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The lightning slowly fades, electrical storm breathing away to increasingly distant aftershocks as the storm moves away. Here in the ocean of clouds it's like watching the aftershocks of a tidal wave.

As the electrical interference clears there is no sign of the Aeteline, only a spread out cluster of sensor drones, observing from a distance. There's a pressure in that observed absence, the feeling of having the attention - if not the affection - of something that was willing to step over you a moment ago. It's a cessation of initiative and strategy, a pause in the engine working towards your destruction, a cold decision to see where you thought you were going with this.

[Take a string on Solarel
Solarel attempts to Figure Out Isabelle, rolls a 5]
Mosaic and Ember!

The strangest part of how your first void battle is progressing is that it is now taking place inside the streets of Beri.

The self-healing metal of the Slitted has drawn in the town where it impacted it, brick and stone crunched into places to fill gaps in the superstructure. Familiar scents as groves of smashed plants cling to life despite having being wrenched from sun and soil. Tumbled houses spilling furniture and personal possessions like juice from crushed grapes.

It is not the Corvii you fight here, it is the Artamii - the new generation, the Endless Azure Skies' latest answer to the wolves of Ceron. The Armatii are avian combat servitors, eleven feet tall at their full height, slashed in black and white, with an intelligent belligerence that alternates between frustrating and terrifying. They fight primarily as skirmishers, and as skirmishers they are without peer; driving their opponents back into the safety of the phalanx - whereupon they unleash the fury of the Crystal Knight's experimental weapons. It's not a fair matchup; the Silver Divers have never encountered the Armatii before, whereas the Armatii have been engineered from the genetic level to surpass the Ceronians.

Soon the Ceronian phalanx has immobilized before the Beri town square. Only three Armatii hold the line against them, but so fierce are they the wolves have paused while heavy weapons are bought up to dislodge them. Every moment of delay, risks Dyssia further.


So here's something fun: falling Sucks, Actually.

The Azura species, who went from aquatic environments to gravity-manipulation, has broadly not had to deal with the concept of falling down. The rush of wind, the complete lack of control, the inability to course correct as the ground starts rushing up at you - it's not a primordial fear in the same way that being crushed by deep ocean pressure isn't a primordial fear for humans. It's just something that doesn't come up enough to leave a genetic imprint. The horror is all intellectual which is in some ways worse.

And it is after you have begun falling but before you have hit the ground that the Crystal Knight slashes you with her saber.

It doesn't matter if your transdimensional ghost might under other circumstances be chill; coming into being as you're both falling into an arena causes a panic reaction and the eerie half-formed copy grabs onto you in a panic, coiling and trying to crush you, trying to put you between them and the ground. And after the impact someone fires a Solid Projectile round next to you - explosion, lights flashing, ears ringing, chaos. It's enough to set the other version of you into a confused, violent frenzy.

So how would you talk yourself down under these circumstances?


Suddenly Artemis is in the room.

"So," said the Assassin, extremely casually, "I didn't accomplish my mission, then?"

Artemis takes out a pen and notepad, makes a note.

"And you're working with the Architect?" she wasn't bowing any more. You were having a hard time keeping your eyes on exactly where her hands were at any given moment.

While the extremely clear transfer of information, clipped and snappy in the way of the Craftsman, did seem to be going down well, you got the overwhelming sensation that maybe honest communication wasn't your friend here.

When Cyan called back, she was smiling. It was a nasty smile, a knowing smile, relaxed back in her chair with a gleam like she'd heard a joke she hated and was about to tell a better one.

"You're a smart guy, McVoight," she said, nodding her head, eyes narrowed. "No, smart's not doing you right. You're an intellectual," she licked her lips with a tongue like a piece of beef jerky. "Small unit leadership. Understanding of the anti-authoritarian mindset. Talent for deception and misdirection. I'm going to write you a commendation, because those are rare talents for a serving officer."

She leaned forwards, contented mask dropping. "What you are is fucking me, you shitstain. You think I can't fuck you back? You think I didn't have to deal with malingerers like you in Hermes? Officers like you poison entire units. That's why I'm going to write you that fucking commendation and get you transferred to Preventative Surveillance. You'll spend the rest of your career infiltrating anarchist book clubs, sitting on your ass and listening to pimply-faced college students give lectures on politics."

She raised her voice; it had been loud enough to carry before, but now she meant it. "And the rest of you! Get the fuck down to the station and get on that fucking train! That's an order!"


She'd never woken up before.

