Captain Marvel || 60-going-on-35 || Boston, Massachusetts || Kree/Human HybridHistory
"I made my choices. They define me! They made...no I make my decisions. I make my reality. And my reality is...I am...CAPTAIN MARVEL!"
Carol Danvers was once upon a time just a girl who couldn't be told what she couldn't do. Sure, people tried, it was practically the story of her life, but everyone who told her that she couldn't do something was just a constant reminder of why she had to try. No, not try. Do. Her father was a difficult man to love, drunk most nights and angry every other, it was no secret that he showed little affection for Carol. The feeling was mutual in spite of Carol's best interests. When her brother died and her father became even more of a drunken ghost, Carol enlisted in the Air Force. In the air, she couldn't hear the crack of a bottle or feel the taste of abuse in every word. She could only feel the g-force giving life. Hear the sound of a jet engine louder and sweeter than any music. She rose through the ranks, earning her Major title shortly before it all went to hell.
After a test flight using an experimental engine went horribly awry, Carol made a decision in the heat of the moment, destroying - or so she thought - the engine and causing a reaction that should've killed her. Instead when she woke up she was in an unknown place talking to unknown people who acted as if they knew who she was. Gone was Carol Danvers. Vers was her name. The unfamiliar place was Hala and she was part of the Kree Empire. But something felt off. Inside of her someone was screaming that this wasn't real, that she wasn't Vers. She learned to ignore it until she made a trip to a planet known as Earth and she learned the horrible truth of who she was of what happened to her.
When she made the decision as Carol Danvers to create a chain reaction, the resulting blast awakened the Kree genetics inside of her. Her mother, Marie, was actually Mari-Ell of the Kree Empire who fell in love with Carol's father, Joe, and gave birth to Car-Ell, or Carol. It was...startling to learn that everything you thought you knew was a lie but that was only the tip of the iceberg for Carol, who had since taken the name of Captain Marvel - not her first choice - and become a hero.
As Captain Marvel, she worked alongside the Avengers though tended to stick to threats more galactic in scale. She preferred it up there, in the stars, away from the limelight and public eye. On earth, if she flew too fast she ended up on the radar of foreign nations and could cause an incident. In space? No one could hear her scream through the cosmos as she pushed the limits of her own ability. Flying was always a dream of hers, and being able to do so without a plane was...it never stopped being amazing.
Being half human and half Kree left Carol with a bit of an identity crisis. What was she? Who was she? She was born on Earth, had an earth family and upbringing, but could she truly call it home knowing part of her 'belonged' elsewhere? Carol never quite figured out the answer to that question but as more and more problems arose on Earth she came to the realization that it didn't matter what she was before, only who she was now. And that one was easy. She is Captain Marvel. Avenger.
Settling into a more grounded life on Earth as an Avenger has been an adjustment, especially given the more public scrutiny that comes with the job. In space, no one really cared if you punched a villain so hard they broke part of an asteroid. On earth, if an enemy gets punched through a building it comes with media and outrage and potential lawsuits. Carol is glad that other members of the Avengers can handle PR but lately she's being seen as just as much a face of the team as Steve Rogers and Tony Stark and that honestly scares her. Things were much easier when she could just go home after a long day and fall asleep watching Star Wars with her cat.
But she has a responsibility and being an Avenger means more than just being able to hit really, really hard, and if there's one thing she's adamant on it's that no one will tell her she can't do this.
"I'm the boss of space. That's plenty."
After the incident that unlocked her genetic hybrid nature, combined with her being hooked up to a Kree Psyche-Magnitron, Carol has a range of abilities that help her be one of the 'big guns' of the Avengers.
Superhuman Strength, Speed, Durability, Agility, Stamina and Reflexes: Simply put, Carol hits hard and she hits fast. While there are certainly others who hit harder and move faster out there, that doesn't discount the fact that when Carol throws a punch, it hits like a tank going mach two. Or something. It hurts a lot. That's the important part.
Resistance to Poison and Toxins: She's not immune to them, but because of her Kree DNA she can't be poisoned easily. But anyone who is lazy enough to resort to poisons is getting punched anyway.
Energy Manipulation, Absorption, and Projection: If punching is Carol's bread then photon beams are her butter. She can absorb energies such as electricity or plasma and shoot it back twofold. She doesn't have to absorb energy first to use beams, beams are just part of the equation; they just get stronger with the absorb and reflect combo. She can't absorb magical energies, however, and as of yet no sorcerer supreme or otherwise has taught her how to overcome this glaring weakness. Carol will not stop trying, though. She's gonna learn that magic one day.
Flight: Punching people and beaming people are all well and good but flight is Carol's favorite power. She's always loved the air and being able to fly is the best thing that's ever happened to her. When she taps into Binary form, she can achieve lightspeed, but otherwise she's not quite that fast. She's still damn fast, presently about five times the speed of sound, but she always wants to be faster. Higher, further, faster and all that. She can breathe in space thanks to residual effects of Binary form. She doesn't understand it much either.
Decelerated Aging: She doesn't look a day over her mid thirties despite being at least twice that. The Kree DNA works in mysterious ways. And to think Captain America had to be frozen for that youthful old person look. It's a kind of healing factor but hardly comparable to people who recover from injuries in a snap.
Binary: Carol can, when pushed to the limit, enter a Binary state where she taps into the power of a white hole and grants her enhanced abilities as well as the additional ability to generate heat and light and energy along the electromagnetic spectrum and travel at the speed of light. It is incredibly draining, however, which means she only uses it when she has no other option as it will take her out of a fight if she uses it before the fight is over.
"I know I'm only part Kree. My Human family's from Boston not Hala -- that's the Milky Way, not the Greater Magellanic Cloud. I know I only inherited my Kree powers in a freak accident, when I stumbled across a Psyche-Magnitron, a piece of ancient alien tech... but try telling that to the Kree life forces rushing through me... propelling me higher and faster.."
Story Arcs
Empyre - Carol finds herself involved with the Kree given her heritage and is chosen to be an Accuser, but in the process discovers there's more about her family than she ever thought.
Like Father, Like Daughter - With the pressure of being a public figure and the stress of the job, Carol finds herself drawn to the bottle, much like her father had. Alcoholism and superheroes are, sadly, not a rare thing but how long can she keep it hidden and what will her fellow Avengers think if they find out?
Try A Social Life, Care Bear - Carol has had so much on her plate between Avengering and punching things that in this relative calm period she's considering maybe trying to have a social life. Even superheroes need friends. Preferably ones who are also heroes.
Don't Shug Me, Sweetheart - Carol does not trust certain mutants, especially the one that can become someone else or the one who can just absorb powers like a vacuum. How will her prejudices manifest themselves with mutants having their own nation?