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"You're thinking about this too hard," said Injimo placidly, ignoring the destruction taking place behind her. "It's simple. Anyone could be a shapeshifted fox, any sense could be an illusion created by a malicious sorceress, any opponent might be an immortal with a plan centuries in the making. Asking questions is a waste of time. The only truth that can't be faked is the truth of the blade."

She shifted her stance, arcing out wide, tracing the tip of her spear through a loop of electricity - and then pulling the entire web tighter.

"To the victor, answers," she said, pulling the knot of the lightning thread tight around Eclair's tea-station.


Tsane loved her grandfather.(1)

"Do you think," she suggested to Cair, "you could go and get some sort of lightning grenade or scroll or something?"
"Fresh out!" said Cair brightly. "Heron was carrying most of those, and those she wasn't got broken down for elemental essences."
"How about ice?" sighed Tsane, rubbing her temples. "We can take advantage of all of these water effects with frost magic, right?"
"Oh, for sure!" said Cair. "I've got an entire crate of blizzard staves back here. Heron fought an entire army of guys armed with them."
"Then that'll have to be good enough. If we freeze enough of them we can stack them into a wall and that should buy time for Injimo to get back," said Tsane. "Which seems to be the only plan we're capable of following."
"Hey," said Cair. "Maybe Heron comes back instead?"
"She's not coming back," snapped Tsane.
"Sure she is. She always comes back when things are getting dire. I've seen it a hundred times!" said Cair happily, pulling open the lid of a massive blue treasure chest to reveal a trove of sapphires and twisted ashwood. Enough to plunge the Stacks into a new ice age.

[Overcome: 9]

She has to start with colour. Shapes work backwards from colour; a hard line or forced shadow can make a gentle bend seem severe. She's been stuck with a drab pallette for far too long, constrained to the narrow ranges of human skin. Her boy melts, her features melt, she lets herself run into cold and pure whites as the basis for her canvas.

Blue. It was hard to be entirely immune to the influence of the Skies, and there was a radiant pale shade of turquoise she'd always loved; the colour of plasma coils and tropical water. Bubbles of it traced across her skin - too much. The colour looked plastic and flat if it dominated - she sent it to her extremities, her hands and feet and shoulders so the white brightened into blue. She then coiled bands of a darker blue around her core, around her chest and thighs and hips running to her knees, following the lines of muscles. Details in black, triangular around her back and knees, too sharp to be organic. Topical lines appeared, straight and sharp, accentuating the lines of her body.

It came together; a shape both organic and artificial; sometimes appearing to be clothing and sometimes appearing undressed, a lithe and living machine. But it was missing - a touch of faded red, spreading out from her heart on front and back, wrapping around her body just shy of her neck, shoulders, and bottom ribs.

She kept the blonde hair - she'd always envied it - and let it grow even longer. Many parts of the face, too familiar for her to reject them - but longer and sharper canine teeth. The words she was trying to say was savior, angel, and living machine. Something that could love and protect, but needed to be maintained and repaired. That was who she wanted to be.


That silver moonlight - it's close now. You can almost hear its soft footsteps in the corridor outside.

Time has passed; there are curtains and sheets and fresh marks on the bedhead. After everything you've been today now you walk in the liminal space of soft breathing and fragmentary dreams. Rustles of silk almost conceal the sound of arrow-feathers brushing against each other in the quiver.


It is vital for the security of the pack that you cuddle this sheepboy.

Specifically there is the problem of the Azura Magus. Plundering Fang has already taken the initiative during your period of distraction to have her wrap him in her coils and start saying things like 'you are an excellent servitor' and 'stop resisting'. It's a powerful opening move, especially with Plundering Fang keeping a tight grip on the Magus' own leash. This represents a terrible threat to your role as Alpha and you have to Do Something!


This is your second time being used as a squeeze toy by an Azura, but this one also has literal hypnotism eyes. You need to avoid those! If you look into her magical eyes then you'll give up the competition too soon and the plan will fail! Even though she's firmly holding you and telling you 'my eyes are up here' you need to find somewhere else to look - but where!?


The Ceronians are distracted. You've got a rare free hand to intervene in the ship's affairs, and enough institutional backing from the Pix to have a good chance at forcing through whatever changes you need to make before a response can organize. You are a Knight of the Publica; part of your role is to help new societies develop the laws that will help them thrive. What mark do you wish to make?
"As the white serpent was carved into three, so I would sever the Empire of the Han."

