Avatar of The Otter


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3 mos ago
Current 1.5 oz gin, 1.5 oz sweet vermouth, 2 to 4 dashes orange bitters
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dra til helvete
1 yr ago
sometimes i like to talk to birds and pretend they're talking back
1 yr ago
praise snail


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Cadmon Demet

@Psyker Landshark@HereComesTheSnow@Eisenhorn

He'd been in agreement with her, up to the end; they had the same opinion of how likely it was she would get used, and what use they might get out of her skills. At her last words, though, the young noble stiffened perceptibly, his eyes narrowing towards her.

"Sir Shilage keeps his own counsel in such matters. He comes when I send for him, but if not, he's perfectly free to do as he wishes. It is my hope that he meets us at Lady Velvetica's pavilion." As much as some in the camp might wish to levy insults against his own face, Cadmon was just as content to let them come and shrug them off; to speak in such a way about the man who'd become just as close family to him as his own parents had been, however, was something he refused to let pass without some comment or correction.

Neverminding that István likely wouldn't care one bit himself.

"Hopefully between the three of us we can convince her to set you loose. I'm not feeling like a pitched battle today—sick opponents are always easier to subdue, and I'm sure you know all sorts of ways to leave them feeling quite ill." Truth be told, he was surprised how quickly he'd grown accustomed to battle, otherwise the thought of one rapidly approaching might well have left him feeling sick to his stomach, not that he'd ever admitted to it.

Luckily enough, as he picked his path back through to the center of the camp, he quickly caught sight of István a short ways away, alongside one of the mercenaries who'd joined on with the Lions. At least the presence of others should help forestall any actual argument brewing between himself and the assassin at his side. "Well. It appears my man has made a friend. Shilage!"
Cadmon Demet

@Psyker Landshark

The effort needed to resist rolling his eyes was nearly herculean. What was needed to keep his jaw shut for a moment was even greater.

No, no, I just thought I'd take a romantic stroll around the war camp with my favourite assassin.

As much as he wanted to say something sarcastic like that, it would be pointless. Antagonizing her would be no help at all with what they were soon to face; beyond that, he had little doubt of his low likelihood of waking up in the morning if she decided she disliked him enough. Not that she seemed inclined to harm an ally, certainly not in that way, but he only trusted an assassin as far as he could throw them.

Given that Kayliss was a somewhat tall human woman rather than a Nem, that wasn't very far at all.

"With any luck," he said after a moment. No true confirmation for her question, yet, but he was hoping. "Assuming they didn't meet with an unfortunate fate, our scouts are due to make their reports to Lady Velvetica today. If they bring back something useful, I'm hoping that we could make use of your talents."
Cadmon Demet

@Psyker Landshark@HereComesTheSnow

The constant influx of information—useful or not—that came with his position was starting to grow tiresome. Subordinates constantly coming to report to him, day in and day out, and rarely was it on any topic more important than the weather. It was grating, even more than the armour he was currently being aided in donning. His sigh, though, was cut short with a wince as the strap of one pauldron was yanked tight around his upper arm.

The second soon after. Thank the goddesses for padding.

"That is quite enough, thank you," he interjected, cutting off one of the sergeants of the force he'd brought with him to the Lions. "You haven't told me anything new in the time since we first made camp here. Go join the guards around the perimeter and keep an eye out for those scouts—I want to be sure they get to Lady Velvetica as quickly as possible once they arrive. Don't let them be distracted." He wasn't even entirely sure who was out scouting; if the griffin-rider was one of them, at least there was one person who could be trusted to follow through properly.

Cadmon tugged at the belt around his waist uncomfortably, though he knew it was better that than to have all the weight of his brigandine resting upon his shoulders. "If any of you should happen to find István, tell him to meet me at the Lady's pavilion." Though whether or not the warrior would listen was another matter; Cadmon doubted he'd ever be able to command the man who half-raised him. "Have my horse, weapons, and helmet waiting for me there. I'm not wandering around the camp with them all at once." With his own cadre of servants and aides so dismissed, Cadmon gathered up his gauntlets and made his way out of his tent into the wider camp.

Silently ruing the fact that he hadn't left his bevor off for them to take alongside his other gear, he kept his head on a swivel as he took a meandering path towards the Steel Princess's center of command. Ostensibly, he could be said to be inspecting the forces; in truth, he had his eye out for one person in particular, hoping she wasn't deciding to practice her own skills at the current moment. A quick flash of blonde hair catching his eye between a pair of tents gave him all the notice he needed that she wasn't trying not to be found.

