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Hi everyone! We've got some interest so I'll go ahead and work on getting this up and running within a few days. :)
Hi there! I have plans to flesh this out more with information about the kingdoms, families, the goddess, etc etc. Figured I'd get an interest check first before I spend so much time on it. Feel free to ask any questions! :]

The once harmonious empire of Aerowyn is in complete disarray. Over the last decade, peace over the land has begun to unravel due to a previously allied lord who has grown in strength with every year that passes. The imperial family of Aerowyn, The Blackwoods, have allowed Lord Fiske Ormund to live out of hope that their prior "friend" would come to his senses. Until recently, he had not done anything to directly attack the people whom live within the territory of Emperor Ulric Blackwood's castle.

Rapidly, famine and disease have spread from Lord Ormund's kingdom. War has been declared upon neighboring kingdoms as he seeks to overthrow their royal families. Rumors have spread to The Blackwood's that Lord Ormund has been possessed by a powerful demon and monsters run rampant across his kingdom.

Those who have begun to fear for their lives have started praying to an ancient Goddess by the name of Aurelia. Several centuries ago, an elven priestess was said to have saved Aerowyn from a similar plague of evil. She was consequently named a Goddess among men after the fact. As the story goes, she possessed an incredibly powerful soul which was coveted by demons and men alike. Her power was immeasurable and those who could harness her soul would be able to use that for whatever their heart desired; good or evil. Relics lost to time were said to have been activated by her presence alone, creating high-powered magical weapons. The temptation to destroy her or manipulate her was ever so tantalizing. She was depicted to be an elf, though through legend she is said to be a shapeshifter of sorts. She knew her way around magic and was a skilled archer. However, this Goddess was never said to be a saint. Often times she would struggle with the dark side of her own power and some would even label her as a demon or a trickster god. Many refused to worship her, even forbid it. Nonetheless, Aurelia warded off demons from the empire and settled down there for quite some time.

In present day, Lord Ormund has just directed the army of his kingdom to attack anyone leaving or entering the emperor's protected territory. The Blackwoods, at their wits end, have taken this as a declaration of war. Just when all was beginning to feel lost - a human woman has appeared. Dragged into the emperor's castle by a knight who has claimed her to be the reincarnation of Aurelia. Undeniably, she appears to be the spitting image of the goddess. Those who believe have found hope, while some believe this to be an omen of destruction. The girl dragged in, however, wants nothing to do with the empire and does not believe herself to be a reincarnation. Still, the girl brought a resurgence of morale to the emperor's people and as such, he has decided that his eldest son is to be married to this woman - whether they liked it or not. If she is the reincarnation of the goddess, all the better for the Blackwoods, though those who believe Aurelia to be a demon goddess are displeased and continue to fear for their lives under Blackwood rule. Now, if only they could find a way to awaken the reincarnations power...

In an effort to do exactly that, the Emperor has ordered those he has hand chosen and considers to be at the top of their specialty to train (and watch over) this girl. Each of them range in different abilities from sword work, magic, archery, and more. He has named the group as "The Divine" and tasked them with activating the girls power, no matter how difficult.

Hi there! I have plans to flesh this out more with information about the kingdoms, families, the goddess, etc etc. Figured I'd get an interest check first before I spend so much time on it. Feel free to ask any questions! :]

The once harmonious empire of Aerowyn is in complete disarray. Over the last decade, peace over the land has begun to unravel due to a previously allied lord who has grown in strength with every year that passes. The imperial family of Aerowyn, The Blackwoods, have allowed Lord Fiske Ormund to live out of hope that their prior "friend" would come to his senses. Until recently, he had not done anything to directly attack the people whom live within the territory of Emperor Ulric Blackwood's castle.

Rapidly, famine and disease have spread from Lord Ormund's kingdom. War has been declared upon neighboring kingdoms as he seeks to overthrow their royal families. Rumors have spread to The Blackwood's that Lord Ormund has been possessed by a powerful demon and monsters run rampant across his kingdom.

Those who have begun to fear for their lives have started praying to an ancient Goddess by the name of Aurelia. Several centuries ago, an elven priestess was said to have saved Aerowyn from a similar plague of evil. She was consequently named a Goddess among men after the fact. As the story goes, she possessed an incredibly powerful soul which was coveted by demons and men alike. Her power was immeasurable and those who could harness her soul would be able to use that for whatever their heart desired; good or evil. Relics lost to time were said to have been activated by her presence alone, creating high-powered magical weapons. The temptation to destroy her or manipulate her was ever so tantalizing. She was depicted to be an elf, though through legend she is said to be a shapeshifter of sorts. She knew her way around magic and was a skilled archer. However, this Goddess was never said to be a saint. Often times she would struggle with the dark side of her own power and some would even label her as a demon or a trickster god. Many refused to worship her, even forbid it. Nonetheless, Aurelia warded off demons from the empire and settled down there for quite some time.

