separated and attacking in disjointed groups without any concentrated effort to stick together or cooperate. Noble Spark was rushing to assist the gun toting woman, taking down one of the zombdudes in swift form but quickly attracting the attention of another. Bardo could choose to interfere here but an itch in his palm told him to keep looking. Bardo crouched down on the ground, resting one knee down as his hand casually rested on the pommel of his sword.

This blade of his, a devourer in it's own right. Bardo couldn't explain how it made him feel, couldn't even quite focus on it really. Whenever his hand grasped the hilt it was like a whisper grew in the back of his head. A presence just out of sight, like the little fuzzy spots in your vision, the ones that seem to always be just out of reach no matter how much you try and peek, no matter how hard you try and focus on it. That was how it made Bardo feel, each attempt to isolate, focus, listen, always just out of reach, just out of awareness, just...not...quite right...

With a sudden gasp and a burning in his lungs Bardo released the pommel and focused back in front of him, completely unaware that he'd started to hold his breath. Rolling his head side to side as if shaking cobwebs he looked around once more, realizing that he'd lost a few moments in his daze and considering himself lucky that he'd likely gone unnoticed whilst just sitting on the ground. Things had progressed dramatically in the time Bardo had been distracted, the situation was drastically changing by the second. Bardo had to act, do something, or risk having done nothing at all. But what?

The itch in his palm was there again, ever present yet distant and almost phantasmal. Bardo's hand slowly lowered towards the pommel of his sword, a bead of sweat ran down the side of his face, apprehension evident in the tightness of his forehead. Bardo had yet to really use the weapon, or really done anything of an esper nature. A couple transformations, a little midnight flying mostly. Flying, that's what Bardo wanted to do, fly. The itch strengthened, an idea formed, Bardo's hand firmly grasped the grip and slid the weapon from it's sheathe at last. The whispers grew, almost loud enough to truly hear, but nothing that Bardo could understand.

Bardo's hands moved almost of their own accord, his body coiled up and poised itself tight like a cat in the hunt. He drew the blade out before him, the slow moving truck running along the blade from hilt to tip in the center of Bardo's eye. Time almost seemed to come to a standstill in Bardo's mind as the tension built to a breaking point, his breath slowing to a stop, his entire body's focus preparing for the next moment. With a snap of movement that felt like the shattering of glass, Bardo leapt forward into the air, directing his momentum in a way that would hopefully aim him directly next to the truck like a passing car. Almost like taking his first steps the melody came forth from Bardo, directing him towards the truck for a close range pass like a bolt of lightning. A bolt of lightning with a very hungry sword intent on bisecting the truck from front to back along the axle.

[Silver Self] [Full Enhance] [Push (+1 Rank)]

Oh good point, I'll come up with somethin
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