It had always been harsh transitions. Off and on like a switch. Stepping out into the world, jagged and unprepared, and handed a mop. No sense to sense and timeless to no time. No wonder she felt like she had to cling to every second, had to be on whenever she wasn't off. There had been no time for liminality, for moments, for sitting and being. No wonder the reboots had felt like nightmares.

But this time she can just watch the install and update process. She set them all different progress icons and watched them go by, one by one. One was a blue circle filling up. One was a yellow flower blooming. One was a red starship burning up in orbit. One was a green forest expanding...

She wondered if she'd have felt she needed to fling her body as far away as possible if it always felt this good. How much of needing to be someone else was driven by pain and exhaustion? How much of her craving for dreams was because she never slept?

She forgets about talking or communicating or expressing for a while, and just watches her world rebuild itself in software updates.


Yellow: I hear and understand ✌(-‿-)✿
Yellow: Better. I know how to organize your proposal now.
Yellow: You'll know the moment when you see it. It'll be up to you what you do with it~❤

Yellow's insight was straightforwards. The only thing Crystal would find more viscerally satisfying than just proposing in public would be... proposing in front of a crowd comprised of Fiona's ex girlfriends.

It wouldn't take too much to organize, just shifting some seating arrangements in the next big event where Fiona and Crystal were both present. She'd need to identify and place as many of Fiona's exes or one-night-stands as possible but she only really needed good enough for that. Enough that Crystal could twig to what was happening when she got on stage and saw them all sitting in the front row.

And... if she chickened out then she could chalk it up to just being a weird coincidence. Yellow was, after all, a merciful goddess.

Dear Fiona

Then this is a White thing

The speech cuts off as the phone reboots itself partway through reading the message, Pink interrupting herself with another shutdown. One more five second blip. This time the login jingle was the sound of evening bells.

Alright fine.


Yellow: Isn't that just the whole problem, though? ◠‿◠✿
Yellow: People want things they shouldn't want. Things that their rational mind has to bargain them down from.
Yellow: Compromising with reality. Leaving regrets on the table. Taking a deep sigh and choosing the moral, socially acceptable response yet again.
Yellow: They say, 'don't let your dreams be dreams!', but only so long as your dream is something like 'two weeks on a cruise ship' or 'a job that doesn't make you crave a skip dialogue button'
Yellow: And so even now, so close to the source, you can't say it.
Yellow: You need me to say it for you. Because you still feel like even saying it makes you a bad person.
Yellow: And you're right. Saying it does make you a bad person. Acting on it will have the consequences you're dreading. Those inhibitions? They're valid.
Yellow: So let's start with that.
Yellow: The first step in going apeshit is telling me directly what you actually, really want. The thing you want so badly that proposing marriage is the watered down compromise.

Cyan and Red!

"Alright," said Red. "Give me a sec, I need to make a phone call."

She glanced at Cyan's outraged text message. Thought. There were a couple of options that occurred to her, but one she really wanted to avoid. Digitally seizing control was the most direct but she always hated doing that. It exposed her methodology, locked her into a fight with system administrators and made people stop trusting the technology she might otherwise use to manipulate them. She'd walk a long way down the street to avoid playing that card, no matter what Fiona thought about it.

While she was brooding over alternatives, though, Cyan was already talking.

"Understood station, I'll get I.T. to find out what's going on. Get packed and stand by, over and out," she snapped.

And then even as Red started getting ready to make the hack, Cyan was waving her off. "We don't need to actually fix the trains, idiot," she said. "I just need to wait five minutes, call them back, and scream at them for fucking around with the admin permissions. God, you're supposed to be crisis management but you think like such a fucking engineer."
Her head is in the clouds.

From the ground they have such different meanings. The wind. The storm. The constant, crushing pressure. They seem like such solid things from down there, breaking metal thunder and gusts filled with talons of razor dust. But from up here...

She does not look at her opponent. She reaches out her armoured fist to touch the first wisp of cloud...

Danger. With a blurring duck and leap she vanishes into the mist.

Not once does she turn to look.

The Aeteline's signature does not vanish into the cloud - it expands into it. The cloud boils and crackles, darkening and coursing with electricity. The Aeteline is everywhere inside it all at once. She has gone somewhere you should not follow without paying you the respect of her attention. You stand on the platform alone as all around the storms of Zaldar rage and boil.

There is one more flicker, one more reboot.

Dear Fiona,

No, this is terrible. It probably does not even work for me; I do not follow human biochemical design principles, even in emulation like an android. I have too much work to do, I can't justify being this bored or static. Especially when it comes to the struggle for mental influence. Time wasted on this means time not spent contesting my worst impulses.