"Miss Lambert?" he called in the direction he'd seen the assassin woman going. "Care to join me?"
<Snipped quote by The Otter>

I, shockingly, don't need your food for thought. I, respectfully, offered a counterargument and solution to Vita. Not you.

If Vita says, my counterargument and offered solution won't work, so be it. Plenty of other ideas. But, trust me, I don't need yours.

If you're arrogant enough that somebody trying to be at-all helpful is what causes you to offer this sort of response, then I'll give up and just respond in kind:

Your response of "but migratory birds" is a lot more of a cop-out than the actual creator of the RP's response about what species live where in their world could ever be, and crows (as per your stated crow lineage) are only very short-dostance migratory at most, and generally just permanent residents of where they live, certainly not ocean-and-continent-crossing like others.

A roughly-human-sized harpy would probably have more trouble covering that distance anyways, compared to, y'know, an actual bird.
Vita and Rain can always tell me my own interpretations of things are wrong, I'm just giving you more food for thought in the event "Akitsushima doesn't have harpies and isn't connected to the continent" is held as a firm ruling on the character.
Flying or no, given the relative state of the game world and how it compares to its real-world parallels, that level of movement unassociated with acts of conquest or the like is nearly unheard of until hitting the renaissance, age of sail and colonialism and all that. There was some level of cultural diffusion and knowledge of far-flung places, sure, but it was rarely accurate, and the further apart two areas were the more and more fantastical it all became.

It's like imagining a family of English folk from the 1200s migrating all the way to India, living there and assimilating, and then coming back. Sure, the aristocracy had some knowledge of India, but once you got past the Mediterranean and the Levant it became more a subject of myth and speculation than anything concrete barring an understanding of the spice trade. Nor was England nearly as cosmopolitan to foreigners showing up and just doing their thing as the Romans centuries before might have been.

Then, you add on wings and feathers to the random group of people just showing up and asking to move in in some abnormal language, and if I was an average peasant living in fantasy Japan where the only non-humans I might have much interaction with were still much less distinguishable than harpies are, I might be more inclined to grab a torch and some large farming implement and say "hell no!"

Just to focus even more specifically for this setting - it's even been mentioned before that while diplomats, on official business and all that, do get to Thaln, Velt, etc. from Akitsushima, it's a long ways and seems fairly rare from what I've gathered. There's a whole continent between this one and Akitsushima that has more contact. Were I you, I'd send some DMs to the GMs and see what you can work out with something more like that. Maybe be our Ibrahim ibn Yaqub rather than our reverse Jan Joosten van Lodensteijn.
I think it's more a matter that a temple in a Medieval Stasis European Fantasy country like Estival, Velt, Thaln, etc. wouldn't have people filling the role of Miko. Something similar, perhaps, in the way that a lot of cultures have had similar roles, but not specific and similar enough to use the exact same term.
Imagine coming in with a plan to IMPROVE your gear.

Only stasis or downgrades for this lad.
Fionn MacKerracher

@Raineh Daze@Psyker Landshark@VitaVitaAR@Krayzikk

If Fionn was surprised that Renar had even heard what Maletha had said to him earlier, he didn't show it. "Stalwart ball knight," he corrected, doing his best to maintain a perfectly straight face—at least the humour would hopefully be to the princesses' benefit. Assuming they didn't find the ability of two experienced veterans to crack jokes so shortly after the shock of a sudden attack utterly offputting.

He turned away and stood back up, looking over to Adeforth. "This necromancer already has us on the back foot. While we might have given them something else to deal with, we don't know the capabilities of any of their co-conspirators, or the fullness of their own. Anything we can do to retake the initiative is worth it, I think." He gestured over at the court mage. "He's just finished strengthening the defenses, and could make illusions to cover our leave. If nothing happens on our way to Candaeln, that at least makes this place the perfect decoy after we've gotten out. Unless they're watching the exit or have everything between here and Candaeln crawling with undead and assassins, we should all be more than enough to escort the princesses to the rest of the Roses."

Assuming they agreed to it, of course, but allaying Adeforth's misgivings and giving Elisandre more information to consider should help in making the decision. "I'll even take point if we go. Make sure the way is clear."
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