Elliot Braide // ROOK

Elliot disembarked from his MAS quietly, letting the techs take over with their checks and their routines. Usually he’d have a few scathing words about minding his equipment or being careful around his ‘baby’, but this time Elliot’s mind was still out there, still replaying the events that had just transpired. In a sense he’d been humbled, but that wasn’t how you’d catch him describing the situation. Regardless he stood overlooking the bay as the rest of the squad funneled in behind him to their respective berths to undergo their own round of repairs or refits. It wasn’t hard to surmise that he wasn’t doing enough, in fact looking at the state of the Blackout and its pilot Hex helped solidify that. Did picking up his slack hurt the squad more than his presence aided them? It had felt like Commie had basically had to babysit him and of course there was no denying that he’d lost his cool out there.
It was a wonder he was alive, typically panicking was punished by death in an occupation such as theirs.
Nevertheless Elliot had to put his foot forward in both a metaphorical sense and a physical sense. Metaphorically there was no ground to be gained by dwelling upon his mistakes, his failures would have to be turned into lessons that would have to be turned into doctrines. Elliot had to bring more to the table, if not for himself then for the squad he was supposed to support. And of course physically matters were much simpler as the squad mustered across the way in the presence of Captain Sarret herself. Elliot rushed towards the rest of them, trying his best not to be the last one to arrive. Regardless the squad was practically splitting up by the time he reached them and the captain was finishing her debrief.
"Good kill Rook, first one?" Sabine’s voice suddenly cut through the inner monologue and yanked Elliot back to reality as her hand suddenly grasped his shoulder.
"That's a case of beer for the squad. Oh, first sortie too right? That's another case. Make sure you pack a few in your cockpit before we leave."
Sabine winked at Elliot before rushing off towards medical and Elliot had to do his best to suppress a scowl at her blasé attitude towards his achievements. Elliot hadn’t had much time to really get to know his squad yet but already Sabine’s attitude was something that rubbed Elliot against the grain. Regardless of that though she was a pilot and deserving of his respect, however he didn’t have to agree with the way she conducted herself. It was a complicated situation as it challenged the preconceived ideas he’d held about what MAS pilots were. So did the rest of the squad for that matter, but Elliot had to remember that this wasn’t your run of the mill squad either.
"Up to you if you want to humor her or not kid. You'll never hear the end of it from her either way you go though." Von Brandt’s response broke the awkward tension Elliot was struggling to make sense of as well as giving him an out.
”I don’t really know if I’m in the mood for humor to be honest. Great job out there by the way, I know you don’t need to hear it from me but still.” Elliot responded as admiration quickly steamed forward to take the place of his earlier feelings. Elliot knew very little of Von Brandt outside of his MAS, he’d not had the time to learn and the man himself wasn’t what he’d call an open book. But the way he flew and the way he carried his MAS into battle was very inline with what Elliot believed MAS pilots to be and as thus it didn’t take long for him to fall into a slight state of idol worship.
Before Elliot could rush into the stream of questions that had begun to form in his head he was interrupted as Sagann addressed the squad. "Right, dismissed."
"Reconvene here in three hours, and I'll give you your briefing. Oh, and Rook?” Elliot was caught a bit unprepared when the commander addressed him but paid attention as Sagann seemed to pierce him with a steely gaze.
"I ain't gonna stop you from drinking. Could probably use it, after that first fight of yours. But go overboard, and I'll make damn sure you throw it all back up. Am I understood?”
Elliot’s eyebrows rose at the implied threat but he nodded his head in agreement nonetheless. He didn’t have any plans to drink anyways so it wasn’t something he was all too worried about.
”Since there ain't no chaplain on board, come to me if you got any internal problems of that sort that need sorting out. Anyways, all of you, go catch some rack time."
’Sir.” he confirmed, nodding his understanding with a singular curt tilt of his head.
As Sagann departed Elliot turned back to Von Brandt and, just as quickly as he’d straightened up, he relaxed once more as a stream of questions regarding his MAS and other technical specs began forming. “So…Von Brandt, do you mind if I tag along? I have a few questions if you don’t mind…” Elliot began, regardless of his response Elliot would likely tag along anyways unless Von Brandt ordered him away or some other more interesting thing took his attention; Elliot was persistent like that.
Sagann had told them three hours but Elliot could only distract himself for so long before he found himself idly in the hanger well before the briefing. Elliot always had been the type to prefer solitude over the company of others, his mind just preferred having the time to ruminate and sort itself out and too much time spent around people gave him a headache more fierce than a drill instructor. Here it was no different and so Elliot decided to find a place out of the way where he could watch the crews work as they rushed to finish prepping the MAS for the next mission.
Elliot was silent and drew no attention when Sagann arrived before the others, there was no way of telling if he’d noticed Elliot’s presence and he’d not planned on asking. He waited until at least a couple other squadmates showed before flowing into the group himself. Before long everyone was gathered and Sagann began his briefing.
"Right, 7th. Here's our mission: we're participating in the mass drop and planetfall, if only to maintain cover for our actual assignment. We're to break off from the main force and rendevous with our supply convoy before we set up a FOB for our own secret squirrel shit."
He gestured to a projection that he was using to illustrate their plans and Elliot followed along with every detail, doing his best to analyze the visuals and keep up with the commanders words at the same time.
"We'll be deploying near landing point Delta. Rocky craglands and forests near the equator, so crank up the AC. Our landing site'll be outside the city of Gelcastre: heavily defended, and intel suggests the nanoforge we're after is inside. Help the 5th in taking the city as best you can, but securing the nanoforge takes priority over any allied unit, this one's straight from the top brass. Questions at this time?"
Elliot’s hand raised almost instinctively before his better judgment had the sense to stop himself. With a sudden look of embarrassment he dropped his arm and coughed into his fist before military discipline slid into place once more, ”Sir. Just to confirm, you’re ordering us to ignore friendlies if need be to secure our own objectives?” He asked in order to clarify. As the words left his mouth he couldn’t help but feel like it was a silly question, but Elliot was still fresh and the 7th was his first and only squad so far. Standard by the books tactics were what he was familiar with, obviously the 7th played by a different book.
Regardless of silly questions Elliot had a good handle on the objectives laid out before them and was ready to get this next op underway with a renewed sense of determination.