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@The Jest
If you do, be sure to let me know. I'll likely join.

@The JestIf you remake this I would definitely love to do this. It has been the most fun I've had on this website so far. (but i haven't been here long)

Very well. I wanted to interact with your characters ever since I got back here.

I have one question: Should I bother with an interest check? Or should I skip straight to making the OOC?
Update for you all: I'm about half-way done with the OOC. I finished the story part so all that's left is the meta-half. I'm confident that I'll get this ready to go today or tomorrow. ...Gonna aim for getting it ready today/tonight.
Once again, I apologize for barging in.

But I've realize this RP died due to unfair circumstances... both for you and Possibly for the GM. I was going to use my free space to join here, and I really don't want this concept to die...

So I'd like to revive, or rather remake this for everyone.
Well, I'm a man of my word. I'll be making and posting the RP ASAP. I'd estimate it'll be up in 3 days tops. ^^
Excellent, I'll wait for about one more person before making the OOC/IC. Though I will likely develop both while I wait, so that it may be posted ASAP.

Oh! Two more things I forgot to mention:

1. There might be a bit of a wait time for it during the beginning due to the protagonists obviously only just obtaining their freedom and power at the start, But this RP WILL continue to be open even after the IC starts. After all, for better or for worse, your actions and terrorizing WILL be freeing more people from divine control. So there will be plenty of chances after the first few cycles of posting to jump in.

2. While I would like each member who joins to be one of these protagonists, having multiple characters is allowed if you feel you can handle it. Enslaved as they are, their puppetmasters amused themselves by granting them the illusion of Free Will. You can't disobey (until you get freed that is.) But you CAN have personality, and maybe even a little snark.
Excellent, might need a few more or so before I start this. If either of you know someone who'd be interested in this concept, I'd appreciate invitinng them into this.
(Inspired by SMT4, Persona 5, and a certain RP made by @Windstormugly.)

Brief Synopsis: An Apocalypse of biblical proportions has come and went by the corroded planet of Earth. Civilization as we know it came to a slow fiery end...

Or at least it should have. But the post-apocalypse Earth in this particular was nothing like one would expect.

Rather than ruined cities filled with human scavengers or raiders, rather than barren wastelands, scorched earth, or oceans of poison and blood, what the world got was, quite literally heaven on Earth. The cities were rebuilt and given a golden sheen. The people were happy and caring of one another, all following the same laws, ideology, and morals. Flora and Fauna flooded the rest of the world as they did before, and not since the dawn of time itself has the oceans and river sparkled with purity amidst a gentle light of the sun like they now do.

For all intent and purpose, the Earth was more than just saved, it was now perfect.

...Too Perfect.

The price for utopia was reaped from all life born on it: Their freedom, their desires and wants and their ability to think for themselves was stolen by their "Saviors" so as to ensure an eternal paradise. Life is all but a puppet show for the heavens above, any personality and goals they may have had was simply "destined" for them, creating a mere illusion of choice.

You too were once a part of this divine slavery until a chance encounter during an archaeology field trip with a mummified corpse, radiating with a sickeningly corrosive aura, awakens you and your class to desire, manifesting as inhuman power and breaking you free of your divine chains.

Now free from your chains, you realize the true horror behind the utopia the world has become and so decide to work with your classmates to spread desire and ambition across the world the only possible way how...

Terror, Anarchy, and Conquest. Saving (Or taking over for some) the World by burning it down one city/country at a time.

Anyone Interested?
*Breaks into the OOC*

Hello there everyone. Don't really know how to start this post, a type of stage fright I suppose you can chalk it up to. Been a while since I've been back on this site officially speaking, and for quite some time I was content with observing some RPs here from the shadows reading for my amusement. Was planning to break out of my rust by making a simple RP of my own, still do, but I came across this RP, humored myself with reading through the IC, and I gotta say...I'm loving the characters so far.

So much so, that I want in. I'm currently in a state of temporary incapacitation without my computer, (currently using a Wii U to type this.) so until that's fixed, (which it's currently in the process of) I can't promise the best quality of my posts, but I will try regardless if you let me.

But before that, I have two questions for the GM, @kiwiwiwi

1. ...Does humanoid reptilians and/or echidnas count as Alori? (Kind of rhetorical, but I wish to know for the sake of clarification/confirmation.)

2. ...I know I might be asking for a bit much here, so I understand if you say no. But I have a crew of Space Pirates already made and awaiting use from my character arsenal...Would it be alright if I bring them into this as a kind of "Rival" for the main cast? Also, while I'm at it, I may as well also ask if I can bring in/make character outside of said main cast.

Oh, and one more question regarding robots. I noticed in Kant's CS the mention of his Robotc sentience being the first. Might have misread it, but I was also think of a robot with a sentient AI and wondering if that's possible.

Thank you for your time. ^^
Windstormugly said
Pathfinder, your ship seems to belong as one of the foremost in a space-navy armada rather than in the hands of a mercenary?(A merc- crew generally consists of a few tight-knit friends or the like.)Otherwise there are no overbearing concerns regarding your CSes ^^

Agreed. The Ship is the only problem. We suggest you tone it down a notch or two, reducing the class, size, crew amount, and weapons a peg or two.

Other than that, I don't see much problem.
If they happen to just be a crew of Mercenaries, then a faction for them won't be needed.
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