║Disclaimer║ Please do not join if you are triggered/do not like discussing dark topics like depression, drug abuse, disorders, or other controversial things.
Welcome to Millington, a town that appears humble on the surface, yet hides layers of secrets beneath it.
Millington is located on the west side of the United States, a couple hours or so away from any major cities. Mostly untouched, the town still retains much of it’s natural beauty and has become a destination for camping vacations. The town is known for it's large surrounding forest and it's historical silver mines within the nearby mountains, which tourists often make pit stops to tour through. While the people may not be as breathtaking, Millington hides it well.
Until now, Millington believed itself to be a quiet and safe town. Unfortunately for the Reese family, their father, the last remaining parent, and youngest child, only two years old, have gone missing.
Our story begins here, with a large family of nine unexpectedly being reduced to six. Who, much like the rest of the population in Millington, has many secrets of their own. Each member of the family afraid to tell another person, fearing judgement or worse; allowing their life to come crashing down. Now, the eldest siblings must try to pick up the pieces despite their own personal issues. Trying to keep the family from falling apart would prove more difficult than it looked.
Here you can see what positions are available & choose where your character lives:
The Reese family consists of dirty blonde or red haired (we could go with full blonde or light brown as well) characters with either blue or green eyes. They also have their family diner, The Queens Orchid, which every family member will work in (unless too young). Please see the description in the "Millington Town Guide". Please keep these in mind if applying to be a part of the family.
We will accept more positions. Feel free to suggest some!
Best Friend: (You may play the role of any character’s best friend once cleared with the user.)
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: (You may also play the role of any character's significant other once cleared with the user.)
Only two characters at a time may have any one secret. If it is crossed out, that secret is completely taken.
Each character may only have one secret at a time. When that secret is resolved (or outed), you may pick a new one. Your character may be involved with multiple of these if you wish, but it must not be a secret. Example: A homosexual who does not hide their sexuality, but has a different hidden secret. If you feel that your characters story must have another secret accompany it, feel free to discuss with me. I will allow it if I feel that it fits. This should be a rare occasion, don't take advantage. We do this so that we don't have 5 characters all being alcoholics, etc. Keep it interesting.
Do not give away your secret - only PM it to @The Muse as stated in the Rules - we'd like to keep it as a sort of guessing game to find out who has what secret. It is up to you whether or not your character shares their secret with other characters as it progresses. Some secrets will be more obvious than others to the reader, but not IC.
If you have a secret in mind that isn't in one of the lists below, please feel free to suggest it.
Drug Addict
Pill Popper
Panty Collector
Nymphomaniac (also disorder)
Kleptomaniac (also disorder)
Drug Dealer
Gang Member
Drug Manufacturer
Tax Evader
Illegal Immigrant
Autoimmune disease
Blood disease
Heart disease
Pulmonary disease
Intermittent explosive disorder (Anger)
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Multiple Personality Disorder
Denial (Completely acting as if something never happened)
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Social Anxiety
Compulsive Liar
Antisocial Personality Disorder
In love with someone years older/younger than you
Abused (Either in a romantic relationship, or family)
Abusive (Abuses others)
Homewrecker (Someone who ruins relationships)
Witness Protection Program
Under a False Identity (Without using the professional protection of the WPP)
Run away
Virgin/Not a Virgin
Rape Victim/Survivor
Murderer (Whether it be an accident or a hobby)
Please change the C.S. titles to your character’s dialogue color, if any. When accepted, please put your C.S. in a hider.
[color=XXXXXX]Name[/color] First, Last
[color=XXXXXX]Birthday[/color] Month/Day/Year (Present year in RP: 2018)
[color=XXXXXX]Appearance[/color] Modern day anime/digital art pictures only Height Weight Other prominent traits
[color=XXXXXX]Position[/color] Family member/Neighbor/Best friend. Please place where your character will live as well.
[color=XXXXXX]Secret[/color] PM character to @The Muse, but once approved, post C.S. in character tab without your secret
[color=XXXXXX]School[/color] Do you attend school? What grade?
[color=XXXXXX]Occupation[/color] Do you have a job? What is it? If you are part of the Reese family, you will typically have a job at the family Diner unless you are too young. (Most likely a waiter, cook, or busser). Check in with @The Muse if you're unsure.
@Lovely Complex Lol No worries. I'll handle it if something like that does happen. I'll give you a heads up next time but check with me first too if you're not sure of something.
Time for a giant cup of coffee to start my morning xD