Avatar of The Man Emperor


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Current Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
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3 yrs ago
Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
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I hate dice. I refuse to elaborate as to why.
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<Snipped quote by The Man Emperor>

Harper Thane

"Actually, I just got lost, what the hell is this place?" Harper asked in her (natural) rather posh sounding Home Counties accent. She gave a well acted look of alarmed confusion,

Seth Montes

When Seth heard that Harper was just lost (or so she said), he immediately tensed up, trying to remember one of those more obscure spells. Was there even a spell for... forgetting? His specialty was telepathy, so mind-related spells would come easier for him, would it not? Ah, this was a conundrum! Could someone actually wander into the pocket dimension? He was pretty new here, so he wasn't sure. His hand reached for his wand, preparing to cast something, just something-

before abruptly grinning, and pulling her wand out of her back pocket, in part so Seth could see it, but also so she could flop down on the couch, next to Helmut, without damaging it. Wands were expensive, "So, want to show us your party tricks?" she asked the pair with a roguish grin, "It seems fair since you've seen mine - getting alcohol."

"Best one gets to join me for a friendly match of beer pong."

"Ayyyyy, yawa, Seth grumbled as he saw Harper pull out her own wand. "Don't joke like that! I thought about erasing your memory for a second there! Though I don't actually know a spell like that... yet... I think..."

Munnin cawed. Seth immediately rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I can talk to animals," he added, since Harper asked what his 'tricks' were. Telepathy is my specialty. Though it is quite... uh, how do I put it... distressing to use it here, in this college. There are many things I don't want to know that I do know now."

Seth took one of the beers and popped it open. "To be clear... I told Munnin here to peck me if I took more than one."
Seth Montes

As reality shifted and warped around him, Seth blinked at the bright, strobing lights. New sights, new smells, strange new habits to lay witness to and gaze upon! That is what joining the fraternity (and sorority, for there were also girls here) entailed. He had, truth be told, never seen a disco ball before. He had only danced (freestyle) to disco music, for it was, as some others might say, 'a vibe.' Either way, as he strode into the pocket dimension, he would be in the tail end (hah, tail) of a heated argument with the crow sitting on his shoulder. It had only been answering in caws, as a crow should, but Seth appeared to be holding an actual conversation with it. In his native tongue, no less, so unless there were other telepaths here that locked into his surface thoughts at the time, no one could understand him well as he basically cursed out the animal with a word that was sourced from Spanish. Maybe the crow had been insulting him or his family?

It took him all of one second to change his mood from supremely furious and melodramatic to that of pleasantness. He had brought with him a small karaoke set, the kind that you could bring in a backpack. Before he would start setting it up for the impending wave of silliness that would take over the party as soon as the drinks began filtering into the magical bloodstreams of the magical people here, he would nearly bump unto a cart filled with beers pushed by no other than the girl named Harper. Seth knew her from the class list and the Facebook Messenger group for one of the subjects they were classmates in, but they otherwise had no contact. "Ah, sorry," Seth said as he narrowly stepped away, "Harper, was it? Of course you'd be here. You're also... magic."

He looked over to the crow, who had just cawed, and hissed. "Shut the hell up!"

Something something windgardium leviosa...
Zahariel Jackson


Zah, as his comrades often called him, dipped back into his home, located near the southern coast of the living island of Krakoa. The fact that the nation of mutants is also on an island whose ecosystem that acts as singular hivemind consciousness still hasn't escaped him. When he first came here through a portal, he remembered how Krakoa used to be a hostile entity. Alas, Krakoa allowing them to settle on its was perhaps due to the fact that the governments of the world fear mutants and those like them, and a living island certainly is in the list of entities that the ignorant and fearful baseline humans thought of as a threat.

And so, what they have here is a delicate symbiosis; Krakoa and the mutants defend one another.

Part of that defense is assessing and taking out threats, and as a member of X-Force, Zahariel had done exactly just that. Sometimes he only needed to ask nicely; sometimes, he had to gaslight them; and on a few occasions, he needed to resort to measures that he was, admittedly, not proud of. But it's not like the CIA and Dora Milaje doesn't do the same thing, don't they?

"You are home early," Grudge, his… well, talking cat, grumbled. "My food box has not been filled for six hours."

"You know you can tap the button to get yourself more, yeah?" Zah answered the talking cat. He wasn't sure why the cat even talked. Maybe it was his imagination? No, no, visitors already noted that the cat could talk. Maybe the cat was also mutated? Yeah, that's right.

"I want you to put it there," Grudge answered.

"... Why?"

"Because I want to."

Zah shook his head. Sighing, he took off his glasses and tapped the feeder, allowing it to disgorge more cat food. "Are you happy?"

"Yes," the cat answered, and began to gorge herself.

With that little incident done, Zah let himself out of the door, finding one of the few true friends he ever had, the empathic mutant Johannes Brahms, waiting at the railing.

"You called for me, Zah?" Johannes asked. "What is it?"

"The voices, they're… rather persistent," Zahariel confided. "They're annoying."

"Oh, much more than that, so it would seem," Johannes scoffed as his empathy went to work. "You're afraid, yes?"

Zah slowly nodded. "Admittedly, yeah," Zah replied, looking down towards the other buildings below. "I know that I pull power from another dimension, just like… a few others. Well, we both know that. But the voices seem to know my most personal… things. I'll have to take a break, first. I need to get this sorted."

"Excellent life choice," Johannes nodded in return. "Who are you going to?

"Someone who's familiar with things like parallel dimensions, especially seemingly malevolent ones," Zah replied. He thought for a moment, and then found his answer.

"Of course… the former Sorcerer Supreme. Doctor Strange. He'd know everything about this, hopefully…"

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