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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Urizen
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Urizen Vengeance

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Soragami ✗ Kazuma

Yamagata ✗ Yajima

Mamushi ✗ Mawatari ✗ Misaki

Asagumo ✗ Yūhi

Mathers ✗ Seiki

Yuzuki ✗ Himura

Taragi ✗ Ogawa
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Urizen
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Urizen Vengeance

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Second Semester First Quiz Results

Those who stayed to fight against oppression, viewed as dying with your comrades: 100 pts

Those who spoke up against oppression: 95 pts

Those who spoke up but left: 90 points

Those who were against oppression but didn't speak up yet stayed , which would count as wild card: 85 points

Those who forfeited for their own benefit, which has to be a Retake, take note that Retake don't mean Failed: 80 points

Perfect Score

Excellent Score

Minimum Score


1A and 1C virtually took the same quiz.

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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Urizen
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Urizen Vengeance

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1B Character Morale & Overall First Semester Scores
Aozaki Aida | Splitsec, 40 [Deceased]
Quirk: Jetspeed

These were the final quarter grades and the entire first semester grades during the First Semester, completed by Ravens in the dying memory of the Speeding Hero, Splitsec, who was reported to have been killed by one of the Sinister Six, Electricgod.

The heartfelt feedback came from their late Professor.

She was said to be MIA but her death was broadcasted a day prior the Sports Festival.

First Place
Mawatari Jun
Quirk: Distance Snap

Her grades are outstanding, she's got a resolute mind but I'm afraid her numbing indifference isn't always going to be a positive stoicism, people may be rubbed the wrong way, she doesn't seem notice how people are willing to get her out of her shell, I had to confiscate a lot of love letters and reconfigure her Hawkpads to filter out those unnecessary love emails from boys and girls, my even the girls?

Learn how to be more flexible, always remember to open your heart to the right people.

Second Place
Yūhi Yusuke
Quirk: Fervent Trigger

His grades are on par with Jun's, Yusuke sees her as a rival but the girl just don't reciprocate, just like a girl who rejected a love confession. Shrugs... Not poggers. Yusuke is a fun gamer in a sense, he's very participative in class and I admire his heroic spirit to win. However, his disastrous quirk control leaves him undesired in character. I hate having favorites but he was like a son to me. Yusuke needs to work on his character and interpersonal relationships. Like Jun, I had to the same thing, the opposite sex, likes him.

Third Place
Suzuki Akira
Quirk: Projection

The Male Class Representative, yes, a discreet troublemaker, fashioned in
a predisposed situation of Eirei's prejudiced classism, he's not a troublemaker but the 1Aers really loved to bully him, Akira kept choosing stand his ground to defend his class.

Fourth Place
Ogawa Yamato
Quirk: Tyrannosaurus
The most misunderstood boy in the Freshman Block, a gentle soul who balances himself internally well amidst the classism and racism. I am glad he's not like those hoodlum Metamorphics who'd abuse the M-word pass. Perhaps what Yamato needs is someone to truly understand him, someone to tell him that it's okay to cry and not hide behind his wounds.

Fifth Place
Kazuma Yui
Quirk: Kinetics

Yui is like the other half of Kujaku, except more devious, I love his straightforward approach for its moderate in itself despite how people claimed its excessiveness. He's like a calmer version of Yusuke, he knows what he wants unlike the other. Yui serves all purpose as a wake up call to the class. A hardworking winner.

Sixth Place
Soragami Kujaku
Quirk: Rainmaker

Kujaku is laid back but just like Yui, his words and actions tend to attract bullies and surprisingly, friends. Professors need to see that he's got a big heart despite his troublemaker tendencies. His grades are average, which I had to keep reprimanding him. Stop skipping class.

Seventh Place
Yamagata Kazuki

Admirable for a Quirkless but I'm heavily perplexed and concern for his mental health, perhaps was it because I've watched too much American School Shooter Documentary? He's unpredictable.

Eighth Place
Seiki Kanako
Quirk: Mind Link

Never underestimate people with special needs, Kanako is like a daughter to me, she helps me scold people with her Mind Link, reprimand those who weren't paying attention in class. I'm still concerned and perplexed, a mute girl in the Hawks Agency? I hate to underestimate but in dark times like these, I wish children choose their agencies properly.