A ghostly, crimson light. Dragonsblood drifted in the air, ethereal and shimmering.

"As the white serpent received an ouchy ouchy boo boo, so I would inconvenience the Empire of the Romans."

And Rider finally arrived into the world.

She was dressed in white; white upon white upon white, all the way down to soft white scales where her hands emerged from her dress. Her eyes were narrow and slitted where they were visible through her veils. Her hair was done up in two large triangular shapes, held fast with silvery pins, and her silver earrings were in the shape of keys. She pulled back the gauze around her wrists to look at an incongruous digital watch, held in place with a wristband covered in tiny green hearts, and sighed, tapping her foot.

"I beg your pardon?" said Opalis, immediately bandaging her injured wrist (she was also holding an ice pack to her face where Saber had punched her).
"My summoning," sighed Rider, "was inextricably linked to the curse of the White Snake. If you cut off her head, I would have returned to take yours; if you cut off her tail, I would have returned to take yours. You didn't even cut off her little pawsie! Master, had you met a terrible end I could have avenged you and carried your wish into the heart of the world. Instead I arrive with only the strength to carry out retribution against a mild mannered fox, and before that I must undo the concept of Rome. You have given me little to work with."
"Well! You! One, getting not stabbed is fairly high up my list of wishes -"
"A weakness of character," yawned Rider, revealing two long, serpentine fangs.
"And two!! You didn't tell me any of that!!"
"My messages were being intercepted by Assassin," said Rider. "Who, at least, was trying quite hard to get you into situations where you would be stabbed. Speaking of, darling fox," and Rider turned her attention fully on Katherine, placing her hands on her shoulder with all the demure temptation that snakes were famous for, "would you at least consider severing this dragon's head? I do not know if it would empower me at all at this stage, but surely you agree it would be worth the attempt?"

The second that spear hits that teacup, Eclair knows that she just won the fight - and that the fight, paradoxically, just got much more dangerous.

Injimo's tactics have shifted so suddenly and decisively it's like she's a different person. That first attack was brash, proud, imperious - the strike of a hero. The moment it was countered that hero vanished, all of the pride and strength that infused it blowing away on the breeze. Injimo was so ready to accept defeat that the moment it appeared probable it was accepted as inevitable. And within the zen of her defeat she becomes a dangerous weapon indeed.

"Lace stance, thread weaving," said Injimo, mirroring Eclair's narration of her approach. She swishes the edge of her spear and it catches a thread of lightning like a crochet hook. When she traces it through the air the lightning web lingers in place, forming a dangerous barrier that can only be moved through at the cost of electrocution. "Begin encirclement, clutter possibility space, create cognitive load -"

She snap-lunged, a feint that left a searing arc of electricity crackling in the air between Eclair and the hole the Architect-Knight had left in the floor.

She wasn't fighting like an opponent any more. She was fighting like a teacher giving a test. Each move was made to force a new, different reaction. Her guard was so standard, without a hint of inspiration, that it could be defeated by any secret move - but in so doing force her opponent to reveal a secret move. She was not fighting to avoid pain, incidental damage or humiliation - she could be dissected in a thousand cheap shots - but her stamina was such that her opponent would be forced to get more and more creative with what they showed. She stubbornly refused to take any risks that might allow the fight to end more quickly, refused to lose her composure in a way that would make her concede early. Beating Injimo was easy, beating Injimo without putting all of your cards on the table was hard.

"Doesn't matter what I'm into," she said, answering the question at last as she wrapped one strand of lightning around another, tangling them into a knot. "My job is just to keep you busy."

[Creating an opportunity for someone else]

It doesn't matter what you decide, so long as you decide.

This was the first law of portal combat. To come through a portal meant being placed in a new situation. Enemies were different. Terrain was different. Opportunities were different. Everything about operating in a null information space encouraged the warrior to slow down, get their bearings, think things through and come up with a plan. Those instincts were defeat. Decide first.

She grabs the fangirl by the shoulders. Hefts herself up. Legs over her head. Puts her boot on her back. Kick off, full force. Launch over the crowd, trailing the spear. Whirl it through the trisagion sign of thunder. A rush of air and electricity blows out lights, illuminating the room around her with sudden blue electricity that pools at the tip of her spear. She brings it all down towards Eclair Espoir.

Only now that she has committed to the attack can she think through her reasoning. One, the Architect Knight is already out of the Stacks and is therefore Not Her Problem. Two, Eclair is part of an active plot and has already evaded her once, she's by far the more valuable target. But, she recognizes in the moment that she unleashes Heron's lightning-lance technique, that the actual motive was that she'd fought monsters and devils before, but she'd never fought a Maid Knight.

