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4 yrs ago
Current Masses are always breeding grounds of psychic epidemics.
5 yrs ago
The highest, most decisive experience is to be alone with one's own self. You must be alone to find out what supports you, when you find that you can not support yourself.
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5 yrs ago
One cannot live from anything except what one is.
5 yrs ago
The slave to virtue finds the way as little as the slave to vices.
5 yrs ago
The core of an individual is the mystery of life, which dies when it is 'grasped'. That is also why symbols want to keep their secrets.


The Harbinger of Ferocity

Agent of the Wild, Aspect of the Ferine
Nature, red in tooth and claw.

"There is, indeed, no single quality of the cat that man could not emulate to his advantage."
- Carl Van Vechten

I am, at my core, a personification and manifestation of those things whose blood and hearts run red with the ferocity of the animal world. It is this which convicts and controls my works, my writing, my being; the force and guidance in which I gain wisdom from. It is what inspires me as a creator and weaver of words, the very thing I admire as an author.

My leanings, savage as they are, are of the feline sort as there exists no greater lineage of beasts whom can be drawn from. No others captivate and motivate my talent and skill as the greatest of cats do.

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A nuclear explosion itself is the thermal and radioactive emission from the nuclei being split or fusing together, where as the concussive force generated by it, in this case, is the shock wave generated by the growing fireball that heats and expands the surrounding air and creates a forceful disruption that acts as a blast. It is prefaced by a dip in pressure than a massive spike in it as the molecules in the air are all forced together into a not-wholly-invisible wall that pummels things in its path when it buffets them. The rest of the explosion, the thermal emission, heat and light, does the majority of the destructive impact, unlike conventional explosions. The radioactive emission, in the form of Gamma rays and Neutrons, tend to be particularly deadly as they are released at blinding speeds during detonation and are hard to defeat, whereas Alpha and Beta particles tend to be more a consequence of them clinging to atmospheric particulates that are created by the mushroom cloud and become fallout as the intense heat cools and they rain back to earth, either as "black rain" or just radioactive "snow", @Luna_Maria.

I suppose this also constitutes a random fact about myself as well, that nuclear physics was a part of my repertoire. Unfortunately not often is that required but it certainly has been an interesting subject matter to delve into. I revisit it at times, when I become fond of learning things outside my actual scope or relevance.
Assuming it is deemed worth a spell slot to @Ryonara, rather than walking around and through, the group trying to sneak their way in as best they can, then that seems to be the most reasonable option, @Hekazu. Thus far we haven't seen the enemy demonstrate any antimagic or Dispel Magic spells, so one can reasonably suggest this should be fine.
Your wish has been granted, @The Nexerus, your wish wishing has provided you with more wishes. Unfortunately, as the power of the wish was divided among these wishes, and each has subsequently divided themselves for more wishes, you have created an infinite loop of effectively ineffective wishes as their capacity divides further unto themselves.

It is my wish that only felines receive wishes.
How many members can Feather Fall effect, @Ryonara? The entire party? If not, keeping the group as one element undivided and entering that way, from the usual entrance, is likely to be safer. That is a long ways down as you noted and this seems like there is ample opportunity for something to go wrong somewhere.
You are summoned with regard to the above, @Ryonara.
I do need to foresee rappelling as being particularly effective given the fact that if anything goes wrong, at all, there is no credible line of retreat, let alone if the rope in some way fails. A character could easily become stuck in transit or the obvious issue of the rope breaking.

Is there anything from preventing the group from merely approaching the entrance to the area, then hugging the wall to prevent line of sight? Seems more reasonable and less needlessly risky.
The characters who I come to value and appreciate most in my works are subsequently purchased artwork that helps establish their canon.
Aside from initially serving his duties the hunter kept to himself, somewhere between being part of the scenery and listening in and processing the totality of all that came to be. He quietly cataloged every element of the scent that clung around Tracy like an invisible field of data being blasted into air medium; it might as well have been broadcast here at full strength given the proximity and potency of some of it. Likewise, he did the same as the conversation plodded on, Golemeth behaving cooperatively for the time being just until he was able to get through the haze of irrationality he was fogged with. After all he could have handled only so many inconsistencies in his situation for so long before he realized something was off and the amount Tracy managed to ply from him with conversational navigating.

For not being a "wizard" this guy had helped provide him much more than he needed. So much so that it was going to be quite the story recounting, especially since it was "free". The Intellitron Corp would have plenty of avenues now to extract the bits they were looking for, gaining anything from grainy images to rough record from a scan once they got their hands on the junked cyborg. It wasn't fishing for and parting out everything now, it would go quite a bit faster. More accurate too, presumably, but who knew with these things? Tracy's little science experiment was proof enough he could at least get back up and going and that he wasn't just some insane rambling scav; some sort of street chemist and technician, although not the kind with all kinds of plugs and wires dangling about hiding in some bombed out basement vault or cooking the next batch of drugs that was about to blast the mind clean off some booster who knew too much.

"Well, I'm done here. This is where I get off the Davidson ride. The big boy is all yours." Tracy's eyes shooting to Theron and his stereotypical rhythm of agitation picking back up. "Are we done? You satisfied with that?"

"If you can get him to nap, we'll be done." The man's index and thumb ran over the stubble of his upper lip, knowing for a fact that even if Golemeth were limbless and immobilized as he was right now, getting him out without attracting too much more attention would be a superhuman feat. Golemeth wasn't the type of mechanical monstrosity to go quietly, he certainly didn't before when he had holes punched through his plate and was rolling down gangers with a machine gun.

Theron chewed his lip after, offering his arm again so the process could be assessed for reversal. Tranquing the solo out was going to be a lot easier than getting him restarted again but that was what the lab was for. The only other thing prowling his mind was the disk that was missing, courtesy of another freakshow, but at this point the chimeric gunslinger wasn't interested in going for the highscore. He still needed to seal the deal on what he was contracted to do in the first place. It all made him rub his tongue against the roof of his mouth, his palate, and swallow.

It was bad enough getting to smell them both but tasting them and having it committed to memory as easily as one could think back to any other image in their brain was at times more obnoxious than it needed to be. It took some serious sifting to part it all out rather than be one dose of industrial cocktail. Wherever Tracy liked to linger, roll himself in, or god knew whatever he did as a vagabond, Theron wasn't about to forget it. And that was to say nothing about Golemeth, as now some of those places mentioned, Theron knew and knew in-person. Between the combinations of memory and active stimuli, it was almost like reliving some of them. It made a lot more sense than it should have ever regularly.

But now wasn't the time to dwell on those and it got the man to adjust his glasses and swallow.

"And if there's anything going to be wrong with him other than fragile packaging without all his metal, a warning would be nice."

At times I worry that I specialize too greatly in my fields of study and work, only to then remark on something totally unrelated but exceedingly specific and needed in that moment, outside of my spheres of expertise, say mechanical engineering, and then be told I should pursue that as well. I am already a multidisciplinarian as it is and I am at the point where I lack time between my duties to invest more into further, added study. If only my actual expertise were more applicable at random, then again biologists and ethologists are not exactly in high demand to the normal world and I knew as much going forward.
@Terminal, I will chime in come tomorrow.
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