Ninth Place
Mamushi Hebi
Quirk: Hydra

I'm surprised how she became a fellow class representative, nevertheless ,like Akira, she keeps all the notorious delinquents in line but please, tone down the arrogance, it's not gonna help you gain proper public perception, she also quarrels a lot with Yusuke until she's just indifferent.

Tenth Place
Misaki Shiori
Quirk: Castling Point

Just like Kujaku, she causes chaotic and instant trouble by skipping classes and over the top pranks, she's not the brightest.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Urizen
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Urizen Vengeance

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Qᴜɪʀᴋ Bʏ Gᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ

ᴳᵉⁿ ¹

First Generation Quirkfuls accidentally gained abilities through radioactive sources that altered their DNA such as experiments that virally gone wrong such as the mice that spread a plague that's called the Q-Virus, 150 years from our timeline.

In America, this became known as the Witch Hunts & the rise of the Creature Rejection Clan in Japan.

Racism against the Quirkful became a reality and soon, against the Quirkless.

ᴳᵉⁿ ²

30-years after the Dawn of Quirks, offsprings of people're born with Quirks, they'd mingle and passed on their genes, which spearheaded the later Generations through hereditary means,
this became the rise of classism of Quirks, historically known as The Great Quirkism, where society supported sinister ideologies of Shigaraki Hisashi aka All For One, who reigned in the shadows under the criminal underworld of Japan.

In the same manner, the origin of Heroes is found in the United States of America. Quirks were exposed to the world due to the glowing baby found in China. In Japan, Yotsubashi Chikara aka Destro preached the Quirk Liberation philosophy, where everyone can use their Quirks freely. His actions brought about a revolution and destroyed the Japanese Royal Family, granting All For One, puppetry over the Japanese Government, donning it as the Republic of Japan.

Besides All For One & Destro, Oji Harima, The Peerless Thief was also considered a Dark Lord/Villain King, making them the Forefathers of the League of Villains.

ᴳᵉⁿ ³
Quirk Singularity

30-Years has past once more, Third Generation Quirkfuls exhibited an evolved Q-Gene known as the Quirk Factor, a chromosome that made Quirks no longer curable. Unlike its predecessors, Third Generation Quirkfuls cannot have their Quirks reverse-engineered, decoded aka regress back to normal. Dr. Ujiko Daruma, a renowned scientist of this era, theorized about the evolution of Quirks and how the human race will embrace the new normal.

He coined the term, The Quirk Doomsday Singularity Theory. Unfortunately, many believed he's nothing more than a Mad Scientist, a Professor who lived by pipe dreams. Ujiko kept his Quirk under the wraps as the first true immortal human to exist, he will never die even if his Quirk is dampen.

The creation of the Nomu was the fruits of speed running the Quirk Singularity Doomsday Theory.

ᴳᵉⁿ ⁴
Quirk Marriage

Herobiz reached Japan, the founders of the Hero World in Japan were the Todoroki, Yaoyorozu & Ida clans, which All For One intended to be his puppets but the rapid growth of the Founding Hero Dynastic Clans outgrew the influence of All For One.

Quirk Marriages became rampant during the first decade & banned for its inhumane practices.

Within these 30 years, there's a small crack in All For One's Villain Empire, it was the rise of Shimura Nana, who later taught All Might.

Fourth Generation Quirkfuls exhibited superhuman bodies that their predecessors didn't have at all, Quirks became more suited to the body yet at the same time, Quirks would often tear the body apart, leading to a failure of adaptation.

ᴳᵉⁿ ⁵
Quirktastic Era

Fifth Generation Quirkfuls lived the time of their lives, 80% of the World are Quirkfuls, this was the golden age & the rise of All Might, who secretly took down the Demon Lord, All For One.

Fifth Generation Quirkfuls are said to have a body, suitable for two Quirks, in rare cases, multiple.

This is the divergent timeline from the MHA Canon, where the RP interpretation of the MHA Story timeline began.

ᴳᵉⁿ ⁶
Quirktabulous Era

150 years has already past, Sixth Generation Quirkfuls are yet to be discovered.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Urizen
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Urizen Vengeance

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Hi Team,

There'd be no posts today, like I promised of what we signed up for as advertised and debriefed, I love giving cooldowns.

