Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



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I'm sorry but this character seems a little too far over the top. Sorry but it is not accepted as it is.
Any plans for when will the IC start?


Generally I like to give a rp a three-five day establishment period before an IC is made so people can get sheets together, since I do believe its best if everyone starts together for this type of rp.
Hi, Are you still accepting? i'm planning to make a char later on today unless life decides otherwise.

For the true classroom feel sure why not.
Quick suggestion~

We really need to have our own discord chat guys. Just sayin' to keep track of things, to cooperate better etc.


@Avant I'm loving your character right atm. Funny how we share quite a handful of similarities.

@1Charak2 I need some advise on dealing with my character. While I do admit I'm a Todoroki fan. What ways can I make my character different in all aspect.

I'll make the discord in short order from that suggestion.

<Snipped quote by 1Charak2>

I edited it. Got rid of the pocket dimension entirely. It was just an add on to the tunneling ability.

Question. Would it be too much to have 4 portals? I was mostly thinking of multiple enemies but if that is too much then I'll simply adapt to it. Not like I can't fight many with just 2.

Considering the portals are set up at instant speed, Two is pretty strong if one can get creative where the destination portal goes.

That aside they are accepted.

(Perhaps if they master and improve their quirk they can increase the number of portal pairs but for now its good.)
<Snipped quote by 1Charak2>

It'd be instinctual at first - his body doing it for him, before he actually learns how to freely discharge electricity willingly.

That does seem like the logical progression. Turning him into the fastest Living Cable.
My character is mostly done I just can't decide whether to use my mutation quirk or my emmiter quirk... Which do you think would fit better?

Considering we got quite a few emitters. Go for mutation

I like this guy and his quirk, mainly because of the fact tha it balances itss
elf out with its limits yet still being powerful on an unknowing enemy. Accepted

(To be fair, limits vary depending on the scope of the ability. At least thats how I judge it.)

Characters Quirk is pretty well defined and I also like the Character.

Kinda reminds me of

But it happens at the end instead of during and with that beng said he is also accepted.

Right, So The idea of quantum tunneling is fine mostly because of the fact he has to move people across portals and a villian could also abuse an open portal to follow them. However to include a large pocket dimension with that seems a little too much. Therefore I only really suggest either a large downscale of the pocket dimensions size or that its removed. Since this quirk is pretty powerful for getting around anyway.

Yup its good now, its accepted.

I imagine that of he were to suddenly stop with electricity still coursing in his veins, his body would instinctively eject some electricity onto the object that forcefully stopped him (like a all) but only enough as to not kill him. So technically, he would still suffer injuries but he wouldn't die.

Makes sense yea that he'd discharge it through whatever stopped him.
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