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@PrinceAlexus Yaaaay! Thank you!
@Pilatus Thank you! I shall eagerly await their decisions. :]
Hi everyone!

I was hoping I could join in on the fun. :] Here's my application:

Collab with @Katthaj

Levi Brooks
Ichiro Zanto


Triple espresso caramel macchiato in hand, Levi took a seat in one of the window booths of the Starbucks. Somehow, the cute blonde barista at the cash register had convinced him to get this ridiculous, frothy drink. He told her he needed something to wake him up, so this is what she pitched. It was good, he’d admit, but it also tasted like pure sugar. The drink was a stark difference from the typical black coffee he would drink at the Reese’s diner. He had waited in line for nearly 30 minutes and paid about triple what he would have paid at the diner too.

Sipping his macchiato, he watched as people passed by outside. A couple walking up to the diner across the street, only to be as disappointed as he was. It truly was a shame, but a well deserved day off. He began to wonder if any of the people passing by knew anything about the disappearances. Had anyone seen anything? Heard anything? Someone had to know something. Someone always did.

Levi plucked his phone out of his pocket as it vibrated, indicating an incoming text message.

It’s been two hours

A message from Campbell, who was expecting him at the office by this time to hear about the so-called lead. It would have to wait a little longer. Levi wasn’t in the right frame of mind to be in the office. He was still half asleep. Luckily being a detective meant he could make his own flexible hours. In reality, that typically meant that he worked 24/7.

He wrote back, “Be there soon. Need coffee.

Putting his phone away and looking up, he watched as a car parked out in front of Oasi Pizza. When the door opened up, a familiar face exited the car. One of the waitresses at the Reese diner. What was her name again? Ich... Icha? Ichy? He really should have remembered her name simply by how many times he had seen her in the restaurant.

Considering that she was on his list of people to interview, he stood up and left the Starbucks. Just as she was about to enter the restaurant, Levi called out to her, “Miss!” Remembering her name really would have come in handy right about now. “Err, excuse me, miss…” He slowed his pace as he approached her, hoping she would recognize him so he didn’t appear to be some weird stalker.

Ichiro was looking at her phone checking facebook while stepping out of her car, she kind of fixed her hair and then starting walking towards the pizzeria, she had her favourite outfit on which consisted of black boots, light black leggings, a white top and a teal dress that has bands over her shoulders she had her red headphones on her head and listening to her feel good mix on Spotify.

From the corner of her eye, she sees someone kind of jogging towards her so she takes off her headphones to see if they wanted something “Err, excuse me, miss…” the man said as he approached her, she looked at his face and noticed that it was that cop who always ate at the diner, what was his name now again? Something with L, Leon? Leo? Le? Lev… Levi, right. “ Hi, Levi was it right? You are that one cop who always comes for breakfast every morning, what can I help you with sir?” he seems like he is in a hurry, I wonder what he wants.

Well, now he just felt like an asshole. A detective ought to be better at remembering people's names, especially ones he saw almost daily.

That's me!” He flashed her a friendly grin, happy and a bit ashamed that she remembered his name. “I know this is a bit informal, but we are interviewing people close to the Reese family right now. I figured since you're here…. Would you mind answering some questions for me?

Of course, you don't have to. You're not under arrest or anything like that.” He chuckled a bit, hoping to ease the mood. People usually weren't fond of getting interviewed by the police and often became very defensive, or even aggressive.

How about I buy us lunch and we can discuss inside?” He gestured towards the pizza establishment she had been heading into and pulled open the door with his free hand, hoping she would take up his offer. Who didn't like free pizza?

She hesitated for a moment as he gave her the offer of free pizza in exchange for an interview, it's not really like she is hiding anything so she decided to follow him in “ I will do the interview on one condition, Ashley also gets a free pizza she said with a smug smile on her face, of course, she would use this situation, and Ashley was already waiting for her so giving her free pizza would make sure she does not get annoyed that they can't hang out for now, she thought as she ducked under his arm that is holding the door and walked into the establishment.

The girl wasn’t dumb, she certainly knew how to use a situation to her advantage. Two whole pizzas? This interview, which he was almost sure would prove useless, was going to cost him 40 bucks. He didn’t exactly peg this petite, blue-haired girl as a kidnapper… or a murderer. Possible, sure, but highly unlikely. Nonetheless, he was supposed to do interviews, so he followed her inside and noted to keep his mouth shut about offering free stuff next time.

Hi there!” He greeted the young blonde girl at the counter @Lasrever, “We’d like two medium pizzas please, one for here and one to go. Anything that miss, uh… miss… I’m sorry, what was your name again?” He gave her a sheepish smile, hoping she didn’t take too much offence to it.

