A couple hours later and he was all but thrown over a table looking listless at the ceiling.
Around him were the rest of the research team in similar positions, the feeling of defeat permeating the air. It hadn't taken long for the other members to engage him when he started sprouting ideas, desperation was wonderful for team bonding apparently, and despite some of his weirder suggestions they followed through. But even after all manner of weird experiments the cube remained as immutable as ever, floating gently and appearing dead to the world, even after singing to it, covering it in milk, insulting it, talking dirty, all equally useless.
"What if we-"
"We already did that"
Conversation started only to be shot down mercilessly. Both of the speakers looking chagrined for daring to speak.
He let out a breath and directed his gaze to the only person standing upright.
Alone Clarissa Shields remained unbowed, head raised high and eyes centered on one of the screens, perusing some of the gathered data with single-minded focus.
He couldn't see her expression but just from her posture he could imagine the intense look in her eyes, he had known her for less than a day and he could already picture it, she was scary like that. Releasing a grunt he moved from his resting position until he was sitting on the table with his knees crossed, facing her direction.
"So what is next Chief?"
He waited a couple seconds without a response, at first he thought that she hadn't heard him, he had seen the same thing happen with a couple of the other researchers, but just as he was about to speak again she turned-
Someone gasped.
He may have only known Clarissa Shields for less than a day but even he could say that the dull gaze wasn't meant to be on her face, tired eyes and a grimace completed the unnatural visage of the proud Director, beside him the other researchers were looking at her with varying degrees of dread. Dread that he shared.
Her face cycled through a thousand emotions before settling in a disconcerting blank gaze, the next words came in a neutral tone, low and measured as if she was simply commenting on a pebble beside the road. But her eyes refused to make contact with anyone.
"...I do not know"
Despite the low volume in which those words were uttered one could be pardoned for thinking someone had been shot, silent like a grave and with as much enthusiasm, the reality of the situation was falling upon the heads of the researchers with the only sound being that of the Director turning once more to stare upon the screen.
Someone left.
Followed by someone else.
More and more people followed the example, maybe to cry or to go see loved ones, he could bet at least one was planning to go rage away from prying eyes, but even as the last one departed he couldn't spare them a look, too focused on the Director's back
Before long there were only two people left within the room.
"You should leave too"
She didn't turn around.
He let out another breath, fuck his life man, why did he keep getting into these situations? Right whole 'Hero from another world' stuff, frankly he felt as if he had been scammed. A hand messed with his locks as he mulled over his response. Words stolen from a booklet in his room.
"The strong man may attempt to divert the river, but it is the da-"
"Spare me your sermon, Priest, I can not afford distractions"
An incredulous laugh left his mouth before he could help it. Here he was about to spill a bunch of religious bullshit just to be cut off before he could begin, fucking hell this bitch was awesome. She was looking at him again, an eyebrow raised and the dull look in her eyes hiding faint irritation.
"Hahahaha.., sorry Chief, just caught me by surprise" He wiped a tear from his eye, man it felt good to laugh like that, if only the situation wasn't so bleak "But for reals, I have a vested interest in Valheim not falling so forgive me if I decide to stick around for a little longer"
She looked at him with scrutiny before lightly shaking her head from side to side.
"You have already proven you do not have the solution, it would be more efficient if you directed your efforts somewhere else"
Cold and harsh. As expected of one who held the title of Director of Research and Technology at the esteemed Valhiem's Academy, why, if she was any lesser he had no doubt one of the countless bottom feeders would have tried to supplant her already. Okay fine, maybe he was being dramatic but it had been a stressing last few days and he was due some form of release, if being a dramatic bitch was what brought him comfort then so be it.
He stretched to loosen his stiff muscles, hours of barely any movement had let his muscles feel tense, Ascension brought countless benefits but it didn't correct a bad posture.
"It would"
"But you have no intention of doing so"
"I do not"
He could practically feel the frustration oozing from her, the last days of stress and sleepless nights catching up to her and churning her emotions to a more volatile state, a lesser person would have exploded days before but it was a testament that even with his goading the Director still managed to get her emotions under her control. Both had seen it countless times before, inters thrust into positions they were not prepared for and balking under the responsibilities/New soldiers losing their nerve the first time their lives were at risk. Eyes closed she seemed to be contemplating something, after a couple seconds she looked at him again having come to a verdict.
"Very well, if you are determined to remain here I will put you to work, do you have any idea?"
Ah shit, she started with the difficult one.
"Truth be told I don't" He grimaced harder "You already tested for a faith reaction with Areleth and he is more versed in the stuff than I am "
"So you are useless then"
Ufff, right where it hurt.
"I-i would't sayyy -okay yes" It racked both parts of himself more than he was willing to admit "Butttt, I have been told that I am particularly blessed by the gods, so if nothing else you can use me as a good luck charm, I am practically Jesus you know?"
Another emotion surged from the sea of frustration and worry.
She snorted, the reference flying over her head but the tone more than enough to paint a picture of her mind. Even with her admittedly lacking social skills she could see what he was trying to do, if nothing else working with higher spirits was bound to produce better results.
"I don't think you would be much help even if you were Lady Sillagy in disguise"
The response died in his lips.
It was tiny, minuscule, and he almost thought he had imagined it but his instinct was screaming at him to not dismiss it. He jumped from the table and grabbed the Director by her shoulders, their eyes met and he tried to impart all the seriousness the situation merited.
"Repeat it" He ordered.
Dark eyes widened slightly before focusing on him, looking at his reaction, analyzing it and coming to some conclusion in a fraction of a second. Then the words spilled from her mouth.
"I don't think you would be much help even if you were Lady Sillagy in disguise"
Another snort followed by the same words said in the exact same tone, with accompanying matching gestures and facial expressions, had he not been as focused he would have applauded her performance. As it was he immediately latched onto his sixth sense, the same strange feeling that had accompanied him ever since he had cast his first Blessing.
Maybe it had been his imagination after all, there wasn-No! There! It was at the edge of his perception but hiding from him, no, hiding was not the right word, camouflaging, blending it, dodging his attention, telling him it wasn't there.
The first real piece of the puzzle slotted in his mind, too small to show the whole picture but large enough to deduce the following shape.
He opened his eyes and found himself looking at someone reflecting his own hope back to him.