Avatar of The Irish Tree


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11 mos ago
Current @SaltSight Game was Astlibra: Revision. Found it on sale bundled with another game I've been wanting so I gave it a shot and got like, straight indie JRPG of the early 2000s injected into my veins.
11 mos ago
Hate that strange ennui that hits after 100%'ing a really, really good game. Good time was had, but man am I glad it can't mess my sleep schedule up anymore.
2 yrs ago
Rich people blood sports is how the Oscar's should always have gone. As a hot blooded american man I cant sleep at night without witnessing violence of some kind.
3 yrs ago
So true. Anyways, play Lancer!
3 yrs ago
Final Fantasy: Stranger in Paradise is the funniest shit I've ever seen while also not being a bad game. Just crack open some cold ones with the boys, blare Limp Bizket, and Kill Chaos.


No longer an asshole!

Most Recent Posts


Before Liliana could get her answers in, her good (recently acquired) friend Shizuka came to ask questions about Alice. If the fairy recalled, that was the Mad Hatter she'd arrived with. ...Was she really in trouble? It sure seemed like it. But for now, she felt like those who knew what was going on should handle it. As much as her knightly demeanor had her want to help no matter what, it sounded like a delicate situation if Shizuka needed a wizard's help with it. Keeping quiet, Liliana would get a chance to answer Io's questions.

The fairy knight felt like she had a good understanding of how the wizard explained things (she absolutely did not), but was getting kind of lost at the talk of liches and literature. Lichdom was...what now? "Hmm...being honest, I don't really know what lichdom is. Is that like, being in charge of Lychen? Fairies can kind of do that. Not me though, since I'm more of a swish-stab-defend-her-majesty kind of fairy. As for books and literature...we fairies don't really have things like those, Liliana explained. She would then elaborate with: "I've heard its already hard for humans to print or write books, now imagine doing that at my size! You'd probably need super good glasses just to read a sentence off the page. Besides, fairies usually have attention spans as wide as a bee's wings."

Now that Liliana had cemented that fairies had no culture in the book department, she would take a seat on the floor, wings at rest behind her. Even though it wasn't her problem...she felt like she should try and help Alice if she was able. And thus, she'd ask Io a question of her own: "Is there um...anything you think I can do to help Alice? I-I'm not so good at magic stuff, but I could maybe go get something you need to help her?" In any case, at least the fairy was trying to live up to the loosest code of chivalry.

And, second character sheet is ready for review! Please read the End User License Agreement before deploying for combat.

@Dark Cloud
Best of luck to you man, hope to see you again in things!
Maybe...from now on, Brandy should take up the rear. The girl had enough brain cells missing already, and all the headlong charging was going to take a serious toll on her one day. Still, Schadenfreude existed for a reason, and Sofia was helpless to stop snickering. Alice meanwhile was much more level headed and approached the door with caution, tugging Brandy away from it. "Well, whoever's behind this knows that we're here...so I say we go in as prepared to fight as we can be," Alice said, pulling out her Thundercracker.

Upon seeing the deadly explosive be pulled out, Sofia hurriedly went over and said: "A-Alice, let's reconsider here. After all, we can't get paid if we blow up the entire mausoleum." Alice hummed at Sofia's words, putting it back in her pouch and instead brought out a small bomb that Brandy recognized: The one that stunned their little rabbit problem back in Litroot. "Okay, so my plan is we yell: 'Come out and surrender now', and if they don't, I throw this in and then Sofia shoots them."

Sofia looked incredibly concerned, looking to Brandy. "Is Alice always this...bloodthirsty?"

There was also always the possibility that whatever evil magicks behind the door were getting really cranky that the girls were gabbing right beyond it. So...y'know, it'd be super rude to interrupt the team meeting.
Sorry for the wait, Levia's plan is punch. And then punch twice.
When Levia resolved herself to breeding chimeras, she was also unaware of just how...messy of a process that would wind up being. Between unmentionable fluids, eggshells, corpses, blood, shed skin, and any number of various unique messes made, Levia was basically a glorified janitor until she bred intelligent enough Chimera to help. It was a good thing her slimes were willing to help out breaking down all the crap, otherwise...well, it'd be a health hazard to rival her poison breath.

The annoyance that was the overgrown rust-breathing dragon was a nuisance that Levia was fully intending to swat once she wasn't busy with literal babysitting. Babysitting abominations against God, but...still, babysitting. Luckily for her, the emergency meeting was called when a majority of her prototype chimeras were still asleep, so they wouldn't eat each other while she wasn't there.

Still unused to her human form, Levia would hesitate to sit before realizing her hips were still human-sized and lacking a whole other set of limbs and sat down. "I'm assuming this is about that giant dragon that's been harrassing us for a week. ...If we're making a plan to deal with it, we should avoid using metal weapons. Heh, if anything, I might be the best suited to bring it down," Levia said, making slight punching motions.

