Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



Most Recent Posts

Red Branch Company Leader and Founder, Aria Gilnesss.

Has been accepted and is now in the character tab. Yay!

Darn guild glitch resulting in a simulatanous double post by accident.
*Stealthy Leader Doots*

Leader is 100% complete and is pm'd for a review.
Heyo, just here to say Hi, and that I reserved the captain in case anyone wants to know.

Edit: Also whats the mechanic for personal skills? How do we describe them / make them balanced?

Pandoria Tamashii

Pandoria sat with her eyes facing the wall opposite her, How long had it been? a day? a week? still, she couldn't help but question these strange feelings welling deep inside of her as she contemplated what she was going to do. She had recently adopted Yui, that much was certain, how the new child played into her... their plans. She did not know. Her main cause of concern however was trying to figure out what had caused a part of her to split off in the early days of infiltrating the city.

The part that now seemed to so vividly represent her daughter....

She breathed out a sigh as she lent back in her chair, looking down at the tests she had to mark as a result of the pre-holiday examinations. She had grown to quite enjoy this trivialities. The fact that marking papers on history meant she could offer somewhat a good amount of nurturing to the kids in their course meant that she was especially diligent, having already printed out sheets of work to help assist the students in order to pass.

Of course the one student she was always to hesitant to help was her own daughter... smart certainly but without the knowledge. As expected of a child. They looked peaceful, happy even, but Pandoria expected turmoil and rage towards her. Especially because she had made another mistake at who's door she had left that part of herself to be raised by. The complete opposite of what a parent could be. She had hopped though that the vile things that had raised her daughter, also understood at the very least the concept of being a parent.

Well they did. It was why Pandoria hadn't murdered them, but still she hoped her daughter could understand what she did for them. Looking over to her mantle, now with a picture of Yui and Her, taken on the first night of bringing Yui home. She smiled, maybe after Yui settled she'd finally take her daughter back, and this time her daughter would have a sister to look after!

Pandoria sighed softly as she looked out the Window. What on earth were her daughters up to now. She could feel a battle raging outside. She hoped Yui wasn't getting into too much trouble and that they could call her at any time. Still, Pandoria had to deal with a little leak. She might need to pay the girl named Eve another visit. She had to stop that individual from entering into her domain without permission once and for all...



Sorry. Imma have to drop this to focus on my own endavors. Better earlier rather theb later I suppose.

Interacting with @Turboshitter

"Your welcome." Natsuki said with a soft grin in response to Sumi soft face before turning back to the two annoyances. A annoyed scowl on her face as her words flew over their heads and they simple went off to get to work.

Natsuki sighed softly, of course her words would fly straight over the head of the arrogant idiots. This wasn't an anime where one simply speech causes an enemy to switch sides, or an idiot to change their ideology to something much more useful. Still. Looking back down at Sumi. Whom seemed for a second to be getting embarrassed. But she was getting embrassed at something Natsuki could understand. Hunger. But Natsuki had fully filled up in the morning before the trip expecting the test after all, so her stomach was settled for now.

Staring off at people staring to run off into the fray Natsuki sighed as she took of her coat. A side effect of her quirk was of course the clothing damage meaning the only clothes she could even hope to put expense on her were the ones that were easy to take off at a moments notice.

At Sumi's insistence to get going. Natsuki jumped on the spot a little to work up her muscles trying to get just as pumped up as her friend. Natsuki smiled. "We really should get heading off to the playing area ey? Sumi" Natsuki laughed, a hearty confident laugh that wasn't one that was based on her own merit, but of the merit that everyone would at least get to show their stuff

It was then she heard the scream. Covering her eyes in agitation. "Bloody 'ell these folks really are trying to make it as realistic as possible. Aren't they, Sumi." Natsuki chuckled but upon hearing no response for the girl she began looking over at Sumi. Looking at her friend stuck in a thousand yard stare...

"Sumi?" They said for a second before realising Sumi had gotten lost somewhere in the recesses of their mind. "Come on Sumi we got work to do! You can wallow in your own fears after we save everyone!" They said with a sigh as they with a bit of force but not too much, started to drag Sumi towards Area 5, of course they'd be arriving late to the action but that was fine by her, They were actually after all heading straight to area 8. Opting not to activate her quirk yet for the surprise factor. She could gently drag Sumi just fine with her own strength.


Oh then you should probably change the join status from apply to full.
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