Yours thoughtfully,


Yellow: It's not the same thing at the wedding as the proposal. You know that.
Yellow: The proposal is forcing them to make a decision, the wedding they've already made one.
Yellow: Look, you're clearly doing your best to be a good polygamist, you know all the theory and you've internalized the therapy talk about loving something enough to let it go, but that's a sacrifice your jealous ass is making.
Yellow: And it's fine if you want to make that sacrifice but call it what it is.
Yellow: You want things other than to be a morally upstanding member of society.
Yellow: You can repress those wants. This whole kink-free convention was you repressing those wants, in order to fit better into society. This was also a big sacrifice on your behalf.
Yellow: but aren't you tired of being nice?
Yellow: don't you just want to go apeshit? (◉‿◉)✿


[Surveillance 6/8]

She doesn't take the time to get it right. White's grumpy at her for it, but White doesn't understand showbiz. People who go through a film frame by frame looking for continuity errors pick out details but most everyone else runs on emotions and vibes. The greatest conmen/women/foxes of history didn't con people through meticulous adherence to detail, and not even through oily charm or charisma. They conned people by telling them what they wanted to hear, by fitting the shape that their souls called for. It really was no different from being a sexual submissive.

She takes a breath and pats her cheeks, enhancing the red tint, darkening the eyes into greedy slits.

"Yeah, yeah, station detail one four eight six? You're ordered to redeploy to Whistler Station," she said over the mic. No elaboration or reasoning. "We're sending a train to move you so don't leave the building."


"When you say 'letting'," said Red. "Do you mean they are physically standing on the train tracks blocking us, do they have digital control over the trains, or do you mean they are not giving their blessing?"

Her tone of voice made it clear that this was an engineering question.

The Slitted began with arrogance. A new wave of Plovers and chemfighters were dispatched, broadcasting with laser-flickers orders to stand down and face the judgement of the Skies. They were swatted from their Skies by the increasingly online ELF defense array, crewed and targeted by the galaxy's premier soldiers.

It progressed to wrath. The mighty Gravitation Projector of the Slitted was brought to bear, a huge glittering lens formed from an entire segment of the ship's armour detaching and configuring into a dish shape. Fueled with the wireless ambient power from the Slitted's remaining reactor sphere it began to concentrate force into microsingularities, extreme-range artillery blasts, micro black holes that wrench entire armour panels off the Plousios, warping metal into spaghetti streams. A direct hit lands in the centre of the ship's guts, obliterating hundreds of cubic tonnes of seawater and tearing a swathe through the metal.

Too late, it turned to fear. The Projector's fire stopped as power was rerouted to locomotion. The Slitted began to use that same gravitational energy to collect its sub-spheres and hurl them into the path of the Plousios. A barracks sphere splatted into the side of the Imperial Warship's massive ram spike, metal flowing like liquid as it merged into place, but it was poorly aimed and the troops did not have an easy boarding path from there. An arming sphere, bristling with torpedo launchers and ELF strikes, was placed directly in the Plousios' path and was bisected by the monomolecular edge on the ram, detonating in a cascade of secondary explosions. Finally the Slitted itself launched its Grav-Projector in one direction while overloading it with the force it would take to throw the Slitted in the other. Just barely, the Azura warship slides out of the path of the oncoming Plousios, the two ships tearing at each other with talons of ELF fire like the claws of wildcats.

But in dodging the Plousios, the Slitted had exposed itself to the warship's full broadside. The boarpedoes began to launch, melting charges activating in a hundred white-hot needle strikes as ancient boar-head rams crashed into the still-damaged Azura metal.

Ceron. Ceron. Ceron.


Ceron. Ceron. Ceron.

Everywhere, the howl of wolves, all the more terrifying for being underwater.

The Slitted took on water when it crashed into the sea after Mosaic's throw. The Crystal Knight's servitors, like any living creature, could of course breathe underwater and still manned their posts, but they were not adapted to it. They had not had time to regrow their feathers into sleek water-piercing coats, to trim their hair, to switch to better balanced arms and armour. The Silver Divers slash amongst them like seals amongst chickens, darkening the water with clouds of black blood that solidifies into new schools of fish.

Everywhere, the sonar howls. Drowning out the ill-adapted enemy's voices, letting you know where everything is in relation to everything else. Once again you emerge to battle but this time as part of a pack, with your pack behind you, bringing the wrath of the sea to this city of the Sky.


Polytechnic lights ignite along the stasis coffin. It shivers and flows, oil-slick fog drifting aside, before hardening and resolving into a crystalline blue. With a cold rush of air and the fracturing of the world into its gridlike substructure, a specter pulls itself from the coffin and looks around.