So her brain settled into a relaxed state: Hey, cool. I'm fighting a Maid Knight. I wonder if the rumour is true they really do have a second form where they turn into dragons after you defeat them.
"Your plan has failed, Assassin," sighed Caster, sitting down heavily. A mechanical dog with a screen for a face hopped onto his lap and stared at the Cardinal with glowing blue eyes.
"It has merely become messy," said Assassin. "Lancer will still triumph."
"Messy," said Caster, holding up a hand in frustration. "Is failure."
"This entire operation hinged on disrupting the transfer of information," said the mechanical hound abruptly, voice clipped and artificial. "Instead we revealed it. Our opponents must surely have noticed the repeated attempts on the dragon's life by now."
"Well," said Assassin. "If that is the case, I will simply have to take matters into my own hands -"
He paused to look down at the mechanical tendril stabbing him through the chest.
"No, I do not think so," said Caster. "I think you betrayed us. I think that you are working in concert with your Master. I think that you knew she would foil your scheme."
Assassin opened his mouth to speak. Instead he coughed up blood. He grinned through bloody teeth.
"And even if my guesses are wrong," said Caster, "I think we can find better uses for you."
With a whirr of ancient machinery, Assassin was wrenched away from Caster's sight, carried into the heart of the massive technological monolith that ran deep into the heart of the world.
Even as his face dissolved into the light, he was chuckling - and then the metal walls slid back into place.


Some days it sucked to be a dragon.

No matter how far society and technology came, nobody ever seemed to fully move past the idea that you were composed of high end crafting components. Even if nobody was actively murdering you over it it was still unrelentingly awkward. When she had been losing her baby teeth a local bandit princess had tried to steal them so that she could grow an army of deadly handmaidens, which had lead to an intense 3am battle in her bedroom with the Tooth Fairy (who was real, but only for dragons). Her teacher had refused to accept that as a valid reason to delay her exam and so she'd been so exhausted she almost failed out of arcane economics. She'd once broken up with a human girlfriend because she'd gotten really into making jewelry out of her scales (which did deserve it, they had a rare rainbow shine she was very proud of) and they weren't growing fast enough to keep up with demand, which had made her feel like a half-plucked chicken. And that wasn't even getting into the time a Technomancer had tried to buy her voice because her 'singularity generation projector was broken, and therefore able to be reverse engineered' which in addition to being very scary had rudely called attention to her inability to ignite her breath attack like other dragons.

And now a foxgirl with an axe wanted her blood. She knew this day would come. She knew they wouldn't be satisfied with just her - erm anyway.

"Why don't we explore other options first?" said Opalis, bargaining as sweetly as she ever had. "I mean, we have not yet investigated to see if Ms. Julia could be redirected into the exploration of material riches? I am authorized to grant her a very generous timeshare in a beach vacation house collectively maintained by my Order in order to -"

The next part of that was unfortunately lost over the sound of a spear piercing through a stone wall.
Bella and Redana and Redana!

Some thoughts are like black holes. The idea itself can never be explored, never spoken, but at the same time it binds the mind to it with crushing gravity that can never be escaped. Personality begins to emerge around the edge of the thought like trapped light - haha wouldn't it be funny if? - but continues a little too long to be a bit. Its presence bends the personality around it even though it never lets itself be observed directly. And there it lurks in the darkness of the brain until a catgirl straps it into the Matter Decompressor and says out loud the thing that one was intending to take to the grave.

She's more naked than the loss of her dress would suggest. She's breathing heavily against her gag. She's in chains and does not need them. There's nothing left to cover, and so for the first time she stands - on tiptoes, arms held high by chains - with protean pride. She no longer needs to conceal what she wants to do; the only question left to her is what she'll be allowed to do.

The gag is pulled from her mouth. She meets Bella's eyes with the hard focus of the hypnotized. "Yes," she said, each sound deliberate. "Nineteen left."

Injimo had more time for art than you might think, given her line of work. People saw the muscles and the scars and they assumed that she spent her free time chewing iron nails and bench pressing construction workers. The thing about getting the shit beaten out of you as a lifestyle, though, is that there was a lot of time spent lying on your back waiting for your body to put itself back together[1].

