Avatar of The Irish Tree


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11 mos ago
Current @SaltSight Game was Astlibra: Revision. Found it on sale bundled with another game I've been wanting so I gave it a shot and got like, straight indie JRPG of the early 2000s injected into my veins.
11 mos ago
Hate that strange ennui that hits after 100%'ing a really, really good game. Good time was had, but man am I glad it can't mess my sleep schedule up anymore.
2 yrs ago
Rich people blood sports is how the Oscar's should always have gone. As a hot blooded american man I cant sleep at night without witnessing violence of some kind.
3 yrs ago
So true. Anyways, play Lancer!
3 yrs ago
Final Fantasy: Stranger in Paradise is the funniest shit I've ever seen while also not being a bad game. Just crack open some cold ones with the boys, blare Limp Bizket, and Kill Chaos.


No longer an asshole!

Most Recent Posts

I'm fine with whatever, though I feel like the fortune telling could be a collab post for brevity's sake.
"Its super good!" Fio asserted, sipping up the last of it as she said that. She looked back to the table where she got it and saw...it was all gone. That made her a little sad...if she'd have waited just a couple seconds on slurping it all up, she could have shared with Gale. "U-Uh...I promise I'll get you some too next time!"

With food time over, it was now time to enter Kick's office and get their first jobs! After disposing of her cup and making sure she was presentable, Fio would stroll in with the others to present themselves to Kick. With the Blaziken explaining in very kind terms that they'd get absolutely destroyed if they went after evil clutchers on grand adventures, Fio was eager to hear what they'd actually be doing. Even if he was strong and fearsome looking, the big bird seemed to choose his words very carefully. Perhaps he was afraid of scaring them all off on the first job?

With the talk of representation and seriousness, Fio wondered if maybe she should try and look more serious. The Fomantis would have to give making serious stares at the mirror later, but figured that for now she could still be herself. When Kick explained what needed doing and handed over the badges and bandannas, she looked beside herself with happiness, eyes sparkling as the little Fomantis hurriedly tied her new red bandana in place of the green scarf she'd been wearing, right under the white foliage atop her head. She'd keep the green one in her bag for later and would say: "Thank you very much Mr. Kick! We won't let you down!"

Fio didn't have any pressing questions and would exit with the others once they were ready. At the mention of getting their fortunes told, Fio looked a bit smug as she proudly said: "I got mine told before we got initiated today, actually! Well, I mean, horoscopes are different from fortunes but...it said I'd have great luck with money today, so I'm more than ready to do some shopping. Maybe we'll get a bargain on food or something! Ooh, or maybe that one dumpster I hid in still has that half-eaten apple..." Fio sort of trailed off at the end there, but would pull out her wallet, taking out the single-digit amount of money she had. "Um...a-at least we should be able to get you two some food! I can just have water and sunshine, and I'll be good to go all-day long!" Fio asserted that she'd be fine without food, which...given her lack of a mouth, might very well be the case.


"H-Hey, one of me is plenty! Lilianna said while pouting at Skarsneek's teasing. She was, as goblins might say: An easy mark. She had all the pride of a knight with the childishness of a fairy, resulting in her being incredibly gullible and easy to mess with. "N-No way the valkyries would go after Io...she's way too nice! And pink! Pink is justice!

Liliana did get a touch pale though as Io snapped her grimoire shut and said it divorced people in a sense. "I-It can divorce their eyes!? Or...maybe noses?" the fairy asked, astonished at how terrifyingly powerful her new wizarding friend was. Could she...even...divorce taste? Make it so you can't taste sweets anymore? Liliana gulped, making a mental note to never cross her wizardy pal with pranks gone too far. In fact, she may not even try to play small pranks at all on her. The last thing she wanted was to never taste fruit again!

"Can't say I've seen either of those two...but I feel like it'd be hard to miss a spider lady at least. Maybe she's on a..." Liliana suddenly flipped upside-down, flying with her back to the ground as she hovered and looked at the ceiling. "Ceiling somewhere? Not this one at least...does she like ceilings? I'd think spiders would..." After confirming there were no spider ladies up on the ceiling, Liliana righted herself. "I hope you find them though. As for me...I should probably stop bugging Io and go find some baddies that need beating or people that need saving."