”I feel offended that you don't know my name officer. Aren't you supposed to be a detective or something?” she said with a smile on her lips in a joking tone. ”Anyways my name is Ichiro and I would like olives on my pizza if that is okay with Mr. Detective.” she says as she puts the puppy eyes and the innocent voice to work to try to convince him.

Ichiro! Of course!” He smiled and looked to the girl at the counter, “Two pizzas, anything that miss Ichiro’s heart desires.


Now sitting in a booth at the restaurant, with a few slices of pizza in his stomach and the to-go pizza in a box on the table, Levi settled back into the cushions and let out a satisfied sigh. “Alright… let’s see… ” He reached into his coat pocket and took out a tiny notepad and pen, just in case anything of interest came up. “When and where was the last time you saw Mr. Reese?

”Last time I saw Mr. Reese? That was probably at the end of the Thursday before he disappeared, it was like May 24th? Yea it was, right? That was probably the last time I saw him. I was finishing my shift at the diner, I believe I was cleaning the tables when he came up to me and gave me my paycheck as I really wanted to buy something and he agreed to giving me the paycheck a week early.” She said trying to think back to the night.

I see. How close would you say you were to him?

”They were like a second family to me so I would say that we were very close.” She said while kind of tearing up thinking about the man that she saw as a second Father. ”I really just… I'm sorry for crying… he was like a second father to me you know...” She wipes her tears and tries to calm down.

It’s okay, I know this is a tough subject….” He frowned, pausing for a brief moment so that she could collect herself, “Would you say Mr. Reese was a likeable man? Did he have any enemies that you might have been aware of?

”Yea definitely he was one of the nicest people I ever met, I don’t understand who would not like him.”

Did he seem on edge at all when you saw him last? Nervous, worried, that sort of thing?

”I wouldn't say that he was specifically on edge that night, nothing more than he used to be at the end of the month.”

Where were you the morning of May 25th? It was a Friday.

”I was still in bed I believe, I woke up at 10:00 AM.”

Okay, I think that’s it for now Miss Ichiro. Thank you for your cooperation. You’re free to go.” He gave her a sly little wink, accompanied with a playful smirk.

”Thank you for the free pizza Mr. Detective!” She says with a playful tone as she puts up her hand to her ear in a call me gesture then jokingly winks at him as she stands up and walks out to talk to her friend Ashley that has been waiting at her car.

Levi raised his brows, slightly taken aback at her flirty gesture. He made a mental note to find out how old this girl was. Surely not underage, but perhaps still too young for his tastes. It had been awhile since he had been in “the game”, but……. His train of thought drifted as he watched her leave the restaurant, specifically watching the way her hips swayed back and forth underneath her dress.

Once she was out the door, he snapped back into reality and shook his head. Now was not the time!!

Abigail Reese

“Abi. Hi.”

Abigail nearly jumped out of her skin as her brothers voice suddenly came from behind her, breaking the eerie silence in the house. She quickly turned to face him, clearly startled as backed against the kitchen entry door frame and raised a hand to her chest as if to calm her heart from beating out of her chest.

“I wasn’t expecting you.”

"I wasn't expecting you either!" She smiled and laughed at herself. She had never been the jumpy type in the past but... things were different now.

“Can I get you something to eat?”

Her smile quickly dissipated as her fear subsided and she got a good look at her brother. Green eyes scanned him over, ignoring his offer and taking in the complete mess that he was. "Oh, Demi..." She frowned, meeting her gaze with his, a knowing look in her eyes. Her younger brother was typically so well put together. Hell, he usually had a better fashion sense than she did. Right now... he looked like a ghost! Some kind of pale, unkempt, polar opposite version of himself. If she didn't know any better, she would have thought he was sick with the flu. It wasn't pretty, but she could relate. Before today, she had done the bare minimum at taking care of herself. Besides when she dragged herself into work, she hardly showered and spent a majority of her time in pajamas.

"I'm going to get lunch started for everyone. You go shower and get ready, okay? I thought everyone could-"


There was the noise that she remembered in the house.

Abigail turned to look down the hallway, spotting her little sister flying into the house like a bat out of hell. At least Megara was still herself... though, sometimes that was a bit concerning. Comforting to have some sort of stability but at the same time... shouldn't Meg be more affected by this? Abigail supposed everyone dealt with these sort of things in their own way. Megara wasn't the only one in the family who seemed more or less unaffected by their mothers suicide, and now this.

“Demi! Are you awake!? I need you to sign this paper!”

Abigail raised a brow and shot a glance at her brother, trying to see if he had any knowledge of what she might be asking him to sign.

"What are you trying to get yourself into now, Meg?" She poked a little fun at her sister who had become notorious for constantly having something up her sleeve. The girl was too clever for her own good sometimes.

Seeing her brother Marcus slink into the kitchen, Abigail smiled at him. "Good morning sleepy head." She assumed he had just woken up by the somber look on his face and the bed head hair.