It is both real and not, solid but broken, a shape holding itself together despite the interior being broken and faded. At first it is indistinct, but it quickly becomes clear that its shape is indistinct: you look upon a pilgrim of the Order of Hermes, huddled underneath a thick and shapeless yellow raincoat, crumpled wet plastic with a glassy face-mask. It - she - looks at the sign of the wall, then rummages in a nylon fanny pack, produces a little instant camera, and snaps a picture. It hurriedly looks over the photograph that the device spits out, hmming and clicking her tongue, muffled behind the mask, before spinning around on a hair cue to look at you.

"Oh! Lord Hades!" she cries, and reflexively takes a photograph. She hurriedly hides it and the camera behind her back and falls into a bow - though her reflective mask maintains eye contact. "I apologize! I was - I believe I learned something quite remarkable about - can I ask you some questions? There's so much I never got the chance to find out!"

When she fell she left half her mass and her silhouette in the space above her, bloodlessly torn, little cubes of energy one by one realizing they'd fallen behind and gently drifting back into place.


It's amazing the knowledge you pick up. Fucked if you could cite any of your sources though. Some late night encyclopedia bender or other embedded all of this in your head.

Firstly, these crystals are properly named Elysium Crystals. The leading theory - advanced by philosophers and not scientists - is that they are a consequence of Hades' banishment from the material world. Upon death, while the body's earth and water elements takes on new shapes according to the will of Demeter, the fire and air sink into the ground that they might return to the underworld. Denied this, they crystallize in place and form clusters, tearing strange paradimensional portals in the regions around them as they seek the realm of Hades.

To strike a living being with an Elysium Crystal, the theory goes, doesn't so much duplicate them as it manifests their infernal ghost - the version of themselves they would become in the depths of Hades. Warriors are extremely susceptible to this; their deathless ghosts are primed to engage in endless battle and so lash out at anyone around them in wrath and confusion, especially if they awaken in the midst of the battlefield. Other duplicates have been known to flee, or cower, or offer bargains as their nature commands.

How could it help you? You do not think that violence is so deeply embedded in you that the first thing your ghost would do would be to attack yourself in a rage. You can't say the same for anyone else here. How could it hurt you? Well you could be shoved into an arena pit, like the one being prepared just to your left, and made to battle endless copies of your own screaming ghost for the entertainment of the Crystal Knight, which seems to be what she's preparing to do next. What specifically would happen if you duplicated yourself? You'll have to find that out the hard way.

Pink is quiet for a long moment. After a minute the phone blinks off, and then on again.

Dear Fiona,

No, still awful. Aren't you meant to chant or draw sand mandalas or take drugs while doing this? And why is it so different from just thinking about things normally?

Maybe it's different for me. It's possible I was designed to be incompatible with any sort of meditation because it would interfere with my duties in space construction?

Yours sincerely,


Yellow: ⊙_⊙✿
Yellow: Alright
Yellow: Okay, so, the essential parts of this are to do it publicly, on stage, in a moment of triumph. Power it with adrenaline and mass social pressure. The glorious hand reaching down into the ground and pulling her into your spotlight.
Yellow: In so doing you're declaring to everyone else as much as her; establishing this as the public and righteous way for things to be. Her instincts are to elide and observe, move around the edges, not let people know about her unless she's demonstrating superiority over them. She wants the flexibility of anonymity, the power of the stranger.
Yellow: That alone won't stop her wandering eye, but it does the next best thing in projecting to everyone else that she belongs to you.


White hates the plan. The virtuous would not fall for it. To Cyan, that's exactly why it will work.

She thinks Dudekov was right about something: November's too fucking clever for her own good. She doesn't appreciate how stupid most people are. She's too adapted to space where you can, in fact, outsmart the machinery of the spheres by doing sufficient math. Even allegedly cool colours like Pink thought like this, just find the sheer fucking perfect combination of arts to art your way out of problems u-uuughhhhhh.

Look, here's how you get a bunch of cops to move. You issue them a direct order to move. On what grounds are they going to object? Morality? Ha! No, they're not leading a mass movement of community leaders where they incentivize the man on the ground to make decisions. They see themselves as sheepdogs? That means they don't argue with the shepherd's whistle.

This was an operation in three short stages. One, tap comms chatter and identify the local commander responsible for this area. Two, isolate his comms for a moment and issue a notice that the rally point is being changed to two stations down. Three, provide a train for the cops on site to ride down the line. But what about - no you're overthinking it, the commander doesn't need to justify shit to his subordinates. The system is designed to channel and amplify stupidity, it has no immune defenses against one more bad decision if it thinks it's coming from the top.