With the duo making haste to track down the bandits, the two would be able to find the tracks while they were fresh. With their base located and some information gathered, Eula would see it prudent to hold off on their assault until they had a concrete plan. There were far more bandits than there had been, at least a dozen, and a hail of stun blasts from Eula could only deter them so much before a few retaliated...and would likely notice that she was only capable of using one arm. The ambush tactic from earlier likely wouldn't work either, given that it was now against far greater, perhaps hardened bandits.

And then there was the troubling murmurs they overheard from guards on patrol. The mention of a slain family, a female, and bandits...Eula didn't like the thought formulating in her mind. Had they been set up to slaughter bandits for the woman that told them about them? ...It didn't especially matter in terms of dealing with the bandits. They were a threat that needed to be routed right away. But they may be doing the bidding of a murderer in doing so. "Shizuka, a question," the automaton started before continuing with: "Are human beings capable of killing their own flesh and blood for love of another? And, should said human being capable of such acts then be rejected by that love...would they then be capable of deceiving others into getting revenge for them?"

Eula would hold her damaged arm with her remaining one, idly looking down at her palm, covered by the dangling sheet. "...The woman who told me of the bandits said she lost her family to them. But here, bandits claim a woman slaughtered her family for their leader. ...My programming is at odds. This unit isn't capable of arbitrating what is and isn't moral, so I would appreciate hearing your thoughts on the matter."

Thankfully from their hiding spot, they could likely speak for a bit before their assault. Eula's heart was wavering, not on the battle, but as to whether this was truly righteous to be doing. It felt...dirty to her, somehow.
With the girls off to the Bubbling Cauldron, it was only a matter of time before their loot could be identified and catalogued. Alice would handle the inventory, given that Sofia was painfully aware of how unlucky she could be...especially after tripping just after they came out of the guild building.

"Alright, so we definitely know the cane has magic, the robe is magic, and...maybe the belt and ring. The dress however, that was probably just there for whatever weird corpse stuff he was doing," Alice explained, getting their loot ready. Sofia would interject with: "I'd very much like to keep the monocle if possible. I feel it completes my elegant ensemble."

The aged man at the counter would get out a scrying glass and make his appraisals and offers for their gear. Magic items in general were a rather rare sort in small humdump bumpkin towns, but here there was even a magic shop. So, hopefully, they could get some coin, haggle, or just get them identified as useful.

The gnome's robe was enchanted with a permanent cleaning enchantment. While practical, it basically meant it was little better than an average robe of mundane make. Very Low Copper sale value.

The dagger was enchanted with Bane of Living, making it more effective against living targets. While that was very broad and applicable, it wasn't a very strong enchantment. It basically meant the knife hurt a lot more than normal. Normal Silver sale value.

The monocle as it turned out was capable of using a zooming function, enhancing the user's eyesight temporarily to see great distances. Low Copper sale value.

The gold ring encrusted with onyx was identified as being of dwarven make, with a minor protective charm on it that shielded the user from a small bit of damage. Normal Silver sale value.

The belt had proven rather interesting, since it was enchanted with "Ghostly Step", a usable spell that allowed the user to become intangible for a minute once per day. Definitely the most valuable find. Low Gold sale value.

The staff was identified as shooting magic missiles for free if the user knew how...which, sadly, our group of heroes had no clue how to magically missile folks. Just beat them over the head and shoot them. High Copper sale value.

The group was free to take the generous offers for any of the items in question, with Alice and Sofia agreeing that the staff and robe were mildly useless to them all. "What do you think, Brandy? Any of the items that you want to use yourself," Alice asked while her tail slowly wagged behind her. It was kind of impressive that they had found a decently good item from Vreznok's loot...and even more impressive that the gnome had been caught so unaware he couldn't use that fancy belt.
Fio didn't have much reason to not bounce behind Gale as he walked, joining him in greeting Ting at the omelets table. Or rather, former omelets table since there were only a couple left. Thankfully, she was content to keep on sipping her last juice, carried like a little treasure with her leaves curled around it. She drank really fast, but that was mostly because she kind of just...lived off liquids and sunshine.