"What's on the agenda for today?"

"Weeeell," Abi grinned, obviously excited about her grand plan "I thought everyone could use a day out of the house, so-"

The unmistakable "WEEUU-WEEU-WEEU HOONNK HOOONK" of her car alarm stopped her short. Her eyes grew wide - was someone breaking into her car just to steal all of her belongings she left in there?! Right in broad daylight, in her own drive way?!

Abigail carefully and rapidly maneuvered herself around all of her siblings and bolted for the door. She ripped it open and ran outside, just in time to see the infamous Robin skateboarding off into the distance.

"Nice wheels, Abi-Abi! Better take good care of it!"

She sighed, relieved and annoyed at the same time. Why did Robin always have to cause a scene? She would have blamed this behavior on the way he was coping, acting out for attention, but unfortunately he had been this way for as long as she could remember. Although, lately, it did seem like he was acting out more often.

"Robin, wait!" She tried to call after him, recognizing his outfit as his work uniform. "I wanted to..." Her voice trailed off as he disappeared over the hill on his skateboard, unable to hear anything she would have tried to say. She sighed, deflated, which showed wholeheartedly in her body language. Her "grand plan" wasn't going to go as smoothly as she anticipated. She should have known better.

Grabbing her key fob and turning off the car alarm, she glanced over at her neighbor who was working on his car in the drive way. She had never met the man face-to-face before, but she felt bad that he had to witness the whole Robin fiasco. Not only that, but the fall into chaos of the entire Reese family. No doubt, everyone in town knew what had been happening to them. They were a spectacle. Entertaining to most, a sob story to others.

She put on a nervous, weary smile and gave a sheepish wave to the man. "Sorry about that!" She called to him, hoping the alarm didn't upset anyone in the neighborhood. She didn't want to be a bad neighbor on top of all they were already dealing with.

She headed on inside again, finding her siblings not too far behind to see what was going on. "I closed the diner for the day." It was time to get to the point. "I think we all need a day off and some fresh air. I've planned a picnic day!" She anticipated a groan from Megara, who would most likely have to be dragged to the park with them. Nonetheless, she hoped this day would help lift some spirits. At least for Demi, Abi, and Marcus' sake.

"Everyone go get ready. I'm going to finish making lunch for us and then we can go pick up Brina from school!" She smiled and headed towards the kitchen, obviously leaving out Robin's name. He had chosen not to even speak with her, so she had chosen to let him find out on his own that the diner was closed. Perhaps he would choose differently next time.

Levi Brooks


Face down on the edge of his pillow, drooling from the corner of his mouth, Levi Brooks slept peacefully for the first time in what had felt like an eternity. His body, dressed in only boxer shorts, laid in the middle of his blanket-less bed surrounded by several crime books. A few on psychology, a few on a variety of case studies. On the nightstand beside him; several empty beer cans, an ashtray filled with cigarettes, the nearly empty carton, and one list of possible suspects.

Finally at peace, sleeping. No dreams, no nightmares. Just silence, darkness, a mind at rest. Oh, how sweet it was. Something he had certainly taken for granted as a child. What was it like when he was able to sleep more than 4 hours? There had been days in his teenage years that he had slept for 11 hours straight!


Levi suddenly jolted awake, blue bloodshot eyes snapping open just as he fell off the edge of his bed with a loud THUD.


He sat up from the ground, rubbing the back of his head which had smacked against his work boots on the way down. "What the hell...." He groaned, his voice gruff as he pulled himself to his feet. He looked in the direction of the buzzing which had so rudely interrupted his slumber and scared him half to death. Seemingly, the damned phone had buzzed itself around the bed until it eventually settled close to his face, which immediately began vibrating along the bridge of his nose.

He sighed at the name scrolling across the phone screen. CAMPBELL.

Clearing his throat, he picked up the phone and tried his best to sound like he'd been awake for hours. "What's up Campbell?"

"Ah, so you've finally decided to wake the hell up, eh Brooks?" The deep voice on the other end belonged to William Campbell, Millington's own Chief of Police. In other words, Levi's boss.

"I didn't-"

"I've called you four times, you little shit."

"I was-"

"Would you just shut up and listen for one god dang second? Your generation, I swear... It's about the Reese case. We got a new lead in." The line went silent for awhile, Campbell clearly enjoying the suspense.

"And? Are you going to tell me what it was?"

"Ha! Get your ass in the office. I'll tell you here."

Levi sighed, running a hand through his tousled hair and surveying the chaos of his bedroom. "Fine. Give me two hours."

"Two hours?! What are you gonna do, go grocery shopping?"

Levi hung up and tossed his phone back on the bed. William Campbell was two decades his senior, a fire cracker who loved to bust everyone's ass, but he was a softy on the inside and Levi knew it. After working with him all these years, the two often acted more like siblings than coworkers.

