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Okay, here is a very rough concept, I need to go to sleep but I wanted to save it first.

I think he comes from a similar world as Cynthia Schovajsa but with vastly different treatment from their Deities, her God is definitely more callous

Edit: Finished the sheet!
From your resident healer, please don't get injured like this again until I get better healing spells, its a bitch to do everything manual

Fuck is always the head!

His vision swarmed, it wasn't the first time he received a head injury but that didn't mean that he developed some sort of resistance towards them, a concussion was nasty damage that couldn't just be swept under the rug and forgotten like that, it took extensive medical care and continuous monitoring to make sure it didn't develop into something more severe, Vero always said that concussions were always a factor to look out for because they were easily missed if no-

FUCK! he was doing it again!

"Focus, focus."

He was on his back having rolled after being kicked by the ninja wannabe, he managed to pass Zell's defense by Clive was dead Deal with it later -He managed to pass Zell defense but Adam managed to restrain him and then Thing showed up, some kind of malformed centaur by its looks then-

"MacKenzie, its going for Mackenzie!"

He watched with horror how the assassin started sprinting in MacKenzie's direction, he was going to kill her just like he killed Cli Deal with it later -only for Zell to appear out of nowhere and make them both miss the strike by a few inches. At once he felt some tension leaving his core as the both of them lunged for the ninja in synchrony. Said tension returned with a vengeance as he remembered Lilliana's current state.

Looking around he caught a glimpse of Adam utilizing his plant control to make the roots drag Lilliana to an improvised defense at the same time that Joji decided to distract the Centaur.

Getting on four he wasted no time using his light spell against the beast to provide some advantage to Joji and making a signal for Arthur to help him, those two had the greatest chance of bringing down the thing just as Mac and Zell worked well against the Ninja. Once the spell was on its way he crawled as fast as he could towards Lilliana.

Reaching her fallen form he gave a nod to Adam, they would depend on him to keep any threats away during the process, once he was sure the other man was prepared he started to get to work but paused. There was something... strange about her, a feeling similar to the one he felt whenever he cast Undaya Blessing but much more formless, sort of reaching towards something but there appeared to be something missing, a critical piece that didn't let the, the conexion solidify. He shook his head, whatever it was it didn't matter, what was important was treating her injuries as fast as possible to grant her the possibility of surviving.

As quickly as possible he grabbed a small knife from his pack and removed all elements of clothing obstructing the injuries, the good news was that the stab wound was a clean cut, with no jagged edges or hacked-away pieces, just a direct hit that entered and exited the body, it looked somewhat similar to how the diagrams in Vero books described a stab wound but cleaner if he was to judge, seems the Ninja ability made the blade wound easier to treat, ironically enough. The bad news was that all the lighting that she discharged provoked light burns around her torso He could sympathize Not now!, they didn't appear life-threatening so he gave priority to the puncture. As he analyzed he never stopped talking in a clear voice, Vero was always adamant that keeping a patient conscious was up there in the list of needs, alongside not making things worse or fucking up.

"Hey, HEY!, Look at me, everything is going to be alright, you are going to be running around before you even notice"

Time to start.

Rolling her so she laid on her side he started talking "So Lily -can I call you Lily?- Great! So Lily how do you feel now that you can do magic stuff?" First thing, clear the entry and exit with a small cloth and some water from his canteen, it will get dirty during the process but better if it is blood than dirt "Is jarring isn't it? Suddenly knowing stuff" He almost flinched while analyzing the wound, it was directly under the heart and it missed the lungs by a small margin but a little lower and it would have performed her liver which would have been a death sentence "I sort of imagine shelves with books and each book is a spell, how do you imagine them?" Keep her distracted, she is already becoming paler but the bleeding doesn't appear to be quite as severe as before, clothing must be in effect then.

