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I has arrived.
From the one of the taller buildings in Frux, Sid watched the events take place that lead to BlueBeard to speak up about the bounty on the man made of goo. Sid had not cared about anything else going on besides BlueBeard. He needed to take him down and prove himself to the world at large. Making a name for himself would ensure that World Government would take notice and so would other pirates. He could amass a crew strong enough to shatter the foundation of the very world and end the tyranny of the Marines. For now though Sid would stop the bounty of the goo man and fight back against BlueBeard. Sid jumped from the building like a hawk diving for it's food.

"Catfish DROPKICK!"

Water morphed around his leg in the shape of a giant catfish. Combined with the water based attack of Fishman Muay Thai Sid's flying kick connected with explosive fury against the face of one of the pirates. The pirate flew backwards into a group of the men that wanted to take the bounty that BlueBeard proposed. Sid landed behind the mushy man and stood as a wall between the mushy man and the individuals that wanted to take the bounty.

"You bastards aren't taking this bounty unless you get through me. I, Barbossa Sid, Son of the Strongest Fishman in the World, won't let you harm one hair on this man's head." Sid spoke confidently to everyone with a grin on his face.

"Get out of my w---" One of the pirates thought to walk forward and press Sid only to be met with a crushing elbow to the nose knocking the man to his butt.

Actually yea can you edit not killing it? You can hurt it pretty bad but don't kill it.

I can respect that.
Tis the life of rping.

Wonder what you had planned for that thing anyway.

Braska Jr.



Hair Color:
Sandy Brown/Grey

Eye color:

Calabolg - A sword passed down to Braska by his father. It stands as a testament to how far Braska has came as a swordsman. He effortlessly blends his swordsmanship with magic to create something stupendous.

Braska has lived the life of stardom ever since he could remember. With his father being leader of the Zanarkand Abes, reconstructing Zanarkand, and his mother as the high summoner, Braska stayed in the spotlight as eldest of his siblings. Tidus raised his son to live the life of a blitzball player while also teaching him how to fight. Little did Tidus know that Kimahri and Yuna were both teaching the young boy in the ways of combat and magic. Taking after his grandfather's legacy, Braska went on to achieve spectacular stardom as a Zanarkand Abe but little did he know that fate would bring him into the same life that his father once lived.

Braska has been described as a lazy but confident man and someone you can rely on by his comrades. He is smart and has a great sense of humor. He believes in his own methods of doing things not abiding by any other methods, he is very laid back and only speaks words when he feels that he needs to. When people are in his presence they tend to find it hard to speak to him due to the way he gives off a natural presence, making them silent. Normally Braska is the one to start and finish a conversation, he is very hard to predict and tell his emotions due to him having a natural poker-face, he stands out in crowds and is very easy to notice and pick up on.

Are you arriving in Besaid or Living there?
Considering how far the rp is, Braska will be arriving where needed.
I'm interested.
And I have posted. The Hero Braska shall save you all.
The waters slowly rocked the young child of Tidus and Yuna from his slumber. It had been several hours since he had fallen asleep and several of his teammates were staring at him as if he was a dead body. Suddenly one of the members of the team decided to slap Braska across the face. Hand meeting face caused a loud thud to ring out throughout the cabin. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" Braska yelled out at his teammate, "Why'd ya do that for?" The biggest teammate, Ner, stood up and pointed at the one of the Guado's sitting across the room. "They put you to sleep to try and sabotage the team. You've missed a lot. You need to be brought up to speed. We're on the boat to Kilika currently."

Braska lifted his right hand to wave Ner away. "Sigh. Please don't right now. I just woke up. I don't need anymore bad news." The whole of the Zanarkand Abes all looked at each other before giving a collected sigh. Braska face turned to fear as their shadows loomed over his body. BLAM! They struck Braska at the same time with a team slap. It was a needed thing at times, one could say it was a family thing by now. Braska rubbed his jaw with little tears running down his cheek. "You'd think you guy----" Screams of fiend filled the air as the ship violently rocked back and forth. "HOLY CRAP!" Braska yelled bumping his head against the ship's hull. They all sat there in shock for a few minutes before the hull ripped open with the presence of a fiend. A scream erupted as the fiend pierced one of team member's shoulder.

Within the blink of an eye Braska was on his feet with his blade deep in the fiend's chest. Pyreflies fluttered in the air all around Braska. "What's going on here?" Braska peeked out into the hall to see fiends had entered from another part of the ship. "You guys patch him up and keep this room safe. I'm heading to the top to help out." Braska bolted out the room holding Caladbolg in his right hand. His movements looked almost unrealistic as he ran on the walls, spinning and cutting through fiends in his way. Soon it became glorious flips demonstrating Braska's great acrobatic abilities. His last flip situated him at the steps leading to the deck and pryeflies filled the hallway.

"What a mighty fine job."

Braska reached the top deck to see many people were already fighting off the fiends and the tentacles. "Hmmm if they are handling things above then I'll go below." Braska ran to the edge of the ship and dove into the water like a dolphin. The cold waters rushed over him as he swam the easily identifiable Kraken. From view he could see a small black haired female swimming to engage in combat with the Kraken so Braska decided to swim over to her. He reached his hand, poking her to get her attention and waved to show he was a friendly. It was time for the hero Braska to save the ship with help of-course.
@rivaan *thumbs up* Saina will handle that~

Braska is going to back up Saina.
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