"I must've only been out for an hour at most.." He thought, eyeing the still lit cigarette sitting in his ashtray. Definitely not something the fire department would recommend. He had spent all night reading up on other kidnapping cases, murders, and anything he could get his hands on that could even slightly relate to the Reese case. He'd even made a list of possible suspects to interview in town. They hadn't made much progress since the initial disappearance, but the case was beginning to consume Levi. This one was a little closer to home for him, as he often enjoyed breakfast and lunches at the Reese diner. That, and their father belonged to the police force himself. Levi, much like the rest of his department, knew Roderick personally. They weren't best friends by any means, but Levi did consider Roderick a friend. He was a real stand up guy.

Speaking of which, he needed to get himself cleaned up and head into town for his morning coffee routine at that very diner.


After his 30 minute drive from his house in the countryside, all cleaned up, Levi pulled his car into the parking lot of the Queen's Orchid. "Looks empty..." He thought, noting the open parking lot with only a car or two parked. Either the Reese disappearance had been bad for business or...


A big, handwritten sign hung smack dab in the middle of the diners front door. Underneath it, an explanation.

We are very sorry for the inconvenience! With recent events, we have taken the day off. We'll be back tomorrow! See you then! Mention that you came by today and we'll give you a discount for the trouble!

The note gently tugged at his heart strings, wondering what sort of thing must have been going through the mind of the person who wrote it. How awful to have to pretend to be so happy, as if nothing was wrong, when your whole life was falling apart within the span of a few months.

Of course, he was happy they had finally taken a day off. The eldest, who had been running the place, had looked so disheveled the past couple days he had seen her. She was always smiling at him and being positive, but anyone could see the pain behind her eyes. It didn't take a detective to figure that one out. However... now he was left without his favorite coffee spot. Would he be reduced to getting coffee from a Starbucks? $8 for a coffee seemed ridiculous.

"Am I turning into Campbell?"
Abigail Reese

Friday, June 1st. 11am

"I can do this."

Abigail Reese sat behind the wheel of an Audi A4, tapping her fingertips nervously along the edges of a black steering wheel, that phrase being repeated over and over in her head. Her small sedan, previously her mothers before the... accident, was packed to the brim with boxes and other miscellaneous items from her old apartment. Pulled into her childhood home driveway, Abigail had been trying to breathe through what was teetering on the verge of a full blown panic attack for the past 15 minutes.

The last time Abi had been at the house and had seen her siblings was a week ago, the day her father didn't return from his trip to the cemetery. She didn't think it would have been this hard to see the house again, her siblings, but it was shaking her to the core. Losing her mother had been enough, hadn't it? Why her father? Why, especially, her littlest sister? Why take them from her? She couldn't bear it. She couldn't. On top of it all, she had just been through yet another break up with her on-again, off-again boyfriend and to add the cherry on top, her birthday was tomorrow. 26 wasn't looking so good. God, if there was one, could be so cruel.

"I can do this."

She repeated, lying to herself, hoping she would eventually believe it. Blinking rapidly to clear any tears welling up in her deep emerald green eyes, Abi checked the sun visor mirror to make sure it didn't look like she had been bawling her eyes out for the past week straight. Once satisfied, taking in a deep breath, she finally found the courage to push open her car door with shaking hands. The day was bright, sunny, with barely a breeze. Something she would have typically enjoyed. These days, it felt like the whole world was mocking how dark she felt inside.

Figuring that her boxes could wait a few minutes, Abigail locked her car and walked up to the door. With every step it broke her heart, knowing how empty the house would feel without her father and sister Maya. Oh, how Maya use to love when her big sister would come to visit. Abigail bit her lower lip hard to keep herself from crying all over again.

Knock Knock Knock

Without waiting for an answer, Abigail tried the door handle. Somewhat surprisingly, it was open. This was something that would never have bothered her previously, but now... now that her family members were missing. Could they trust the neighborhood to leave it unlocked like this? Granted, this disappearance seemingly didn't happen here, but the whole town felt unnerving to her now. A kidnapper could be on the loose. Or worse...

Not wanting to think about it, Abigail stepped into the house.

"I'm home!" She announced to the household in as chipper a voice as she could. The fact that she didn't immediately hear Maya's little feet rushing down the hallway put a stab through her heart.

The house felt quiet, which was odd for a house filled with children. Her memories of this house had always been loud, and happy. This felt wrong. She began to wonder if she was stuck in another nightmare where she walked in to find that her entire family had been murdered, bodies left on the living room to bleed out.

"Anybody home?" She called, closing the front door behind her gently. Hearing only a few creaks upstairs, she began heading towards the kitchen. Their family typically liked to gather there. At least... when her parents were around. Someone was always cooking back then.
@alexfangtalon Hey you! Welcome back Haha
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