Rummaging through his pack he pulled a needle, some tread, and some of the medicine he received from the Assistant back in Homas, none of it is what he should be using, the needle and the tread are not sterilized and the antiseptic paste is not as strong as he would have liked for this type of injury but a beggar couldn't be a chooser "Things here are a lot different from how they were before, aren't they? Speaking of, what did you use to do before all of this?" He started bending the needle and tying the tread, then he cleaned the blood once more "Hey how do you think the city will look once we reach it? I bet it looks exactly like Homas but bigger" Entry or exit? Which one to focus on first? "I think the thing I look forward the most to is a bed and a shower, what about you?" Exit, is slightly more open than the other, using the needle he started suturing the wound, one stitch, tie it, cut the tread, clean the wound and start again. Over and over he continued making sure to never stop talking while patching her up "Now that I think about it, do you think they sell your favorite food in Valheim? I doubt they sell zacahuil or tamales but I could settle for some tacos" Suture is done, its time to apply the paste, it will hopefully drive away any risk of infection "Thinking about it, where are you from? I know Mac is French, Joji is Japanese and I think Zell is English so counting my Mexican ass we are a really varied bunch, you seem American or Canadian, did I guess right?" Bandages, he needed bandages! Wher- His shawl! Controlled movements untied his shawl from his shoulders and he proceeded to tear it into a single strip of cloth with the knife, then he fastened the strip around Lilliana as an improvised bandage. Once he make sure the bandage was snug he tied the end and invoked his healing spell two times in a row, he wasn't sure if casting it more would make it better but he was not ready to take any chances.

The moment the spell settled on the bandages he fell on his ass and took deep breaths, the stress finally getting to him but even so never once did he stop talking.

"You are going to be okay, everything is going to be fine, you will recover, it's okay..."

Perhaps the person he was trying to convince was himself
Well if you decide to join this, do you have any character in mind?

Maybe the champion of Warhammer 40k inspired God of Dreams, the blessing would be a Silver Bear and he would have Support magic but focused on buffing the Bear.

Just a bit worried it overlaps with two others characters

Edit: I think maybe the way to go would be a crafter, the Champion of a god of the Forge
I am tentatively interested
Oh shit sorry dude! I just though to post a little something before to have James do something

The moment the (for fuck's sake) Ninja made his entrance and took care of the two wolves he knew there was a new problem but rather than do as Mac he didn't act, he observed, fast, skilled, used magic (water), heavy armored and appeared to be wiping their asses with relatively low effort even as Fenna, Arthur, and Joji ganged up against him. All in all, it was easy to come to a conclusion.

They were fucked

This was not someone they were prepared to face in any way, maybe if they had more experience or if they had some form of training they could have put up more of a fight, sadly they didn't and the result was in front of him in the form of Lilliana making a light show as she and the Ninja screamed in pain. He ignored the lizard part of his brain that demanded he rushed and tried to fight the guy head on, the wound seemed deep and without his spells she was likely to not make it.

That didn't mean that just because he couldn't nobody else did.

"Zell! Separate them!"

The plan on his mind was solidifying, all that lighting, if it didn't do anything he would eat his hat, so the question was, could they take him before that? No time to find out.

But first best to get some insurance.

"Fenna! Tell your bird to take the cube and go to Valhiem! If this guy wants it so much he will have to learn to fucking fly!" What he didn't say is that if they failed to defeat him they would have to serve as distractions "Adam restrain him! Mac arrows! Don't let him move freely! Everyone else gang up on this asshole!"

He didn't rush into the fray, the moment Lilliana and the enemy were separated he would rush in and take her away from him to start treating her injuries, she was impaled, which meant entrance and exit wound so he would have to remove the sword (he prayed that the sword was not forcibly removed during the exchange) safely and then apply some form of a tourniquet to mantain pressure on both sides and her insides inside, with some luck his spell and whatever medicine was on their packs would provide enough to make her recover. He just needed an opportunity.
Just bought Dishonored on steam and have been playing it for the last 4-5 hours, this is not a flex, is a cry for help
Extremly small post, didn't know what else to post as there is not really anything for him to do apart from casting

Despite (or perhaps because of) the situation James couldn't help but get more and more annoyed as the fight dragged on, maybe he had an undiscovered burning hatred for wolves that even he had no clue about, it could happen right? But no, he knew the reason for his growing frustration, he just disliked having to fight so soon after trekking for so long, he was sore, tired and if the roaring sound was any indicator they were going to be facing something far meaner soon.

Taking that into account he was doing fairly well by his normal standarts.

So it should be no surprise that his reaction to the fight after casting the Blessing was to make finger guns and shoot a Light Beam towards each Boss enemy.
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