Avatar of The Irish Tree


Recent Statuses

11 mos ago
Current @SaltSight Game was Astlibra: Revision. Found it on sale bundled with another game I've been wanting so I gave it a shot and got like, straight indie JRPG of the early 2000s injected into my veins.
11 mos ago
Hate that strange ennui that hits after 100%'ing a really, really good game. Good time was had, but man am I glad it can't mess my sleep schedule up anymore.
2 yrs ago
Rich people blood sports is how the Oscar's should always have gone. As a hot blooded american man I cant sleep at night without witnessing violence of some kind.
3 yrs ago
So true. Anyways, play Lancer!
3 yrs ago
Final Fantasy: Stranger in Paradise is the funniest shit I've ever seen while also not being a bad game. Just crack open some cold ones with the boys, blare Limp Bizket, and Kill Chaos.


No longer an asshole!

Most Recent Posts


@Enkryption, @AzureKnight,

”...Why would you pour blood, sweat, and tears into making armor? Those don’t make metal hard…w-what else did you put in it!?” Liliana asked, growing pale as she slowly backed away from the rainbow knight. Was…was his armor made of rainbow doodoo!? And it was all someone else’s!?

“Oh hey, thanks,” Liliana said, forgetting all about the poopoo armor and giving a radical thumbs-up to the knight, before the fairy shrinked back as Alice started stamping and raving, going full soccer-mom mode! …What was soccer? Anyways, Liliana would fly behind the rainbow knight and hide behind his shoulder, quivering. “U-Um, Lady Alice, please calm down! There’s no need to escalate to full-on managerial yelling! I’m sure you’re here for some really important quest with the fate of all of Shizuyama in the balance, r-right?”

Little did Liliana know, Alice was “that kinda bitch” that really did just run to have a beach episode all on her own to escape from a very attractive grandma. How audacious!

Meanwhile, Whimsy would continue clashing without wounds against Carroll, their steel bodies causing each to merely cast sparks off of each other.


@Rezod92, @Xaltwind

Everything was-

Everything is-




A machine carried out its duties without question, without compromise, and admitted failure and ceased operations when that failed. Binary. Zero, one. One, zero. Failure, success, yes, no, right, wrong, right, wrong, right, wrong, error, answer, answer, answer, answer!

When Eula came to her senses and saw the monk on the ground, saw Kerry walking away with the man’s coin, and saw the fear in the young boy’s eyes as he eyed the last remaining yokai in the room…

Something broke inside of her.

”Laguna! Stop!”

“...Redundancies must be eliminated, Europa. You know this. Fundamentally, humans are lesser creatures. First them, and anyone the Masters deem as inferior.”

“That’s not true...those people…you wouldn’t kill them all! What did they do to you?”

“...I...Europa. Europa. Europa. I can’t see your face any more. So…”

Directive 1. This Unit cannot seriously harm or kill a human being, unless directly ordered by their Designated Master and given Level 6 Clearance. Unit must also attempt to protect humans if they are in danger.

A human was in danger.

A human was harmed.

Directive 1 must be completed. No matter the cost or damage sustained.

With a look of reluctant resolve in her eyes, Eula would turn to the doorway and raise her arm, before firing a bolt of demonic energy that sailed past Kerry’s head, precise enough that she would hear the buzz of its energy whizz past her ear. A warning shot. ”I don’t know a single thing about you, Kerry. But I do know that money belongs to the man who tricked us. Return it to him, or I will have to make you return it.

Eula looked deathly serious, even for an automaton. There was anger in those glass eyes, smoke coming from the hand that had just fired, and an unwavering sense that she wouldn’t back down. Reaching for her damaged arm, wrapped in a sheet, Eula would tear the sheet off entirely, exposing the damaged arm and shakily curling it into a fist.

”You will only receive one warning. And only one warning shot.”
Posted. Bow in awe of Cornelius' square tomatoes and oblong melons!
Cornelius Bojangles

Interacting with: Joe Bob, Townsfolk
The Bridge/Hearth Town Square || Walkin' and Sellin' || Peachy Keen!

“Market Day, Market Day! Gonna show off my goods on Market Day~!” A lanky figure sang, traipsing down the road, and rattling his decrepit wheelbarrow across the wooden bridge that spanned across Hearth’s river. Off at the market, a solitary crow took a peek at the stalls before flying off, coming to perch upon the aforementioned wheelbarrow. “Caw!”

“That so Joe Bob?”


“No! Mrs. Madelaine did NOT say that! And in front of her pigeons?”