In present day, Lord Ormund has just directed the army of his kingdom to attack anyone leaving or entering the emperor's protected territory. The Blackwoods, at their wits end, have taken this as a declaration of war. Just when all was beginning to feel lost - a human woman has appeared. Dragged into the emperor's castle by a knight who has claimed her to be the reincarnation of Aurelia. Undeniably, she appears to be the spitting image of the goddess. Those who believe have found hope, while some believe this to be an omen of destruction. The girl dragged in, however, wants nothing to do with the empire and does not believe herself to be a reincarnation. Still, the girl brought a resurgence of morale to the emperor's people and as such, he has decided that his eldest son is to be married to this woman - whether they liked it or not. If she is the reincarnation of the goddess, all the better for the Blackwoods, though those who believe Aurelia to be a demon goddess are displeased and continue to fear for their lives under Blackwood rule. Now, if only they could find a way to awaken the reincarnations power...

In an effort to do exactly that, the Emperor has ordered those he has hand chosen and considers to be at the top of their specialty to train (and watch over) this girl. Each of them range in different abilities from sword work, magic, archery, and more. He has named the group as "The Divine" and tasked them with activating the girls power, no matter how difficult.

11:30 AM

Levi's blue eyes suddenly snapped open at the sound of rattling dishes from the down the hall. He sat up in bed, hair a complete mess and wearing only boxers, listening quietly for more movement outside his bedroom door. Was it a dream that woke him? Another nightmare?

"Mmm-mm... hmm...."

"Someone is in my kitchen!" His heart raced as he threw himself out of bed and reached for his handgun which was locked in a small safe under his bed. Carefully, trying to take deep and calming breaths, he punched in the pin number to unlock the safe. "Those fuckers want to come back after all these years? They won't get away this time."

Beretta 92 in one hand, Levi quietly opened up his bedroom door. Raising the handgun up to eye level, he slowly rounded the corner. His eyes darted back and forth, searching for any sort of movement. Lightly, he walked down the hall and listened to the stranger rummage through his kitchen drawers, humming a melodic tune to themselves. Odd, but this was no time to be questioning the antics of a criminal.

"HANDS UP!" He quickly came from around the corner and into the kitchen, gun raised and ready to fire if provoked.


"Oh Jesus Christ, MIMI!" Levi stopped aiming his gun at the blonde woman in his kitchen, whom he had clearly scared half to death. When he had yelled, she had screamed in surprise and dropped a whisk onto the floor as she spun around to see the source of the sudden disturbance.

"Levi!" She exclaimed, a hand on her chest as if to calm her pounding heart. "What is wrong with you?! You scared me! And here I am, being such a sweetheart and making you breakfast. That wasn't funny!" Mimi pouted as she bent down to pick up the whisk she had dropped, dressed in only a thin night gown and a cardigan sweater.

"I didn't-... what are you doing here?!"

"Making you breakfast, I just said!" With the whisk she gestured to the kitchen counter top. Pancake mix, eggs, milk, and various other items scattered all across his once clean kitchen. She eyed him up and down, glaring at him for a brief moment before her facial expression softened and she grinned at him in delight. "Oh, baby... do you not remember last night?" She looked up, searching her mind for an image of the previous night. "I guess you were pretty drunk." She giggled, setting down the whisk and moving closer to him. "I can help you remember if y-"

"No, I remember. I-..." He watched her move closer, but he was in no mood for cuddling up. "I expected you would be, uh... gone... by now. Ya know?" He gave her a sheepish smile, knowing this would rile her up but it was the truth. He hadn't intended for them to pretend like they were some normal couple in the morning. Mia Porter, or "Mimi", was his on-again-off-again girlfriend. Though they had been "off" for quite some time now. Nonetheless, when a man is weak and a panther sees her prey....

Mimi pouted again, puffing her cheeks as she glared at him once more. "You said I could stay!" She turned away from him in a huff, going back to her cooking. "Besides, it's almost done and... here." She grabbed the coffee pot and poured him a drink.

Levi watched her, setting his handgun down onto the kitchen table and taking a seat as he reflected on his actions. "I said she could stay? Now I really don't remember that...." He looked over at his gun on the table, feeling a tinge of guilt. Ever since his mothers home invasion, he'd never been the same and was quick to jump to conclusions. "Idiot..."

"Aren't I an angel?"

She set down a cup of coffee in front of him before going back to making pancakes, clearly pleased with herself. He observed quietly, nearly laughing out loud at the thought of her being an angel. She appeared sweet on the outside, but she could be downright evil if she wanted to be. In truth, it was probably the thing that he liked about her. She was exciting. His mother use to joke that he was a magnet for crazy and Mimi would have proved her theory. He smiled to himself, taking his coffee cup and wondering where his ex-girlfriend had gotten the nightgown from. Did she bring an overnight bag? He hadn't noticed when she had first arrived...

"Mimi, I really can't. I have to go and... you... you have to go too." He cringed at his own wording, but he was never one to beat around the bush. She was use to that by now.

"Just eat and be happy that I made you this lovely breakfast!"

Hearing his phone text notification go off from the bedroom, Levi took that as an exit from this argument and headed into the bedroom to put away his handgun and check his phone.

Fire at the Turners. Get here. - T.S.

Yes! An actual excuse to give his ex that wasn't a lie! Pity about the fire, but...

