Nylah Aldaos
(I rolled a 2 so Nylah definitely didn't notice anyone in particular Haha!)
As the barkeep slid over the pint of ale, Nylah slid over a few silver coins toward him in exchange. As he leaned towards her, she locked eyes with him and a subtle smirk appeared on her lips as he questioned her. "Guys like you?" she retorted in a sarcastic tone. "Why, I think you're quite handsome." She looked him up and down with her emerald eyes. He wasn't exactly her type, but she was sure someone out there could find him handsome. "I've seen worse." She grinned at him before taking long swig of the ale, playful eyes peering over the edge at him.
"At least you're not stupid." She chuckled a bit. "I'd say that's attractive." She leaned against the bar, further removing the space between them. "I'll tell it to ya straight," one gold goin appeared between her fingers "I'm looking for a man named Dalious. You know him? The infamous pirate." She pushed the gold coin towards him on the table, though still holding possession over it with her fingers, indicating that she would pay him for information. "I'm looking to join his crew." She held his gaze, smiling innocently at him over the counter.
Just then a loud crash from across the room caused her to break eye contact and grip the coin back into the palm of her hand securely. She looked to where the sound came from and eyed the group curiously. A man flopped over into a woman's lap and broken pieces of a chair sprawled across the floor. The surrounding group burst into laughter and then cheered as another man sprung to his feet and began to box the man who had smashed a chair over the unconscious mans head. She raised her brows and then glanced back at the barkeep for a brief moment. "This happen often?" She almost laughed, then looked back as the unconscious man was hoisted up by what was seemingly his friend who had just defended the man. She watched as they left through a back exit, finding it odd that they would take that exit versus the front. "Interesting..." She thought, turning back to the barkeep, "Know anything about that group?"