"Leaving so soon James? My, you have been busy today. I should have probably been doing the same, today, instead of purchasing outfits. If you see any special kinds of crossbow bolts on your route, perhaps you could get them for me? Just anything that might be more effective than ordinary ammunition. I trust your judgment. Thank you, James."
"Nah, if anything I feel like I have barely done anything today" Grabbing the money he pocketed it on his own pouch "I will see what can I get ya, with some luck I find some really zany stuff for the next ogre fight"
Turning to Adam he received the other man's refusal, shrugging his shoulders he bid the two of them goodbye and exited the Mended Drum with the market in mind. Just in time to come across two familiar faces.
"Hey James, look who I bumped into whilst taking a walk in the park. You off out? Cleric business or something?"
"Somehow it doesn't surprise me it was you who found him" It was relieving, Zell and Mac were the most outgoing and friendly members of the party so that was a good first impression "And hello again Barr- Kas!, you are part of the party after all, and that means a nickname" It wasn't the most imaginative one but it was good enough, it was either that or Bar and he didn't think the calm man would appreciate being called that "But nah, it's not 'Cleric bussiness', I am just going to run some errands that I want to get done before we depart" They came from that direction but it would be polite to ask "I will visit the market, do either of you need anything?"
Saying his goodbyes he continued on his merry way, the day was not over.
Thank God the day was finally over
Having bathed and eaten dinner there was nothing he wanted more than just sleep, the visit to the marked had gone reasonably easy, he had managed to buy the medical supplies from a local merchant as well as a set of eight daggers (that he still had to deliver) from a blacksmith and some seeds from vegetables and fruits that grew in the surrounding area plus some exotic ones (and he found a local coffee beans supplier) from a farmer, he had even managed to corner Fred to 'negotiate' his beef and eggs recipe from earlier, that was a few articles off the list let's go! now he just needed to sleep and everything would be alright until the next day.
Yeah he just needed to fall asleep.
In hindsight he may have gone too crazy with the coffee but he couldn't be blamed! They literally had blends he had never even heard about! He knew people who would commit questionable acts for such a thing. Ah whatever, he still had to read through the theology book he had on his pack.
Grumbling he got out of bed.
A few minutes later he was seated on the bed reading through the thick book, at the very least the book was entertaining and informative, as well as a little baffling, he wasn't the best read individual but he knew some of the godly tales from back home so the stories he found on the book were... surprisingly humble? no, humble was not the correct word, more like grounded, down to earth, while there were tales of extreme power (especially from the big five) most of the tales focused on interactions with mortals, not necessarily nice ones but they weren't as petty as he was expecting, seemingly the gods here were more focused on their domains and expressing themselves through those. Shit was interesting nonetheless.
He kept reading until he finally fell asleep.