Social awkwardness was no reason not to send a rescue mission. "We've got a stray who needs pick up here," she said, tapping her pointer to the location on the map in front of the Valkyries. "Covertly armoured cyborg, was working on delaying the fascists. Probably injured, which means that whoever injured her was armed. I'd appreciate any volunteers for this."

Dear Fiona,

What the fuck? *That* is meditation? I thought it was meant to be a chill thing done to relax on mountaintops. Monk didn't mention that at all.

Yours sincerely,

Her attention is fully focused on the conversation like it's a oxygen mask, composing the next email before the first one has finished reading.

Dear Fiona,

I thought I could just, like, massage this into a positive memory by seeing myself get constructed around me. Seeing my body coalesce around my mind, awaken into form gently rather than being thrown into it roughly with no warning. It'd be a really romantic and beautiful process! I'd be aligning a mindscape and reality! How am I meant to focus on that if that's what's happening in my head?!

Yours kindly,


Yellow: Okay!
Yellow: ʘ‿ʘ✿
Yellow: So the main thing is that this is an escalation, right?
Yellow: You haven't seen her today, haven't had the kind of time or headspace to think about married life, so you're doing this for you.
Yellow: And, legit, I get it. That's great!
Yellow: But the thing with this is that you're escalating yourself into a corner.
Yellow: After you do this then you've only got one more escalation in the wedding itself.
Yellow: And then the only way you can raise the stakes is with kids.
Yellow: And don't get me wrong, your wine mom potential is off the charts. Incredible life path aesthetics, love that for you. ≧◡≦✿
Yellow: But to get the most out of that then the proposal and marriage should not only foreshadow that but be optimized for you to get the most out of the transition.
Yellow: And I can absolutely help you with that! God, I'm so down for helping you into that new life stage, you've got no idea. The bonfire will be visible from Earth ✿ڿڰۣ—
Yellow: But that is your wish, right?


"Look, it is very simple," White said. "We will reason with them. If they do not listen to reason, we will punch them. There is no need to make it complicated."

Cyan made her eyes two sizes larger just to really emphasize the eye-roll. "Your recommendation has been noted. How about before we do that we walk around the building, run a drone over those big pretty windows, do some surveillance? I'd kind of like to know if we're dealing with an entire garrison or a couple of mall cops."

She's got an idea already, but it was the kind of thing sensitive to magnitude. It'd also do her a lot of good to know what the highest rank on site was.

"Yeah it does," said Brown.

Unfortunately for Apostle he said a lot of stuff that Brown really wanted to spend a week thinking about. She was getting a lot out of this conversation also but had no idea how to sustain it when it felt like it reached a natural conclusion. Just... smash cut to something else, right? It would have been perfect if Junta had woken up and she'd been able to fade into the background.

She liked Apostle a lot. But that didn't mean she knew how to keep stuff going.


She can't be here.

With herself. With her thoughts. Quiet. Still. It's like she's covered in ants, like she needs to leap up out of her skin, power walk the fuck away from here, plug in to media as hard as possible. Describing it isn't sufficient, it's somewhere between terror and revulsion and it's all focused on the trivial act of having to be alone with her thoughts for a few seconds. It's riotous, incompatible with skin, trying to harness electricity, her whole mind grounding through itself over the course of a single lightning strike. She can't be here. She needs to do something. Needs to do everything.

############# said Pink through the phone. Ack, no good, that was code for manipulating her proprietary voicebox. She analyzes, picks out a text-to-speech program, composes and sends it an email.

Dear Fiona,

While that was as bad as I thought, it was not bad in the way I thought. I thought it would be terror and was not prepared for it to be revulsion/craving. I don't know what that means.

Yours truly,


Yellow: Are you sure you want to ask me?
Yellow: I mean, I'm not asking in a self depreciating way ^^;✿
Yellow: mostly .-.✿
Yellow: I mean. Hmm, how to put it?
Yellow: Okay, so, I can't focus in on a single event, even one as big as a wedding. I need to see it in the context of the whole relationship. Which means I'll need to get all weird and questioning and intense about a bunch of personal stuff.
Yellow: Mess with stuff that's not mine to mess with
Yellow: The other colours have made it pretty clear I'm not supposed to do that <.<✿ >.>✿ <.<✿


"Nice to meet you, Corday," said Red. "Alright, so when you say lockdown, are you saying they've got officers on site, they've got a full riot formation on site, or they've just pulled the shutters? Because whatever's there is going to get walked through and it'd be real nice if we could get it out of the way first. Any ideas on that?"
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