Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



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@The Irish Tree
it really isn't
Oh right does this mean I can post my sheets in the char tab?

Interactions with: @Delta44, @ShwiggityShwah, @Stern Algorithm, @Turboshitter

Natsuki stood watching the bickering. Arms crossed. It wasn't in her nature to stop infighting between people, more so she remained aloof and outside of it, she had grown up in a city that didn't take kindly to those that pried to much on violence. In fact that is what she was intending to do while watching them bicker with each other. She'd just ignore it and get on with the task at hand... but well, her assessement of Sumi had lead her to believe the girl needed at least some form of support. So when they got in Natsuki sighed. Like Allies in a war zone she would have to join in.

Still, she let Sumi speak on her own. Sumi was going strong with words Natsuki could get behind, with a fervor to match. Leading the youthful delinquent to be quite impressed as Sumi constructed a compelling arguement as to why they shouldn't fight.

Natsuki's mind drifted a little while hearing Sumi's words, thinking back to her earlier days. Of living alone with her mother... her father not in the city and unable to return due to the villian occupation. Scrounging cash through honest works. Failing her grades because of it and the other stuff... the stuff she prefered not to talk about. Still... these big shots with their strong quirks... they reminded her of a certain group of people... and that pissed her off!

Stepping forward with a violent gaze befitting a delinquent, Natsuki gave Sumi a gentle whack upside the head in order to prevent her from backtracking on her words. She was not gonna let Sumi be the source of her own downfall in this. "Alright, you heard the woman, quit your bitching and get along. All of us want to be heros right. So maybe all of us should get the notion in our head that we all want to help people and thus should help each other" The delinquent scowled

"So if any of you want to start boasting about how your going to be the best, shut your mouth and show it through actions and not hot air. Because I swear to whatever person you look up, I'll belt you because while I'm not smart, I am certainly more the capable of give your faces a good punch. Natsuki said before slowly changing the attitude of her voice, lowering the tone to one of warning.

"And for the rest of you more amicable folk, I won't tolerate assholes, not here, not ever. So if any of you want to step forward and be one. Be my guest, beatings are free at a special discount just for you. Natsuki said a hand on her hip with a fist raised in a intimidation tactic. Her body language suggesting she was about to perform gratuitous violence upon those that pretended to be tough. She wasn't having any of that.

Shifting her tone away from anger and intimadation, she spoke with a more upbeat, more sensical tone.. "Now. Now that we all know what the terms are, we should probably partner up with folks to cover our weaknesses. Because as much as Certain people She said glaring at two people in particular. "Annoy me, we should try to maximise efforts. So I suggest we start forming attack teams?" Natsuki sighed a bit. "Or you can just make it a free-for-all for points, but don't blame me if any of you end up in the infirmary on the first day." The Deliquent cautioned. She was used to being out on the streets and seeing violence, it wasn't the rarest occurrence during the villain occupation of the city. The only common thing about it was that the villains liked to gang up on the weak.

Still, she felt like she had her say. leaving her offer of a free beating to any ass-hole up there to take. She turned back to Sumi. "Don't doubt yourself." They said simply whilst patting them on the head.
@1Charak2: I wasn't protesting the bodyguard, actually. That could still be someone passed down through her family line(and the reason she tried dabbling in Necromancy).

I just think her focus should be elsewhere. This is a relatively small cast of characters who will be near one another at all times and performing the same tasks.

Righto I suppose I could have her necromancy still be potent: but have her be the linage deviant, and instead trying to be a flashy little harpy and thus has gone all in on making sparkly sparkles (fireballs) with elemental magics.

So basically her sheet remains the same but the focus is more on the fact shes trying to learn elemntalist stuff for flashiness.

But the wwhole. Poiny of the harpy was for her to be the 'weak' adventurer looking to get stronger through time. Thats why I felt super justified giving her a sapient undead bodyguard to her fanily tree to protect her.

A Bloody Boring Bus Bonanza

Natsuki & Sumi

It was at that point the bus came to a screeching halt. Sumi winced, hearing the hydraulics hiss as the bus settled and the doors slowly swung open. It felt like the sound was something way more ominous than it should have been. As awkward as the conversation with Natsuki was, it had also been a welcome distraction from the thought of the final entrance exam.

“I guess we should probably... get going, y’know?” she said to Natsuki, still unsure of herself as she grabbed her backpack and got in line to exit the bus. She took a deep breath.

It’s okay, don’t freak out. You’ve been preparing for this, you’ve been preparing for this, it’ll be okay... she thought to herself. But as the line creeped closer to the door, her thoughts eventually turned into I haven’t prepared enough for this!

Eventually she took a tumultuous first step out on to the cracked asphalt, dirt and grit crunching under her shoes as she took in the ruined vista and felt the cold sea wind slap her face, causing her to shiver. She rubbed her shoulders for warmth more out of habit than anything. Her prosthetics were as cold and harsh as the wind, and did nothing to alleviate the cold that her t-shirt wasn’t already accomplishing.

Sumi cast a confused glance towards the little girl. Who was she? The proctor’s kid? No, that was a dangerous assumption. She might actually be a teacher with a rejuvenation Quirk. That sort of thing was possible nowadays. Intent on not missing a word, Sumi listened carefully.

Natsuki gasped slightly as she almost fail off her seat from the sudden shift in momentum as the bus came to a stop. Still. She felt like she had bit a right arse to Sumi at the start, but everything seemed alright now. She could dwell on it later she told herself as she got up from her seat following behind them.

Focus Natz, Ignore the fact that your a Kaiju that's barely taller than the average person. Cling to the idea of a hero for now and you’ll get through this exam. She said slapping her face slightly as she saw the line move forward. Even if you could of prepared more, there is no use preparing now. Do it on the fly, and don’t cry about it She told herself mentally as she stepped out, behind Sumi.

Stretching on the cracked asphalt, Natsuki slowly eased the tensed muscles in her arms as a result of sitting down, a small warm-up was always a good idea, especially with a quirk as physical as hers. Still it’d be much more nice if the day was a little hotter as per her preference, though the skies were mostly clear so it was a fair trade off.

Looking at, and listening towards the youthful girl instructing them with a tone that made it sound like they should know all this already. A tone that pissed Natsuki off, causing her to clench her fist a bit and stifle her annoyed words. Still They had been given the objective.

It was time to get to work
Still haven't heard back about my CS past the edits I made from the previous discussion nothing has occured and I am stuck in a limbo as a result

I don't think magic overlap is much of an issue as long as the characters are different. The harpie is a naive -shiny obsessed- Greenhorn
while the drider is an experienced necromancer.

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