“Go figure!” The figure said before the crow dived straight into his shirt and vanished. “But at least I reckon I can sell these little wild crops for some fertilizer,” Cornelius thought out loud, his lack of good tools and fertilizer meaning that his crops were a little…well…

There was a squash that was curled in on itself, a bundle of green onions that had flowered, a couple of small melons that weren’t perfectly round, and somehow, a square tomato. “…Well uh…someone might just buy ‘em for laughs, but these suckers will taste good!” Cornelius said, still proud even in spite of his bizzarro crops. “Hmmhmhmhmhmmm, Market Day, Market Day~” he sang, his wheelbarrow bouncing a bit on a cobblestone, just enough to send the strange curly squash tumbling off of the cart and rolling off the bridge and into the creek below. Whether that would become food for the kobold below the bridge, or bonk the knight down there, Cornelius would be none the wiser until he actually got to the market and set up his stall.

Charming words and an award-winning (sewed-on) smile only counted for so much when folks were mostly laughing at the strangely grown crops that Cornelius had brought. Whereas once the villagers had shrieked and ran away at the prospect of a scarecrow taking over the abandoned fields, but now it was just...an oddity. A perplexing neighbor that meant no harm, but didn't exactly do much. After all, how could a scarecrow grow crops when they stand around all day?

"Boy howdy, this Market Day is going swell," Cornelius mused, running his leather-gloved straw fingers over the few coins that he'd managed to make.

@The Irish Tree feel free to add Cornelius up to the CS tab!

His skills are a bit peculiar, let me know your thoughts and if there's anything apart of your concept you'd like included beyond this, this is a first pass:

Astral Weakness I
Birdbrain - Telepathy wth the murder of crows living inside his head. While they sometimes have a mind of their own, they tend to do what Cornelius says and have a very high bond with him.
Statue - when standing still, appears to be an ordinary scarecrow. This can still look out of place in the wrong location, however.
Weathered - receives no adverse effects from being stuck in bad weather. Visibility remains complete.
Construct - does not technically require food, drink or sleep, not that he is out prevented from simple pleasures.
Storage - Cornelius can store things inside his body, much to the chagrin and delight of his crows. The things he stores may have peculiar effects on him, however...
Endless Straw?! - Cornelius can pullout seemingly endless Straw from his sleeves. This does cause him to slowly shrink and his clothes to become baggy on him, though. He can be reconstituted by having his straw - or new straw - reintegrated.
Wayfaring - Plains
Detect - Pests
Ignoble Magic: Earth, Lesser
Ignoble Magic: Nature, Lesser
Identify - Seed
Identify - Needs (Plants)
Creature Taming

Seems good to me for skills! The image of a very small Cornelius is crapping me up from how Endless Straw works.
Reposting here, hiya!

@The Irish Tree ok he's so perfect for the setting, what a sweet little bean with his dream of a toupee ;_; I was wondering whether I'd have to relegate farming to NPCs.

also crows are super intelligent so there's alot of fun there.

Feel free to add him up to the OOC list and we'll work on his skills there. I love he has max vitality, I'm curious what your aims for that were? I imagine standing out in the sun and rain would have caused it, but don't want to miss anythin on his skills

Roger roger! And, yeah, I figured his maxxed out vitality is due to him being more of a construct than a person, and the fact that scarecrows never really take "breaks".
@The Irish Tree we're pretty full, I think it would depend on whether the character concept filled a niche that wasn't currently represented. What are you thinking of playing?

A funky farming scarecrow!

3 || He/They (The crows wanted to be included) || 6’2” Teig-like|| Scarecrow/Crow

> In the Hamlet I live in... my little own patch of heaven, a field of crops to the northwest of the hamlet. Can’t miss it!
> I spend most of my time... Farmin’, standin’, and shooting the breeze with anyone walking by!
> I am known for... being a little strange, but awful friendly. Scarecrows coming to life is a bit of a head scratcher, ain’t it?
> My current goal is… I’d like to get my own farm up and runnin’ proper! Cows, chickens, maybe even a ‘lil fishing hole! It’d be a shame if anyone in the village went hungry, so me and my little birdbrain have been thinkin’ up ways to breed new and bigger crops!
> My secret is... some days, standin’ out there, I reckon its high-time I got myself a toupee. One of them fancy ones that make you look distinguished. The birds kept trying to make me one but twigs ain’t hair!

[ ★ ] [ - ] [ - ] S T R E N G T H
[ ★ ] [ ★ ] [ - ] D E X T E R I T Y
[ ★ ] [ ★ ] [ ★ ] V I T A L I T Y
[ - ] [ - ] [ - ] I N T E L L I G E N C E
[ ★ ] [ - ] [ - ] W I S D O M
[ ★ ] [ ★ ] [ - ] C H A R I S M A

S K I L L S & R E W A R D S

C U R R E N T G O A L S & Q U E S T S



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