"Hi!" Fio happily greeted Ting in the exact same way she greeted Gale, sipping on some juice right after. "Ooh, I like sweet things. If you ever don't want the ones you have, you can give them to me," she'd happily exclaim after hearing of Ting's dislike of sweets. Gale seemed like the sweet-loving type, so...maybe her and Gale could share! Regardless, Fio would take a seat across from Ting, happily kicking her little stubby legs to and fro as she finished her last drink.

When the time came to discussing what they hoped their first guild assignment would be, Fio's eyes somehow got wider at the prospect. "Ooh, maybe we'll go and save some people from sacks!" ...She seemed really hung up on that as an act of heroism. But she also wouldn't mind delivering things like Ting was hoping. "Or maybe we'll go beat up some bad Pokemon...but...that might be a bit scary," she said, quivering a bit. She seemed to be stuck remembering something scary.


To Io's luck, someone had come just in time to distract the fairy in her entirety. See, to fairies, the queen was the greatest amongst all of them. The absolute best, prettiest, most amazingest fairy there was. And being mistaken for one was like calling that fairy a super amazing pretty bestest fairy. Liliana was pinker than her hair at the innocent statement, the fairy hurriedly shrinking down to her smaller size.

"I-Its not like that! I'm not a queen, I'm not! The queen's a lot taller, and um...way prettier! Basically perfect in every way!" she insisted, holding her hands out before the goblin before her. "N-No army, just me...but I'm a royal knight! So, I'm sort of a one-fairy army! B-But the Queen is like, SIX armies! She can make the trees throw rocks at people! And make the sky cry! And um...hm...what else..." the fairy was clearly searching for more examples to deify her Queen, before raising her sword aloft. "Oh, and she married a bona fide hero! He climbed the World Tree just because she asked!"

With her points proven that absolutely nobody had asked for or cared about, Liliana would return to her big size, face a little less flushed. "A-Anyways, um...sorry to disappoint. I'm Liliana, Sixth of the Thirteen Bladeflowers, the many swords of the Queen of Fairies Titania. I don't know if you've already met Io, but she's a super strong wizard. Her book divorces people! What's your name Ms.?" Liliana thought about it for a moment before realizing: "Hey wait, when did you get here anyways?"



Eula seemed to be lost in thought for a moment before she opened her eyes, having absorbed the information from the sword, as well as heard Shizuka's warnings. "Analysis complete. The sword was a composite of steel and glass created using arcane magic, to create a weapon capable of instantaneously rending enemy armor apart. Possesses inherent risks to the user including: Self-dismemberment, Self-exsanguination, Self-annihilation, blindness, infertility, and acute pain. Shatters after a single swing. Warning: Product is banned in numerous monster territories including-"

Once it started becoming superfluous information, Eula tugged her own cheek with her working arm. "Irrelevant. Those swords are dangerous. Avoid further combat with them, and if possible, shatter them with ranged attacks." She would then go over to the interior of the building, finding a cotton cloth that was likely the remains of a futon before draping it over her injured arm. "In order to perform adequately in combat, psychological damage cannot be ignored. They must think I am not damaged, Eula said before tying the cloth around her neck, making it into something akin to a cape. "In addition, this will serve to shield this unit's exposed circuits from dirt. Ready to resume pursuit."

Eula would stoop down to the ground to examine the footprints, before nodding to Shizuka. "In this mud, they'll be easy to track. Its remarkable how good your automatic repair function is. Mine works much more slowly...and I can only hope it can repair my arm fully," the android said, beginning to walk forward. She was honestly glad that Shizuka had stopped his bleeding so quickly. ...If someone she asked for help died because of her...she didn't know how she'd be able to handle it. Even an Automaton could feel sadness.
Cordelia couldn't help but smile a bit at the kind words offered by Michel, a bit of spine returning to the girl before she heard the Master of Assassin speak. Killed by Servants, monsters, and each other...Cordelia had to imagine. How easy would it be for a Servant to sneak past Samson and disembowel her? How much of a push would someone as nice as Michel need to wring her neck? She'd quiver a bit, before a hand was gently placed on her shoulder.

Having risen from his seated position, Samson would be in a position to comfort his Master...albeit, he'd use the least comforting words to do it. Negative motivation, one might call it when he said: "Well if you're scared, the Director has generously offered you a benchwarming position. Hell, give the word and I'll raise a fuss and get unsummoned. I'm sure I'd only get a swing or two in before I'm sent back to the throne," Samson said, eyeing the Assassin in particular as he said that. "...But if you're stupid enough for this, then you're every bit the moron I thought you were when you summoned me."