"I've tried poisoning the air when it makes passes, but I think it might be immune," Levia added.
"Our last...supper?" Cordelia asked, absolutely 100% certain that she was about to die, likely poisoned by the soup that she had already tasted before her. Looking around nervously, Cordelia would spot Da Vinci, the shining star of Chaldea and feel at ease. Leonardo Da Vinci PAINTED the Last Supper, so that was just a...a very fun art history reference. Yeah, that had to be it.

"Hm..." Samson would say, standing behind Cordelia's seat at the end of the table while observing the canine girl at the podium, then shaking his head. Then he'd eye each and every single Servant present at the table, and then eye the empty seat before slumping forward, poising his chin on his palm while saying: "...Assassin's missing. Or whatever class they're meant to be. So, I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that pooch over there is Assassin." It was, admittedly, not the most unfair of assumptions given that the being munching cake was DEFINITELY not a normal human, but the Berserker didn't have the capacity to know something was a Servant until he activated his [Destruction of the Temple of Dagon] skill. As such, he'd do just that, flooding the room with what could only be described as the malignant feeling of "something being stronger".

On a fundamental level, humans understood being physically outmatched by a different species with just a glance. Men didn't go out and fight bears unless they were prepared to kill a bear. A python could constrict, kill, and eat humans, but humans could guess that from their size. Even on a fundamental level the idea worked with other humans, so long as one understood that Mass=Power. But for a Servant, such a concept didn't exist. A small Servant could be significantly stronger than a large Servant, and a more powerful Noble Phantasm could always overcome a stronger opponent. But in the moment Berserker activated his skill, a single fact stood out.

Powerful. Foolish and brash, but powerful. With a hand on his belt, reaching for a gradually manifesting weapon of bone, Berserker was legitimately poised to strike at the strange being, solely to see "how" much stronger he was. That is, before his Master's hand shot up and grabbed his nose, sticking out just barely within reach. "Samson, stop!" she commanded, before the feeling in the room faded in its entirety. And, with it, Samson's interest in what was going on. Sighing, he would childishly sit down with his legs crossed, easily shaking his Master's hand off as if it hadn't been there at all. "Yes, Master...tch. I never get to cut loose here."

Cordelia meanwhile would slump into her chair, looking positively mortified that her Servant had just almost caused a scene. "A-Ahem. I apologize for my Servant's behavior. He's crude, lacks manners, and doesn't know when it is and isn't appropriate to use one of his skills," Cordelia said, looking like she'd been the one closest to death just now. Technically speaking, she was, having overcome that basic instinct of fearing something stronger. Perhaps a regular occurrence, given that she was prepared with a handkerchief to wipe the sweat from her brow. "I'm sure that Assassin's Master will be here soon!" the mage girl said, hoping to do some damage control with small talk. "Also thank you very much Da Vinci, how did you know my favorite soup?"

Samson would continue to sulk, interest completely waned in the dinner at hand.

Got it. Thank you for letting me know! I'll probably go for something else other than my "guy with a haunted gun" idea.


And so, the meeting of 20 INT vs 6 INT is off to a rousing start.

While it was clear from the start that this was hopelessly out of Liliana's range of understanding, the fairy at least nodded while listening. Okay. Book magic make pages go flip flap. Got it. Pale lady can write on leaves with her fighting spirit to make the pages fear her to turn. Made sense. Pages were lightweight, so she could bully them easily. She had to break up her fighting spirit with its wife, but she's apparently used to this because she can think of lines if she works out a lot.

Man, this wizard stuff was a lot easier than Liliana thought!

But wait...why was she talking about noise now? What happened to Fighting Spirit's wife? Will they get back together? Why were graveyards crowded? Did people work out there a lot? How do you free an egg from a body?

Liliana would look at the page's inscription, nodding wide-eyed. It was all so clear! Skeletons worked out in graveyards because they weren't ground into bonemeal to feed the plants, so they use calcium to get stronger to beat up Fighting Spirit because he left his wife! It was all so simple now!

"Wow! It felt really complicated, but I think I understand it," Liliana said, unaware that in reality she didn't understand a single goddamn word the girl had said in the slightest. "Wizards have it rough...I can't imagine having to do all that to open a book. I just sorta wave my sword and magic happens," the fairy knight said, reaching behind her and peacefully holding her sword for Io to see. A blade which, by all accounts to the lich, was so suffuse with chaotic and primal magical energy that it was a wonder it hadn't blown up when it was made. "Do they make those spirit decoupling book page things in fairy size? Some of my sisters back at home only like books if they can flip through them really fast..."
Been thinking of making a second character, so I wanted to ask: Are Firearms a thing in the setting? I was thinking of something like a rudimentary bolt-action rifle.
Sorry for not posting for a while there!
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