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"As for you, winged fellow-" He seems greatly amused. "-I would be cautious with neckwear. The throat and the voice are sacred things here, and wearing something about the neck or around the throat can often mean some kind of committment. Usually to someone, if you understand me."

He could feel how his smile froze and the red started to creek onto his neck.

"Ah" was the only thing he could say in response.

How was he supposed to react to that!? did that mean that he was married now to the cloud person? Oh god, he broke the promise he made to grandpa about not marrying before becoming 17, he didn't even know who was his... fiancee? fiance? he stopped a moment to ponder on the matter of if the cloud person even had the notion of sexuality.

"Given that, you look more like those angels in movies. They always have a holy object without fail."

David's words snapped his mind back to reality and he ran after the group to not be left behind. Okay, okay, David's words made him reconsider the whole thing and Eckehart said that it was a commitment but not necessarily marriage so could it be more like a promise to enjoy this place? he would much prefer if that was the case as that was what he was planning on doing anyway, in fact, he was already eager to run from place to place, looking at everything and everyone that catches his attention (which in this case was everything).

So engrossed was he in his thoughts that he almost missed the words of Eckehart upon reaching the palace entrance.

Syd didn't waste any moment and launched on the etiquette question, a part of himself cringed at it knowing how bad he could be when trying to follow proper conduct codes, it wasn't his fault that his mind latched onto something he found interesting, and refused to let go from time to time!

Eckehart response made him sag in relief as more and more questions were asked, he didn't have to worry about acting stiff, then his confirmation that they could go to explore on their own made his heart leap in excitement and he almost ran away but the man words about the Princess wanting friends made him stop, more friends were always welcome after all.

You’re good fam, communication is appreciated. Kudos.

I am sorry too dude, got food poisoning (caused by myself) and haven't been well until recently, I will try to post today or tomorrow

You know? Japanese people apparently have surprisingly hardcore folklore, like they used to view the concept of death as a pretty common thing, oh you disrespected some random spirit, well congrats! now your entire dynasty is cursed to die before reaching twenty and in pretty fucked up ways to finish the entire thing, you are welcome by the way. So yeah I think I prefer the tells of my homeland, at least they are just of people being assholes and getting their due rather than being unlucky. Not to say that they aren't good just not my cup of whatever I choose to drink.

Still, they lead to some weird ass dreams after his shift ended and he finally went back to sleep after waking the next people for their watch, he hoped Joji had gone to sleep as well, the guy looked somewhat okay but one never knows.

Waking up was the same as in the beginning on his turn for the watch, a small period of time where he was not totally aware but neither was he asleep, a perfect balance that felt just surreal enough to make him miss having the capacity to make a cup of coffee at a moment notice, he even had trained his body to go through the motions in this state, ugh all that time wasted.

When his mind finally catched up with the waking world he found himself helping clean the camp and saying his mornings to the others.
I am writting a collab post with Evil
So that was a lie... realk talk I fell aslepp cuz I was out all day, just woke up and with some luck I will post tonight
I will post in like 10 hours
I'm dealing with some stuff at home rn, just give me a bit and hopefully tomorrow I'll have things sorted. Just been a stressful day today.

Hope everything goes well my dude!

Of course, the Humans would alter the deal at the first opportunity to create more destruction, foolish of him to assume otherwise really.


At the Sand King's announcement, he readied himself and looked directly at his opponent who seemed bemused, took a moment to deliberate... then ran after the guy that tried to jump at him at the start, he already disliked him the moment he appeared and if he went after him disregarding everyone around them then clearly this guy had some kind of stake on taking him out.

To the man's credit, he managed to rise a shaky defense before he rammed his shield at full speed against him, then the man discovered the hard way that defensive stance or not he really couldn't contend against the might of a Jotun. The result was an opponent down and a crack in the wall of the Arena, sadly (or maybe fortunately) that marked him as a threat to the several contenders around, two in particular had obtained a shield from the generators before everyone else on this side.

Without losing time he launched himself at the new group of enemies and the fight finally began in earnest, a sable hit against his shield and he responded with a strike from his axe, a returning swing to the rib stopped a sword from stabbing as a leg with grieves hit him on the back of his legs, he responded by letting go of his shield, grabbing the human by the leg and then using them as an improvised flail to hit another before throwing them at the bow user that was about to fire in his direction, missing the maze that was about to hit his back, chaos was on all sides of him and although he was winning he was still taking too much damage, a sudden activation of the chained enchantment on his weapons recalled the shield to his hand in time to met with a shield bash from a someone who didn't think things through.

A scream rippled through the air as another human flew in the path of one who was about to stab him in the back with a dagger and he saw how both groaned on the ground against each other before looking in the direction it came from.

There his original opponent was watching him eagerly, a hand on the pommel of his weapon and another signaling at him and then at himself in quick succession before dipping into a battle stance.

He delivered once more, on one hand, the youkai was being outright polite considering the situation surrounding them, on the other he could be bashing Human heads at his heart's content. With a sigh, he fell back into his own stance, he was raised to respect others and the youkai appeared to be asking without any malice, declining after he had gone out of his way to help would be unnecessarily rude as well.

The Youkai widened his grin and let out a laugh before speaking for the first time since they entered the Arena.


He gathered strength in his legs and responded.


And with that, both launched at each other with the intention of causing harm.
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