[1] White magic could accelerate the process, sure, but do too much of it and you start growing angel wings and start thinking thoughts of beatific pacifism and compassion towards all living things. This was a significant disadvantage when it came to punching living things[2], so Injimo tried to heal naturally when she could.
[2] Thellamie's religious-philosophical development has not yet progressed to the point where it is commonly understood that beating the shit out of people can be an act of beatific compassion.

She wasn't much for books - they took more fine muscle control than she could be guaranteed to have. She liked art. Sitting in Civil Churches and looking at the murals, in particular. Many of them were functional as well as aesthetic; they were extraordinarily detailed paintings of the Hero of Ages destroying one of her many ancient foes, and in the process capturing encoded specifics of stance, technique and enemy weakness. The Civil Church maintained these pieces as a way to remind a reborn Hero of abilities she once possessed and might learn again. Somehow Heron could figure out the intended message within minutes or even seconds of looking at the murals. Injimo just had to spend the long, slow hours letting the brush strokes flow into her mind.

She'd meditated on the Fall of the Architect-Knight for an entire rainy weekend in a little chapel near Vespergift. She'd done her best afterwards to learn the technique. The leap. The lunge. The thunderspear, right into the keystone locket without which all stone would crumble. So many hours of thought and training and failure, all leading up to this moment when she got to recreate a moment out of history. Injimo burst through the horde and flew at her foe, and hoped that she had not somehow moved her mystic weak point.
The phones break apart, spilling girl and fox tail all over the floor. The ominous blue light in the heart of the devices takes a moment to fade away entirely even with the severed electronics.

A wall is in front of Kat, and a second later the sizzling black-hot tip of a spear. The broken stone dust fills the air as Lancer wrenches the weapon loose back the way it came. Something about this weapon is truly wicked - this is a curse made manifest. Despite Lancer's earlier dismissiveness about the value of specific storied weapons, this spear never leaves her hand for a second.

"You're right," she hisses. "It's not too late. Even thousands of years after the fact it's not too late. I will not be remembered for a stroke of bad luck."

Berserker throws up another wall, another hammer blow strikes through it. Beneath her visor, Berserker's teeth grit as her wall grows thicker, and again as the lance smashes through stone and mortar. The various Masters gather in a cluster behind Katherine as the wall continues to take blow after blow. There is nothing Berserker can do to move to the offense; in Julian's story, the best her castles can hope for is a slow siege before a total collapse.

"Hey Kat," said Cyanis, putting her sunglasses on as she started to squeeze octopus-like through the narrow arrow slit of a window to escape. "Don't mind me, I'm going to get help. I - what? What the hell is this?"
"Hmm," said Actia thoughtfully. Cyanis yanked her wrist. Somehow she had become linked to the same chain that was binding Actia and Diaofei together.
"You can't do this to me!" cried Cyanis, flopping dramatically on the floor (and also so that she could try to use both feet to scratch at the chain. "You need to use silk, or soft leather, or a pre-Rewan lock! My skin is delicate! I'll get eczema!"
"Oh no, is that because of the cold?" said Opalis. "I'm so sorry! I've never used my breath on people before, let me get my first aid kit -"
"Great Buddha, grant me the strength to endure -"

There are not enough collective braincells in that mess to figure out a coherent escape plan; I'm afraid that will fall to Kat and Ivar.
Julia opened her mouth to retort but it was too late, breath attack breath attack breath attack.

Specifically, ice. When Opalis opens her mouth she does not blast forth a jet of frozen water, but conjured in the place between her jaws is a heat-annihilating microsingularity in a vortex of radiant violet. The air sheets and ripples as moisture snap-condenses into snow, the branches of the vines snap and rupture as their sap freezes and leaves fall in an early autumn, and Julia pulls her cape over her head to shield herself from the blast of terrible cold. Then her boots screech across the icy floor - she is dragged a step towards the terrible gravity of the dragon's jaws. With a fierce gesture she dismisses her tendrils - and Cyanis and Aeglesia are dragged through the phone-portals, which snap shut behind them - and turns to set her spear to face down the

BANG BANG BANG BANG. Actia still has a gun! But Julia has pulled up her armoured cape just in time and catches the attack, just like she catches the follow-up burning side-kick from Diaofei to the shin. The Redeemer of Rome's eyes water in pain and outrage for a moment before Berserker smashes a chair over the back of her head from behind, slamming her on the floor.

"Because I have a sense of humour and nothing to prove," said Julia from her position halfway through a flagstone. "I am going to let you appreciate this moment until I finish counting to ten. Laugh about it! And after that I'm going to bring back crucifixion."
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