"Mimi! Let's go, I have to work!"

After having dropped off Mimi at her own home, with her overnight bag, Levi pulled up to the Turner household to find it half engulfed in flames. "Who the hell did this?" He thought, parking across the street where police had sectioned off an area of authorized personnel only. Exiting his car, he found Thomas Spade standing with the Turners who watched in helpless horror. Sad what had been happening to this family... He truly felt for them. He was on the case, and genuinely trying his best to find out what had happened to miss Lily Turner.

Aside from that group, he noticed a smaller group off to the side of the house simply watching the chaos go down. "Innocent bystanders or the culprits hiding in plain sight?" He looked them over briefly from across the street. One female, drinking something and leaning against a motorcycle and one male, large in stature and sitting on a scooter. The woman looked familiar.

"Excuse me," He made his way across the street, approaching them for questioning. "Hi. I'm detective Brooks. Can I ask you both some questions?" He smiled charmingly, looking to both the male and female. Upon closer inspection, he had recognized the female as Mirai Ito - an ex gang member who the mayor himself had made sure was on the police stations radar once he learned of her arrival. "Just want to know if either of you saw anything be-"

"Back the fuck off! PEARL IS IN THERE."

Levi looked up just in time to see a young man climb through an open window and into the burning house. "Oh hell...." Without a second thought Levi turned and sprinted after the kid, throwing his peacoat off onto the lawn as he climbed through the window.

"Hey kid!" He called, eyes squinting as he tried to see through the smoke. "You're going to get yourself killed in here!" The irony wasn't lost on Levi; he could get himself killed trying to save someone too. Perhaps him and this stranger weren't so different.

Levi covered his face with his shirt as he tried to find his way through this mansion of a house. On the way to the kitchen he spotted some footsteps in the soot and decided to follow them, even though the feeling of impending doom was beginning to settle in as he started to cough. The smoke was getting to him already. Maybe running in here hadn't been a great idea...

"Hey! Where are you?!"

He frantically ran down a hallway looking in every room he could, trying to spot the kid through all the smoke. He didn't hear anything aside from the flames and the creaking of the house, which furthered the feeling of doom in the pit of his stomach. "Kid! We gotta get-" Upon entering the living room he found the boy, passed out with a white cat in his arms who was also passed out. "For a cat?!" He thought, running over to the kid and shaking his shoulders. "Fuck." He cursed as he realized that the kid was completely out. "Here we go..."

Levi wasn't exactly the most athletic guy, but he did go to the gym to lift weights and for once it was going to come in handy. He scooped up the dark haired stranger and his furry friend, carrying them both bridal style and began to back track his way through the house. Once he reached the front door he was relieved to find that someone had already opened it, waiting for the two of them to return. Levi rushed outside, setting the kid and his cat down onto the lawn.

"Someone help this cat! It needs air." He pointed to the cat, looking around at the firefighters and EMT's standing by. Without waiting, Levi rolled up his sleeves and began chest compressions on the male. This wasn't exactly who he had envisioned giving CPR to when he took the certification class, but... it had to be done.
Merry Christmas everyone! :)
For anyone not in the discord - I posted up my 2nd character under my original character post. Levi! :] I'll work on putting up a post for him soon.

Also, take this as freedom for any of you to make a 2nd character if you wish!
@GoreLore Hey! Your sheet looked good, feel free to post it/make a post in the IC.

The RP has been rather slow lately - mostly my fault, my life has been really hectic over the last few months. But I'd still like to keep it going as long as everyone else is in still, even if it's slow paced. I need to work on my 2nd character to drop in on @TootsiePop's character. Should be able to get around to that soon!

Holidays are ramping up and I know that's a busy time for everyone. Hopefully everyone is still interested though! I've still got lots of plans that I'd like to play out/reveal if I can :)
Nylah Aldaos

Nylah scanned the crowd as quickly as she could, standing at the edge of a sea of people moving to and from the wide variety of shops. "This is useless... Ah, screw it."

Her plan of being more discreet was immediately thrown out the window. She needed to find the group if she wanted to make any money. Standing here she wouldn't be able to tell anyone apart, especially not at her average height. With her decision made, she pushed her way through the crowd and made her way toward the docks. One of the ships sails ought to provide her with enough height for an aerial view of the whole marketplace. Perhaps she could even figure out which ship belonged to the outlaw.

"'Scuse me... 'scuse me... pardon..." Nylah muttered under her breath as she maneuvered her way through the crowd, not exactly sorry about pushing people out of her direct path to the port. "On your left..." She slid herself in between two burly men as she reached the other side of the crowd of people, her eyes suddenly catching a group of men sitting around a table for a game of dice. Lo and behold - there was her bounty! She grinned, relieved that she hadn't had to climb a sail just yet. Time to put on the facade again.

"There you are!" She exclaimed in her most girlish tone, hurrying over to his side. "You're a hard man to get a moment with, aren't you?" She refrained from saying his name out loud to be heard by so many ears; you never knew who exactly could be listening. The men around the table looked up from the game, eyeing the elf up and down with curiosity. "I was hoping you would just give me a chance. I promise I could be of use on your crew!"
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