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... maybe ;)

When Walter heard Mika's voice, he shrugged off her sarcastic tone that she had directed his way, "yeah, and I get get to be cellies with a Boxer's Daughter, yay," he teased her, "but for real, are you ok? Those bastards from earlier didn't hurt your anything did they? If they did, I'll gladly tear more heads from their shoulders,"


The positioning of the Speedster's and Reality Manipulator's cells was a bridge of sorts between Chris and Eris and Mika and Walt's respective cells.

All around them, there were more cells filled up with more newly arriving mutants, and the guards looked like black stormtroopers, just guarding the cooridor like an empty shining suit of armor in a castle, if said castle had illegally herded many of the world's mutants under one roof and shut off the lights so they couldn't see.


When Chris and Eris came to the realization they were mutants sharing a cell and that more than likely so was everyone else, a voice came through the cooridor's loudspeaker system.

"Good morning, new arrivals! And welcome to the Doghouse, I trust you all slept well, and if not then that's on you. My name is Alpha, as in, I'm the Alpha Dog of this pack. You will hereby live by my rules, and by extention, the rules of the guards you see at their posts outside your cell doors. If anybody here wishes to speak up and wishes to leave, you may not do so," a brief pause as the Alpha and his Guard Dogs laugh hauntingly, "any attempt to leave unless escorted by a Guard will be met with hostile force. So, on that note, your cell doors shall open in 59 minutes exactly and you will all be herded into the mess hall for Chow Time, have a nice day in Hell now," he ended his speech in a cheery tone of voice.
Oh my bad, also, if anybody else wants to make a cs for a fellow inmate or a guard, be my guest
Judging me or them?
So im going to give the both of them 2 days before moving on
Drew and Knighthawk are all we have left :)
Its all good :) just waiting on Knight of Doom, Knighthawk and a couple others I think
You can choose
I was actually thinking it to be Chris, but I dont mind either way
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