Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



Most Recent Posts

@Raineh Daze

Firstly, I am merely operating under the statement that a servants NP is fit for deployment whenever (barring some instances) Not that it is constantly active. Otherwise... Ea would have its only weakness removed (the charge up time, since the drill has to spin up first before it can pierce the heavens as it were), everything else is based on the flat-terrian without cover model.

Well, that is merely what I was saying about Abigail, but in a more concise way for everyone else. Thanks for translating my drivel. ^^

But unto Dantes we go.

Servant parameters are not truely indicative of a servants true strength. Quetzacoatl for instance has ridiculously high parameters compared to most other servants and yet she would suffer greatly in a fight against say... Karna for instance. Servant Parameters are made solely to show who would win in a fight without NP's since riders are generally much more potent on their steeds etc. To call into question parameters even more so Edmond Dantes has what is effectively the same stat that allowed Saber to survive Gae Bolg, but then some. Since the Luck stat actually lets you shrug off these things and Dantes has so much of it, its above EX and yet also below EX for reasons I said in a post 2 posts down.

Likewise Dante's Maximum Drifto Manuever seems solely dependent on him having the mana to sustain it since his iron-willed determination and his wait and hope negate any physical downsides. Likewise there is nothing saying the skill enters a cooldown period so there is nothing stopping him using it as pseudo teleportion since its fast enough that it creates *multiple* afterimages. Mana is also a non-issue due to the avenger classification which sustains the servant by their sheer revenge fantasys (and they also generate mana through damage and this NP technically is painful as hell, only not being painful because of Iron-Will). So there is not really anything stopping him from say... going the assassin method and murdering the master of the servant because lightspeed movement is difficult to dodge

I must stress this is all hypothetical merely discussing why not to overlook Dante's skills

A response to a response, mostly to clarify on the ones that you discussed and not the ones that were easily answered (therefore I can forgo talking about Hokusai, Nobu, Ozy, Angra)

So I certainly want to put my interest down, though I have over if some of these servants would be valid in anyway given the restrictions on servants.

@Sarcelle Renard

When is he gonna join a band of adventurers to explore the grand blue sky?

jk jk

*Another wyvern rider to add to the list of fliers*

Oh hoho~ we have a airfield now.
@Cu Chulainn@SimpleWriter
Aria Gilnesse

"Well, If I didn't understand the importance of the event, Sir I wouldn't have been directly contacted to perform it by your superiors would I?" Aria said, dressed in her characteristic formal outfit, Her hand gentle tugging on the cusps of her sleeves as she studied the map, her eyes drifting over the ink as she began thinking carefully about the routes being presented.

The Empire presented a sound concept. Scouting was of course the fundamental to any large scale military campaign. But they needed to take a whole city, with the lack of a strong foundation force (The Mercenary company was smaller then an army she'd like to have in this scenario). She had to likely breach the cities defences and take it without causing the people within to enter a defensive panic.

If they had to fight an entire city due to being the hostile force, that would only complicate manoeuvre, The additional objectives also certainly made the approach difficult to go in head on. Thus, Aria theorised a trojan horse tactic to be most suitable. Once the entire contingent of mercenaries was at key positions across the city then they could conquer it. Though she had a question. "Sir, if the city has a sea facing port, does that mean it has a sewer system we could potentially breach as a method to gain entry?" She asked. A core lesson in tactics. Find all possible entrances, because they are also possible exits too.

"Secondly, what are our restrictions on collateral damage, I believe siege tactics are out of the question? Though that is a very applicable method of taking a city.." Aria continued, flexing her fingers slightly as if to act the motion of casting a spell. Collateral let a raiding party be a bit more... aggressive in its tactics.

"Lastly, If we are to act under such strict regulations, we are going to need a larger payment. I might be partial to my empire, but many of my men are not so keen, I will require a larger payment if you want to be strict in how I go about it." Aria said strictly While it was true the envoy held some cards. She held the rest due to her position in the scenario and she'd be damned if she had to send her men into a mission that was made much harder then normal due to the bourgeoisie wanting worthless architecture

That being said, she turned to her Lieutenant. "Well Protelo, you heard the man. Go and find a small contingent of our aerial combatants. Inform them strictly to approach the city from the sea-facing side and to maintain at an altitude above the range of arrows. If they startle the cities defences the entire process is going to become more difficult." Aria said, the gears in her mind whirring. Giving her Lieutenant a few precious minutes to speak their mind before continuing.

"And you. Envoy. Tell me more about this special target. What am I going to have to direct my men to go out of their way to seek?" Aria said softly. Tapping her finger against the button of her cusps. A habit of hers when she was busy thinking. She'd host a full briefing of her company after this.

click click click

The Red Branch was not an organisation known to fail. Aria made sure of that.

Aren't Manaketes extremely and utterly the rarest thing?
All these *how they joined* historys I have to keep note of. lol.
@Cu Chulainn

Sure, Shoot me a pm with your ideas.
@Cu Chulainn

Go one better. *Points to priestess class*

Do both.

Oh theres also Great Master Whom uses Lances and Staffs

**For that Real Child of light feel**
Gosh, We really need a cleric / Troubadour to round out these melee oriented forces.

Side note:
What a lovely party this is becoming.

A disgraced General, An exiled Heiress (if shes accepted), A borderline crazy Vigilante-esq knight, A dragon rider with an 'ol wyvern, A Merc who gets a little caught up in her bloodshed, A ninja that just wants respect instead of being used as cannon fodder and finally, a greenhorn sword user.

This rp is going to be fun indeed.

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