Use this time however you like and wise enough to read and re-read IC posts so we're all kept up on the flow of things.

I understand we've been going fast & that given our enthusiasm, we either break or make the gravy, I highly reciprocate everyone's feelings and thank everyone for working hard for the past two weeks.

As a handsome reward, we will be having a 2-day break.


Your Keikaku Friend,


@Letter Bee

@Aku the Samurai
@Creative Chaos
@Dragon Arts
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Urizen
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Urizen Vengeance

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hero Name Only

Day-Month-Year | Age

Endeavor was Japan's Greatest Detective
Hawks was Japan's Greatest Spy, etc

Personality of your Prohero



Support items
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Paingodsson
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Paingodsson A Dreamer

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Chinmoku Akatsuki

The Sound Hero

03-17-2108 · Age 19

Chinmoku Akatsuki, known as Chin to his friends, is a bit of an oddball. He is outgoing and loves to be around people, and while he is a naturally loud person; he tends to observe first before engaging in group conversations. Chin carefully watches how people act and respond before joining the conversation himself. He usually prefers to listen and think before speaking rather than acting impulsively. While he prides himself on being honest, he can sometimes be overly blunt, speaking his mind without considering other people's feelings.

Born to a successful businessman who was often not home, Chin grew up in a strict household. His mom was consistently the driving force behind trying to get him to think before he acted at a young age. However, he was bullheaded and would often act without thinking. One day, he and a friend decided to mess with someone they thought was a strange man in an alleyway. This led to a dangerous situation where they both ended up hospitalized. With his mother's words echoing in his head, he made his first thoughtful decision and resolved to become a hero. He decided that it would be him who protected others like that Hero protected him and his friend. He wanted to protect his friend that day but failed and that failure will forever be in his memory.

Academically Chin does well for himself having always found the academics of school easy. If only he could remember to turn things in on time he would probably have a great grade. But often getting carried away doing other more interesting things makes him forget about the things he is supposed to be doing.

Despite academically not being as disciplined as he could be, he has spent most of his life training to protect himself using Martial Arts. This was a request by his father who figured that one day he would need it to defend the family and the familial name.

His Father is happy the path that Chin chose, however is wary as he feels that Chin may emberass the family if he ever makes a large mistake like other heroes have which have brought them down as a fall from Grace. But with the development of his quirk his father looks to profit off of his success and use it to catapult Chin into stardom.

Martial Arts
Speaking (Though an observer first in group settings he has great charisma and knows how to put together a great speech)
Computer Systems
A sound-insulated gun that directs different levels of noise in one direction.

On his feet, he has a device that pushes the sound of drums beneath his feet that he can use to hover using his quirk.

Sound Manipulation – Emulation [Awakened]
Can use sound (within range) and turn it into a physical Shockwave. This is often paired with his Martial arts causing his hand to hand combat to be extremely dangerous, but his ranged combat to be rather unpredictable.[Current Range-1 meter]

Can Silence an area of all sound [Current range - 20 feet]

Can manipulate and increase the volume of sound within Range. [Current Range- 1 Meter]

The shockwave: Think of a shockwave from a bomb, at the point of impact it's direct and small. The further it goes out the more widespread it gets and while it still can be dangerous it's not concentrated enough to do frightening amounts of damage, without just letting loose and destroying everything around him. This requires him to use Supportems for any ranged combat. He has no control of the shockwave once it's emitted.

Banshee Screech [in case of emergency only]
This move is his most devastating move. He increases the volume of his voice to high decibels and a massive shockwave comes out of his mouth unleashing itself on anything that is in front of him. This, however, has the issue of causing a lot of 'friendly fire' from the decibels of his screech to if someone is in front of him he doesn't want to get hurt.

Six King Fist: A devastating attack where he punches the person in the and chest unleashing a loud shockwave at the same time to try and knock them out.
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by The Man Emperor
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The Man Emperor Europa Undivided/Cattra the Impurrishable

Member Seen 5 days ago

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Hidden 6 days ago Post by Urizen
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Urizen Vengeance

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