There would be a brief pause as Cordelia sorted out her thoughts, before placing both of her hands atop Samson's. "...You really...are the worst," she said with a nervous smile. "...But fine. On my family's honor, I'll gladly risk my life to prove I'm worth something," she said, looking at the other Masters present, then at her own soup before she picked up the bowl and started wholesale drinking it, foregoing her spoon entirely. Setting the bowl down and wiping her face, she'd stand up. "If that's all director, I'll spend my remaining time preparing my rituals. ...I hope you recover swiftly, Ms. Staton," Cordelia said, presenting herself as every bit the mage's daughter she looked. She'd take a step away from the table, looking back over her shoulder at Michel. "Oh and...thank you for the words of confidence. I promise that I won't run unless its strictly necessary."

Samson would stay behind, seeing as he didn't have much need to help Cordelia with her stuff. Instead, he'd stand against the wall and observe the future going-ons of the last supper. Which may or may not have included sizing up this "Tamamo" that he wasn't allowed to fight. He hadn't gotten a chance to "read" her strength with his skill, but he had certainly felt his body's limitations growing higher while it tried to understand Tamamo's.

With introductions said and done, Fio was more than ready to get her grub on. ...Or rather, her drink. She was glad that even a great hero like Kick realized how scary being stuffed in a bag was, making Fio glad that someone had actually saved her from a bag. Bags in general were evil unless they were like, utility size. Or purses. But big burlap was a no-go. From the sound of it, they might even have more new friends later on, too! And then right at the end of him talking Fio just about bowled over from his voice, needing to flail her leaves back and forth to stabilize.

But hey, who cared, food! And by food, Fio's brain meant: Water! Juice! And maybe some sort of sauce-based food because she didn't have teeth. Or...wait, did she have a mouth? She never really thought about it, but she sure must have one if she talked. All she usually ate all day was water, fruit juice, and good 'ol sunshine, so...who knew, honestly. Fio would loud up her four leaves with a drink in each, ranging from apple juice to water as she happily sipped in contentment. She'd take a seat by wherever Gale wound up, thinking that the gloomy looking Minum might just wind up eating by himself if he didn't have a friend nearby. "A conversation makes a friend, that's what...wait, who said that again? Me? I don't know...probably me," she thought, plopping down across from him. "Hi!"

There was definitely a level of social ineptitude on the part of the Fomantis, since she didn't have a conversation starter beyond yelling a greeting and staring.
With the loot scooped and the boots scootin', Alice would lead our intrepid party into the daylight and off to Victor's house. Sofia would carry the wriggling gnome, while also making absolutely sure that he couldn't use his hands or mouth to cast any spells. Alice was happy that, at the very least, Brandy had gotten a nice dress out of everything. They'd have to get the rest of the stuff identified back in town though, and hopefully that would be cheap enough.

Alice would handle smooth-talking Victor, needing him to sign off on the job completed. Which he'd do, after having Vreznok taste the back of his shovel for the trouble he caused. "Took ya long enough ta' get 'im! Now git!" Victor shouted, running them off despite the job being completed fairly well. ...Not to mention, Alice had managed to smoothly pin the broken lock on Vreznok, who was now unconscious and gagged, slung over Sofia's shoulder like a rucksack.

Alice couldn't hide her tail wagging like crazy. "We did it ladies...a real adventure!" she said, enthusiastic as she skipped along the road back to Gnarlton. If they kept this pace, they'd get back by sunset and with time to check into an inn.

Sofia smirked. "Even if our first human foe was just a gnome with a bad attitude and zero skill with women, I feel...proud. As should you, Brandy. You charged in with such bravery, in spite of the danger!" Alice nodded in agreement, remembering Brandy's stampeded that distracted Vreznok long enough for her to make a plan.

They'd return, proving at least some of their worth to the jaded guild manager of Gnarlton by bringing in a necromancer alive, along with some of his loot.
Gringor decided he had other things to do first. Certainly not because he retreated, definitely not, just ask him.

But yea, sorry for the late response.

My brain said it would be very worth using paint for evil today.
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