Braska was awe-struck by the authority that had arrived and were barking orders left and right. It had seemed the Nai had pissed off the mayor. Now things were getting to be a little too dangerous. With the guards looking to take them away, excluding Braska as the big boobed woman stated and Sifen who had given them away, Braska wondered how would they get themselves out of this situation. He only could stare for a bit, getting pissed at the circumstances that presented themselves. Suddenly it turned into a shouting match between Alex, Nai, and the leader female. Braska stepped forward placing half his body in front of Nai. His back was toward her but his head turned just a bit so that she could see his left eye past his hair. There was a seriousness in his eyes that many didn't get to see. Something Nai would know almost instantly.
"Nai. ENOUGH! Antagonizing will not help in this situation. Quiet yourself.....for now." Braska eyes moved toward Alex next, "Keep Nai close to you but you also need to calm down. We aren't in the best predicament." Braska turned his head back to the forces that looked to capture the group. "You listen here. You wanted me, lady. Then my friends transition to your prison smoothly. No harm whatsoever and lighten up." Braska knew this would be the only way. Once he dealt with this, he'd have to get Gippal. There friends wouldn't stay locked up for long.